Greetings, Mister Principal

Chapter 126: Diary (Part 2)


In the year 2299 of the Cang Yue Calendar, it was the month of the Falling Star. It was cloudy on the 15th.

Two things happened today.

The first thing is that I was finally admitted to the Newington Institute and became a trainee member. This is an opportunity that many mages dream of!

But this is far less important to me than the second thing.

That was Teresa's pregnancy.

Oh my God, we're having a baby!

In the past, I always thought children were annoying, ignorant and trouble-making, but now, I think they are so cute and innocent.

We have already decided that the boy will be called Philo and the girl will be called Fina.

This is definitely my second most precious treasure in this world.

As for the most precious one, of course it is Teresa.

... ...

In the year 2299 of the Cang Yue Calendar, it was the month of the Falling Star. On the 20th, it rained.

The doctor said Teresa's condition was not optimistic.

The baby has an extremely rare disease that is highly repellent to all magic. To put it simply, as long as the baby is in a magical environment, the baby is likely to die.

What's more, the disease also affects Teresa, who is now completely unable to use magic.

This disease will continue to persist after the baby is born, and will gradually subside due to growth until the age of seven. Currently, there is no way to treat it in the early stage and can only wait for time to repair.

The doctor believes that this may be related to the mining accident that Theresa suffered two years ago. Long-term exposure to a large number of magic crystals can easily lead to changes in the body. This change may be subtle and completely unpredictable.

If we want Theresa and the baby to survive, we have to go to a place where there is as little exposure to magic as possible, but then I won't be able to work at the Newington Institute, even for years to come. I can't even do anything related to magic.

what do I do

... ...

In the year 2299 of the Cang Yue Calendar, it was the month of the Falling Star. On the twenty-eighth day, it rained.

I met Oliver today. Speaking of which, I haven’t seen him for almost two years since graduation.

I didn't tell him anything about myself, but he told me a lot about himself.

After graduating, he worked as an alchemist in a large alchemy workshop. Recently, he became very close to a female colleague who started working in the same year. He came to me for advice on how to get along with girls. He is such a happy guy.

I hate this world a little, why I have lost everything since I was a child, why can't I have a plain life.

I don’t want to become a high-level mage now, and I don’t want my name to be a household name. I just want Theresa and our children to be safe.

But this seems to have become a luxury.

... ...

In the year 2299 of the Cang lunar calendar, it was the frost month, and it rained on the sixth day.

I searched for information for a long time and found that in the records, there seems to be a special mineral that can slow down the effects of this disease, but this is just an example without any data to support it.

But this is our only hope.

Soon, I found out that there are very few reserves of this special mineral. In the main plane, only the Sur Mountains have been found.

Sur Mountains, looking at this familiar name, I felt a little emotional. As a result, the hometown I spent twenty years trying to escape from is now my only hope.

It's time to make a decision.

... ...

In the year 2299 of the Cang Yue Calendar, it was the month of Dragon Sleep, and on the 30th day, there was snow.

I eventually resigned from the Newington Institute, and although your Lordships were willing to keep my position open, I didn't know how long it would be before I could get back here again.

The baron who governs the town of Sur has a job as a magic consultant. I think I can work part-time. More importantly, I need to find ore in the Sur Mountains that can cure Teresa.

For a mage, what I did was tantamount to cutting off my own future. I admit that for a few moments, I thought about abandoning Teresa and the children and moving forward alone, but when When I saw her back wearing an apron and busy in the kitchen, all these distracting thoughts disappeared.

I will protect her until death. Is there anything more worthy of protection in this world

... ...

In the year 2300 of the Cang lunar calendar, it is the month of the Wolf. On the seventeenth day, it rains.

During this time, I had been searching for minerals in the Sur Mountains while Teresa waited to give birth.

We lived in a tower far away from the town, and fortunately the Baron allowed me to take care of Teresa at home and work through letters.

Teresa gave birth in the evening, a girl.

But at the same time, the strange disease also worsened. Teresa gave her last strength to our daughter, which miraculously alleviated her illness, but this also meant that she no longer had the strength to live.

Teresa held my hand and told me to protect our children.

Our daughter, Fina.

... ...

In the year 2307 of the Cang Yue Calendar, it was the month of red leaves, and it was sunny on the ninth day.

Fina was a little unhappy today and her body was still wet. Maybe the people in the town were bullying her again.

If I could, I would burn those bastards to death one by one, but unfortunately I have no way to teach them a lesson. If magic is used casually, not only will Fina lose her father, but it is also likely to induce the strange disease in her. I can only tell Fina not to go out.

Although Fina's symptoms have been relieved a lot, as long as there is a slight flow of magic power, there will still be serious backlash. I lied to her that it was a fever, and I didn't let Phyllis tell her the real situation because I didn't want her to. Feel like you are different from others.

In this case, I can't use magic, and even the research work can only be stuck at the paper stage.

I didn't find that kind of ore in the Sur Mountains, but I have a new idea. Using Mr. Newington's theory, we can deflect charged particles in a magnetic field to screen out specific particles. Different Particles have completely different properties for different substances. I hope to find a particle that is enough to treat Fina's disease without harming her body.

... ...

In the year 2310 of the Cang Yue Calendar, it was the month of Shenyin. On the ninth day, there was snow.

Yesterday, Fina showed her magical talent for the first time, which means that her disease has been completely cured. However, this is not due to my efforts, but just a natural cure with the passage of time.

Phyllis persuaded me to send Fina to a magic school to study. Indeed, in an environment like Sur Town, she might never be able to go out to the outside world, but I was still a little worried that her illness would relapse. In the end, I decided to observe for another year.

The theoretical part of my new idea has been perfected, but the experimental equipment required is a bit troublesome and I need more time to prepare.

... ...

In the year 2311 of the Cang Yue Calendar, the month of Shenyin, the 19th day was sunny.

Over the past year, Fina has never had any reactions affected by magic. Phyllis checked her body and confirmed that the terrible disease had been completely cured.

I thought it was time to send her out into the world.

Maybe she will resent me and not understand what I do, but that doesn't matter. I just hope that she can grow up healthy and have a life of her own.

As for me, some strange things happened in the Sur Mountains recently. Many creatures died inexplicably. I have to investigate this matter.

And the magic to treat Fina is not meaningless. Similar cases will definitely appear in the future. For the happiness of those families, I cannot give up research.