Green Plum Fairy Road

Chapter 981: True avenue


Just when Taiqi kept invading his consciousness into nothingness, he wanted to take advantage of the opportunity when the Dao consciousness was pulled into the chaos, and replace it with his own consciousness.

In the chaos, Daozu Taiyi suddenly turned his head and looked at the world behind everyone.

Mo He saw that he turned his head again, and there seemed to be a strange expression in his expression, so he immediately realized that there might be some changes outside the scope of Taiyi Daozu's plan on the other side of the world.

The primordial thoughts that everyone left in the world can't feel any changes now, but think about Taiqi who stayed in the world, before he became enlightened, he was indeed the kind who would not easily follow the established script. walking people.

It is because he repeatedly broke the game that he was able to become the final winner in the battle of the Shinto. Now under such circumstances, if the other party thinks about something and does something unexpected, it doesn't seem to be very difficult understand.

Thinking about the last contact with Taiqi, he was still begging himself to protect this world at the critical moment. Mo He felt that this was not in line with his character. Now it seems that everything should be quite in line Yes, it's just that my understanding of what the other party said is a little bit wrong.

The real intention of protecting this world is to help him stop Taiyi Daozu who might get angry at the most critical moment, so that he can complete his plan.

"He is still the same Xia Qi as before!" Mo He thought in his heart.

After Taiyi Daozu looked back at the world for a while, his expression quickly calmed down, and he had no intention of going back at all. He even turned his head again and paid attention to the changed battle in front of him.

Now, the "being" summoned by the four of Taichu and others has gradually suppressed the Dao consciousness. In the process of a collision, it is constantly being deprived.

The consciousness of "nothing" that has been awakened also seems to have become a little loose with the battle just now, and even has a tendency to be suppressed again.

Looking at the situation in front of him, it might not be long before the fighting here will stop, and the four of them, Taichu and others, will be able to get their wish.

It didn't take long, after the two figures had a confrontation, the Dao consciousness could no longer maintain the human form, and turned into a light group again.

At this moment, the "you" formed by Taichu and the others quickly grabbed the light ball, stuffed it into his mouth, and swallowed it in one gulp.

After swallowing the Dao consciousness, Mo He saw that in the hazy figure, he could clearly see a ball of light that was continuously spreading in his body, and then, the originally hazy body began to solidify continuously .

While his body was consolidating, what surprised Mo He the most was that he saw a flash of light in the eyes of that figure, as if the real "you" was about to be revived.

"No way, this great god also wants to be resurrected in this way?" Mo He immediately had such a thought in his mind, and then became more vigilant.

At the same time, the other good fortune dao ancestors around Mohe also discovered this at this time, and they all became vigilant. Only Taiyi dao ancestor sighed slightly, and then spoke to everyone.

"Fellow daoists, don't be nervous. It's impossible for you to be resurrected. After all, I'm still here. It's just that, in the beginning, their road has gone astray after all!"

After Tai Yi finished speaking, his body was completely solid "Yes", and the spiritual light in his eyes became clearer, but at the same time, four faint beams of light suddenly appeared above his head.

Among the four beams of light, four figures slowly appeared, which clearly looked like the four people from the Taichu class.

They were struggling in the beams of light at this moment, and they looked very anxious and painful, but they couldn't get rid of the four beams of light no matter what.

Immediately afterwards, the four beams of light quickly merged together, and the four figures trapped in the attention also merged into one beam of light.

The originally relatively clear image became blurred immediately after being merged into a beam of light, and then Taiji Daozu seemed to transform into a pattern of a yin-yang fish. Taichu and Taisu merged into the two sides of the yin-yang fish, and Taishi It became the line in the middle, and the figures of the four people were completely integrated into one body, slowly submerging into that figure.

When Mo He and the others saw this scene, they all looked at Taiyi Daozu in unison. He just said "yes" and it is impossible to be resurrected, but the scene in front of him makes people feel that his words seem to have no meaning at all. credibility.

The current appearance of the four people of the Taichu class is that they have been re-integrated into one body. The five congenitals have been transformed by "you". Even if there is no way to fully recover, I am afraid that part of it can be recovered.

Seeing that everyone was looking at him, Daozu Taiyi was still not in a hurry, and he didn't intend to explain to everyone, so he just stood here and watched.

I saw that beam of light, after merging the four of them, not only did not disappear, but became thicker and brighter.

The beam of light seemed to extend to the real avenue in the dark, and transmitted an inexplicable dao rhyme to that figure. After that, the aura on that figure became much stronger in an instant.

He looked at Mo He and the others. The aura that appeared in his eyes disappeared at this moment, and his eyes became majestic and empty, as if what was left was just a simple shell.

After glancing at Mo He and the others, his huge body took a step out of the chaos, and his body moved in one direction, and the direction he was heading turned out to be the current world of Mo He and the others.

Seeing the other party heading towards everyone's current world, everyone who had just breathed a sigh of relief couldn't help but raise their hearts again.

Seeing that the other party is indeed as Taiyi Daozu said, he has not been resurrected to become "yes", but if the other party wants to go to the world where everyone is, if it is not good for that world, then everyone present will have to stop him.

Just when everyone was still wanting to ask Taiyi Daozu, Taiyi Daozu was the fastest one at this time, and rushed towards the figure directly. Mo He and others hurried to catch up when they saw this, only they were seriously injured, and the sword Tai Yi, who was broken, couldn't speed up because of his injuries, and fell far behind the crowd.

Quickly approaching the original world, and still separated by a long distance, Mo He has already seen that the world at that moment has been completely enveloped by the golden divine light, and what shines out of the divine light is clearly Taiqi's. breath.

After that huge body came out of this world, it actually stood there without moving. It didn't show the behavior of destroying the world that everyone was most worried about, and it didn't do anything else, just silently. Stand there and watch.

"It's hard to persuade yourself to do evil, but Daoist Taiqi is easy to calculate. Unfortunately, he doesn't have the strength. Not only will he harm himself, but he will also harm this world!"

Before coming to the world of everyone, Daozu Taiyi looked at the world completely enveloped by the divine light, and said with a soft sigh.

When Mo He and the others heard the words, they didn't speak at this time, but they basically understood the current situation.

Taiqi now has almost the same idea as Taiyi Daozu, except that Taiyi Daozu wants to use this opportunity to achieve good fortune under the Dao, and Taiqi wants to replace the Dao will of this world and integrate into it. In the avenue, become the existence of heaven in this world.

The opponent has already succeeded for the most part, but according to Taiyi Daozu, Taiqi will fail in the end, and it will also affect this world.

This time, the Taoist ancestors of good fortune have experienced enough things, and now there is one more thing that has not been dealt with. As a result, there is another thing in front of them, and it is still such a bad thing, which makes everyone's face suddenly change. Even uglier.

Taihe took a step directly, wanting to enter the world, and then stop Taiqi, but when she took a step, she found that she was completely blocked, and there was no way to enter the world.

"Fellow Daoist Taiqi may not succeed, but his plan is good. As a divine creation, at this moment he has temporarily created the world into an existence like his god's domain. I am afraid it will be difficult for us to enter the world, and even if we enter In the world, it is too late to stop him!"

Seeing that Taihe was blocked from entering, Daozu Taiyi spoke to her, and at the end of his words, he gestured to the huge figure standing there with his eyes.

Taihe and the others still didn't quite understand Taiyi's meaning, but Mo He had some vague thoughts at this moment.

Tai Yi didn't care whether everyone understood his meaning or not, his body had already bloomed with his own breath, and his body gradually became illusory, as if melting into nothingness, leaving only the last sentence.

"This world is about to be completely integrated into the real avenue. Next, there will be a baptism from the avenue, which is also an impact on this world. I want to seize my opportunity and at the same time I will try my best to stop Taiqi, but the safety of this world is still up to fellow Taoists."

As soon as the words of this sentence fell, Taiyi Daozu's body had completely disappeared, not even a ray of breath was left, and then, Mo He and the others suddenly felt something in the dark, as if there was a great, A mysterious and indescribable existence suddenly descended, and at the same time, there was a voice in their hearts telling them that this was the real Dao.

With the advent of the real Dao, Mo He and others also felt that many things they were familiar with began to change at this time, some things they knew were reversed, some original things changed, and even they The next path of cultivation is already clear.

Also, they all understood what might happen next.