Green Tea Villainess Fails

Chapter 113: Extra Heaven pays good fortune


Suddenly said not to see each other again, and suddenly appeared again, the result is not to draw a line in love, but to fall in love with her? Tao Zi felt that Zuo Yuan was acting like a joke, and as expected, she refused.

The idea of falling in love for the first time hit a wall, and Zuo Yuan couldn't think of a reason for Tao Zi to reject him even if he broke his head. Doesn't Tao Zi like good-looking people the most? Does he not look good

In the past, Tao Zi took the initiative to ask the left edge to come out to eat, but this time the position was changed, and the left edge took the initiative to ask Tao Zi.

But there was no reply for three days after the message was sent out, and Zuo Yuan gradually realized that something was wrong. He changed his number and sent a message to Tao Zi, and saw Tao Zi's reply: Excuse me, who are you

According to the analysis of enthusiastic netizens, he should have been blocked.

Zuo Yuan has never been ignored like this. He was angry at first, thinking that Tao Zi would not accept him and he would simply give up. Anyway, he himself denied that he would have a future with Tao Zi.

But he couldn't do it, Tao Zi's face kept popping up in his mind over and over again. From laughing at the beginning to avoiding it later, he didn't want that.

Then Zuo Yuan frequently 'coincidentally' with Tao Zi. Tao Zi is a face control after all.


To be able to look at handsome guys openly and aboveboard, this temptation is too big for Tao Zi.

But the face looks good and the face looks good, the left edge is too sticky.

Only after Tao Zi really got together with Zuo Yuan did he realize that this person was completely different from what he had shown before. Not him, but her.

If you don't send flowers on the anniversary, you will get angry. If it weren't for that good skin, Tao Zi would want to beat Zuo Yuan.

On this day, the familiar scene was repeated.

"Today is the 233rd anniversary of our relationship." Zuo Yuan began to hint as soon as he entered the door.

Tao Zi was already prepared, she took out a small daisy from the green belt in her pocket and brought it to the left edge.

"Flowers for you."

Zuo Yuan immediately showed a smile when he saw the flower. He took the flower and asked, "Do you want to go out for dinner at night? Let's celebrate."

Not only Zuoyuan exposed her nature after falling in love, but Tao Zi also did the same. She showed the side of her dead house, paralyzed on the sofa and turned on the TV, "No, I'm too lazy to change my clothes, the show of my idol is going to be broadcast tonight, there is no high-definition resources on the first day of online playback, I don't want to wait. ."

"Then what do you have for dinner?" Zuo Yuan asked.

Tao Zi took out her mobile phone and swiped her phone while waiting for the show to start. She said lazily, "Eat instant noodles? Order takeout? Anyway, just eat whatever you want."

"Those are unhealthy. I go to the kitchen to cook, what do I want to eat?" Zuo Yuan said while rolling up his sleeves.

Tao Zi was playing with her phone, but she didn't understand what Zuo Yuan said, she answered vaguely.

Zuo Yuan didn't care either, he went straight into the kitchen and started to wash his hands and cook.

Zuoyuan can not only cook, but also sew, make up, and match, and is much more delicate than ordinary men.

In contrast, Tao Zi is much rougher, cooking? Sorry, only instant noodles for takeaway. dress up? Just don't dress ugly. make up? Just put on a lipstick.

When the two went out on a date, Zuo Yuan dressed Tao Zi like a doll and led them out.

As for why Zuoyuan has so many skills, this is due to Du Yundong, the left mother who wants her daughter to be enchanted.

An hour later, a tantalizing aroma came from the kitchen.

Tao Zi shrugged her nose and her stomach began to growl, but the show had already started, and before it entered the commercials, Tao Zi couldn't bear to look away.

"The meal is ready, come and eat." Zuo Yuan brought the dish to the table.

Tao Zi replied: "Wait a minute, I haven't entered the commercial yet, I'll talk about it after I finish reading this paragraph first."

This kind of scene has been staged many times, and the left edge is used to it. He quickly ate his fill, then filled a bowl of rice, put Tao Zi's favorite dishes on it, and sat on the sofa to feed Tao Zi.

Tao Zi opened his mouth and bit the spoon. After chewing, he said flatteringly, "Yuanyuan, you are so kind, I want to eat beef."

"Okay." The left edge picked up a piece of beef and put it on the spoon and brought it to Tao Zi's mouth.

After taking care of the person, Zuo Rian left with confidence. The small flower that looked inconspicuous was carefully inserted into the chest pocket by Zuo Rim. >

r /> When he was about to fall asleep, the left edge placed the little flower by the pillow, and he fell asleep with the light fragrance.


Zuo Yuan had already confessed the matter of using Tao Zi at the beginning. Zuo Yuan was worried that Tao Zi would be angry with him because of this, but after understanding the cause and effect, Tao Zi just hummed lightly, indicating that he knew.

Tao Zi didn't like to think so much. She felt that they weren't together at that time, and they were not familiar with each other, so it didn't matter.

But Zuo Yuan only said this, not his identity. I didn't say it at first, and then I wanted to say it and never found the right opportunity.

Moreover, Zuo Yuan is always worried that once he reveals his true identity, Tao Zi will break up with him because he thinks he is not ordinary enough. Although this idea sounds absurd, Zuo Yuan is afraid.

People in love will always worry about things that are completely unnecessary in the eyes of outsiders, and can't stop.

Zuo Yuan thought that when their relationship became stronger, he would explain his identity, so Tao Zi would be reluctant to break up with him.

When Tao Zi blocked Zuo Yuan, he couldn't eat or sleep well every day, and he also lied to himself that he would forget about the other party after a long time.

There are not so many inexplicable feelings, maybe some things are doomed when they first meet.

Thinking back carefully, he was actually moved when we first met.

The girl's bright eyes, sweet voice, and pure smile. It was the first time we met, but I was eager to 'enlighten'


In fact, Zuo Yuan also knew that Tao Zi had taken a fancy to his face. Tao Zi's eyes were always open when talking to him, and that kind of appreciation and love was never hidden.

But that's all, Tao Zi looked at his face as if he were looking at some amazing artwork.

Zuo Yuan doesn't like others to look at him with eyes with a certain purpose, but many people approach him with impure purposes from the very beginning. There are very few people like Tao Zi who simply like his face, and have no other ideas except liking.

This is why Zuo Yuan would choose to get close to Tao Zi and force the Yao family to retreat. Zuo Yuan believed that Tao Zi was the kind of person who would not force her even if she liked it.

And if he took the initiative to say not to meet again, Tao Zi would probably do the same.

He had a good idea, but when it happened, the unbalanced person became him.

He pretended to be affectionate and thought that Tao Zi liked him a little bit in his heart, but they didn't hesitate to block him, they really didn't come to him, and they had to keep a distance when they met.

Tao Zi really only likes his face, without him, she can still find another one.


Time has passed, Zuo Yuan and Tao Zi have been together for almost two years. But whether Zuo Yuan proposed to Tao Zi before exposing his identity, or proposed to Tao Zi after exposing his identity, all he got was an answer of rejection.

Zuo Yuan never came up with the reason why Tao Zi rejected him. Before, Tao Zi really only loved his face, but now he is sure that Tao Zi also loves him.

But many marriage proposals were rejected, and Zuo Yuan became a little uncertain. Maybe he was being affectionate again

Sometimes Zuo Yuan wanted to personally ask Tao Zi if she was playing with his feelings. He is like an innocent girl with no sense of security, eager to gain a sense of security from Tao Zi.

From experience, he is indeed a little too tender compared to Tao Zi. He looks shrewd and sophisticated in the eyes of outsiders, but it is the first time to fall in love.

Although Tao Zi can't be said to be experienced, at least he is stronger than him. Moreover, if Tao Zi doesn't like it, she can abandon it mercilessly, and the unsuccessful marriage proposal makes Zuo Yuan feel very insecure.

Just the night before Zuo Yuan decided to have a good chat with Tao Zi and asked her why she didn't accept his proposal, he received a call from his secretary.

A man walks in an empty hallway, with no lights and no one.

Suddenly the lights came on, and a group of people appeared in front of him.

He heard Tao Zi holding a bunch of 'flowers' and saying to him, "Zuo Yuan, let's get married."

All the loss turned out to be just for this moment, he smiled and agreed to Tao Zi's marriage proposal.

The author has something to say: ○I really can't write anymore, I feel that this chapter is a little rushed, QAQ.

○The next chapter of the wedding:,,,859821378