Greetings, Mister Principal

Chapter 107: Reiner's measurements


Early the next morning, in the laboratory located on the north side of the teaching tower, Reiner and Xia Luo had already started preparations for the experiment.

Reiner put a few standard magic stones into the magic circle that measures the relative element quality, and the lines that build the magic shimmered. This magic circle, made and encapsulated by the alchemy workshop of the Tower of Rainbow, can simply measure several common elements. Take measurements.

Mages first relied on alchemical reactions and analysis to determine the mass of elements. By reacting a certain mass of elements with other elements, and comparing and analyzing the masses of the compounds, they finally obtained the relative mass of the elements. This method required a lot of experimentation and precision. Measurement calculations.

Later, this method gradually evolved, and eventually, the academic community has now determined the relative elemental masses of most known elements and compounds based on one-twelfth of the mass of the Carbon element.

But this method also has an obvious problem, that is, it cannot distinguish between elemental elements and compounds.

For example, water, before the appearance of Lehner's electrolysis paper, was always considered to be a basic element. Its element mass is 18.02361. According to Lord Stannion's element mass ranking theory, it is located after the Carbon element and Magness. before the element.

However, Cornwall Penzance's electrolysis method discovered two new elements. Among them, the elemental mass of the Thordine element was 22.89867, which was smaller than the Magnes element, so they jumped into the middle.

Next, Reiner discovered that water is composed of two elements, and this order naturally changed.

After the water was electrolyzed, the mages quickly developed a measurement array based on Hydra and Oakles, with some slight changes in the relative element mass.

Mr. Stanion naturally realized that his theory had limitations. Not all known elements could find a place in his table, but he could not find a better way to improve it for the time being.

What is in front of Reiner at this moment are three arrays that use different benchmarks to measure the relative mass of elements. Through the combination of these arrays, a relatively accurate mass of elements can be obtained.

"Xia Luo, give me some of the Bolen elements. Use the bottle in the laboratory."

Reiner ordered that the method to measure the relative element mass is very simple, that is, put the element you want to measure into the activated array, and then you can get some values through extremely small reaction analysis, and then get the relative element mass.

This is very simple, but since activating the magic circle requires a level of magic power of a magician or three standard magic stones, apprentices generally cannot practice it.

Xia Luo took out a bottle of Bollon element. This element is extremely difficult to obtain. Most of the Bollon elements obtained from alchemical reactions contain impurities, so pure Bollon elements need to be preserved in magical vessels. The price It was expensive. Reiner let Charlotte use it for experiments at will, which can be said to be very generous.

After taking a little bit of the Boron element and putting it into the measurement circle, a faint light flickered, and bursts of magic power came from the circle. In the undetectable world, the Boron element was interacting with other substances in the circle. A reaction change occurred, and its subtle mass changes did not escape the monitoring of the intricate array. Soon, a series of numbers were output from the measurement array, and Reiner hurriedly recorded them.

"10.88927, compared with the 10.88931 you measured, Xia Luo, only has an error of five decimal places. It is basically reasonable, but..."

Reiner glanced at the open book next to him. The recognized relative element mass of the Bollen element was 10.91046, which was quite different from Reiner's result.

They repeated the experiment twice more, and then used two other measurement arrays to conduct measurements. The results obtained were closer to the initial data than to the official value.

Charlotte glanced at Reiner, hoping for an answer.

"Let's try again."

Reiner said, making Charlotte even more confused.

"The results obtained by repeating the experiment should only hover around this data. Do we have a problem in some link?"

"There is nothing wrong with the measurement method and process, and there is not much error in the quality of other elements you use these measurement arrays to test. So to rule out instrument failure, we can only think of it as a problem with the elements themselves."

Reiner said thoughtfully. He took out two small bottles with labels from his storage bag, which contained silver-gray powder.

"This is also a Bolen element, but I asked Mr. Osborne from Prest to help me purchase it yesterday. Charlotte, what do you think is the difference between these two Bollon elements?"

Reiner asked as he handed the bottle to Charlotte.

"Well... ... "

Charlotte carefully observed the Bolen element in it. The two bottles were filled with similar silver-gray powder. To be honest, one of them was slightly darker in color and the other had larger lumps.

"Sorry, Mr. Reiner, I don't see the specific difference."

Hearing Xia Luo's answer, Reiner smiled, placed it with the bottle in the laboratory, and then answered.

"It's the place of origin."

He turned the bottle and showed the label to Charlotte.

It can be found that the origin of the laboratory's Bollen element is the Sorenfes mine in the northern part of the Midland Federation, and the other two bottles, one comes from Bumi in the demiplane of Antohar, and the other comes from Gladia. The two demiplanes of the Philon Mine are located in different star fields, far apart, and also at a certain distance from the main plane.

When Reiner asked Mr. Osborne for help yesterday, the other party was very surprised and did not understand Reiner's intention. However, Mr. Osborne did not ask any more questions and sent someone over overnight to deliver Reiner's needs. It can be said that Very refreshing.

"If the place of origin is different, will the Burren elements be different?"

Xia Luo tilted her head and asked. In her opinion, elements are the most basic substances, and they are not fruits or animals. They will differ in different regions.

"I'm just experimenting with a hypothesis."

Reiner shook his head. He had not done any relevant experiments and could not confirm his idea.

"You said yesterday that maybe the elements themselves are different. Even if it is the same element, there will be different types, right?"

"But this is just a complete hypothesis. There is currently no experimental phenomenon that can prove this."

Xia Luo didn't quite believe what she said. That guess was just a joking supplement, but she didn't expect that Reiner would take it so seriously.

"So how about we control the variables now and use these three Bollen elements from different regions to verify this conjecture?"

Reiner said, taking out some Bolun elements from the two vials he brought and putting them into the measuring circle.

There was a flash of light and he quickly got a reading.

"The relative elemental mass of the Bollen element from the demiplane of Antohar is... 10.90596!"