Green Plum Island

Chapter 18: I don't believe in this kind of stuff


It is not easy to put on the feather coat of the goddess, and it is not easy to take it off.

By the time I removed the wig and removed the makeup on my face, another half an hour had passed. Chu Tong stayed to clean up the aftermath and asked us not to wait for him. Sun Rui said that he had made an appointment with Wen Ying to go to the night market and left without a trace in the morning.

I walked out of the shabby dressing room while feeling my shriveled stomach, and saw Grandpa and Yan Wanqiu at a glance.

I couldn't find anyone during the parade just now. I thought I was going to miss it tonight, but I didn't expect them to find it by themselves.

"Big brother!" Yan Wanqiu saw me and ran towards me with open arms.

I was afraid that she would fall, so I quickly caught her and picked her up from the ground.

"I saw you and Ah Shan, but I told you all to ignore me." Although she said that, the value didn't drop, and she probably didn't really take it to heart.

"There are too many people, I'm sorry." I swept the circle around, but I didn't see Yankongshan's figure. I don't know if I went to smoke again.

"Mianmian, you are awesome, Grandpa is proud of you!" Grandpa leaned over with a smile and gave me two thumbs up, "I told others that you are my grandson, and they all said I was lucky hehe."

When Grandpa spoke, the number on his head soared to 86, as if he agreed with what others said.

No matter what I do, he always supports me unconditionally, never disappoints me, and never disappoints me. Even if I hadn't seen him for four years, I suddenly said I wanted to move in with him, and he agreed without hesitation.

He is my blessing.

"Ashan is also amazing. When you passed by, the two sisters next to me screamed so loudly that I could hear them, saying that Ashan was in great shape, and asked him to come over!" Grandpa said, and started dancing.

Because of his deaf ears, his voice would unconsciously become louder. He usually pays attention to the volume indoors. Today, he might be too excited, so he stopped it for a while, and the voice was so loud that everyone in the room looked at him.

But there was no disgust in everyone's eyes, and no one was unhappy because of Grandpa's loud voice. Everyone had a smile on their face, full of joy for the successful completion of the parade.

"Yeah, I also think Ah Shan's figure is too exaggerated. When I was young, I didn't even have half of his abdominal muscles, and that kid in our family is even worse than me..." Uncle Liu hadn't left yet. At the end of , also ran over to join our conversation at this time.

"There is a place where your boy is better than you." Grandpa squeezed Uncle Liu with his elbows, his eyes narrowed with laughter, "Earlier than you."

"Hey!" Uncle Liu slapped his Mediterranean Sea in despair when he heard this, and said, "I may have been heinous in my last life, so Lord Yama sent this little bastard to torture me."

The old brothers have a lot of common topics because of the younger generation. Uncle Liu complained about his son, and the grandfather also complained about his son. After that, he comforted Uncle Liu when the one in his belly was born. It will be good, a cute little grandson can make people I largely forgot I had an annoying son.

Yankongshan came back when Grandpa and Uncle Liu were talking about naming the child, and he smelled of new smoke again.

"Ashan, you smell so bad." He wanted to reach out and take Yan Wanqiu, but the little girl thought he smelled bad, so she rushed towards me.

"I'll come." I can still hold a five-year-old child, and Yan Wanqiu is not heavy.

Yan Kongshan retracted his hand and said politely, "I'm sorry to bother you."

Maybe it was because he didn't enjoy the chat, Grandpa planned to wait for Uncle Liu and the others to go to drink together after work.

I was afraid that he was driving drunk, so I insisted on driving away his little turtle king, and asked him to call me after drinking so that I could pick him up. Uncle Zhang knows so I don't have to worry, saying that he will go later, not drinking, and will be responsible for sending people home safely one by one.

With his words, I feel relieved, say goodbye to everyone, and prepare to leave with Yankong Mountain and Yan Wanqiu.

"Don't go ahead." Yan Kongshan grabbed my arm and pulled me to the back door, "Your classmate is still there."

Fu Wei hasn't left yet

What the hell is he going to do, have I forgotten that I actually owe him money? Otherwise, why is he so haunted

The back door of the facade room is a dark alley, the air is sultry, and the smell of smoke mixed with the odor of the sewer forms an unspeakable smell, which persists in the narrow space for a long time.

"It's so dark..." Yan Wanqiu is still a very young child in terms of being afraid of the dark, and the force around my neck became a little tighter when she spoke.

Nanpu Street and this alley have two completely opposite atmospheres, one is lively and prosperous, the other is desolate and dead, and the two are clearly separated by a row of shops.

There was not enough light, and I was holding the child again, and it was a little difficult to walk, and it was difficult to settle down for a while.

Yankongshan looked back at me, and could not help but say that he had hugged Yan Wanqiu from my arms.

"Be careful of your steps." He walked forward quite naturally, not forgetting to say.

I followed behind him, following his footsteps every step of the way, walking slowly towards the alley.

Today's traffic is controlled, non-motor vehicles are parked in a centralized manner, and an open space is temporarily opened as a parking lot. Grandpa's little turtle king is parked a little far away. From the alley, you have to cross two snack streets to get there.

The night market has its unique charm. The same stalls do not necessarily have as many people flow during the day as they do at night.

In the past, there were a lot of people in the night market in Qingmeiyu, and today the "Rain Stopping Festival" is even more so. The streets are crowded with people, and every food stall is full of people.

"Ashan, I want to eat that egg, it looks delicious!" Yan Wanqiu passed a baked egg stall and grabbed Yan Kongshan's collar like a rein to ask him to stop.

Baked eggs have relatively little technical content, that is, there are many types of eggs, eggs, duck eggs, pigeon eggs, quail eggs and goose eggs. Yan Wanqiu wanted to eat pigeon eggs, and just two customers got up after eating, so we sat down.

I ordered six pigeon eggs and a quail egg. Yan Wanqiu and I stared at the oven with both eyes, waiting for the saliva to drip.

After walking away for a while in Yankong Mountain, I thought he was going to smoke again, and I also muttered that he was too addicted to smoking, but when he came back, he came back with two servings of fried noodles and one serving of saliva chicken.

"Eat?" He pushed one of the fried noodles in front of me.

"Eat, eat, eat!" I nodded like smashing garlic, and couldn't wait to open the lid of the fried noodles and gobble it up.

I'm still growing, and the piece of chocolate at noon is a little bit insufficient.

After eating fried noodles, Yankongshan opened the saliva chicken and pushed it in front of me. I thanked him, but before I could swallow the one in my mouth, I grabbed the drooling chicken in front of me.

"Hooho eat." The satisfaction of the food in my stomach almost brought tears to my eyes.

At this time, the eggs were also baked, and Yankongshan inserted his chopsticks into the fried noodles to peel the pigeon eggs.

Yan Wanqiu has one, and I have one. In the end, all the pigeon eggs were taken away by Yan Wanqiu and I, and he did not keep a single one.

Pigeon eggs are super delicious, with translucent egg whites, soft and glutinous taste, with a slightly sticky feeling to the teeth.

I stared at the last pigeon egg left in the fast food box, so tempting, I swallowed and picked up the fried noodles thrown into Yankong Mountain.

"I'm full, you eat."

Yankongshan looked down at the pigeon egg, and ate it silently.

Although he didn't speak, the mood on his head told him - he liked this pigeon egg very much.

Sure enough, pigeon eggs are super delicious, and no one will not like to eat them!

"Quail eggs! Quail eggs!" Yan Wanqiu clenched her fists with both hands, kept tapping on the table, and shouted the name of her favorite Egg.

"Okay, peel it for you." I dragged the bowl of quail eggs and took over the previous work from Yankong Mountain.

There were six or seven quail eggs, and Yan Wanqiu couldn’t eat two of them, so I peeled the rest to Yankong Mountain. He took all the orders and ate all the noodles.

After paying the bill, we left, and a few steps later, we were stopped by a fortune-telling stall owner.

"and many more!"

The other party was wearing an exotic gauze, with a red veil on his face, and a transparent crystal ball in front of him.

"Does it count as love?" She blinked her thick eyelashes and made a wink to Yankong Mountain.

Yan Kongshan glanced at her and said, "I don't believe in this kind of thing." Then he turned to leave, and seemed extremely disdainful.

I was actually quite curious, but when he left, I had to quickly follow.

The female stall owner smiled faintly from behind: "Those who don't believe in love will be revengeful by the god of love in the end!"

I looked at Yankongshan's expression, he was completely unmoved, but the numerical value turned red with some displeasure.

What he just said was not very clear. Does he not believe in love, or is this fortune telling

Before leaving the night market, Yan Wanqiu saw a colorful windmill and clamored to buy it. Yankongshan bought two, one for her and one for me.

I widened my eyes and said unexpectedly, "Me too?"

He hooked his lips, and his mood quickly recovered: "There are all children."

I took the windmill and fiddled with the blades lightly. I liked this gift very much, so I didn't mind that he called me "little boy" again.

Yankongshan first accompanied me to find Grandpa's little turtle king, then parted with me and went to another motor vehicle parking lot next to him to find his own car.

I put the colorful windmill in the front of the car, twisted the handle and drove out of the parking lot.

Not every road on the way home is illuminated by street lights. Sometimes, when we get into a dark path, in addition to one or two night cats, it will also startle the water that has existed on the ground for an unknown period of time, which makes people feel from the bottom of their hearts. Want to speed up and drive away.

When I was about to get home, the sky in the distance suddenly burst into clumps of bright fireworks, adorning the night sky like colorful flowers adorning the spring.

It should be ten o'clock. According to Sun Rui, there is a fireworks show at ten o'clock on the beach.

The road under my feet has been around for a few years, and the street lights are just like grandpa’s teeth. One is missing every few steps. I turned on the light of the little turtle king to the brightest, and the scope of the light was very limited.

I can only slow down and move more cautiously.

At this time, the sound of a car engine came from behind, and the other party should have turned on the high beam, and it was so far away that it suddenly became clear in front of him.

The road is not very wide, only enough for a truck to pass through. I rode to the side and wanted the car behind me to go first, but the other party was just slowly behind me, not overtaking me.

I looked back strangely and nearly drove the car into a ditch because of the blinding lights.

The car horn blared hurriedly, as if blaming me for being too careless. Then, there was Yankongshan's particularly magnetic voice in the night.

"Don't look back, go forward."

I unknowingly pushed the accelerator a little too much, and my little heart almost jumped out of my throat.

"You, why did you come here?"

Because this road is narrow, although it is closer, there are not many cars driving. I thought Yankong Mountain had already left the other road.

"Because I want to watch fireworks." Yan Kongshan's tone was light.

Is it so romantic

The fireworks show on the beach in the distance is not over yet, and from time to time, one or two dazzling fireworks will explode in the night sky. It is true that this road can better enjoy the fireworks display, and it is not known if he is lying just judging from the sound.

But it doesn't matter, I have already decided in my heart that he deliberately detoured for me.

Pressing the horn for a long time, I raised one arm and waved it vigorously, facing the wind with a smile: "The audience watching the fireworks, don't fall behind, follow the tour guide Yu, your sweet and lovely home is coming to the next stop!"

Yankongshan's car just turned on the lights for me at the back, all the way back home.