Greetings, Mister Principal

Chapter 106: Charlotte's discovery


The results of the qualification review have not yet come out, but a question from Charlotte made Reiner busy again.

This day is the third day that Helena and others have left. Reiner is reading the latest journal in his office.

The first paper in "Truth" is a paper on electromagnetic waves by the eighth-circle mage Sir Sally Newington and the seventh-circle mage Clark Holland. In this paper, they established four calculus equations to Describing electromagnetic waves almost explains the phenomenon of thunder and lightning that has troubled mages for many years.

At the same time, through the derivation of the equations, they found that the propagation speed of electromagnetic waves in the void is exactly the speed of light, which strongly proves that light is a kind of electromagnetic wave.

In the academic world, there are currently many discussions on the nature of light, but they have basically converged on two theories. One of them is that light is a wave. This argument can be confirmed from the diffraction and interference phenomena of light.

Another theory is that light is a particle. This is an idea inherited from ancient magic. At first, there was no theoretical proof of modern magic, but a year ago, Ludwig, the nine-ring mage of the Council of Storms. Mr. Stein discovered that when light is used to illuminate a metal sheet, a weak current will be generated. The size of this current has nothing to do with the intensity of the light, but is related to the type of light.

If light is a wave, then the greater the intensity of the light, the more energy it carries, and the greater the current excited when it shines on the metal sheet, but the experimental phenomenon is contrary to this.

The mages believed that light is actually a kind of particle, and different lights are different particles, so the current generated by irradiation on the metal sheet will be different.

The two factions argued endlessly and could not get an answer.

Reiner put down the journal and breathed a sigh of relief.

On the earth, light has both wave and particle properties, which means it is both light and particles. Reiner is not sure whether this is the case in this world. His current level is too low and he does not have the ability to conduct relevant experiments. , this question can only be put aside temporarily.

He was about to read the next paper when he heard a knock on the door. Charlotte walked in with a large stack of parchment, with some confusion on her face.

"Mr. Reiner, I have some problems here."

Charlotte said, unfolding the parchment in front of Reiner.

I thought it was about the mage card, but what appeared in front of Reiner was a series of calculations.

"When I was studying these elements, I measured their elemental masses according to conventional methods, but the results were different from those in the textbook."

Xia Luo explained that her silver hair hung down by her ears. Due to the hot weather, she tied her hair into a ponytail. She looked quite refreshing, especially her fair and slender neck, which attracted people's imagination.

Since he had previously promised to fund Charlotte's study of alchemy, Reiner gave her a lot of help, including opening an independent laboratory for her, which included several simple magic stone-driven arrays for measuring the quality of elements. Can be operated by apprentices.

In order to have a thorough understanding of the properties of each element, Xia Luo began to measure the mass of the elements, but she did not expect that she would run into trouble from the beginning.

Reiner did not speak. He first carefully read Xia Luo's experimental data and calculation process, then checked it himself, then put down his pen and spoke.

"Indeed, the relative elemental mass of the 'Berlen' element should be 10.91046, but according to the measurement results, it is 10.88931. The gap in between cannot be simply explained by experimental error."

You know, the recognized mass of elements is accurate to five decimal places. If the experimental difference is 0.01, it is already a world of difference.

"Are you sure you didn't make any major mistakes during the measurement process?"

Reiner confirmed that he was probably aware of such errors, but he still needed to rule out all other influences.

"No, I measured it using three methods. The errors are all within four to five decimal places, which is within the allowable range. However, it is basically one to three percent different from the data in the textbook."

Xia Luo said seriously that she initially thought there was a problem with her measurements, but after repeated calculations, this factor was eliminated. The elements she measured did have this problem.

"But the recognized mass of elements is also obtained through multiple measurements. Why does such a problem occur?"

Reiner asked rhetorically. He was not in a hurry to express his guess, but wanted to understand Xia Luo's thoughts.

"Well, I'm also thinking about this problem. First of all, the simplest explanation is that there is an error in one party's measurement, but this result is the lowest possible, because the latest relative element mass table was only released at the beginning of this year. In terms of measurement methods, Not too far behind.”

Xia Luo analyzed that it was obvious that these were things she had thought about before, so there was nothing wrong with them.

"The second explanation is that there are impurities in the measured elements. However, I used materials purchased by the college from the Magic Association. This problem generally does not occur. Moreover, I used the purification method after chemical reduction and obtained almost the same results. As a result, the possibility of impurities can basically be ruled out.”

After a pause, Xia Luo continued.

"There is another explanation, that is, these elements themselves have different relative elemental masses. This is the most incredible explanation. I just listed it for reference."

After listening to Xia Luo's words, Reiner nodded.

"Very good. It seems that you have thought about a lot of things independently."

He stood up, found a journal from the bookshelf, and opened it to one of the pages.

"This is the paper written by the legendary mage Lord Lanchester Stannion. He made some assumptions about the arrangement and distribution of elements. He believed that the elements should be sorted according to their quality and would show a certain periodicity."

This is the issue of Alchemy that published Lord Cornish Penzance's paper on electrolysis. When Reiner read this paper before, he was amazed by Lord Stanion's wisdom, especially the idea of the cycle. sex this.

However, the current element quality does not seem to be accurate. Sorting based on the existing element quality will inevitably lead to errors and omissions, and it is impossible to judge new elements. This is not a perfect solution.

"I think maybe the error in the relative element mass you measured is related to the laws of the elements."

Reiner said that Xia Luo relied entirely on herself and had touched the tail of the law of elements. If given time, her achievements in alchemy would be unimaginable.

"I'm going to prepare some things in the afternoon. Tomorrow morning, we will determine the relative element mass of 'Buren' again."