Greetings, Mister Principal

Chapter 130: Passing by Sullivan


Exhaling a breath, Sullivan looked indifferently at the crowds coming and going outside the station.

After all, this should be the second time he has left the Tower of Rainbow this year, Sullivan thought, and looked at the address in his hand again.

"Mr. Sullivan, we have been waiting for you for a long time."

As soon as they walked out of the station, several men in robes came up to them with smiles on their faces. People walked around them, not daring to disturb these mages. They must be the heads of the local magic association. A five-ring mage came here. Such a pomp and circumstance was set up after Sullivan specifically told him not to make any noise. If it were normal times, he would probably have to put up lights and banners to welcome him.

"I'm only traveling this time for personal reasons, so there's no need to go to such trouble."

Sullivan whispered, without even asking the other person's name.

"Are you ready with the information I want?"

"Yes, yes, we have been ready for a long time, but..."

The leading mage looked troubled and hesitated.

"If you have something to say, just say it, no need to beat around the bush!"

Sullivan scolded that he hated the kind of evasiveness that was tainted with the habits of politicians. There were not so many social rhetoric in Rainbow Tower.

"Sir, a vicious incident occurred in Sur Town two days ago. There are currently no survivors..."


Hearing the other party's words, Sullivan's eyes widened.

"Is such that... ... "

The person in charge of the Magic Association then told what happened while walking.

It was first noticed by businessmen who had some business dealings with people in Su'er Town. They often bought cheap livestock meat products from Su'er Town, but there was no news for several days, so they went to Su'er Town to check the situation. .

Sur Town does not welcome outsiders, and outsiders are not willing to come here, so when these businessmen came to Sur Town, they discovered that something big had happened.

The originally picturesque town had been burned by a fire. Among the dark ruins, charred corpses were scattered everywhere. The fire should have burned for several days, until there was nothing left to burn. gradually extinguished.

Initially, the merchants thought it was an accident, but soon, they found some bodies that had not been burned near the well. These bodies had serious wounds caused by blunt or sharp objects, and it was obvious that they had not been burned. It's a fatal injury.

Things became confusing, and it was obviously a case of murder and disappearance of traces.

The mystery didn't last long though, as the Sheriff soon found the killer.

In the wilderness about ten miles east of the town of Sur, there were the bodies of several young men and the horses they were riding.

They were lying in a mess on the withered grass. There were no fatal wounds on their bodies, only varying degrees of ulcers on their skin.

When the sheriff approached the crime scene, he felt a strong energy release and immediately sealed off the scene.

At this point, after comparing the list of people in Soul Town, the Sheriff found that all the residents of this town had suffered tragic accidents, and no one survived.

These are what happened yesterday. With Sullivan's arrival, the people of the Magic Association finally found a savior.

"Energy release?"

Sullivan frowned slightly. Could it be some kind of magic prop made by Kelavan

"By the way, where's Kelavan Nabistin? He also died in the accident?"

"No, actually, Kelavan Nabistin was dead before the accident. We found the graves of him and his wife at the only tower that was not burned down outside the town of Sur."

The mage replied, not daring to look up at Sullivan's expression. Although he was the head of a magic association in a city, he was only a third-ring mage after all, and he came out of the Tower of Rainbow with little hope of promotion. At this time, facing the intermediate mage Sullivan of the Fifth Ring, he naturally showed much respect.

"already dead?"

Sullivan suddenly stopped and froze on the spot.

"Yes, the association originally had a doctor in Sur Town. He brought back the death report of Kelavan. The mage seemed to have a strange disease."

Upon hearing the other party's words, Sullivan immediately noticed something strange.

"Take me to see the death report."

Naturally, the person in charge of the Magic Association did not dare to refuse. He immediately took Sullivan to the archives of the association headquarters and found the death report and pathology report of Kelavan Nabistin, which Dr. Felice had written a few days ago. Sent.

As he flipped through Kelavan's death report, the expression on Sullivan's face became increasingly gloomy.

"I have seen this symptom in the paper. The two elements that Madam Maria studied will cause this kind of disease in the surrounding creatures. Only magic barriers with more than four rings can resist such erosion."

Sullivan said while recording in his notes.

"Wait a minute, you just said that there was a strong energy release at the scene where those young people died?"

He suddenly asked, causing the confused head of the Magic Association to shiver.

"Yeah, right."

"Damn it, is Kelavan studying this element?"

Sullivan had connected things at this time. He understood that studying this element without protective measures was tantamount to suicide. Why did Kelavan do this

"Let's go to the site where the energy release was discovered."

Without stopping, Sullivan immediately rode a carriage to the scene of the accident. Since no one dared to approach and the weather was hot, the corpses of these young people had long since decayed, emitting a disgusting stench. Sullivan opened a magic barrier to isolate them. After noticing the stench, he approached the scene.

In the quiet air, murderous intent lurks.

A strong wave of energy hit his magic barrier. These deadly energies tried to tear Sullivan's barrier apart, but to no avail, they could only surround it heavily.

"This feeling is indeed..."

Sullivan glanced around these ugly corpses and finally found an open, black box in the arms of one of the corpses.

There was a dark stone in the box. Sullivan picked it up with a mage's hand and immediately cast an identification spell.

The identification result surprised him a little, because it was not anything else, but naturally occurring Redir ore! ! !

This element discovered and named by Lady Maria ten years ago has the property of releasing energy outwards. There are still many unsolved mysteries in it waiting for mages to study, but because the energy it releases is enough Killing most people including low-level mages, so it can only rely on mid-level and high-level mages to promote it.

"It's just that the characteristic of the Redir element takes effect very quickly. It shouldn't be able to be carried for such a long time before problems arise..."

Sullivan thought that these dead people were ordinary people, and there was no way to resist their energy. It was impossible for them to carry the ore and leave Sur Town so far away.

"Unless there is some way to prevent this energy from leaking..."

His eyes moved down and landed on the black box that originally contained the ore.