Greetings, Mister Principal

Chapter 125: Diary (Part 1)


In the year 2297 of the Cang lunar calendar, it was the Primrose month, and it was sunny on the 16th.

Today, Mr. Newington of Surrey came to the school to give a speech. This is a rare opportunity. I have read his paper on electric current and magnetic field more than ten times, and I think that the relationship between electric current and magnetic field should be applicable. It can be described with a few concise equations. I am not strong enough to deduce it, but I have to discuss this idea with Mr. Newington.

As for Teresa, well, after the last cold, she quickly returned to her energetic self. She helped get the front row seat for this speech. Shouldn't we find a time to thank her

... ...

In the year 2297 of the Cang Yue Calendar, the Primrose Month, the seventeenth day was sunny.

Yesterday was a really bad day. The lecture venue was too chaotic, and the original speech and question session was also cancelled. Those idiots in the student union actually asked a dignified high-ranking mage to cut the ribbon for their new building? Do they really know the value of Lord Newington

When I become a high-level mage in the future, I will definitely laugh at this kind of request!

Oh, and as for thanking Teresa, she made me an offer to treat her to a meal at Flannel.

Why do girls always like to be invited to dinner

... ...

In the year 2297 of the Cang Yue Calendar, the Primrose Month, the twenty-first day was sunny.

Flannel Restaurant is so damn expensive!

Although I get a scholarship every year, I can't afford such a squandering. The money for a meal there is enough for me to borrow ten years of "Truth" from the library! It’s ten years! ! !

But price aside, the restaurant tastes pretty good. I’ll wait until I become a high-level mage to come back.

But I don’t know why, Teresa doesn’t seem happy. Please, today is the day and restaurant she chose. Why does it make me feel like I’ve done something sorry for her

And the clothes she wears are also very strange. Are these fancy skirts popular among girls recently

It seems that what Mr. Braggs said is absolutely correct. What is more difficult to understand than the truth in this world is the heart of a woman.

... ...

In the year 2297 of the Cang Yue Calendar, the Primrose Month, on the 22nd, the clouds turned to light rain.

Well, it turns out yesterday was Teresa’s birthday.

Oh, if you want to celebrate your birthday, just tell me directly. Considering the friendship we have been studying together in the library for so long, how could I not help

My roommate Oliver suggested that I buy something to give to Theresa. I thought about it, why not give him Sir Alberton’s latest treatise. Theresa usually likes to ask me questions about the system of laws. She must like this. !

... ...

In the year 2297 of the Cang Yue Calendar, it was the month of White Dew, and it was sunny on the 20th.

If you ask me what I hate most in life, summer vacation must be one of them, because the school library is only open to sixth grade students and teachers during the summer vacation, so I have nowhere to go!

I don't want to go back to that backward town of Sur, where people look at me like I'm a monster!

I casually complained to Teresa, but to my surprise she actually invited me to spend the summer vacation at her house.

I heard there is a library near her home, which is great!

Hey, why did Oliver look at me with such envy when I told him about this

... ...

In the year 2297 of the Cang Yue Calendar, it was the month of White Dew, and it was sunny on the 30th day.

After riding the train for nearly a day, we finally arrived at Teresa's hometown, which seemed to be a town mainly engaged in ore mining. The locals were proud of Teresa's ability to enter the academy.

I met her parents, both of whom are very kind and kind people, but for some reason, they kept asking about me and looked at me with very complicated eyes.

After dinner, Theresa and I took a walk in the town. The environment here made me feel very comfortable. No one would insult you because you wanted to leave the town, and no one would reject you because you were a mage.

I suddenly felt that it would be nice to live in a place like this in the future.

... ...

In the year 2297 of the Cang Yue Calendar, it was the light green month. On the twelfth day, it was cloudy and turned sunny.

The crystal mine in the town collapsed. Teresa ran to rescue the injured, but was buried by a second collapse.

I have never been so panicked, nor so powerless. For a moment, I felt that the magic I had learned over the past ten years was of no use at all!

I couldn't imagine Teresa's death at all, nor could I imagine life without her. For the first time, I cried because of a girl.

What is this feeling

... ...

In the year 2297 of the Cang Yue Calendar, it was the light green moon, and it was sunny on the 13th.

The search and rescue team successfully rescued Teresa. Fortunately, she was at a transit station and did not suffer any injuries.

I hugged Teresa, and for the first time, I thought her nagging questions were so wonderful.

Later, I looked up information in the library for a long time, trying to describe the mood I felt in the past few days.

Finally, I think I found the answer.

Maybe I fell in love with Theresa.

... ...

In the year 2297 of the Cang Yue Calendar, it was the moon of Izumo, and the second day was yin.

School has started again, and I am planning to take the magic test at the end of the year and advance half a year in advance, while Theresa is planning to wait until next year step by step.

To be honest, the stories in the novel must be lies. Even if Teresa and I are already in a relationship, our daily routine is still going to class, studying in the library, eating, and going back to the dormitory to sleep. It is no different from before. Don't.

If you tell someone like Oliver who has been rejected by girls ten times, he will definitely be disappointed.

However, this simplicity feels good, just like Lord Alberton's equation, simple and elegant.

... ...

In the year 2297 of the Cang Yue Calendar, it was the Moon of the Dragon Mian. On the 24th, it snowed.

The magic test was over. It was so easy. The judges couldn't close their mouths at all. I didn't reserve my strength this time. That guy Clark will definitely not be able to compare with me!

When I walked out of the examination room, I immediately saw Teresa who was exhaling white breath in the crowd. I walked up to her and she handed me a hand-knitted scarf, although I always felt that I was addicted to this kind of magic. It's a waste of time, but there's no denying that this scarf is warm.

Seeing that she didn't have a scarf, I rolled half of the scarf around her neck. This is a normal way for couples to get along with each other from a novel. I don't know why Teresa's face is so red. He also asked me if I failed the test or had a fever.

... ...

In the year 2298 of the Cang Yue Calendar, in the month of Shenyin, there was snow on one day.

To be honest, this is my first year attending a New Year's festival with others.

In the past, I thought it was just a group of people circling around a campfire, but holding Teresa's hand among the crowd didn't seem so stupid.

The results of the exam were released. Although I passed the exam without any doubt, I was one point lower than Clark. It was really annoying!

In the next six months, I can study the future development direction and submit resumes to several of you, hoping to become their student.

Only in this way can Teresa live a better life.