Green Plum Island

Chapter 22: What should I do


When Fu Wei was about to say something, I interrupted him: "I don't want to be involved in your affairs, and I don't mean to catch up with you here. Please leave without spending."

Fu Wei once had many opportunities to explain to me, but now that everything has changed, what else is there to say? This is Yankongshan's shop, and I don't want to cause him trouble because of my own business.

"You're not the boss, why do you drive us away?" Anna Chen broke away from Fu Wei's shackles and came to quarrel with me again.

Fu Wei is a person who takes a lot of face. With so many people watching, the embarrassed green gradually overtook the pink, pink, blue, blue, and took the lead.

"Okay, what are you arguing about here? You're not ashamed." He scolded in a low voice.

"Why should I feel ashamed?" Chen Anna told him with her actions, she didn't feel it at all.

Xiao Tian regained his senses at this time and began to persuade: "Little sister, we are going to do business, you don't want to..."

Before he finished speaking, Chen Anna raised her voice, trying to make everyone in the corner of the bookstore hear clearly: "This disgusting homosexual is not ashamed? Where can I be ashamed."

I pursed my lips and looked at her, and the number on the top of her head that turned crimson.

After I came to Qingmeiyu, everyone was very kind, and I almost forgot the rejection of homosexuality by ordinary people.

A few represent weirdness, represent incomprehension, and even if you don't do anything, you will be labeled as "perverted".

It's okay to scold a stranger for a few words. If it's a relative or a friend, and the person you treat with sincerity thinks the same, it's really terrible.

Therefore, after experiencing Fu Wei, Yankongshan's sincerity and understanding will be so precious.

I may never meet another person who treats me as an equal from the bottom of my heart. Even my parents and grandpa, I can't say they will accept my sexuality.

And I decided a long time ago that if I have synaesthesia, I will not come out to them for a day. It can also be said that I am timid, I really don't want to see them say it's okay, and at the same time express their disappointment and anger towards me.

However, when Anna Chen made a fuss today, I'm not sure if I can keep it a secret.

Qingmeiyu said that it is not big or small, and it is difficult to say that the neighbors are familiar with each other, but as long as something happens in each household, it always spreads quickly on the island.

It didn't take two days for me to tell everyone about this.

This makes me feel a little pissed off.

"You guys shouldn't be dating, right?" I asked Anna Chen, "Can you be so lenient just because you like someone?"

"Who are you calling meddling!"

Chen Anna was stabbed in the foot by me, her face was even worse, her eyes were burning, and she was about to hit me when she raised her hand.

However, this hand was lifted up, but it couldn't fall down.

Yankongshan appeared behind her and grabbed her wrist firmly.

"Little girl, did no one tell you that hitting someone is wrong?"

He should have heard the movement and came out of the warehouse to check.

Chen Anna was taken aback and looked back, her gaze was raised from Yankong Mountain's chest, and finally she looked up to see his face clearly.

Yankongshan's height and physique are so amazing that it is easy to make people feel anxious when they see it. Chen Anna is a little girl who is only eighteen, and her tone will be a little empty.

"You, who are you?"

Yan Kongshan looked down at her, then glanced at Fu Wei, and said with no expression: "The owner of this store." He didn't let go, "This is a bookstore, not a place for quarrels. My clerk just said, Please leave without spending."

Chen Anna withdrew her hand vigorously, and was very unwilling to leave the stage like this.

"You're the boss, right? Let me tell you..." She pointed at me, "This person is a pervert who likes men. He might do something to the customers in the store. If he doesn't want to cause trouble, he should be fired early."

Fu Wei tore off her arm, his face even more difficult to look: "What nonsense are you talking about? Enough, you come with me!"

Chen Anna stubbornly wanted to say something else, but Fu Wei had already dragged her to the door vigorously.

She scolded me to be careful, said homosexuality was punishable, and felt sorry for my parents.

The glass door closed again, and the store returned to silence, and no one spoke for a while.

I know none of this is my fault, but I still feel ashamed. There is an illusion that someone has suddenly cut open his body, his limbs are fixed, and his fragile internal organs are exposed for people to enjoy and play with under the scorching sun.

Just the inquiring, curious gazes left me at a loss.

"Yu Mian, come here." Yan Kongshan asked me to go to the lounge with him with a serious expression.

I pursed my lips and clenched my fists involuntarily. Chao Wenying and Xiao Tian smiled shyly, and I followed Yankong Mountain.

Yankongshan closed the door of the lounge, turned around and leaned on it, and said with a sullen face, "You didn't tell me that it was the person you liked."

He was so angry with Chen Anna that his mood value was red at the beginning, which made it a little difficult for me to distinguish whether he was angry with me now.

I was still confused, and I wasn't very able to get effective information from his words. I just stared at him blankly, made an "ah" sound, and forgot to refute.

He frowned and looked at me for a while, the value dropped sharply, and he looked even more angry.

I shivered uncontrollably, a little scared.

"I'm not blaming you." Yankongshan scratched his head in annoyance, as if talking to me or talking to himself, "You should tell me, no, there's nothing wrong, what am I talking about? Stupid..."

I gradually recovered and explained: "No, he...Fu Wei and I are not in that kind of relationship. We were friends before. I thought he liked me, so I suggested to give it a try, he thought I was weird. , told someone about it, and then I became a 'pervert who likes men', that's about it..."

I touched the sofa and sat down, not much anger, just aggrieved.

"I'm sorry, I caused trouble for the store." I wringed my hands and lowered my head, "Anyway, the new clerk has also joined the job, I... I won't be here tomorrow."

The lounge was silent, and Yankongshan did not answer for a long time.

I guess that's what acquiescence means.

Bastard Fu Wei, is he in conflict with me? Otherwise, why would I be unlucky as soon as I met him, and I was disturbed by him when I wanted to fall in love

I scratched at the edge of my nails, relying on the pain to relieve the depression in my heart.

The sound of footsteps sounded, and Yankongshan squatted down in front of me and held my hand.

"No, Yu, you didn't cause trouble, I didn't mean to blame you."

My hands trembled, I was about to be scalded by the heat of his palms, and the hairs on my body stood up, sweating out one by one.

He seemed to have misunderstood my reaction, said "sorry" softly, and moved his hand away.

"You can rest at home for two days." He stood up, "but I didn't let you rest because you caused trouble, I was just afraid that those two people would harass you again."

My heart moved slightly, and I raised my head to look at him.

The number on the top of his head no longer has any color, although the mood is not high, it is only 65, but he is really not angry with me.


He copied the hair that had just been scratched by himself, stuck his waist and said helplessly: "I will thank you when I really do something worthy of your gratitude."

I pulled the corner of my lips and smiled at him: "It's right now."

For me, it is already very grateful to treat me with a normal heart.

Yankongshan looked at me for a while, then suddenly reached out and rubbed my head. A lot of strength and a lot of effort.

Since he turned yellow at me from time to time, he has rarely had physical contact with me. This was probably the first time he treated me so intimately after the "Stopping Rain Festival".

I narrowed my eyes slightly, and before I could savor this warm power, he quickly withdrew his hand, turned and walked out the door.

"You take a rest by yourself, I'll go out to work first."

The lounge door opened and closed until I was alone in the space.

I fell on the sofa, buried my face between my arms, and cried in my heart with some desperation: "What should I do? I like him so much... I really like him... What should I do? What should I do?"

I thought my story would spread quickly, and during the two days at home, I was ready to be questioned by Grandpa.

But no, my grandfather and the neighbors are the same as before, and there is nothing different about me.

Although I am strange, I only think that Wen Ying and Xiao Tianren are good, not someone who talks about it.

It was only later that I learned that Yankongshan had secretly talked to the two of them.

"Have something for me?" Before the break was over, my mother suddenly called and asked me to go to her place.

Although Qingmeiyu has ferries and buses to the city, it is quite inconvenient to go back and forth for at least four hours. I wanted to ask her what it was and whether it could be mailed. I thought she might not be happy with my question, so I held back.

"Okay, I'll come over tomorrow."

After I settled the matter with her, I hung up the phone, and after a while Yan Wanqiu called me downstairs to go see the kitten with me.

The kittens also look good drinking dog milk. They are now plump and fat, and they are a circle bigger than when they were picked up. They get along very well with their dog brothers and often roll into a ball.

"Going to the city tomorrow?" On the way home to send Yan Wanqiu home, she suddenly said that she couldn't see the kitten tomorrow and was going to the city.

"I'm going to the hospital." She kicked the pebbles on the ground and said, "I go there every month to chat with the doctor."

Although I don't know what she meant when she said "chat with the doctor", I just happened to be looking for my mother, wouldn't I be able to catch a ride

Later in the evening, I asked Yankongshan if I could take a ride. He understood my destination and told me that I might have to take Yanwanqiu to the hospital first, and then I could take me to my mother's place in the afternoon.

It is good to have a free car ride, of course I nodded and agreed without saying a word.

Early the next morning, I said goodbye to my grandfather and took the car from Yankong Mountain to Hongshi.

After a two-hour drive across the sea-crossing bridge, we arrived at an old-looking hospital building in the city center.

It was only now that I learned that the hospital that Yan Wanqiu spoke of was not a hospital for treating physical diseases, but a mental health hospital that specialized in psychological counseling.

Yan Wanqiu has been conducting psychological intervention treatment for disabled children here a year ago, which allows her to better adjust her heart and integrate into the group.

Holding Yan Wanqiu's hand, she and I walked in front, and Yan Kongshan followed behind.

The little girl hummed a song and asked me to guess the name of the song.

"You hum again..." The sun was a little dry, and people were sweating constantly.

She started humming again, then stopped abruptly, and looked forward in surprise.

I also stopped and followed her line of sight.

A beautiful figure was standing in front of us. I didn’t know when we discovered it, and just looked straight at this side with a smile in his eyes.

To be precise, looking at Yankong Mountain.

I was startled. Jiao Yueyue

I just saw her on TV a few days ago, how could I admit my mistake. Almost subconsciously, I looked back at Yankong Mountain.

Yankongshan also saw her at this time, and also stopped walking.

Yan Wanqiu and I were caught between them, we were in a dilemma and felt a little redundant.