Green Plum Island

Chapter 48: letter


"Report to the instructor, I'm a little uncomfortable!"

When another classmate collapsed from heat stroke, the strict instructor finally let everyone rest in place for five minutes.

The camouflage suit was stuffy and hot, like an airtight steamer. After being exposed to the sun, the heat evaporated the water in the body and condensed into large beads of sweat dripping down.

So hot.

I've never sweated so much in my life.

Yankongshan really didn't lie to me. When the military training is over, I guess I will peel off my skin.

"Report to the instructor, I'm not feeling well either!"

I heard this voice familiar, and I looked to the side following it, and it was indeed Fu Wei.

With the consent of the instructor, he stepped out of the phalanx next door, walked slowly to the edge of the playground by himself, and sat under the shade of a tree.

When I met him at the freshman registration office on the first day, I thought he was so perverted that he would follow me when I went to college, and I almost got into a fight with him.

Later, he tried his best to testify to me, saying that he was also admitted to Hong Kong University, and there was no situation of following me, and he even showed me the admission notice to avoid a war.

I am from the law department and he is from the economics department. The classes are not together on weekdays, and the dormitories are far apart, but there is no way to do military training, and everyone has to huddle together.

People are admitted on the basis of strength. I can't say anything. I just hope that after half a month, we can return to the bridge and return to the road, and we will not see each other again in the future.

After a day of military training, the freshmen dragged their tired bodies back to their dormitories, taking a shower, and lying on the table.

Since the first day of military training, the counselors have confiscated everyone's mobile phones according to the dormitory, and everyone has nothing to do at night, so they began to organize board game activities, playing cards, playing cards, playing werewolf killing, but it became the establishment of new relationships. good opportunity.

However, I usually don’t participate. I’m good at playing cards. Werewolf killing is too easy for me. It’s clear at a glance who is lying and who is not. It’s boring to be able to accurately locate enemies and teammates from the first round. I would rather read in the dormitory, so there is something novel and interesting.

[Paradise is an island, and so is hell. 】

These are the words written by the author of the "Island Book" in the frontispiece, and it is also the most accurate summary of the book.

Fifty islands, fifty hand-drawn maps. The island in the book is far from the hustle and bustle, or has a long history or cruel customs.

This is the book he gave me when I was at Yankongshan's house. It's just that I've never been interested in geography, so I haven't seen it much. This military training can be regarded as having time to read it carefully.

Looking at it, I can't help it. Contrary to my expectations, the author did not take the knowledge of geography seriously, but used some fascinating stories to present each island vividly to the readers.

If the author has been to Qingmeiyu, how will it be introduced

The goddess once arrived here and drove away the floods for this small island. It is tolerant and friendly, accepting everything and accommodating everything. The perfect combination of ancient customs and modern business creates its unique style…

"No one is interested in whether a woman is still a virgin when she gets married...As soon as it gets dark, young people from three villages will gather on the beach...Sex is a game, and no one is jealous here...Everyone agrees that ** Shouldn't sing. What kind of paradise this is, I want to go."


I silently turned my head and saw my roommate standing behind me, his eyes fixed on the book in my hand.

His eyesight should be good enough to read such small words clearly.

"Ah, no, I'm sorry!" He snapped back to his senses, his chubby face flushed red, and he kept apologizing to me, "I wanted to ask you if you want to eat potato chips, I'm sorry, I didn't want to see your privacy. , sorry, sorry."

It's not really private.

I saw that he was so anxious that his mood went down, and he waved his hand and said, "It's okay, if you are interested in this book, I can borrow it from you after reading it."

The other party looked happy: "Really?"


He laughed cheerfully, handed the potato chips in his hand to me, and asked, "Do you want to eat them? Cheese flavored."

I thanked him and took a slice from the inside.

In the four-person dormitory, a roommate went to play cards next door, and a roommate was taking a shower. There were only me and him in the room.

His name is Wen Youran, he sleeps on the bed beside me, and like me, he is not very social. I read books, he reads comics, and he also likes to eat snacks while reading, such as plums, potato chips, nougat... Every day is not the same, and I will eat some every day.

"You live on Qingmei Island, right?" He nibbled at the potato chips like a squirrel, and said, "I was very impressed when I introduced myself on the first day, and when you said it, my heart was wow, because you really It has the feeling of Qingmeiyu.”

Wen Youran is an authentic Hongshi native. Hongshi people are very strange. They always have a special feeling for Qingmeiyu. Not everyone knows this island, but everyone considers themselves to be experts on this island. However, their understanding is very one-sided, and they feel that the people on the island are simple and full of ancient customs.

"How do I feel?" I wiped my fingers and turned the book again.

"Like the little island boy. Cheering along the coastline with his sweetheart on a bicycle in summer, wearing a white shirt without sweating at all, and smelling of washing powder." He gestured towards me and sniffed.

"I haven't washed this dress on me for three days." I'm not attacking him, but I think it's better to be realistic.

He turned back quickly, a little disappointed in me on his face.

On the day when the military training ended, the counselors sent back their mobile phones one by one. At the moment of restarting, a lot of information poured in like snowflakes, most of which were useless advertisements, and the rest were messages of concern from my mother, my father, Yankongshan and grandpa.

I told them beforehand that the phone would be handed in, so they weren't in a hurry if they didn't get a response from me.

After reading all the text messages carefully, I found that Yankongshan actually sent me a letter.

I remember Yan Wanqiu said before that she wanted to ask Yan Kongshan to write a letter to me. Could it be that she is so motivated that she already wrote it before I even started school

I went to the guard to pick up the letter, and sure enough, the words "Send by Yan Wanqiu" were written on it, but looking at the handwriting, it was completely from Yankong Mountain.

I couldn't wait to get back to the dormitory, so I took it apart halfway through, and just as I was about to take a closer look, a voice suddenly pierced in front of me, blocking my way.

Looking up, I couldn't help frowning, it was Fu Wei.

If this was the first time we met after high school, I might still be able to maintain a bit of the decency of an old classmate and greet him. But after this summer vacation, his entanglement really bores me, especially Yankongshan always mentioning him, which made my attitude towards him gradually evolve from "no feeling" to "are you begging for a fight?"

"I'll just say two words." Fu Wei was keenly aware of my attitude, kept a safe distance, and didn't get too close.

I don't want to cause a commotion on campus, stand there without words and listen to what he has to say.

He swept the elegant envelope in my hand, moved his lips for a moment, and asked me, "Are you with that bookstore owner?"

I pressed the front of the envelope against myself.

"It has nothing to do with you."

The mood value above Fu Wei's head dropped slightly from "76" to a light blue.

"I'm with Chen Anna," he said.

I'm a little surprised by this. The last time we met, Fu Wei and Chen Anna clearly hadn't become a fan. How did they start dating after just a few days

"Congratulations." But it's not bad. In fact, I think they are quite compatible, both in appearance and personality.

After two sentences were finished, I walked forward without looking back. I didn't say "goodbye", and I didn't want to say goodbye at all.

Back at the dormitory, I can finally read the letter in peace. I specially washed my hands, dried them carefully with a paper towel, and finally carefully removed two pieces of letter paper from the envelope.

The first piece of stationery is pink, with cute cartoon animal images in the corners. It is written with a purple gel pen with fine flashes. The handwriting with sharp edges and corners and very strong handwriting has a lovely contrast.

In the letter, she expressed her longing for me in the tone of Yan Wanqiu, and asked me if I wanted her, what did I study in school, and if anyone could be my friend. At the end of the letter, she told me that Marioka was closed and needed urgently. My help, wish I could teach her how to play the game.

I looked at the second page with a smile, thinking it was hers, but it wasn't. The name of Yankongshan was written on the inscription.

The white letter paper has no extra patterns or even horizontal lines. The handwriting is strong and powerful, and the corners are sharp. It is written with a black ink pen. Judging by the thickness, it seems to be an M-pointed pen.

[Qingmeiyu is very good, your grandpa is very good, Qiuqiu is very good, and the two kittens are also very good.

The weather is cooler, and the roses in the yard have faded. Last night, the street light at the door was broken for some reason. After darkening, I found that there were many stars in the sky.

Every day when you go out and go home, you always pass by your window, and you can't help but take a look. I know you're not at home, but I still watch it.

Life on the island used to be peaceful and comfortable, but now it's a little boring. When you're not there, everything is boring.

Qingmeiyu is very good, your grandpa is very good, Qiuqiu is very good, and the two kittens are also very good. Only I am not good.

I miss you so much.

When you read this letter, I should be thinking of you too. 】

In addition to the light ink fragrance, the paper also has a more prominent tobacco smell. I can fully imagine the state of Yankongshan when he wrote this letter—the window was open for ventilation, his elbows were on the desk, and the cigarette was between his fingers.

I pressed his letter to my heart, thinking about going to the nearby stationery store to see if I could buy the paper and pen I liked.

It is said that the wild goose is a very affectionate animal. Because of its beautiful meaning, the ancients always attached a pair of geese as officiating ceremony when they hired them, which was called "appointing geese".

Yankong Mountain, this "geese" is not special, but it's really good at acting like a spoiled child. I can't resist it at all.

Hey, what should I do, the summer vacation has just ended, and I'm starting to look forward to the winter vacation.

Taking out his mobile phone, he first called Grandpa and told him that everything was fine. After hanging up, I glanced at the time. Although it was the opening hours of the bookstore, there was a high probability that Yankongshan would not be able to receive my call, but I still tried to dial it.

The bell rang and was picked up almost instantly, which surprised me.

"Hello?" Yankongshan's voice came from the other end of the phone. It was very light at first, and seemed to be in a silent room, but soon the sound of pushing the heavy iron door sounded, and the surrounding became noisy, with the buzzing of the outdoor unit. Sound, I guess he went outside.

I put the phone closer to my ear and said in a low voice, "I miss you too."

He chuckled lightly, delighted to the core.

"Ok, I know."