Greetings, Mister Principal

Chapter 123: fanaticism


Fina sat next to her father's hospital bed and gently held the bony hand. She stared at her father quietly. This man who used to look tall now seemed so short, fragile, and helpless.

Her feelings towards her father are complicated. On the one hand, Fina resents her father for allowing her to grow up in Sur Town and suffered all the humiliation. On the other hand, her father's upbringing of her over the years has been genuine.

If she grew up in a normal city, she might have a better relationship with her father, Fina thought.

Reiner looked at the father and daughter from the side, he was silent, he really didn't know how to deal with this atmosphere.

But the silence was soon broken by a burst of noise, which came from the window, causing Reiner to look outside.

He saw dozens of people, men, women, old and young, holding farm tools and wooden sticks and kitchen knives in their hands, heading toward the hospital in a menacing manner.

"What's wrong?"

Fina came back to her senses at this time and stood up.

"You stay here, I'll go take a look."

Reiner blocked Fina, and he immediately walked out of the ward and went downstairs, just in time to see Dr. Phyllis walking in a hurry.

"Mr. Ian Gray, it's bad, they should be here to find you."

"Find me?"

Reiner was a little surprised, but the door of the hospital had been pushed open, and the townspeople headed by a middle-aged man poured in.

These people first saw Dr. Felice, and then they saw Reiner.

"it's him!"

A voice shouted, and Reiner found that among the crowd, the mayor's son whom he had educated before was pointing at him, with fear still in his eyes.

Hearing the call from the mayor's son, the townspeople were stunned, looking at Reiner up and down, but did not dare to take a step forward.

Apparently, they also heard about Reiner's power from the mayor's son.

The middle-aged man who took the lead took a step forward and said with some confidence.

"We come to Nabistin, he can't stay in this hospital!"

Reiner glanced at Dr. Felice and then asked.

"He's sick, why can't he stay in the hospital?"

"What he has is a plague, a magical curse. If he stays in this town, he will definitely infect everyone!"

The man yelled, his voice trembling slightly.

"As the mayor of this town, I want to protect my people."

"Plague? Magical curse?"

Reiner didn't understand this. He had read the pathology report, which described Fina's father's symptoms in detail. There was no text in there that said his disease was contagious. Where did these people hear their words

"Mr. Nabistin's illness is not contagious, so there is no need to panic."

Dr. Phyllis explained, but it was clear that no one believed him.

"None of you mages are good. That guy must have been punished by God to get such a disease. We must drive him out!"

the mayor shouted, causing other townspeople to respond.

"Or alternatively, burn him to death and his daughter to death. Only in this way can the curse be completely eradicated!"

"Yes, his disease is definitely contagious. I saw red spots on Charlie's hands. Like that guy, Charlie just went near his house!"

shouted a young man, further exacerbating the mood of the townspeople.

"Burn him! Burn him! Burn him!"

For a moment, everyone was extremely excited, a bit like a medieval witch trial.

Reiner was a little surprised. He didn't expect that in this era, such stupid guys still exist. Facing the increasingly fierce scene, he raised his hand, and a blue flame burst out, burning out in an instant. At the same time, a huge The roar sounded, causing the entire hospital to suddenly become quiet.

"Everyone, look at Dr. Phyllis. He has been treating Mr. Nabistin for so long. If he is infected, wouldn't he be the first to be infected? Aren't the nurses in this hospital also going to be infected? "

Reiner's words made everyone look at Dr. Felice. There was no doubt that Dr. Felice did not have any symptoms, and the nurses in the hospital were not feeling unwell.

Reiner owns the Hohenheim Gold Cup. While absorbing the surrounding magic, he can also perceive slight changes in magic. When he stepped into Fina's home, there was no similar magic interference, so it can be determined that in Fina In his home, there are no magic props that can cause harm to people.

What these people say is completely nonsense.

"That's because they are mages, and this disease cannot affect mages!"

Someone in the crowd shouted, making Reiner laugh.

"That gentleman, isn't Mr. Nabistin a mage?"

"this... ... "

Suppressed by their IQ, the townspeople were unable to say anything to refute for a moment, and fell into collective silence.

"Everyone, I understand your fear of the unknown, but Mr. Nabistin's illness will not infect others, so please rest assured."

Reiner said that he didn't think his words could change these stupid townspeople. Now it was enough for him to drive these people away without using violence as much as possible.

"Not a single good thing has happened in town since that guy came back, it's a curse!"

The mayor cursed. It was obvious that this time he was also here for his humiliated son.

"You mages are all liars and bastards!"

In order to maintain the authority of the mayor, he tried his best to exclude the mage. At this time, he couldn't reason with Reiner, so he started to cheat.

"You give me the right amount..."

Reiner couldn't help but wanted to explode, but a call from behind made him turn around.

"Dr. Phyllis, my father..."

It was Fina. Her face was ashen and her body was shaking.

"I gonna go see."

Dr. Phyllis seemed to have noticed something, and he immediately followed Fina upstairs. Reiner glanced at the townspeople who were shocked by the scene in front of them, and followed closely with a sigh.

In the ward, Mr. Nabistin, who had been in a deep sleep, was struggling fiercely and appeared to be in extreme pain.

Fina squeezed her father's hand in an attempt to comfort him, but to no avail.

"My heartbeat is accelerating. It's not good. Many organs in my body are failing..."

Dr. Phyllis used magic to explore Fina's father's physical condition, his face gradually cast a shadow. He immediately took out several injections and tried to do the final rescue.

But Fina's father suddenly became quiet. He opened his eyes and scanned the room, finally stopping on Fina.

At the same time, Dr. Felice's test revealed that all the patient's vital signs were fading at the same time. In layman's terms, he was gradually losing his life and could no longer be treated by any means. Within a few seconds, he would die. Total death.

After a pause, Dr. Felice took out his pocket watch and prepared to record the time of death.

"Wait, he's talking."

Reiner noticed the subtle movements of Fina's father's lips, and he spoke loudly, causing everyone to look at the dying patient.

The entire ward became quiet, and even the noise outside seemed to fade away.

Fina moved closer and heard the father, whom she had always resented, whispering in an undetectable hoarse voice.


The voice called, small, weak, but so determined.

"I'm sorry... Fina."

He spoke again, his voice hoarse, as if it contained all the memories of the world.