Greetings, Mister Principal

Chapter 124: funeral


It's a cloudy day.

In the weeping sky, the light gray clouds overlap one another, without the cheerfulness that summer should have.

The town of Sur remains the same as before, and the townspeople are living their lives unchanged for many years. Everything is like a movie that has been played on repeat, without any change.

On the outskirts of the town, on a hill, the dilapidated tower stood quietly, casting a faint shadow.

On one side of the tower, a deceased person lay peacefully on a haystack.

Fina's father was wearing a clean mage robe and lying on a blanket, as if he was asleep.

On the side, Fina, Reiner, and Doctor Felice stood, giving the mage a final farewell.

According to the practice of mages, fallen mages must be cremated. This kind of ceremony may be the first time in Sur Town.

Fina approached the haystack and looked at her father with his eyes slightly closed. For a moment, she felt that he was actually just asleep. Maybe the next second, he would wake up and call her name.

But that's not possible.

Fina didn't know what expression to show. She originally thought she was disgusted with her father, or at least indifferent.

But in this man's last moments, what he called with all his strength was his own name.

Fina was silent. She glanced at her father for the last time, then raised her hand. A crimson flame jumped from her fingertips and quickly jumped onto the dry haystack. The spark suddenly turned into a spreading flame. It set the entire haystack on fire.

In the flames, Fina's father was gradually devoured and eventually turned into ashes.

The funeral lasted for a long time, until the last embers were extinguished, Fina seemed to be relieved, fell to her knees and sobbed softly.

From now on, Fina Nabistin has no home to return to.

They packed the ashes properly, put them in a black stone box, and buried them on a hill not far from the tower.

From here you can overlook the entire town of Sur, as well as the vast grassland behind it and the endless mountains of Sur.

There is a tomb on the hill, that is Fina's mother's tomb, and they buried Fina's father next to it.

The tomb is surrounded by nameless flowers, blooming in this midsummer, bright, delicate and full of vitality.

When everything ended, it was already evening.

Fina needs to take some time to tidy up the tower, and she decides to sell it and leave the land forever.

"This is my father's study. It was here that he was found unconscious. I haven't gone in yet."

In the tower, Fina pointed to a room on the second floor and said.

The door of this room was unlocked and could be opened with a slight push. She and Reiner walked into it and found that it was like an ordinary mage's workshop. There were books and magic circle sketches everywhere. In the center of the room In addition to books, there is a half-drunk cup of tea on the huge table, as if Fina's father is not far away, but just taking a short rest.

"Mr. Reiner, I will try to get everything sorted tomorrow."

Fina glanced at the workshop and said to Reiner that she felt that she had delayed Reiner too much time.

"It's okay, let's go rest today."

Reiner touched Fina's head and asked the girl who was holding on to go back and lie down for a while.

After sending Fina away, Reiner took another look at the things in the workshop and was about to close the door when he caught a glimpse of a pamphlet on the table next to him.

He was stunned and hesitated for a moment before reaching out and taking out the booklet.

This is a notebook with a cover made of tanned cowhide. On it, you can still vaguely see a few faded gilt characters, which say the words "Tower of Rainbows" and "Academy".

Reiner took a deep breath and opened it. On the title page, he saw the words "diary" written in straight words.

Obviously, this is the diary left by Fina's father.

This is not a diary that contains records every day, but an entry every few days. Reiner opened it at will and read it.

... ...

In the year 2296 of the Cang Yue Calendar, it was the Dragon Sleeping Moon. On the 15th day, there was snow.

It's really cold today. I bet the Tower of Rainbow hasn't seen such low temperatures for at least a hundred years. But thanks to this, there are fewer people in the library and I can finally watch Braggs quietly for a while. Your Excellency's treatise.

I like a quiet library, but as long as Clark Holland is there, there are always a lot of girls chattering around him. To be honest, I sometimes think that these girls are not here to learn magic, but just to learn magic. Come to choose your future husband.

But today, even though the playboy was not here, I still couldn't study well. Why, because there was another troublesome guy, her name was Teresa or something, and she kept pestering me to ask stupid questions. It's really What a waste of life!

... ...

In the year 2297 of the Cang Yue calendar, it was the month of Shenyin. The second day was sunny.

I think I underestimated Teresa's perseverance. For half a month, whenever I showed up in the library, this guy would fly over to me like a fly, although the questions she asked recently didn't seem that stupid. , but still annoying!

Thinking about it this way, Clark Holland has more than one girl around him, and I can't help but feel a little sympathy for that guy.

In addition, the reason why I didn't get first place in the last exam was simply because I didn't want to be sent to do some boring socializing because of my status as first place. I left this kind of trouble to Clark.

Oh, that guy is here again, today is the second day of the New Year, why is she so diligent! ?

Now that she is here, this time I must let her appreciate how beautiful Lord Alberton's calculus is!

... ...

In the year 2297 of the Cang Yue Calendar, the month of Crow Whispering, the twenty-seventh day, yin.

Today is weird, yes, definitely weird.

Because Teresa didn't come to the library to find me.

You know, this guy has been coming to the library on time every day since the Dragon Sleeping Moon last year, regardless of wind or rain. Today, he was nowhere to be seen until the evening.

Could it be that she finally knows the difference between herself and me

Or maybe something unexpected happened

Or was he abducted by that guy Clark

No, my study efficiency today is really poor. Even though Lord Alberton’s formula is so beautiful, I can’t read a word of it. It’s all that guy’s fault! ! !

I have to ask for an explanation!

... ...

In the year 2297 of the Cang Yue Calendar, the month of Crow Whisper, the twenty-eighth day is yin.

Well, I didn’t expect Theresa to be sick. Isn’t it true that idiots don’t catch colds

In any case, I will not spend my time taking care of this guy. I will become a high-level mage in the future, how can I be held back by such an idiot.

However, it was quite uncomfortable to see her in the hospital bed.

Before going back to the dormitory tonight, would you like to buy some fruit and go see her