Green Plum Island

Chapter 3: try hard


"Ashan, you came here on purpose, it's too much trouble for you." Grandpa asked Yan Wanqiu to shine the flashlight on the wall, he held both hands, reached between the flashlight and the white wall, and played a simple game, "Hehe, Do you see what this is?"

Yan Wanqiu carefully observed the shadow creature, and guessed after a while, "Rabbit? It has long ears."

Grandpa had bad ears, so he couldn't hear clearly, so he asked in a loud voice, "What?"

The little girl didn't have the slightest bit of impatience, she put her hand to her lips, put her hand close to Grandpa's ear and said again: "Rabbit-zi-"


Startled, I quickly retracted my gaze and found that my bundle of flashlights had been knocked crookedly, not illuminating the distribution box at all. Yankongshan had to stop and turn around to remind me.

"Sorry!" I immediately adjusted the angle and re-lit.

Yan Kongshan's expression remained unchanged, and he turned around to continue the work at hand.

The power distribution box is embedded in the cabinet, two meters above the ground. I need to stand on tiptoe to reach it, but my grandfather has shrunk a lot over the years, and he has to step on a small bench to check the status of the power distribution box. But the man in front of him, relying on his burly stature, neither stood on tiptoe nor stepped on a stool, just raised his head slightly to touch all the switches.

It's great to be tall, and I want to grow taller, so let's get up and run in the morning every day tomorrow, so that my grandpa keeps complaining about my snooze.

After replacing the blown fuse, Yan Kongshan twisted the screwdriver in his hand, tightened the screws on the knife one by one, and then pulled down the switch...


God said there should be light, so there is light in this world.

The power supply returned to normal, and the interior lighting came back on.

"Oh, it's fixed, I can finally watch "Love in the Revolution". Qiuqiu, do you want to watch it? This TV series is very good!" Grandpa jumped up and turned on the TV immediately.

"No, the TV you said was good last time is not good at all." The little girl got up and patted the skirt and walked towards Yankong Mountain consciously. "Ashan, are you going home?"

"Well, wait a minute." Yankongshan closed the power distribution box, handed me the screwdriver, and exhorted, "The circuit is too old to use high-power electrical appliances, and it is very dangerous. I will call you home when I have time. My lord, ask an electrician to take a look, and replace the best you can."

He didn't look much older than me, but he kept saying "Your lord".

"I'm eighteen... I'll be nineteen in two months." Somehow, I didn't want him to treat me like a child. "Not a child anymore."

He was slightly surprised: "I thought you were only sixteen..."

Probably seeing that my face was wrong, he consciously lost his words and stopped in time.

"Then let's go first, and you can call me again if you have something to do." Yan Kongshan led his daughter out, and when passing by Grandpa, he pointed to the door and then to himself.

Grandpa knew that he was leaving, patted his shoulder vigorously, praised his helpfulness, and sent the father and daughter to the door.

When I heard Yan Wanqiu say goodbye to Grandpa, I suddenly recovered and realized that I forgot to say thank you.

On such a hot day, I only needed to give me the fuse, but Yankongshan came over in person.

Grandpa is grandpa, I am me, grandpa said it, it does not mean that I can not say it, no matter what, I have to express my gratitude.

Before I could think about it, I took two browned apples from the fruit bowl on the table and ran after them.

"Huh? Mianmian..." He ran out the door like a whirlwind in front of Grandpa, and the rest of his words dissipated in the air behind him.

Yankongshan is tall and has long legs, and in a while, he will be at the gate of his own courtyard.

"Wait!" I stopped him, running in a hurry, gasping for breath when I stopped.

Yankongshan leaned on the courtyard gate with one hand and did not move further when he heard my voice.

"Thank you, thank you..." I handed him the apple in my hand.

He looked down, as if he didn't understand.

I explained, "This is a thank you gift."

Yu Mian, what are you doing

What age do you have to chase them out to give away two apples? Recently, the island has been flooded with apples, so that Sun Rui's father can only use it to feed the pigs. How could I give such a shabby thing as a gift? Did I get stuck in my vagina for a moment and was possessed by something dirty

Will he think I'm too petty...

My hands are stiff, my surface is motionless, and my heart is already in a mess.

Fortunately, the value on the top of his head is quite stable, he is not happy about it, but he is not angry either.

"You're very kind." Yan Kongshan took the two apples from my hand, nodded, pushed open the courtyard door with his elbow, and walked in with Yan Wanqiu.

"Ashan, can I eat an apple?"

"Remember to brush your teeth after eating."


The voices of the father and daughter gradually faded away, until they could no longer be heard, a crisp bell rang in the wind, and the door opened and closed.

I squatted under their flowered fence and banged my head against the telephone pole beside me in annoyance.

In the end why send apples! why!

I should have given Coke! On such a hot day, he may not like apples, but he will never hate ice cola! Who would hate happy fat house water

Or I could wait for the next time I have a more appropriate thank you to knock on the door of his house, instead of chasing it out as recklessly as I did.


There was a familiar exclamation not far from my side, and I froze, my brain racing at that moment, thinking about how to explain my irrational behavior.

Don't panic, small scene.

I stood up, shouted at the telephone pole, slapped my arms against the solid pole, and turned to face the person who came by, in seeming surprise.

"Yo, auntie, it's such a coincidence that I went out to walk the dog at night? It's too hot, I can't sleep, I'm exercising here."

Although the comer looks very old, his temperament is very outstanding. A head full of silver threads is wrapped in a hairpin behind his head, he is dressed in a silk white embroidered cheongsam, and wears an imperial green jade bracelet on his wrist. He is slender and has fine white skin, looking like a noble lady of the Republic of China.

She is my grandfather's cousin. She started her own hairdo at the age of 20 and vowed not to marry. She moved into the "aunt's house" on the island and became one of the many self-dressing girls. Now that she is in her seventies, she is the only one left in her aunt's house, with a cat and a dog all day long.

Grandpa would visit her from time to time, deliver food to her, and persuade her to go to a nursing home as soon as possible. But she was always worried about the old cats and dogs at home, and she didn't want to move out.

"An'an is getting old, her bladder is not very good, and she can't hold back her urine. Now I usually take it for a walk before going to bed." My aunt shook the traction rope in her hand, and Maltese, who was petite and had pigtails, came over. The leg lift left its own scent on the pole in front of me.

After urinating, it put down its legs, swayed its pigtails and ran to my aunt, grabbed her feet with its claws, and whimpered at the same time.

Auntie was used to taking it into her arms and smiled, "It's so late, you should exercise and go home early, don't let your grandpa worry."

I promised, "I'll be home in a little while."

She looked at me and hesitated: "If you can't sleep, try drinking some milk. I heard your grandpa say that you will live here in the future, so that's fine, your grandpa has a company too. Your grandpa always welcomes you. Yes, you don't need any psychological burden."

I pursed my lips and nodded with a smirk: "Well, I know."

My mother got married again last month. The man was the first to marry and was very kind to my mother. Although the new house has my room in name, but I don't want to be their light bulb, so I proposed to my mother to move to Qingmeiyu. She objected at first, but I saw that her mood value rose instead of falling. Knowing that she didn't tell the truth, she mentioned it three times and she agreed.

Sometimes I hate my "synaesthesia" very much. Once the human heart sees too clearly, it will be very tiring to live.

Fortunately, my grandpa really welcomed me. Qingmeiyu Island is right next to Hongshi City. There are ferries and buses that go directly to the city every day. After school starts, it is very convenient for me to come back every week.

My aunt walked away with the dog in my arms. I let out a long breath and looked back at the small building with the curtains closed behind me. The lights were on on the second floor, but no one was in sight.

The road is very quiet and the air is sweet. I wonder if there will be guests here tonight.

I grabbed a rose petal, put it on the tip of my nose and sniffed it lightly, then walked to Grandpa's house.

Qingmei Island is famous for its green plums. From May to May, when the green plums mature, the island is also in peak tourist season. Tourists pick plums, and those who look at the sea look at the sea. It is very lively. This momentum will last until October, when the weather gradually cools down.

There is only one commercial pedestrian street on the island, called Nanpu Street. There are many shops on the street, and there are all kinds of food, drink and entertainment. There is a night market in the evening, which is a popular place among tourists and young people on the island.

Sun Rui asked me to go shopping today and said that he would take me to a good place.

Believing it, I walked around with her for a quarter of an hour, and finally stopped in front of a bookstore—Weather Secondhand Bookstore.

I looked up at the signboard, and I already guessed that I was caught in the trick of Sun Rui.

"When did you like reading so much?" I asked squintingly.

Sun Rui smiled shyly: "What do you say, I have always been a good baby who loves to read."

I turn around to leave.

Sun Rui hurriedly dragged me from behind: "I'm cheap, I admit that I'm not a book lover at all, I just like the man inside!"

Say no to it earlier.

I turned around, pushed past her and pushed the door into the store.

The air-conditioning was very strong inside, and the temperature difference outside was a little big, so I felt a shudder unconsciously.

The bookstore was very quiet and there were not many customers. Sun Rui rushed to the checkout counter, and the little brother at the checkout counter smiled brightly.

"Wen Ying, I'm here again, have you found the book I mentioned last time?"

The little handsome guy is white and clean, and he doesn't know what he has done to be remembered by the demon girl Sun Rui. He is fashionable and innocent, and he doesn't know what kind of danger he is about to fall into.

And... I see the number on his head, it's a flat seventy-five, neither yellow nor pink, Sun Rui still has a way to go.

Leaving her at the reception desk to develop a relationship with her little brother, I went shopping in the bookstore.

The bookstore is not big, and there are only four rows of bookshelves on the first floor, but there are piles of books everywhere, and the stairs leading to the second floor are also full of piles.

Does this really pass the fire inspection

Another building very similar to this one flashed before my eyes. Speaking of which, Yankongshan's family is also like this. There are books everywhere. Sun Rui said that he opened a bookstore on the island, but he didn't know where it was...

Trying to reach for a book in the top row of the bookshelf, I stood on tiptoe and tried to reach for it.

Almost, I stretched out my hand as much as possible, silently complaining about the height of the bookshelf.

People with short legs are not qualified to read books, right

"I come."

The next second when my fingertips touched the spine of the book, a large hand with slender knuckles stretched out from behind and easily took the book off the shelf.

The body behind me was so close to me that I could even feel the other person's body temperature passing through the thin fabric.

The martial arts book with a long cover was handed to me. I held it in my hand and turned around to look at the kind person who "helped".

"It's you?" My eyes widened slightly, astonished at the presence of Yankong Mountain.

"It's me." He was wearing the same dark gray bib with pockets as the little brother at the reception desk. As he spoke, he took out the ballpoint pen and notepad in his pocket again, checking the bookshelf and making notes in the notebook.

Apparently, this is his bookstore.

"With your girlfriend?" He focused on his pen without looking at me.

He must have noticed me since we came in.

I tightened the book in my arms and explained, "No, she's not my girlfriend, she's just growing up. She, she likes your shop assistant."

"Oh?" Yan Kongshan smirked with a smirk on his lips, and raised his brows a bit carelessly, "My shop clerk is doing well, and there are a lot of people chasing him. You have to work hard when you are young."

I know it's just his polite words, a little trick to keep two people who are not very familiar from the cold. The number on his head isn't even that much higher than the cashier guy, but I'm still happy.

"Well, I'll make her work hard."

I'm a little curious, will this person turn pink because of someone's efforts? I stared at the white mood above his head and thought.

Yes, after all his children are so old.