Greetings, Mister Principal

Chapter 131: Ouroboros (please subscribe~)


In Crescent College on a summer night, insects chirped and the noise was unbearable. It was already late in the White Dew Moon and it was midsummer, but Reiner was still in the laboratory, looking intently at the complex structure of the magic circle in front of him.

This was designed by Fina's father and can be driven by standard magic stones. Even low-level mages can control the electromagnetic acceleration array. The principle is that particles in motion with positive or negative charges will be affected by force in the magnetic field. Deflection, due to different masses, the degree of deflection is also different. By shooting these particles into a magnetic field with a certain initial velocity, different particles can be separated.

On Earth, a similar device is called a magnetic separator and is the prototype of a mass spectrometer. This device is often used to separate atomic nuclei with the same nuclear charge but different masses, that is, to separate isotopes.

The first experiment done by Reiner was to place the "Berlen" elements that he had previously measured with different relative element masses into the array to verify that it contained two nuclides with different relative element masses.

Buzz —

Put five standard magic stones into the driving part of the magic circle and light them up with magic power. There will be a buzz in the air, as if some kind of abnormal movement is brewing.

An undetectable ray of light appeared from one side of the array. This was a flow of negatively charged particles, or electron flow, generated by the array using previously stored materials.

Because most elemental elements in nature are neutral and uncharged, this electron flow needs to be used to bombard the elements, causing them to split into scattered free electrons and positively charged nuclei.

Of course, Fina's father did not delve so deeply into the microscopic world. He could only do this to subject the originally uncharged elements to the effects of electromagnetic fields.

Reiner gradually moved the electron stream, causing it to hit the cloud of atomized "Berran" elements.

In the microscopic world that is invisible to the naked eye, the high-speed flowing electrons collided with the dense cloud of elements. The moment they just passed by, some magical force caused the electrons originally surrounding the atomic nucleus to free themselves, and then Running forward with their own kind.

The remaining nuclei, which had lost their protection, were pulled by a more powerful force and rushed forward involuntarily.

As the electric and magnetic fields are activated, in the corners that Reiner cannot see, countless tiny particles move extremely elegantly according to the amazing laws. They move forward, gradually deviate from the straight line, continue to move forward, and finally arrive at The end of their journey - the receiving board.

This thin plate is constantly being impacted by particles, but the force of these impacts is too small to make this giant move at all. However, the nature of the receiving plate determines that when particles contact its surface, the receiving plate will gradually A trace appears.

Here, Reiner can already observe the experimental phenomenon.

He saw that two traces were gradually emerging on the receiving plate. They were different in color, but they could be accurately distinguished. On the other side of the receiving plate, another trace was also clearly visible, which was left by electrons.

Through this experiment, it can be clearly seen that the Bollen element has two atoms with different relative element masses!

Reiner did not rush to draw conclusions, and did the same experiment on several other elements, and finally got the same result.

Fina's father's magic can indeed separate isotopes!

Suppressing his excitement, Reiner continued the experiment. This time, he wanted to isolate the special gas found by Fina's father.

Reiner repeated the experiment using the commonly prepared Netlen gas, and three traces appeared on one side of the receiving plate, as Fina's father said.

Two of them are close to each other, and the other one is slightly farther away. After a simple calculation, it can be known that the two close ones should be the two isotopes of Netlen gas, with relative element masses of 14.00307 and 15.00108 respectively, while the farther one is Element, according to calculations, its elemental mass should be 39.98062, ranking between the element "Clorin" and the element "Keira".

This is exactly one of the several elements predicted by Reiner in his paper, but there is nothing here in Mr. Stanion's element arrangement list.

Then, Reiner revised the description of the element in his previous paper about the existence of elements between the element "Florin" and the element "Thordean". He believed that the properties of this element should be similar to those discovered by Fina's father. This element, which is difficult to separate from other places, may require freezing magic of level four or above to find it in the form of liquefied gas.

At the same time, he also put forward some conjectures about the internal structure of elements. He believed that elements are neutral because they are composed of negatively charged particles and positively charged atoms that carry mass. In the past, people have always believed that element particles It is just a single solid sphere, but Reiner pointed out that the elemental particles may not be like this. According to the Newington-Holland equation, the structure of the elemental particles may be more like a model of negatively charged particles rotating around the nucleus.

Of course, based on Reiner's knowledge on Earth, such a model is not correct, but based on existing knowledge, he can only derive it so far.

The revision of academic papers is usually carried out after receiving review comments. These revisions will be directly attached to the corresponding position of the original manuscript after being reviewed, similar to a patch, so that when the original author wants to correct some minor flaws, he does not have to re-write it. Let’s write another paper that is very similar.

After finishing the experiment and cleaning up, it was already late at night. The students left behind in the school had already gone to sleep, and the campus was silent.

Reiner walked through the corridors and returned to his room.

He sat at the table and looked at the information he had compiled previously.

Reiner organized the research materials of Fina's father, Kelavan Nabistin, into categories. There were more than a hundred pages of drafts. Since these drafts were just simple experimental notes and drafts, they were not organized into It is in the form of a paper, so Reiner’s current job is to re-narrate Fina’s father’s discovery in rigorous language.

Now, he has to compare his experimental records with Fina's father's records and correct some errors caused by theoretical errors. This is a delicate and patient task.

After the basic work was completed, the clock in the room showed that the time was exactly two o'clock in the morning. Reiner stretched and stood up. Just as he was about to change clothes and go to bed, he saw that his bed had been boarded first.

The tiger-striped kitten was curled up in the middle of the bed, with its legs in the air and its belly exposed. It was lying on the bed in a very awkward posture, sleeping soundly, without paying any attention to the actions of the owner of the room.

It's a pity that this cat will not turn into a cat-eared girl with cute animal ears. Reiner sighed in his heart. He ignored the sleeping kitten and lay on the bed and gently shook the thin quilt.

Unexpectedly, the cat just turned over and showed no intention of waking up, and continued to purr slightly.

"All right."

Reiner had no choice but to cover himself with the quilt and look at the starry sky outside the window.

The stars were like particles that were constantly being accelerated in the electromagnetic field, colliding, breaking, and going their separate ways, and finally fell on the dark curtain, shining brightly.

The electrons rotating at high speed around the atomic nucleus are like stars, swimming under the gravity of the star. The microscopic world and the macroscopic world have reached a harmonious unity in unexpected places, just like the reincarnation of ouroboros, which is intoxicating.