Greetings, Mister Principal

Chapter 120: Rainy night


Fina was right, the downpour soon swept across the entire town of Sur.

There were no stars visible in the night, and a spark flashed among the thick, ink-like black clouds.

Everything was like a silent movie playing in slow motion, bright silver thunder and lightning shuttled above the clouds, like long snakes flying, suddenly lighting up the entire town.


After a short gap, the deafening thunder came belatedly.

Because it is located at the foot of the towering Sur Mountains and is surrounded by endless plain terrain, the thunder felt in Sur Town is even more intense, shaking people's hearts as if the earth is shaking, and the power of nature is clearly visible.

Heavy raindrops poured onto the grassland, and the howling wind blew by. The deep pastures under the night sky were like turbulent tides, tumbling and surging one after another, showing a shocking posture.

In the storm, the tower on the hill was crumbling like a candle in the wind.

Reiner was lying on the sofa, watching the raindrops hitting the window, but he couldn't sleep peacefully.

Dana's house didn't have a guest room, and his father's room was too messy, so he had no choice but to let Reiner sleep on the sofa in the living room. Reiner didn't care much about it. Although Dana offered to let him sleep in his own bed, Reiner couldn't help but let him sleep in his own bed. Still declined politely.

The patter of rain echoed in his ears, but in Reiner's mind was what he had seen and heard today.

In this picturesque field, there is actually a group of ignorant and ignorant people living in it. They hate magic, hate mages, and are unwilling to accept anything new. They repeat the original and ancient life for ten years, or even a hundred years.

According to Fina, even the hospital was forced to be built by the lords of this area. Sur Town is located on the edge of the kingdom, next to the desolate Sur Mountains. The annual tax revenue is very little, even for managing this area. The local nobles also ignored it. A mage once kindly installed a magic irrigation device for the fields here, but it was immediately dismantled by the townspeople and sold for money. The town still kept the money from the sale. Celebrated.

Later, in the second year, the town of Sur suffered a severe drought. Conventional irrigation methods could not meet the requirements of farmland and pasture, which directly caused most of the livestock in the town to die of thirst. They began to blame Fina's father for not stopping it at that time. Remove irrigation fixtures.

This resentment was even transferred to Fina. She still remembered that during that time, she didn't dare to go out at all, because as soon as the children in the town saw Fina, they would pull her into a corner and beat and kick her. To vent their anger, there were even older boys who wanted to plot something against Fina, but their parents found out and stopped the matter.

And Fina clearly heard that the reason why the parents of those children stopped the violence was not to protect Fina, but to say that having a relationship with a dirty thing like her would cause the body to fester and die, even if it was touched!

Thinking of this, Reiner felt sick to his stomach.

When he read novels in the past, he had seen some descriptions of ignorant and backward areas, but Reiner only thought that they were artistic fictions, and real humans would not be that stupid.

But now, in Fina's hometown, he finally saw how stupid humans can be.

Reiner didn't want to change all this, but at least he had to make his students feel at ease.

Among all the thoughts, sleepiness gradually came up and enveloped Reiner.

The rain was still falling, and Reiner had gradually closed his eyes and fell into sleep.

... ...

The air after the rain is always particularly fresh, and early the next morning, Reiner was woken up by a sizzling sound.

He opened his eyes, sat up, patted his face gently to wake up, and then looked for the source of the sound, only to find that it was Fina wearing an apron and busy at the stove.

It feels like being at home, but whether Fina's role is a wife or a mother is open to question.

Reiner thought with no clue. He walked around some papers that Fina had not sorted out on the floor, went to the bathroom, washed his face briefly, and returned to the living room to find that Fina had already brought two plates of fried eggs and bacon. Come up.

"There's nothing to eat at home, this is all I found."

Fina said apologetically, not only did the guests sleep on the sofa, but they also couldn't bring out anything good to entertain Reiner, which made her a little panicked.

"It doesn't matter, I've experienced worse situations than this."

Reiner would not talk about his experience when he was the poorest on earth, relying on the free rice soup and chili pickles in the school cafeteria. The breakfast in front of him was enough to be called a sumptuous meal.

"We have to go to the hospital again today, right?"

Reiner ate half the egg and asked immediately. When they went there yesterday, the doctor in charge happened to be out, so today they had to go to the hospital again to confirm the situation.

"Well, Uncle Phyllis went to a neighboring town yesterday to purchase medicine and just came back today."

Fina nodded. The Uncle Phyllis she was talking about was the doctor in Sur Town, a first-level mage. It was this uncle Phyllis who persuaded Fina's father to allow her to enter Crescent College. Studying, it can be said that this is the best person in town for Fina.

The two had a simple breakfast, sat for a while, and then left the tower to go to the hospital.

There are many puddles on the road, reflecting the sunshine. Looking around, the green and vast grassland has been washed clean by the rain, and the colors are exceptionally gorgeous.

It has to be said that this place does have a mesmerizing scenery, but once he thinks of the residents here, Reiner can't appreciate it at all.

They moved forward along the path. On the grass not far away, a man on horseback was driving cattle and sheep out of the pen. He glanced at Fina with a look of contempt, then turned and left.

People were going out one after another in the town. Most people frowned when they saw Fina, but they didn't ask anything. However, three young people in their early twenties came over and blocked Fina and Reiner's approach. the way.

"Witch, I heard that your father is dying."

The young man who took the lead said with disdain.

"It turns out that mages can still die. I thought they all sucked human blood for a living."

A young man next to him echoed, scanning Fina's body up and down with greedy eyes.

These young people who are in adolescence have nowhere to vent their desires, but conservative towns cannot allow those custom industries to enter, so they can only do it themselves.

Fina turned a blind eye to such provocation and just glanced coldly at the young man at the head.

"Step aside."

"Oh, I'm so scared. I heard you learned magic. Are you going to burn me to death?"

The young man took a step back and said exaggeratedly. He then looked at Reiner next to Fina and said maliciously.

"Who is this, your new sponsor? He is very young. I think you will have an easier time in bed..."

Before the man finished speaking, Fina had already stretched out her hand, and a bright crimson flame ignited and pointed at the man.