Green Plum Island

Chapter 2: Empty mountains and new rain come late to autumn


The accident happened when I was 10 years old, and I remember it was also a summer.

After school that day, I followed my usual route home, and as I passed a remote section of road, I was suddenly attracted by a weak and eager cry. I followed the sound and found that there was a bird half the size of a palm lying in the green belt by the roadside. The hair was not even growing, and it was badly bald.

Looking up and looking around, I eventually found a well-hidden nest among the tree branches just above the little bald bird. It should have fallen from there. Fortunately, the soil is soft, and the grass is used as a cushion, which gives it a ray of vitality.

Caring for animals is everyone's responsibility. These are the principles of being a person taught in school from childhood to university, and I was convinced at the age of ten. I never thought of asking for help from adults. With the confidence of fascination, I put down my schoolbag, grabbed the twittering bird on the ground, and climbed the tree with my bare hands.

Sun Rui and I played wildly all over the island, going up and down the mountain and going to the sea. The height of the tree didn't deter me, and although it took a bit of work, I managed to get the bird safely back to the nest.

Just as I descended the tree with great contentment in my heart, something unexpected happened.

My feet slipped, and I lost my balance and fell from the tree, hitting the back of my head on the ground, and was instantly unconscious.

When I woke up again, I was already in the hospital, with my mother alone by my side.

She was very happy to see me awake, hugged and kissed me, talking about God's blessing, and then she blamed me for being so naughty, climbing trees and falling head.

Just as I was about to explain the ins and outs to her, I saw two numbers—86—white on the top of her head.

"Mom, there's something on your head..." I pointed to the top of my mother's head, and my mind was still a little awake when I woke up.

Almost at the moment when my voice fell, the white numbers changed again, dyed with a layer of light gray, and dropped 5 numbers down.

My mother patted her hair and said in shock, "What? Bugs?"

"No, it's a number, there are two white numbers, and it will change color..."

I answered truthfully, and the number instantly became darker, almost black.

My mother stared at me blankly, looking even more frightened: "Don't move, I'll call the doctor..."

She hurriedly ran out, and within five minutes, a large group of people in white coats rushed into the ward. Everyone had the same two-digit number on top of my mother's head, but the color was different.

They surrounded me and did a series of examinations. They even asked the nurse to push me for a brain CT. They were busy for a long time, and the examination came out fine. They could only let my mother continue to observe and see if my hallucinations would improve for a few days.

My mother was worried and took me home, and secretly called my dad.

"Mianmian fell from the tree and accidentally hit his head. I think something is wrong with him. Can you come back?"

"I've seen it, the doctor didn't find anything, but... no, he said there was something on my head... wait!"

My dad has always been a busy person. He answered while he was busy, but he said he would hang up after a few words. I am his own son, and work is still not important to him.

After my mother fed her twice, she found out that she had been hung up. The dissatisfaction accumulated over a long period of time erupted in an instant, and she threw her phone in a fit of rage.

She stood there quietly covering her face, the numbers on her head turned red for a while, and blue for a while.

I had a hunch then that they might not grow old together.

Children are very smart, and I just figured it out by myself, and I quickly mastered the laws of numerical values.

I recorded what I saw for a week and compared it with the seemingly random colors and numbers. A week later, my mother took me for a re-examination, and I took out the notebook and told the doctor directly about my situation.

"When you're happy, you're white, and there's no special case. Everyone is white... Black means fear, a little bit of fear means grey, and if you're very scared, you'll turn black... Red means anger, blue means sadness... Others I haven't researched yet. …”

The doctor looked at my notebook in amazement and asked me, "Apart from the numbers on the top of my head, can I see anything else? It's the kind that I wouldn't see before."

I shook my head: "No."

He asked me a lot of questions, the medical records were densely filled with words, and the entire outpatient room was filled with the rustling sound of the nib sliding on the paper.

"Doctor, what's the matter with my son?" My mother put both hands on my shoulders, her voice full of anxiety.

The doctor stopped writing and exhaled a long breath from his nose, as if he was considering his words.

"It may have hurt his brain when he fell to the ground and affected his perception system..." The doctor quickly reassured my mother when he saw that my mother's expression was wrong, "You don't need to panic, this 'influence' does not mean that it will be life-threatening. About this If you are sick, you can check for 'synaesthesia', many of which have been diagnosed abroad..."

As he spoke, he wrote the three big characters "Synaesthesia" on the paper with a pen.

He patiently explained to us that the so-called synaesthesia means a phenomenon of perceptual symbiosis. Some patients have a symbiosis of hearing and vision, and the sounds they hear have colors; some patients have a symbiosis of hearing and taste, and each word has its own taste.

And I am special, my empathy ability is connected with my vision, which leads me to be able to "see" other people's joys, sorrows and sorrows.

In general, this is not at all a great task for the people. I have no superpowers, and I am not a mutant. I just have a broken brain.

For the first two years, like my mother, I believed in the scientific explanations of doctors and believed that I had just contracted a relatively rare disease.

But slowly, over time, after gradually understanding the deep meaning of those colors and values, I developed new myths.

For example, even if my parents tried their best to act as a husband and wife in front of me, I could know that they resented each other through the low emotional value for several days, and it was difficult to maintain the life.

I can also distinguish between several pairs of dogs and men in the class by my "synaesthesia", and who is secretly in love with the other, and I don't care when they fall in love.

It was as if my empathy was so strong that I could see through the skin and go straight to the inside. This is really unreasonable.

I tried to understand, but before I could figure out the details, my parents' marriage broke down completely. My mother took me for a divorce, and never went back and cut off contact with the Yu family.

Then I fell into a not-so-pleasant period of rebellion, with a quirky and unlikable personality. To make matters worse, as my body developed and my sexuality sprouted, I found men.

Therefore, finding out whether my "synaesthesia" is a superpower or a broken brain has been delayed. And when I am no longer rebellious and can calmly accept that I am gay, because of some such and such things, it will no longer matter to me what the ability of this useless rib is.

One moment it was fine, the lights and fans were running normally, the next moment it was dark, all the electrical appliances stopped working, and the whole house was without electricity.

I put down the comic book, groped to my feet in the dark, turned on my flashlight with my phone, and walked carefully down the stairs.

"Grandpa, there is no electricity, is it tripped?"

The house is an old house. Grandpa built it when he was young. He is almost fifty years old. It is inevitable that the circuit will age.

Ah Gong was watching TV on the first floor, and now he also found the flashlight, and he was familiar with the power distribution box.

"Let's see..." He opened the box door and pushed the main switch up.

The bright scene did not appear.

Grandpa tried two more times, and turned around regretfully: "It seems that the fuse is blown."

"Then what to do? Can it be repaired?"

Grandpa didn't seem to hear my question, so he walked to a drawer and rummaged for a while, making a "tsk tsk" sound from his mouth.

"The fuse is gone." He waved his flashlight, and flashed a bright white light in front of my eyes, rushing towards the outside of the door, "Mianmian, go to the next door and ask if they have a fuse, hurry up, Grandpa is chasing the "Love Is Here" The revolution is about to begin."

In addition to his hobby of selling tea eggs, Grandpa also has a hobby of chasing TV dramas, one after another, which can be seen in the middle of the night. He looks more like an internet addict than me.

"Then take care of yourself, I'll be right back." I don't know if he heard or not, I held up my phone and went out the door, running to the next door.

The road in front of the house is still dark, and the street lights are not bright. The family on the right and Grandpa have been neighbors for half their lives, and they have a good relationship. Unfortunately, the doors and windows are closed, and there is no light. It seems that they are not at home.

I can only move to the new neighbor on the left.

When I passed the wind chime in front of the door, I subconsciously raised my head and glanced. Under the cone-shaped glass wind chime, there was a two-finger-wide piece of paper hanging.

With a quick glance, I rang the doorbell.

Soon there was the sound of walking from far and near, and when the door opened in front of my eyes, I actually felt a little nervous.

Neat short hair, dark eyebrows. A man in home clothes came over to open the door. A closer look showed that his figure was even more astonishing. He might have practiced. His shoulders were wide, and his chest muscles were vaguely outlined under the fabric. He was one size older than me.

He can definitely kill me with a slap...

"You, hello, I'm next door." I was so nervous that I stuttered. "Our house has tripped, maybe the fuse has blown. Does yours... have a spare fuse? Can you lend me a little?"

The door wasn't fully open, and the man was leaning on the door frame with one hand, looking at me almost from a bird's-eye angle.

"Fuse? I'll look for it, there should be more." He let go of his hand, turned and entered the house, "Come in, don't stand outside the door."

The door opened slowly and naturally, I hesitated for a moment, then stepped inside.

There are stacks of books on both sides of the aisle, all kinds, some looking new and still beautiful, and some dilapidated, the pages are falling apart.

They messily occupied most of the aisle, extending all the way, entrenched in the living room and even on the stairs with the same attitude.

The TV in the living room was turned on, and a little girl in a red polka-dot dress sat on the ground, her eyes focused on the big screen, and a game controller crackled in her hand.

I looked at the screen again and she was actually playing Mario.

After so many years, the charm of this plumber is still the same.

After so many years, he is still struggling to save the princess.

The little girl found me, her big eyes with thick eyelashes looked over, swept away, didn't care, and quickly focused on the game again.

I noticed that there was only one leg under her skirt, and a calf-to-knee prosthesis lay down on the ground beside her, which should be her "other leg".

"Ashan, hurry up, I'm going to die!"

The man walked a little far and did not hear her call.

I went over to take a look and instructed her: "You have to jump on her head to kill her..."

She gave me a sideways glance in surprise, and silently followed what I said, and it went smoothly.

"You're amazing." During the cutscene, the little girl put down the gamepad and complimented me with satisfaction.

To be honest, I am also a fan of this plumber...

"Qiuqiu, put away the game console when you're done playing, and get ready to go to bed."

I turned around and saw that the man had found the fuse and returned to the living room.

"Thank you..." I stood up and walked towards him, reaching for the ball of fuses.

He took it high and didn't let me reach it.

I was stunned and met his eyes.

"Does it work?" He should have been smoking often, and when he whispered, he would wear a thick husky.

If it weren't for the fact that the value on the top of his head was clean and undisturbed, I would doubt whether he was flirting with me.

I retracted my hand, thankful that the lights in the room were dim, and he couldn't see my blushing look.

"I won't, but my grandpa will."

The man thought for a while and said to the little girl sitting on the ground: "Qiuqiu, let's go, I will take you to play at Grandpa Tea Egg's house."

The little girl's whole face seemed to light up when she heard the words, and she quickly put on her prosthesis.

"Okay, okay, my favorite tea egg grandpa!"

The man turned to me again, raised his chin and said, "Let's go, I'll go take a look with you."

This is probably what a qualified mature man should look like. Thinking what you didn't think about, doing what you dare not do, the reliability revealed inadvertently is convincing.

so cool…

My heart was beating so fast, I nodded and said, "Excuse me."

He wanted to hold the child, but he couldn't get a flashlight, so I walked beside him to show him the way he was going.

"My name is Yu Mian, Cotton's Mian, what's your name?" I pressed against the courtyard door and told the man to go first.

He brushed past me, his hoarse voice sounded in the night, like the strings of a cello being gently plucked, and even the tremor had a velvety sense of luxury.

"Yankong Mountain."

If my synaesthesia is through hearing and taste, then his voice must be a strong drink.

"Yan Wanqiu." The little girl lay on the man's shoulder and consciously went on to introduce herself.

After empty mountains and new rain, the weather is late to autumn.

The verse under the wind chimes originally meant this.

At this time, I don't know yet, the name of the third person in the Yan family is also taken from this five laws - Xinyu, Yan Xinyu.

She is Yankongshan's sister and Yan Wanqiu's biological mother. Yankongshan turned out not to be a single father, but the uncle of the little girl.