Green Plum Fairy Road

Chapter 971: Creation Gathering


At the moment when Shang Chan achieves good fortune, all living beings in the whole world know it, even Mo He and others who are outside the world, also know that Shang Chan has achieved good fortune.

Also integrated his Dao fruit projection into the Dao, so all changes in the endless void and this world cannot escape the perception of these good fortune ancestors.

Feeling that Shang Chan has achieved good fortune, and has the honorary title of Taihong, Mo He couldn't help but sigh in his heart, Taiyi Daozu's methods are strong.

Shang Chan's speed from the realm of the top powerful person to the realm of creation and enlightenment is too fast. Mo He is almost certain that there is definitely a secret influence of Taiyi Daozu, so he has to admire the other party's means.

Knowing that the time for Shang Chan to become Dao is estimated to be not far away, but I still didn't expect it to be so fast, which means that it will be difficult for the Dao ancestors to maintain the current state.

Mo He didn't have any thoughts of continuing to attack this invisible barrier, so he took a step forward, passed through this invisible barrier, and came to other places in the endless void.

At this time, he needs to find other good fortune dao ancestors. It is estimated that other people, like himself, will find other good fortune dao ancestors if they have no interest in continuing to attack the invisible barrier.

Just as Mo He thought, at this moment in the endless void, he sensed the birth of another Daoist ancestor. All the Daoist ancestors almost stopped their movements, and all stepped into the barrier in front of them to find Other good fortune ancestors.

Then, a very coincidence is also inevitable. Except for Taiyi Daozu and Taiqi, the other good fortune Taoist all met in the endless void. The number of people is not very complete, but the rest should arrive soon.

Including Mo He, a total of nine good fortune ancestors gathered in the endless void, and they were divided into three camps in a very tacit understanding.

The four members of Xiantian Wutai stand together, they have always been together, and they also came together when they came.

Taihui of the monster clan stood with Taihe, and the two seemed to be ready to advance and retreat together. The remaining three, Mohe, Taixu, and Taiyi, were all human races, so they naturally stood together.

The relationship between the nine good fortune ancestors is clear at a glance. After meeting in the endless void, they all looked at each other. No one spoke for a long time. Finally, it was Tai Su, one of the five congenital princes, who broke the silence.

"Fellow daoists, to be able to meet together in the endless void, everyone must have the same thoughts. It's all because of the Taihong's enlightenment. I hope we can discuss it together. After all, the number of masters in the realm of good fortune is enough. We have broken the barrier in the endless void, now that we have met together, why don't we discuss it together, anyway, we still have to get together in the future!"

As soon as Taisu finished speaking, everyone including Mo He nodded lightly. Now the matter is very clear. It may not be long before the Taihong becomes enlightened, and he will come to the endless void and arrive at At that time, it is time for everyone to break the barrier of endless void together. If there is any issue that needs to be discussed, it should indeed be brought up at this time.

With Taisu's opening, everyone stopped being silent, and Taixu spoke first.

"Breaking the barrier of endless void, I don't know how it will affect our world, and whether it will lead to the destruction of our world. I am worried about this now. If there is no way to confirm this, I will not Participate in truly breaking the barrier of endless void."

Taixu's attitude is the same as before. He still has some doubts about the five congenital grandparents, and he doesn't want the world to be destroyed. The reason why he has been attacking that invisible barrier in the endless void is just to delay that. With the shrinking speed of an invisible barrier, there is no thought of breaking it for the time being.

After he finished speaking, Taixu took a realistic look at four of the five congenital wives, then at Taihe and Taihui on the opposite side, and then turned his gaze to Mohe and Taiyi beside him.

His own attitude has already shown that Tai Xu has already made a trip to those who can win in advance, and then he can only wait for things to start before adapting to the situation.

After Taixu finished speaking, Taihui of the Yaozu nodded slightly, and then said: "Yes, on this matter, I agree with Taixu. In our world, there are hundreds of millions of Creatures, there is no problem breaking the barrier of the endless void, but you should be more or less concerned about them."

After Taihui finished speaking, he looked directly at the four of the five congenital wives. In his opinion, the most likely answer to this question should be from the five congenital wives.

Seeing Taihui's gaze, he also looked over, Taisu and the other four looked at each other, and then Taisu still opened his mouth to explain.

"According to our observations, breaking the barrier of the endless void will of course have some impact on this world, but it should not be as dangerous as everyone imagines. After all, there are creatures in the world outside the endless void."

When Tai Su said this, he glanced at Mo He standing there, as if telling everyone present that there was a living example standing here.

"The endless void is constantly shrinking. If we don't break it now, one day, the endless void will completely destroy the world we live in. Those countless creatures will not be able to escape the fate of extinction."

"It broke the barrier of endless void. Although it may have some impact on the world today, with our joint efforts, we should be able to minimize the impact, and we can take advantage of this opportunity to solve it once and for all. The hidden dangers in the other world may also find the next path for us, so it is better to break this layer of barrier of endless void!"

Taisu’s few words are well-founded. First, he used Mohe as an example to tell everyone that there is not much danger outside the endless void, and then he used the reason of the continuous shrinkage of the endless void to tell everyone what to do after breaking the endless void. The good news is that it sounds very credible.

Mo He stood aside without speaking, and his expression was very calm, but he secretly heightened his vigilance towards Tai Su and the other four people.

There is no doubt about it. Compared with the most mysterious Daozu Taiyi, the other four seem to have retained a lot in breaking the barrier of endless void. At least Mo He and When Tai Yi talked, the content of the conversation was deeper than what Tai Su said now.

To say that they have some disagreements with Taiyi, but their purpose is clearly the same as Taiyi, and they also tend to break the barrier of endless void. In this matter, the two sides do not have much conflict.

After everyone listened to Tai Su's words, they fell into silence again for a while, each of them was thinking in their hearts, and no one spoke again.

Everything became quiet again, everyone stood in place, and no one broke the silence again.

After a while, when everyone felt that there were two auras of the realm of good fortune approaching, everyone finally turned their heads and looked at the two auras of good fortune that were approaching. It didn't take long , two figures appeared in front of everyone.

One of them is naturally Taiyi Daozu, who has been in contact with many Taoist ancestors, and the other is Shang Chan who has just become enlightened, and now he should be called Taihong.

"Dear friends, you are very polite. I didn't expect that everyone is already waiting here. It's okay, so I don't need to inform you one by one. This is the Daoist Taihong who has just become enlightened. The few people in front of me probably don't need me and Dao Let me introduce you!"

After Taiyi Daozu got close to everyone, he said directly to Taihong who was beside him. At the end of his words, he glanced around at all the Good Fortune Daozu present.

"Naturally, I don't need to introduce this. I know all of them. Be polite, fellow Taoists!" When Taihong looked at the Taoist ancestors in front of him, especially Mo He and Taixu among the crowd, he couldn't help but smile. He bowed and saluted everyone.

Not long after he achieved the realm of good fortune, he was pulled by Taiyi Daozu to open up his own world. After he successfully opened up his own Taihongtian, he just took a breath, and was pulled by Taiyi Daozu again, all the way Came into the endless void.

Many things after he achieved the realm of good fortune, he was just on the way here, and he heard a few words from Taiyi Daozu, and now he sees a familiar person, then later, he can get some pointers from Mo He and Taixu .

Seeing Taihong salute, everyone present except Taixu returned the salute, as for[] said Taixu, he is Taihong's master, so there is no need to return the salute to him.

"Fellow daoists are here now, fellow daoist Taihong is here too, so let's discuss together and work together to break the barrier of endless void!" After everyone returned the salute, Daozu Taiyi looked at the crowd and said again. Just go straight to the topic when you open your mouth, and you don't mean to go around in circles at all.

"I was also discussing this matter before, but now, it seems that there is one less fellow Taoist here. Taiqi hasn't come yet!" Taichu, who had been silent all the time, said at this time.

"Taiqi, as a divine being, will not come here for the time being. His stay in the world is more effective than coming into the endless void. With him carrying the pressure, he broke the barrier of the endless void. I believe the world will not Too much influence." Tai Yi Wenyan explained.

Hearing what he said, everyone's hearts moved again. Taixu, who had always held opposing opinions, felt a little loose at this time. If all the guarantees were arranged, breaking the barrier of endless void would not be harmful. What impact the world will have, maybe, you can try it, he doesn't have to conflict with the five innate grandparents, but to face these five Taoist ancestors, even if he can find a helper, he doesn't have any confidence in defeating each other.