Greetings, Mister Principal

Chapter 128: An unexpected ending


Reiner guessed that Fina's father might have received feedback from the world at this time, because the element he discovered should be an element with extremely special properties. It is also an inert gas-like element that has not yet been discovered by anyone. element.

In this way, many doubts can be explained, such as why Fina's father can still persist for so long even if his body is in such a bad state, because he has received feedback from the world.

However, without in-depth research, the effect of feedback was not obvious. According to experimental records, he found a special type of mineral in the Sur Mountains when he just discovered this brand-new element.

The Sur Mountains are deserted and only inhabited by various wild beasts. However, seven years ago, strange incidents occurred in which many beasts died. The corpses of these beasts accompanied the streams in the mountains to the lower reaches, which aroused the concern of the townspeople of Sur Town. panic.

Fina's father went deep into the mountains several times and finally discovered a beast's graveyard four years ago.

According to records, there is a valley, but the surrounding plants have withered and died, surrounded by the white bones and rotting corpses of countless animals. In the center, in a small hole, an obsidian-colored stone is lying quietly. over there.

Fina's father did not approach the stone rashly, because there were various signs that the stone might be the culprit that killed these beasts.

But this stone is very similar to the ore that is rumored to be able to treat Fina's similar diseases, so Fina's father is unwilling to give up.

He chose to build a hut some distance away from the stone and continue his experiment.

Through research, he discovered that this stone has the characteristic of continuously emitting energy outwards. This energy can be captured by the electromagnetic array and show traces on the receiving plate that are completely different from other elements. At the same time, these energies also have extremely strong It is destructive and can kill living tissues. Fina's father used some small animals in cages to conduct experiments and found that the fatality rate was almost 100%. Even if they did not die under the irradiation of energy, severe lesions would occur and soon Loss of life.

Fina's father collected all this information and prepared to go to a larger city to find professional equipment for verification. His diary wrote that he met a mage who was on a business trip in a city near Sur Town. He explained his findings to the other person, but the person didn't seem to care and left quickly.

After that, he visited several alchemy workshops. However, these places either did not have the experimental equipment that Fina's father needed, or they thought that he was talking nonsense, which made Fina's father run into a wall and return. After preparing to collect more data, Write directly to Rainbow Tower.

The accident happened at this time.

First of all, even though he kept a considerable distance from the unknown stone, Fina's father was still affected by many years of research, and many physical diseases have appeared. The man who was originally only in his thirties has become a six-year-old man in appearance. There is no difference for a seventy-year-old man.

Then, Fina's father used the electromagnetic array and a special container made of heavy metal to successfully block the energy emitted by the stone. He used this to seal the stone and prepare to find a suitable research institution to retrieve it. Come out.

But the people in Sur Town did not give Fina's father this chance.

A group of young people often see Fina's father going in and out of the Sur Mountains, thinking that he must be doing some evil research in the mountains. Naturally, these young people who have been taught the evil aspects of mages since they were young cannot let him do this, so they secretly follow him. Fina's father was killed, and when he wasn't paying attention, he hit him on the back of the head with a stick and a stone, snatched the sealed stone from his hand, and ran away.

These young people may have thought they had killed Fina's father, but they did not expect that Fina's father was not dead. After he woke up, he first discovered that the box that sealed the stone was missing, and then recalled what he saw when he was attacked With a human face, he dragged his seriously injured body and crawled back to Sur Town step by step, knocking on the doors of the young people's homes, hoping to find the sealed stones.

But these townspeople ignored Fina's father's words and beat him, who was already seriously injured. In desperation, Fina's father returned home, recorded everything, and prepared to go to the baron who was responsible for the management of this place.

When the young men saw that Fina's father was not dead, they sneaked into the tower again and tried to kill someone. However, before the crime could be carried out, they were interrupted by a visit to Dr. Felice. They could only lie. He came in to take a risk and handed over the fainted Fina's father to Dr. Felice.

The above part is actually Reiner's reasoning, because after being hit in the back of the head, Fina's father was actually not very conscious. The contents of the diary were messy and scrawled. Reiner restored the matter to this based on what he saw. .

At least one thing is certain, that is, the stone with the characteristic of emitting energy should still be in the home of the young man who attacked Fina's father that day.

Reiner noticed no signs of energy overflow while walking in the town, which meant that at least the box had not been opened. However, according to Fina's father's research, if it were opened in such a densely populated place in the town, then The consequences will be unimaginable.

Seeing this, the sky was already dark. Reiner raised his head, looked at the fish-white sky, and sighed.

In just one night, he seemed to have experienced the life of Fina's father. He felt unworthy of the buried mage and felt resentful for the evil intentions of this town.

Reiner stood up and began to organize Fina's father's experimental data based on the records in the diary, preparing to take them away. He didn't know if the Magic Association could publish papers in the name of a deceased person, but he knew that these things should not be Being so buried.

He went out again, called on Dr. Phillis, and advised him to leave town as soon as possible.

Dr. Phyllis smiled and told Reiner that, in fact, he was also planning to retire. He stayed here because of his friendship with Fina's father. Now that his only old friend is no longer here, he is also planning to apply for retirement. Go to your hometown and spend the rest of your days in peace.

Reiner explained the dangerous box to Dr. Phyllis and warned him that it was best to leave immediately. He must leave the town of Sule in the next two days. Doctor Phyllis wanted to say something, but he looked outside and saw the morning light. The quiet town among them finally nodded silently.

When he returned to the tower, Reiner discovered that Fina had woken up. She saw the experimental materials she had compiled and the diary left by her father.

The girl burst into tears at this time, and her heart was filled with regret and regret that she had never experienced before.

Reiner didn't know how to comfort Fina, so he could only gently touch her head and speak softly.

"Let's go home, Fina."