Green Tea Villainess Fails

Chapter 55


Qin Ai was still very cute when she was a child, of course she was just cute in appearance, but in fact she was the king of children among the children, the one who was always sought after.

Although Qin's mother always puts Qin Ai in a beautiful princess dress and delicate hairpins, other children will tremble all over with just one look from Qin Ai.

From Qin's mother's mouth, the left side learned that Qin Ai, Chang Wensi, Chang Wenyan, Lu Letian, Lin Qingqing and others all grew up together.

Among them, Chang Wenyan and Lin Qingqing are followers of Qin Ai. The one on the left really didn't expect that Chang Wenyan was a little crying bag who would cry when someone said a few words aloud when he was a child, but now Qin Ai, who is calm and mature, turned out to be a little devil in the world .

[Hey, hey, host, why can't you see this. Qin Ai is a big devil now, but it was normal to be a little devil when he was a child!]

[Demon King quack? Does this world have magic? ]

[Demon King is just an adjective, it refers to a person whose character is very domineering and unreasonable, fierce and frightening, not a real devil.]555 also seriously gave the little frog science.

[Quack, it turned out to be such a quack. ]

'Qin Ai was so cute when she was a child. '

[No help, this host has completely fallen.]555 Lie flat.

On the left, mother Qin and Qin Tian read the photo album, and on the left saw Qin Ai's father and grandfather.

Tian Yumeng also didn't hide from the left, saying that Qin Ai's father and grandfather died in a car accident, and Qin Ai's life was difficult after that. Qin Ai carried everything by himself.

In fact, there is nothing to hide. If you want to know, you will know it by inquiring. If you don't have any luck, you can check the new articles of the year yourself, and you can piece together the past.

The left side had also heard about the Qin family from her mother before, but this time she heard Qin Ai's mother again, and she still felt sorry for Qin Ai.

"I want to see her a little bit." Looking at a photo of Qin Ai on the left, he said.

Tian Yumeng smiled and said, "If you want her, give her a call, maybe she is waiting for you to contact her."

"Well." The left took out his mobile phone and sent a message to Qin Ai, asking if Qin Ai was inconvenient to answer the phone.

Qin Ai quickly replied to the left, saying that she was very convenient.

After thinking about it on the left, I made a video call.

After connecting, I saw Qin Ai's face on the left. Judging from the furnishings behind Qin Ai, Qin Ai is now in the lounge.

"Qin Ai, are you resting?"

Qin Ai nodded, "Well, take a break."

"I'm at your house now, and I just returned—" The left side originally wanted to say that he had just seen a photo of you when you were a child, but when he thought about it, he was directly exposed, so he swallowed the words abruptly.

"Sister and sister! I'm here!" Qin Tian squeezed into the camera and greeted Qin Ai very enthusiastically.

Turning the camera on the left, the camera fell on Tian Yumeng.

Tian Yumeng greeted Qin Ai on her mobile phone, "Xiao Ai, when will you take a vacation for yourself?"

Qin Ai said, "Mom, I'll be next week."

Seeing what Tian Yumeng wanted to say, Qin Ai added, "Have a half-month break."

Hearing Qin Ai's words, Tian Yumeng's brows came down, "Well."

After Qin Ai and Tian Yumeng finished talking, Qin Ai earned her mobile phone again, chatted with Qin Ai on the left, and after ten minutes of chatting, the intercom call outside the lounge rang.

"It seems that there are still some things to deal with." Qin Ai said.

"Qin Ai, go do your work first, and we'll contact you at night."

"Well." Qin Ai then hung up the phone.

Looking at the phone screen on the left, the corner of the raised mouth did not fall back.

"Sister Zuo, let's go play games. I also collect a lot of games that my sister played before, but they are a little difficult. I have never broken my sister's record." .

The words Qin Ai played games before pierced the heart on the left side. She likes to play games, but she is not addicted to them. She plays them whenever she has time. But if this game was played by Qin Ai before, the left side couldn't wait to try it.

Qin Tian took the left to the game room, which turned out to be Qin Ai's game room, but Qin Ai has never entered this game room since his father and grandfather died.

Qin Ai in high school seemed to like rock and roll, but in fact, Qin Ai at that time preferred the piano, and once wanted to study at a music university. But there are always too many accidents in life. The departure of the pillar of the family made Qin Ai have to grow up quickly, and also gave up the things she used to love to become what she is now.

Although Qin Ai no longer uses this game room, there are still many Qin Ai things in it.

Pianist wallpaper on the wall, CDs on the shelf, and several sets of vintage comics and games.

In the box in the corner were the gamepads and game consoles that Qin Ai had used, and they can still be used today.

Qin Tian took out those sets of games, "It's just these games, I can't break my sister's record no matter what. Zuo sister, you are so good at playing games, you can definitely break your sister's record!"

"I'll look at the rules first."

"Mmmm." Qin Tian loaded the game into the console, and then tucked the handle to the left.

Of course, the handle Qin Tian gave to the left was a new one, not the one Qin Ai had used before.

Although the one Qin Ai used before is still usable, it has not kept up with the times.

I studied the gameplay on the left, and I quickly got started.

Because it was just starting to play, the left side hadn't caught the trick yet, and it didn't break Qin Ai's record for the first time. But after gaining experience, the left has caught up with Qin Ai's record for the second time. Qin Tian clenched his fists excitedly, "Sister Zuo, you are amazing! No matter how many times I tried, I played before. We can only stick to the twenty-eighth floor."

Now that the left side has reached the 99th floor, after 99, even if it is completely cleared.

The corner of his lips was pursed on the left, and he was concentrating on controlling the handle.

The villain she controlled passed the final trap and jumped into the exit. The sound of dong dong dong sounded, and fireworks exploded on the screen.

"Wow! Completely cleared! Sister Zuo, try this style again!"

Playing the game Qin Ai once played, the picture of a girl sitting here playing a game appeared in the left mind.

The left side played with Qin Tian all day. Qin Tian wanted to learn the skills of playing games on the left side, but Qin Tian's hand speed couldn't keep up, and his overall vision and instinctive judgment were not as good as the left side.

Therefore, Qin Tian is still a rookie, and can only be led by the game god on the left.

It was getting dark, and the left side called Qin Ai. Qin Ai said that she would come back for dinner later, and the left side said yes and waited for her to come back.

After hanging up the phone, the left side seemed to be thinking of something, and couldn't help but smile.

[What are you laughing at, host?]

'I just suddenly felt that the conversation between Qin Ai and I just now felt like we had been married for many years. '

[You are not married yet, but thinking about it, it should not be far away. Alas, I still don't know when I'll be able to propose. At least 10,000 points should be earned for the betrothal gift, otherwise who would want to marry me.]

[555 The pressure is so great. ]

'Actually, I have a question, does your system have gender in 555? '

[Actually not.]

'Then how can you be sure that you are not marrying yourself? ' The left questioned sincerely.

Then 555 was silent for a moment, and then it said [Although I have no gender, I firmly believe that I am very aggressive.]

'Have it? '

[Have!]555 is like being stepped on the tail.

On the left side, she felt that 555 was blown up, and she immediately comforted: 'Okay, 555 is the most offensive. '

[But I think 555 sucks. ] The little frog already knew what was attacking and what was suffering when he was fooling around with 555.

[I don't want to hear you talk ah ah ah!]

The left side comforted 555 in his head while waiting for Qin Ai to come back.

The left has not forgotten to call his mother, saying that he is at Qin Ai's house and will not come back for dinner at night.

When Qin Ai came home, the Qin family's meal was ready, and the four of them sat at the table and ate dinner together.

Halfway through the meal, Qin Tian's small alarm clock rang suddenly, Qin Tian's eyes lit up, he immediately put down his chopsticks and ran to the TV.

"Sister Zuo's TV series will be broadcast tonight! I'm looking forward to it! Sister Zuo is so beautiful, she must be even more beautiful on TV!"

The time set for this alarm clock was just right, and when Qin Tian transferred to that station, "Rising Immortal" just started playing the opening song.

The opening song of "Rising Immortals" was specially made by music master Zhou Zhoulai, and the vocals were also top-notch singers. This opening song alone can reflect the sincerity of the crew and make people look forward to the content of this drama.

After all, it is a TV series starring the baby daughter of the Zuo family. Even if it is just for her daughter to shoot and play, it must not be bad. The whole thing is arranged, and it must be the best!


At the same time, the Zuo family also turned on the TV. The parents and brother on the left are also looking forward to this TV series. Does it matter whether the TV series is good or not? They all came to see Xiaobian.

"Ascension to the Immortal" has attracted much attention since its launch. The previous day, the scandal between the heroine and the second female lead was flying all over the sky. Today, more people watch the show.

Many people came in to watch it out of curiosity, and some of them were fans who thought that as long as there was a beautiful lady, they could finish the whole drama just by looking at their faces.

But I didn't expect that the plot of the TV was actually not bad, and it attracted people unconsciously.

Qin Tian held the bowl, the rice in the bowl was cold, and his eyes stared straight at the TV.

Qin Ai bent her fingers and tapped Qin Tian's forehead, "I am watching TV without eating?"

After being knocked by Qin Ai like this, Qin Tian came back to his senses. He gave two vague thanks, and watched TV while eating rice.

The one on the left was eating very fast today, and after eating, she began to watch TV seriously.

It's quite strange to watch the TV starring him by himself. The left side has an indescribable feeling in his heart, and seeing Qin Tian watching it so engrossed, he is completely immersed in the world of "Ascension to the Immortal", and the left side suddenly feels particularly accomplished sense.

"555, I think I may continue to film in the future. It feels really amazing to create a character and create a world. I like this feeling very much."

[If you like it, then do it boldly.]

The author has something to say: ○ Update early today, and if there are 50 comments, a chapter will be added at night

○Thank you for the two mines of the latte, thank you for drinking AD calcium, LY cute, Fei 0w0 zero, stupid fox is not stupid? mines, =3=. net, net,,... :