Green Tea Villainess Fails

Chapter 24


The grass looks sparse, not very tall, and it doesn't look like it can hide a child.

If it were someone else who heard this voice, I would have been frightened long ago, but the monks on the left have seen many strange little monsters and mobs, so not only are they not afraid, but they are also very curious.

'555, you just heard the sound. '

[5555555 I didn't hear it, it's so scary, how can there be a child's voice, can't it be a ghost?]

'555, aren't you detached from the human system? Are you still afraid of ghosts? '

Facing the doubts on the left, 555 chose to deny it.

[what? Will my 555 be afraid of ghosts? Host, don't talk nonsense, okay?]

At this time, the left side had reached the grass, and she squatted down, seeing that her hand was about to touch the grass.

555 was scared and wanted to block the line of sight, but the shielding was not something it could block if it wanted to. It could only follow the left side to face the next thing in the grass.

'Don't be afraid, I will protect you. '

[I, I'm really not afraid~] 555 speaks with wavy lines, and is completely supporting.

"42, 43, 44, 45..."

The sound in the grass continued to ring, and it didn't mean to stop.

The left side boldly lifted the grass, revealing the gadget that made the sound.

Hiding in the grass and counting is actually a small green alarm clock in the shape of a frog. The small alarm clock is round like a ball.

555 was relieved when he saw that it was an alarm clock. It turned out to be an alarm clock. He thought it was something strange.

Holding this small green alarm clock in both hands on the left, I read it over and over again. It just looks like an alarm clock, but in fact there are no hour, minute and second hands at all. On the left, he poked the little white face of the small alarm clock with his finger, and it was still elastic.

When the small alarm clock was poked on the left, the counting sound trembled, but the next moment it returned to normal, as if the fluctuation just now was just an illusion on the left.

The left side quietly listened to the sound of the small alarm clock, and kept listening to the small alarm clock counting to 99.

"98, 99, 1, 2, 3, 4..."

"It's counting again, what a strange clock. Isn't this a clock, but a repeater?" The left side pinched the little alarm clock's face again.

"You are the repeater! 23, 24, 25..."

The left side looked at the small alarm clock in amazement, "Wow, he can actually speak."

The little frog puffed out his cheek and pressed his left finger, "31, 32, nonsense, this uncle is called the little frog, do you want to be the 100th?"

"The hundredth?" The left wondered.

"This uncle can eat people quack! I've already eaten 99 quacks, quack quack quack quack!" When the little frog spoke, his cheeks were bulging, accompanied by a soft childish voice, he looked very cute.

The eyes on the left looking at the little frog were bright, just like looking at the little dumpling doll that Qin Ai gave her.

"You're so cute, do you have a master? If not, I'll pick you up."

"Cuck! Of course I have a master! Although my master left me here, I know she will definitely come back to pick me up!"

The left side looked at the little frog sympathetically, and gently touched the little frog's head, "It's so pitiful, it seems that I was abandoned by the master, then I'll take you home."

[Do you really want to bring it home, host? It doesn't seem to have a bad temper at all, and it's quite noisy.]

In fact, 555 is afraid of shaking his position in the left heart, because this little frog looks so cute, it is about to be moved.

"555 You can't be prejudiced against others, the little frog looks very cute." The little frog was put into his arms on the left.

The irritable little frog is miraculously quiet. It has lived for thousands of years and has never been hugged like this.

In the afternoon, because of filming, the left side can only temporarily put the little frog in the bag. In the evening, the left side returned to the hotel room and immediately released the little frog.

The little frog croaked and counted while rolling on the table. 555 saw that the little frog could have a body and was very greedy.

"555 You were able to hack the phone before, so try to see if you can hack the little dumpling." The left side hugged the little dumpling that Qin Ai had given him in his arms.

555 exerted some force, and the little dumpling actually stood up.

"I have a body! Oooooooo!" 555 walked clumsily on the bed, but unfortunately he didn't quite get used to his new body and fell several times.

On the left, he stuffed the little frog on the table into 555's arms, which was attached to Xiao Tuanzi's body, and instructed: "555, don't bully the little frog, I'm going to chat with Qin Ai."

555 wanted to pat on the chest as a guarantee, but its small hands were soft and short, and it didn't look domineering at all when it started to pat on the chest.

"Don't worry, I'm 555 very mature and will take good care of children."

"Mmmm." The left side rubbed 555's white soft round head like a reward.

She took out her mobile phone on the left, lay on the bed and opened a dialog with Qin Ai. She looked around in the emoji package and sent a long grass dumpling that popped out of a small gift box.

Left: Your little cutie wants to see you.

After waiting for two minutes, Qin Ai didn't wait for her left to reply, her raised feet fell on the bed.

Just when the left was about to get up and find a drink, a pop-up window suddenly appeared on the phone. I stared at the phone screen on the left for a while, and found that it was a video invitation from Qin Ai.

The foot on the left that just drooped immediately swayed up again, almost kicking 555 and the little frog in the 'dry frame'.

After clicking Accept, a picture of Qin Ai's side appeared on the screen of the mobile phone. Qin Ai seemed to be in a study, and there was a whole wall of books on Qin Ai's left hand.

"I really saw you." When the left side saw Qin Ai's face, a smile appeared unconsciously.

Qin Ai smiled a little more when she saw the smile on the left, "Because you said you wanted to see me."

"I forgot to ask yesterday, Qin Ai, how did you fall with Hu Miaofu?"

Qin Ai said, "she recognized me as you."

"Ah?" The left side didn't realize the meaning of Qin Ai's words for a while, so he thought about it and asked, "Why? I remember that Hu Miaofu and I didn't say a few words."

"People's hatred always comes so easily. Excellent is also the reason why you will be hated. But you won't see her soon." Qin Ai's expression didn't change much when she said this, as if she was talking about today's weather is good.

Blinking her eyes on the left, she lowered her voice and asked, "Are you going to kill her? It's unnecessary."

Qin Ai smiled suddenly, with a bit of helplessness in her eyes, "I'm not a member of the underworld, I just asked her to be removed from your crew and will no longer participate in the show."

"Oh, then I'm relieved."

"There seems to be someone else over there." Qin Ai frowned.

The left subconsciously glanced at the little frog and 555 who 'scuffled' together, and said, "It's two lovely children."

"You're a big idiot! Stupid idiot!"

"You're an idiot, little idiot, let you know how good I am when I don't spank you!"

The little frog is a childish voice. 555 has a milky voice when he has a body. The confrontation between it and the little frog is not a primary school chicken confrontation. It is basically a quarrel between kindergarten children.

Qin Ai on the other end of the phone clearly heard this childish scolding, and a smile overflowed her lips: "It turned out to be a child."

The left side didn't even realize that Qin Ai was just jealous, and Qin Ai's jealousy had already dissipated.

"Qin Ai, I seem to have asked for too many days off recently, and the crew doesn't know when to go on vacation. I still don't know when I'll hear you play the piano for me." The left side muttered, his expression a bit small. lost.

Qin Ai said: "You can listen now."

"Really?" The left eye lit up.

"Well, wait a minute."

Watching the camera move on the left, the picture falls from the heavy carved wooden door.

Qin Ai stretched out a hand to open the door, and a pitiful ball rolled into the study.

Staring at the screen of the mobile phone on the left, he finally saw that it was not a ball, but Qin Tian.

Qin Tian slowly got up from the ground, he snapped like a small rice cake and stuck to Qin Ai's lap, "Sister, why don't you take me with you and my sister on the left? I also want to call my sister on the left. ."

"Xiaotian? Why are you squatting at the door?"

Qin Tian would even pretend to be pitiful when he heard the voice on the left. He wiped the saliva that had just been applied to his face, and cried and said, "Sister kicked me out, sister on the left, tell her, how can you be right? Why is your lovely brother so cruel?"

Qin Ai bent down and touched Qin Tian's head very 'gently', "Xiao Tian is so cute, how could my sister be so cruel to you? Come along and hold my phone for me."

"Mmmm!" Qin Tian immediately broke into a smile. He took the mobile phone from Qin Ai's hand and followed Qin Ai's ass into the piano room next door.

Although Qin Ai has rarely entered this room since seven years ago, the room is still cleaned every day, and the piano is maintained as before.

Qin Ai sat down in front of the piano, Qin Tian held the mobile phone in Qin Ai's direction, got up from the bed on the left, and deliberately sat up to watch Qin Ai play the piano.

The bright light fell on Qin Ai's body from top to bottom, and the long and thick eyelashes cast a shadow on the cold white skin, covering the emotion in Qin Ai's eyes.

But the left side can still feel what Qin Ai is missing.

The slender, jade-like fingers were placed on the black and white piano keys, and it took a long time to slowly press them down, making the first sound.

It's the familiar tone on the left, simple and cheerful, which doesn't match Qin Ai's indifferent and arrogant image at all.

That's right, this is "Little Star" that Qin Ai once sang on the left.

Under Qin Ai's fingertips, this very simple nursery rhyme took on a different color. It was cheerful and bright, and every sound seemed to hit the left atrium.

"It's so nice." The eyes on the left are yearning, and he also wants to be able to play music easily with a musical instrument like Qin Ai.

Next, I heard Qin Ai play several songs on the left. Qin Ai seemed to be immersed in the process of playing, and it was late at night.

"It's time for you to sleep, the last sleep song, I wish you a good dream." Qin Ai's expression softened a little when she touched the piano, with a tenderness that seemed to not appear on her face.

The left side fell asleep with the sound of the piano pouring like water. 555 and the little frog had long stopped tossing, and they slept next to the head on the left side and fell asleep together.

Qin Tian, who was holding the phone, also leaned his head onto the table little by little, Qin Ai closed the key cover, and she carried Qin Tian back to the room.

In the past night, although everything was quiet, her heart was not quiet.

Tonight, she can feel that her heart is quiet. Qin Ai smiled and turned off the light. Net, net, everyone remember to collect or keep in mind, . Error chapter. Ask for books to find books. Chat with book friends: