Green Plum Island

Chapter 4: I am not small


Sun Rui's book has not yet been found, so she can only ask again next time. "It's a pity" was said on the face, but the mood value on his head remained high. In the end, she came home empty-handed, but I bought a martial arts novel published in the 1990s.

"The boss told me just now that his employees are very popular, so you have to work hard." I looked down at the books, and roughly went through the plot.

Heroes and beauties, misunderstood and fell off the cliff, the truth is revealed, and they go into hiding together. The routine is a bit old, but the writing is not bad.

"Did you talk to the boss?" Sun Rui was surprised, "Did he say what kind of girl Wen Ying likes?"

I closed the book and put my hands behind my back.

"I think about it," I pretended to think deeply, "he seems to say that my brother likes abstinence, so don't be so active."

Sun Rui's slender brows suddenly frowned, and there was a little disbelief in the shock.

"I don't see him being that good."

I smiled and said, "You can't tell you're a carnivore."

Sun Rui has grown long hair in recent years, her complexion is a healthy wheat color, she looks sunny and lively, and there is no trace of vulgarity all over her body. Looking at her, you will guess that she is a long-distance runner, a cheerleader, a little island girl who helps her father manage the orchard, and Dudu will not think that she is a big layman who has straightforward desires and only cares about the size of the man.

"Human beings live by chasing desires, I just live more clearly than some people." Not only did she have straightforward desires, but her mouth was also poisonous. The person who seals the feudal dross as a standard. Disgusting!"

Although Qingmeiyu is a small island, it has always been a popular holiday destination at home and abroad due to its advantageous geographical environment. For hundreds of years, foreigners have built schools, hospitals, racetracks, and made their fortunes here. Many of them also intermarry with the locals, giving birth to beautiful offspring, changing the appearance of the local residents here, and creating the open folk customs here.

My aunt was of mixed blood, more obvious when she was young, with a high nose and deep eyes, and blue eyes. It is said that the mother, a foreigner, died of a bloodbath when she gave birth to her second child. Later, her aunt's father remarried, and her stepmother treated her harshly, beating and scolding her at every turn, which made her extremely disappointed in her family and marriage.

"Yes, yes, it's disgusting." I agreed with Sun Rui, walked to a juice stand, and asked for a glass of iced watermelon juice.

The sweet juice is in the mouth, and it seems that it is not so hot in an instant.

I let out a long sigh and continued walking. Sun Rui didn't know what to think, and suddenly came over and asked in a low voice, "Yu Mian, are you a virgin?"

I almost spit out a mouthful of watermelon juice, coughed for a long time, and looked at her in horror: "You, what are you doing?"

I closed my chest, terrified. I was afraid that she would suddenly turn yellow and would attack me, a pure and innocent boy.

"Have you never liked anyone in high school? You look so good-looking, I don't believe that no girl likes you." She wrinkled her nose, "It's a pity that you don't fall in love early."

It was this. I relax and clear the alarm.

There was indeed a girl who confessed to me in the first year of high school, but we were of different genders. I really couldn't fall in love with her, so I refused.

When I was in my second year of high school, I thought that Fu Wei just liked me because of his fans, so I told him "you can give it a try", and then, there was no more...

Fu Wei's attitude towards me took a turn for the worse, avoiding me like a snake and scorpion. He even spread the word that I was a pervert, so that others would isolate and exclude me, and thus ended my path to puppy love.

I bit the straw: "What a pity, study hard when it's time to study. And... how do you know that I can't find someone this summer?"

Sun Rui thought for a while and agreed: "Yes, maybe you will suddenly have an affair."


Involuntarily, a tall figure appeared in my mind, and there seemed to be a wind blowing in my ears, and a groaning bell sounded.

Biting my straw, I happened to stop by the window of a clothing store. In addition to the plastic mannequins, there is also a huge floor-to-ceiling mirror in the showcase, which just perfectly reflects my current appearance.

The corners of his lips were hooked into a smile, his eyes were shining, and a set of pink numbers was on his head, and he was in an unbelievably good mood.

It's like a naughty kitten, if you don't pay attention to it, it will do its best on your head, and when you notice it, the instant eye contact is enough to make it run away from you. The pink color quickly turned into a light gray, and it disappeared so fast that I almost wondered if I had just lost my sight.

Maybe it's really wrong? How can I fall in love with someone I've only met a few times? I've always been a lover...

I think of Yankong Mountain again, his broad hands, dark eyes, and straight legs...

Look, I have no powder on my head this time.

Dry, it's yellow.

I cursed inwardly, and weakly supported the glass window, feeling complicated inside.

Am I really interested in Yankong Mountain and fall in love at first sight

This complexity quickly spilled over to the surface, making Sun Rui on the side aware of it.

"What are you doing?" She whispered with a weird expression, "How are you?"


I looked back at the window for unknown reasons, only to see two plastic models in sexy lace lingerie scratching their heads at me. This turned out to be a lingerie store...

I straightened up in an instant with a righteous face: "That's right, I seem to have forgotten my mother's birthday. I just remembered it, and I feel a little regretful." After speaking, in order to enhance the effect, I smiled at Sun Rui.

Sun Rui did not suspect him: "Oh, so, do you want to make up a gift? If you are shy, I can buy it for you."

I thanked her for her kindness, expressed her affection, and then declined.

We strolled around for a while and then took the bus back home. Sun Rui said goodbye to me on the platform, and before leaving, told me to have a good relationship with my neighbors and help her find out more about Wen Ying. I had something on my mind, and I agreed. While feeling annoyed, I also knew very well in the secret place in my heart that my troubles were just an appearance of self-deception. I was actually very satisfied with the pillow Sun Rui handed me.

It was like a sparrow was born in my heart, it flapped its wings to fly, and I couldn't hold it.

[This "Knight Rider" was found in a second-hand bookstore on the island, which is very interesting. 】

Today's young people, almost everyone runs one or two social accounts, sharing their lives and expressing their emotions.

I have that too. Not only do I have it, but the business is pretty good. By sharing the photos I take every day and adding some emotional text, I have also gained 30,000 followers in the past two years. Every time I post a dynamic, there can be a lot of comments.

This kind of online communication makes me more comfortable, and I don't have to worry about whether the other party is a human or a ghost, and I don't have to worry about whether the other party is duplicitous or not sincere.

Soon there were more comments, some asked how the book was, and some asked which bookstore on the island was from.

Netizen A: I have been to Qingmeiyu before, and I feel that this place is very leisurely and very suitable for retirement.

Netizen B: There is a second-hand bookstore on the island that I adore to visit. The books are really many and complicated, but they are too messy, so be patient.

Netizen C: "Knight Warrior" can't be watched now, it's a bit cliché now, but it was still amazing back then.

I picked a few replies, and then quit the software to lie down and sleep.

Before going to bed, I closed the window that was always open, and the night was stuffy and hot, and breaking the fan was of no use. I was covered in sweat, tossing and turning, unable to sleep at all, and had to get up again in the middle of the night and open the window.

As soon as I opened, I saw a slender woman coming out of the next room, in a white dress, with long hair hanging down at her waist.

Yankongshan and the woman in the white skirt came out one after the other and sent the people to the outside of the hospital.

"Really not..." The woman turned around and said something to Yankongshan.

Yankongshan shook his head.

The woman seemed to have some regrets. The two did not speak any more. One gradually moved away, and the other locked the courtyard door.

I thought Yankongshan was going to go back to the house next, but he sat on a bench in the yard, lit a cigarette, and started breathing.

Because of the distance, I can't see his eyebrows clearly. I only saw his hand holding the cigarette on the wooden table in front of him, his eyes facing the front, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

I put my hands on top of each other, resting on the windowsill, my arms resting on my chin. He looks into the distance, I look at him.

Taking out my phone, I took a photo of the bright moon above my head, updated the news, and added text.

[Long night, unintentional sleep. 】

There are not many people still awake at this point, and the comments are not positive, only two or three in a long time.

Netizen A: If you think about it, everyone is insomniac.

Netizen B: I'm not, I don't, I'm a jet lag party.

Netizen C: The moon is so big and there is not a single cloud. It seems that tomorrow will be a good weather!

Putting down his phone, he went to see Yankong Mountain again, he had already stood up, and it seemed that he had smoked after the incident.

It was cooler outside than the room, and I was lying on the windowsill, a little sleepy.

Suddenly, Yankongshan looked over without warning, and caught my sight very accurately.

I couldn't avoid it, and I rigidly maintained a prone position, secretly praying that Yankongshan's eyesight was poor, and I didn't realize that I had been stalking him.

Grandpa's house and Yankongshan's house are not in a straight line, they are slightly staggered, one after the other, my room looks out, facing the next yard, only separated by a narrow alley.

"Aren't you going to sleep so late?" Yankong Shan walked under the fence and looked up.

It was a bit noisy, but his voice could still be heard clearly.

I raised my face slightly: "It's too hot to sleep. Why haven't you slept?"

I know why he didn't sleep, I just asked knowingly.

He looked at me for a while, and very obviously prevaricates me: "I can't sleep because it's too hot."

The conversation didn't last long, he rubbed the back of his neck, his expression stained with fatigue.

"It's late, I'm going back to sleep." He turned around and waved his hand without looking back. "You go to bed earlier, too, kid."

I pursed my lips and wanted to yell at his back, asking him to take back the word "small".

I am not small. Regardless of age or second child, I am not young.

That night I didn't hear the sound of the wind chimes again, and Yankongshan put it away. I slept until eleven o'clock and had a dream all night, and when I woke up, I forgot all about it, and was just lethargic.

After washing up, I scratched my stomach and went down to the first floor, crossing the living room to the kitchen for food. When he passed the old-fashioned pear wood sofa, he had already passed, and suddenly felt that something was wrong. He stepped back a few steps and looked at the little girl sitting on the sofa watching TV.

"Why are you here?" I was a little confused.

Yan Wanqiu dangled her legs, watching "SpongeBob SquarePants" when she heard the sound and turned her head.

"I'm not going to school this weekend."

"What about your father?"

"Ashan went to the city to collect books. If he can't bring me, he will leave me here."

"What about my grandpa?"

She pursed her lips: "Well, cook in the kitchen."

I turned around to find my grandpa.

When my grandpa saw me up, he held a big bowl in his hand, beckoned me to sit down and eat noodles, and then raised his voice to call Yan Wanqiu to come over.

"I'll sell tea eggs later, you can take care of Qiuqiu at home."

I couldn't react in time, the chopsticks were in my mouth, the noodles fell back into the bowl, and I said in a daze: "Huh?"

Grandpa continued on his own: "There are a lot of tourists recently, and the tea egg business is very easy to do, and it can be sold out in one afternoon."

Yan Wanqiu ate the noodles with a fork, his mouth was full of oil, and he was able to keep up with the topic.

"Ashan said that the bookstore business is also doing well recently, and the summer vacation is here."

After lunch, Grandpa pushed the cart to run his own tea egg business. Yan Wanqiu and I stared at each other across the dining table, not knowing how to get along with a five- or six-year-old girl.

"Have you read the comics?"

"I can't read."

"Then let's watch TV."

"SpongeBob SquarePants is over."

"…mobile game?"

"Ashan said that playing too much is bad for the eyes."

I was defeated: "Then what do you think?"

The little girl's big eyes flickered, she smiled sweetly at me, and a small dimple appeared on her cheek.

"Go to my house and play Mario."

Seeing this expression, I knew that she had been waiting for me here.