Green Plum Island

Chapter 5: Don't care about people


I have to say that Yan's house is much more comfortable than Grandpa's house. There are air conditioners, games, and countless novel books.

When I entered the house, I noticed that it was empty under the eaves, and the wind chimes were nowhere to be seen. I don't know if it was because the woman in the white dress had not had time to hang it up after she took it off last night.

After Yan Wanqiu returned to her home, she felt much more at ease. She went to the refrigerator to get two cups of yogurt, one for me, one for her, and then she sat down in front of the TV and took off her prosthesis.

Out of courtesy, I didn't stare the whole time or ask her why she was wearing the prosthesis.

To save others by myself, if someone who I just met suddenly asked me about my head breaking when I was ten years old, even if I have recovered now, I will still feel unhappy.

Besides, I have bad thoughts about her father, and I should have a good relationship with her no matter what. What if, right

Mario is a very time-killing game. We cooperated with each other and were invincible. We passed three or four levels without knowing it, and it passed in an afternoon.

"Oh, I can't win, I can't escape." Yan Wanqiu was so angry that her eyes were turning red.

Halfway through the game, we were about to enter a new level, but Yan Wanqiu made frequent mistakes in his operations, causing us to get stuck at the boss.

I was just about to say take a rest and fight again tomorrow, but I almost vomited, and the sound of a key turning sounded outside the door. The next second, Yankongshan pushed in the door, and was stunned when he saw me.

The sparrow in my heart started fluttering again. I tried to press it to the ground and told it: "Be quiet! Otherwise he will think I'm a pervert, a neighbor in the street, that's not good."

"Playing a game?" Yankongshan put the key on the porch and came among us.

I tightly grasped the gamepad in my hand, not daring to look at him, and whispered, "Excuse me."

Yan Wanqiu begged him for help: "Ashan, I can't fight, you help me fight!"

"Why are you thinking about playing games?" Although he said so, he still took the little girl's handle.

Yan Wanqiu leaned beside him and said confidently: "Because I am a child, children are like this, it is easy to indulge in games."

Yan Kongshan hooked his lips and manipulated the characters to join me: "I just said why you didn't go to the city with me today, it turned out to be tricking my little brother to play games with you."

I subconsciously wanted to correct his title, but I didn't know what to call me other than "brother" Yan Wanqiu.


It doesn't seem right either.

"No one told you to fight me." Yan Wanqiu generously admitted that he had planned for a long time, "It's interesting for two people to fight."

The air-conditioning in their house is obviously very strong, and it is many times stronger than the broken electric fan in my room. After a boss fight, my back is sweaty.

This kind of feeling that your sweetheart is next to you, it is difficult to sit still, and you have to choose the most handsome pose when playing games, so as to be afraid of leaving a bad impression on the other party... It is really exciting.

I didn't speak in the whole game, Yan Wanqiu was chatting by the side, Yan Kongshan would reply to her from time to time, but most of the time he was silent.

The palms were sweating constantly, and the keys were a little slippery. When the boss finally fell, I put down the handle, wiped the fine sweat from my forehead with the back of my hand, and let out a long sigh.

In the cheers of Yan Wanqiu, Yan Kongshan also put down the handle.

"Finally, I can go to the toilet. I've been holding it back for a long time." Yan Wanqiu put on the prosthesis and rushed to the bathroom.

Yan Kongshan and I were the only two left in the living room for a while. Although it was good to stay quietly like this, it was embarrassing after a long time, so I began to search my stomach for topics.

"I heard that you went to the city to collect books today?"

Yankongshan seemed to be shaking slightly, and it took about two seconds for him to react when he heard my question.

"Huh? Oh, there is a Confucian Temple in the city, and there are many second-hand book sellers. I often go there to collect books."

I scratched the edge of my thumb's nail and started to feel hot again: "It feels so interesting."

From the moment he entered the door, his interest was not very high, and his mood improved after playing the game for a while. When it comes to the city now, the mood on his head is on a downward trend again. I reasonably suspect that he encountered something unpleasant outside today.

"You seem to be very afraid of heat." Yan Kongshan's eyes fell on my forehead, and almost at the same time, a drop of full sweat rolled down from the roots of my hair.

I wiped my sweat and smiled embarrassedly at him: "Maybe I've been on fire recently."

No, it's not body heat. This is the blood of a young man.

I don't need to look in the mirror to know that the top of my head must be dazzlingly yellow.

Yankongshan stood up and brought me a bottle of Coke from the refrigerator.

"Thank you." I took it and wanted to open it, but I couldn't do anything because my palms were slippery.

I was hesitating whether to try on another piece of clothing, when a large hand reached out from the side, silently took the coke from my hand, opened it without any effort, and handed it back to me.

I held the Coke in a daze, almost dazed by the strength of a boyfriend like Yankongshan that can be shown anytime, anywhere. Is he too good

I thanked him again, and I looked up and took a gulp of Coke.

During this sip, my brain was racing, looking for new topics.

"You have a lot of books here..." Glancing at the "mountain of books" piled up on the side, I had an idea, "Can I have a look?"

Yan Kongshan looked around his messy room and said indifferently, "I can lend it to you if you want to see it."

"Really?" I was overjoyed, and then became more greedy, "Can I... come here to see? There is no air-conditioning at home, it's too hot."

Sometimes love is very gambling. Depending on the direction you choose, whether you advance or retreat, there will be different endings.

I can't say whether taking the initiative at this point will benefit me and Yankongshan's future development, but at the moment, at least I have seized more opportunities to get along with him.

Yankongshan didn't seem to expect that I would make such a request, and was a little surprised and did not respond immediately.

I lowered my eyes and said, "No way..."

"I'm only at home at night, can I be after eight o'clock?"

Bad gamblers have their own bad gamblers, and good gamblers are at least courageous.

I was refreshed, and I was so happy that I could get up and dance Yangko anytime, anywhere, but I had to control my emotions, and it was difficult to be too positive.

"Of course!" I raised my head, and after being excited, I hesitated, "Well, will it bother you?"

The bottle of Coke was cold, and the condensed water flowed along the gap between my fingers and dripped onto my calf. I curled my toes unconsciously.

"Huh?" The man let out a low syllable from his nose.

"That's it..." I coughed lightly and nearly murmured two words, "Wind chimes."

I'm a little regretful after saying that, I shouldn't have mentioned this. This kind of thing is too private. He and I are not even acquaintances. It is rude to mention it hastily.

Sure enough, the number on the top of Yankong Mountain dropped a little, and the color slowly turned from white to red, which represented the displeasure of being offended.

There was a vague smile on his lips: "Don't worry, I'm not in that mood recently, and I won't hang up again." He paused, "You know a lot."

I curled my toes more and more and my legs cramped. Oops, I stepped on the thunder, and I stepped on it firmly.

Why doesn't life have the function of re-reading files

In this way, I can throw down the man in front of me, eat it, wipe it clean, and quickly read the file and start again, which is also considered to be the first achievement in my life of "good luck, eat chicken tonight".

His gaze swept across Yankongshan's muscular arms.

Hey, forget it, is his body joking? I just landed my paw on his ass, and he'll beat me back to my last save point in a second.

This man looks very approachable, always exuding his charm without distinction. In fact, it is very difficult to get along with people.

Being polite and polite is just a necessary mask for social people, and welcoming you with a smile does not mean that you really like you. I should have been well acquainted with the routine, but I was still disturbed by Yankongshan's disguise, and I accidentally fell into his routine.

I was deeply embarrassed, just when Yan Wanqiu came out of the bathroom, I quickly got up to say goodbye to the two of them.

"Grandpa should be back too, I'll go home first."

Yan Wanqiu was a little disappointed when he heard the words: "Ah? Are you leaving now?"

I held the Coke in my hand, pursed my lips and smiled, "I'm going back to eat too."

Eating is a big deal, so the little girl had to compromise and make an agreement with me to fight again next time.

Yankongshan sent me to the door without speaking. I bowed my head, the little sparrow in my heart buried its little head in the wings and cried.

It's hard to chase people. Should I learn from Sun Rui? Although she was divided quickly, she was also quick to find.


I said goodbye to Yankong Mountain in a low voice, turned around and walked out in dejection. After a few steps, the sound of Yankong Mountain suddenly sounded behind me.

"See you tonight."

I was stunned for a moment, stopped, tasted the product, and recollected it.


Did he still let me come at night? !

I looked back and saw that the numbers on the top of Yankong Mountain were no longer red, but white and very clean.

Did he just get angry and forgive me

This person... this person is not that difficult to get along with.

I turned around and waved at him, and the little sparrow in my heart came to life again.

"Well, see you tonight!"

When I got home, Grandpa was already there. Knowing that I was playing games next door in the afternoon, he didn't say anything. He just saw the Coke in my hand and came over mysteriously.

"Mianmian, it's not good for boys to drink this."

I am puzzled. Where is it bad? Because of being fat

Seeing Grandpa's dodging eyes, I suddenly remembered that there seems to be such a rumor in the market, saying that drinking too much Coke is not good for men, which is simply nonsense.

"Grandpa, it's alright..."

Grandpa continued: "Grandpa is different when he's older. I don't care about that. Will the rest of these grandpas drink for you? Don't drink anymore."


Grandpa, why are you able to express your greed so fresh and refined

I couldn't help laughing and handed Coke to Grandpa: "Drink less, be careful that you won't be able to eat dinner."

Grandpa didn't hear what I said at all. After taking the coke, he hurriedly unscrewed the cap of the bottle and squinted his eyes comfortably.

"The best delicacy in the world!"

Grandpa, it's just a bottle of Coke, you don't need to be so exaggerated.

I almost finished dinner in a hurry, then took a shower and rinsed my mouth. Everything was impeccable, and only then did the door of Yankongshan's house be knocked on.

A few hours later, the mood value above his head has recovered well, and it has stabilized at 76, which is a safe value that is neither bad nor bad.

I played a game with Yan Wanqiu for a while, during which Yan Kongshan sat behind and looked at the phone. When Yan Wanqiu was bedtime, Yan Kongshan ignored her request to play for a while and slipped her back to the bedroom.

I rummaged through the books I was interested in in the pile of books beside the sofa, found a copy of "The Unsolved Mysteries of the World", and sat on the soft three-seater sofa with relish.

Yan Kongshan coaxed his daughter to sleep and quickly returned to the living room.

I thought he'd be watching TV for a while, or doing his own thing, but he just picked up a book and sat down on the sofa not far away to look through it.

I glanced at it, it was a hardcover foreign literary novel.

The lights were just right, the temperature was right, and it was a good night to read, but I didn't even bother to pay attention to what was in the book.

The unsolved mysteries of the world are not as attractive as the man in front of him, and the mysteries of Bermuda are slightly inferior to him.

I kept peeking at him, watching, swallowing unconsciously.

I had a full meal for dinner, but now I feel hungry again.

I licked my lips and chose a safer topic: "That... bro, what kind of girl do you like in your store clerk?"

I didn't really come here to read, so I couldn't just peek at him all night without saying anything.

Yan Kongshan raised his head from the book, a little confused: "Clerk?"

I added: "I'm sending the small questions for you."

Hearing my mention of Faxiao, he seemed to remember the last conversation he had with me in the store, and said, "Oh, Wen Ying. What kind of girl does he like... I really don't know, I'll ask you tomorrow."

When the conversation ended, he looked down at the book again.

I stared at the unwavering "76" above his head and thought I had to figure something out.

"Brother, is there any shortage of people in your store? Can I go to your store to help?" I nervously put a perfect patch on my proposal, "You let me read books for free, and I will work for you for free. It happens that I am fine at home. Yes, Grandpa always thinks I'm too lazy to go out at home. You can kill two birds with one stone."

Yankongshan stopped turning pages, and this time he raised his head completely, frowning slightly: "...Are you going to help in my shop?"

Near the water tower first get the month, helping is fake, soaking you is real.

"Is it okay?" I tried my best to look innocent and pitiful. Usually, I use this expression to act like a spoiled child, but Grandpa and the others are not the same.

Yan Kongshan looked at me for a long time, and seemed to think that my appearance was very interesting. The mood above his head rose by double digits, but he said in his mouth: "Go out at eight o'clock every day, can you persist?"

I nodded vigorously: "Yes!"

"Organize the shelves, receive customers, can you do this?"

"I can learn!"

"No salary, and you can't ask for leave when you're tired. Are these acceptable?"


Yan Kongshan nodded: "Then you can come and help tomorrow."

While happy, I was also a little surprised. Surprisingly, it went well