Green Plum Island

Chapter 9: Do not want?


Grandpa is not at home, the house is quiet, I don't know if I have gone shopping.

I was so hungry that my stomach was uncomfortable, so I went to the pot to get a tea egg that my grandfather was going to sell in the afternoon, and devoured it, which made me feel full.

I curled up on the sofa and flipped through the post yesterday about keeping long hair. Many people in the comments gave very good advice, but who knew that in just one night, I fell out of love.

Life, ah, is really impermanent.

I put down my phone and let out a long sigh. Just then, there was a loud noise outside the window, as if something fell down.

I grabbed the phone and ran outside to take a look. Grandpa's pole for drying salted fish fell to the ground, and a delicate-looking Sanhua little female cat was holding a fish in her mouth, posing as if she was about to run away. I narrowed my eyes.

I don't move, it doesn't move either.

It looks really interesting. I silently raised my phone and took several beautiful photos of it.

While opening the photo album to check the shooting results, the brake sound of the electric motorcycle sounded outside the courtyard, and after a while, the grandpa pushed his little turtle king in.

When I first arrived on the island, my grandpa said to pick me up. I thought he was taking a bus to pick me up at the ferry terminal. I didn't expect to get off the boat and saw an angry pink electric motorcycle parked in front of me.

"Come up." Grandpa cocked his thumb back.

If it wasn't for the fact that he didn't change, and he was still the little old man who liked to wear floral shirts and big pants, I wouldn't dare to recognize him.

A Gong's electric car is flying high, and his driving skills are very wild. I held a salute with one hand, and tightly restrained his waist with the other, my face was slapped by the scorching sea breeze of Qingmeiyu in the afternoon, and I couldn't keep my eyes open.

"Grandpa, why did you buy a pink car?" I roared loudly in his ear while eating the wind.

"Ah? The car? The car was given to me by your aunt. There is no problem at all, the color is very positive, and it is very easy to drive." Grandpa said, "It's just that the name is not very pleasant, what is it called 'Little Turtle King'."

When A Ping rides the little turtle king to the market to buy vegetables, or to do errands around the island, he occasionally rides it to see his aunt.

As a mount, the Little Turtle King is indeed very convenient, but for an elderly person of Grandpa's age, I am worried that riding such an electric motorcycle will be dangerous. I asked him to wear a helmet while driving, even if no one was there. He said yes, and turned his head back.

"Yeah, dead cat, steal my fish again!" Grandpa saw that the little cat was holding his salted fish, old and new hatred flooded into his heart, and he hurriedly shoveled the pink little turtle king to chase the cat.

But people have four legs, how can Grandpa, a two-legged beast, catch up, jump over the fence with ease, Grandpa can only go crazy across the fence.

"Thief, you thief cat! Steal fish every day, habitually steal!" He scolded while jumping.

"Forget it, Grandpa, I can't catch up." I picked up the bamboo pole with salted fish strung on the ground and put it back on the shelf again.

Grandpa stomped his feet, and turned around angrily to get the newly bought vegetables from the little turtle king.

I took some for him, and the two of them entered the door together.

Put the ingredients that need to be refrigerated into the refrigerator, and when the door is closed, I just see Grandpa walking out with a bowl of water.

He went out all the way, came back soon, met my suspicious eyes, and explained to me wanderingly: "That salted fish is so salty, if it eats it all, the dead cat will definitely be thirsty and look for water everywhere, I will give it to it. Pour some cold water, let it... let it drink and have diarrhea!"


Well, I know you are hard-mouthed and soft-hearted, so don't force it to explain.

At noon, Grandpa made two simple dishes, one meat and one vegetarian, with a bowl of white rice.

After dinner, I cleared the table, put the tableware in the sink, poured the dishwashing liquid and started washing the dishes.

"Mian Mian, are you feeling better?" Grandpa stood aside and asked while picking his teeth.

I stopped washing the dishes, picked it up again after a while, nodded and said, "Well, much better."

"Don't force it. If you still feel uncomfortable, Grandpa will ask you for a leave from the next door."

I was stunned: "Ask for leave?"

Grandpa didn't hear what I said, so he put his ear close: "Ah? What?"

I raise my voice: "You're giving me time off?"

He heard it clearly this time, nodded and said, "Yeah, when I saw you didn't get up at the time in the morning, I wondered if you were not feeling well, so I asked for leave for you and Ah Shan."

So, it was Grandpa who asked me for leave, not Yankongshan who was angry with me and didn't want me

Happiness came so suddenly, I didn't expect it. Huge joy filled my heart and I had nowhere to do it. I ignored the foam on my hands, jumped around and put my arms around Grandpa's neck, and said loudly in his ear: "Thank you Grandpa! I love you the most!"

Grandpa was caught off guard by my numbness, and he could not help but pat me on the back with a smile: "Grandpa loves you too, Grandpa loves you too!"

Knowing that everything was a misunderstanding, my frustration was swept away, and my fighting spirit rekindled. After washing the dishes quickly, I borrowed my grandpa's little turtle king and rode a pink car all the way to the Weather Bookstore.

In the afternoon, the sun on the island was blazing, and everyone was eager to find a place to escape the summer heat, so there were more people in the shops on the street.

When I pushed the door into the bookstore, Wen Ying was so busy checking out customers that he didn't even notice me.

I glanced at the first floor, but I didn't see anyone in Yankong Mountain, so I ran to the cashier and greeted Wen Ying.

"Yu Mian, didn't you ask for leave today, why are you here again?" He looked at me in surprise, "Are you healthy?"

I scratched my nose: "Okay, it's not a big problem, maybe it's just some... heatstroke."

I asked him to work first and went into the lounge to change his clothes.

I put on my waist and was about to close the locker when someone came in outside.

Wen Ying is busy outside at the moment, there are only three people in the store, not him, there is only one possibility...

I clenched my fingers, holding the cabinet door a little bewildered.

Just go out like this? See what? Say hello to him, when nothing happened

I was hesitant here, and Yankong Mountain was getting closer and closer.

At the end of the cabinet, a long black shadow appeared on the ground. I swallowed and slowly closed the cabinet door. The next second, a tall man appeared in the corner.

When he saw me, his expression didn't change. He just glanced at me and went to open his cabinet door.

so cool...

I glanced at the mood value on the top of his head, the color didn't change, and the value didn't drop, so he probably wasn't angry with yesterday.

I secretly breathed a sigh of relief and heard him say, "I thought you would never come again."

He took out the cell phone in the cabinet and read the message on it without looking up at me.

I put my confused hands into the two small pockets around my waist, stared at the ground and said, "You said you couldn't ask for leave."

He didn't make a sound, turned around and closed the cabinet door, and walked away gradually.

I looked up, not knowing what he meant.

What's the matter, are you leaving after a few words? Are you still arguing with me

I thought Yankongshan had gone out, pouted, and walked in the same direction. He came to the corner without thinking, and almost collided with him who went back and forth.

"Be careful." He grabbed my arm and stopped me from falling.

The warehouse and rest area are not equipped with air conditioners, so I usually rely on a floor fan to cool off the heat. However, because the cold air from the outside will squeeze in through the cracks in the door, it will not be too hot, even if you carry heavy objects such as books, you will sweat a little.

Strangely, I didn't move books or do any strenuous exercise at the moment, but I felt sweaty on my back. From the moment Yankongshan grabbed my arm, the blood in my whole body seemed to rush to my face and neck, itchy and hot.

"Thank you." I lowered my face and pushed it away, trying to cool myself down.

Yan Kongshan withdrew his hand and did not say anything further, so he quietly stood in front of me, not speaking or letting go.

This is weird.

I couldn't help but look up at him, and he just looked down at me. When I met his eyes, I didn't dare to look at him, I quickly lowered my eyes again, my heart was beating so fast, and I was very nervous.

Why doesn't he speak? Is it... Are you thinking about how to fire me and embarrassed to speak

Can't you? Our two families are neighbors anyway. Even if he doesn't buy my face, he should buy Grandpa's face.

I haven't done anything yet, not so much...

As I was thinking about it, a big hand handed it to me. At the same time, it was handed a small round apple. The color was yellow and red, and the handle was long. At first glance, it looked like a big cherry, very cute.

"Yesterday I was in a bad mood, and my words were a little heavy." Yan Kongshan finally spoke, but what he said was very different from what I imagined, "Don't take it to heart."

I looked at Apple and then at him again, uncertain: "...for me?"

Is this... an apology for me

"Don't you?" His voice was rustling, with a smile.

I saw that he was about to take it, and I didn't care whether he was joking or not, grabbing the apple and holding his hands firmly in front of him.

"I want... I want it!"

He laughed softly, put his big hand on my head, rubbed it twice, and messed up my hair.

"If you are not feeling well, go back as soon as possible, don't be too reluctant."

I tugged at the upturned hair on my head and said with a guilty conscience, "It's alright, don't worry."

They are so real, how can I have the heart to tell them that they didn't get up this morning because the alarm didn't wake me up

Yankongshan seemed to find it interesting to mess with my hair. I pressed it down and he rubbed it up again. I frowned and stared at him with some dissatisfaction. The mood above his head was even higher, which instantly made me wonder if he had any bad tastes.

"You..." Can you stop kneading

If you rub it again, not only will your hair curl up, but other places will also curl up! Hey!

I just said a word when the phone in Yankongshan's pocket suddenly rang. He retracted his hand, took out his mobile phone and glanced at it, his brows suddenly wrinkled, his mood plummeted by twenty points. If this is a stock, the person who buys it is estimated to have a heart attack.

He picked up the phone and hurried to the corner.

"Auntie..." When I passed by me, I heard a very excited female voice on the other end of the phone, talking a lot in one breath, the top of Yankong Mountain turned red impatiently, but her tone was still restrained, "Qiuqiu doesn't need him Don't tell him about us anymore. Think about my sister, she won't be happy to have anything to do with Ding Baizhou anymore."

When people were talking on the phone, I couldn't listen to them, so I ran to the dining area with an apple in my arms and nibbled slowly.

I have a vague hunch that this call should be related to the man in sunglasses who appeared yesterday.

Last night, I was dazed and seemed to see a man with sunglasses appearing at the door of Yankongshan's house. The two had a fierce argument, and Yankongshan almost called the police.

No matter the reason, it's too perverted to run to people's door in the middle of the night, right? Then I think that the place where the man with sunglasses appeared for the first time was Yan Wanqiu's kindergarten... This guy, shouldn't he be a pedophile

My brows knit together, the more I think about it, the more I think it's possible. It's about Yan Wanqiu, but it's understandable why Yankongshan is so repulsive to others.

Since the phone call, Yankongshan has been frowning all afternoon, and his mood has never been high. Even the girls who liked to talk to him in the past were frightened by his bad face and turned to me.

At five o'clock, turn off the lights and lock the door.

Wen Ying took the bus frequently, said goodbye to us at the door, and walked directly to the bus stop not far away. Yankongshan and I detoured to a secluded path beside the bookstore. His car was parked on the sidewalk and mine was parked on the sidewalk.

"Then I'll go first."

Today, I rode my own bike, so it's not easy to ride with him. It's a little regretful to think about it.

"It's quite suitable for you." Yan Kongshan stood beside the car, holding the door with his hand, showing his first smile since this afternoon.

My heart beat out of order when he laughed, my hands shook, I twisted the accelerator, and I almost flew out of the car.

Yankongshan didn't laugh anymore, frowned and told me to be careful.

I nodded obediently, my heartbeat was still fast, and I didn't know if it was because of the fright just now, or because of Yankongshan's lingering smile.

Riding an electric motorbike and passing through the seven and eight vertical roads on the island, the air is full of the strong aroma of rice wafting from every household.

The sun has not yet set, the wind has taken off the coat of flame, and the setting sun shines on everything, turning into orange-flavored candies.

[Xiaohua came to steal the fish again today, if it continues like this, it will be bald sooner or later. 】

Netizen A: It's so fat, and the food must be very good at ordinary times. Hahahaha~

Netizen B: Take a closer look, it seems to be pregnant!

Netizen C: Really, my limbs are thin and my stomach is big. Congratulations to PO Master, you are going to be a father!