Greetings, Mister Principal

Chapter 134: Welcome to Ernest


Reiner had met this high-level mage at the annual meeting of Mercury Scale. Although he had not communicated with him, he still remembered his name carefully.

Robert Lismo is an eighth-ring high-level mage. If Reiner remembers correctly, he should be one of the few mage in the Mercury Scale who is good at elemental magic. He is good at the magic construction of air and wind. The most famous one is the four-ring magic. Lismo's vacuum blast, this spell can instantly create a vacuum in a certain area, using a series of effects brought about by the air pressure difference to cause the enemy to die quickly.

Since most of Lismo's offensive spells did not have those fancy scenes, but the effects were extremely terrifying, over time, he was also dubbed the "Quiet Storm".

"Are you also here for the Ernest meeting?"

Lizmo asked, he had no doubt that the winner of the Hohenheim Gold Cup would come to the meeting, and even Lizmo was somewhat looking forward to it.

You know, after Reiner won the Hohenheim Gold Cup, he immediately published a paper on mathematics, which indirectly assisted Wilder Regens of the Astrology Department to advance to the ninth ring. Now this young apprentice has been recruited by several organizations. Observe closely and try to grasp his movements immediately.

Maybe this time, Reiner will be able to publish some paper that will cause a stir in the academic world.

"Yes, at the invitation of Your Excellency Dmitri, I came here to learn from your most cutting-edge achievements, hoping to improve my knowledge level."

Reiner was cautious and did not mention Fina's father's thesis or his periodic table of elements. Although the mercury scale gave him preferential treatment at this time, and Lismo even saved him, there are many people talking now, and Reiner Decided to keep a low profile.

"Haha, then study to your heart's content. I really envy you young people. There is still a vast world waiting to be explored. For high-level mages like us, the known world is really boring."

The problems that plagued these high-level mages could not be overcome, and their knowledge repeatedly hit barriers and could not go deeper. For people like them who have a strong thirst for knowledge, it is undoubtedly a kind of torture.

"Indeed, the knowledge you possess is like a circle. The more you know, the bigger the circle becomes, and the more unknowns you can access."

Reiner replied that the more he learned about this world, the more he discovered that it was different. Whether it was the woman's spellcasting or Lord Lizmo's spells, they were all unknown and new to Reiner. .

"Is it round... Indeed."

The more he tasted Reiner's words, the more Lismo felt that these words had profound meaning. This kind of understanding must have been gained after studying.

Dmitri's decision seemed right, Lizmo thought, he looked at Reiner with admiration and nodded.

"Enjoy this meeting, Rainer Inglete."

Lizmo immediately flew out of the airport, seemingly to find his previous friends.

As soon as Reiner got off the airship, the woman came up to him.

"You actually know Mr. Lizmo, who are you?"

She was a little excited, and even thought that her previous judgment on Reiner's strength was wrong, but soon, the woman realized that this was indeed a mage apprentice.

"I forgot to introduce myself, I am Rainer Ingle."

Reiner extended his hand generously, but his name already made the other person's eyes widen.

"The youngest Hohenheim Gold Cup winner in history, Rainer Inglet, who also created the polar coordinate system?"

The woman said, this series of titles made Reiner very happy.

But then I thought about it, if I had more and more achievements in the future, wouldn't it be possible that these people would have to pronounce the title for several minutes when calling me

Reiner thought and nodded slightly.

"I wonder if I can get your name?"

After all, I am a mage apprentice, so I should maintain the necessary respect for the fourth-ring mage.

"Tia Phoenix, speaking of which, we are still traveling together."

The woman, Tia Finis, said, holding Reiner's hand back, and the gorgeous runes on her fair skin could be vaguely seen from the cuffs, which seemed to be engraved on the body with special ink.

"Come with us?"

Reiner didn't understand what the other party meant and tilted his head.

"Phoenix Academy of Magic, I am the principal of this academy, and you are the principal of Crescent Academy, so we are peers, right?"

She smiled and explained straightforwardly.

This Tia feels like her magic to Reiner, a blazing flame, passionate and straightforward, shining on others all the time. It's no wonder that the originally mediocre Phoenix Academy of Magic has suddenly risen to prominence in the past few years.

"I see, then we have a chance to exchange experiences on being principals."

Reiner said, and Lingtia smiled slightly again.

"No problem. Have you booked a hotel yet?"

"Well, the members of Mercury Scale have a collective reservation for the hotel, and I believe there should be a room for me."

It has to be said that Mercury Balance is very thoughtful about the welfare of its internal members. As long as you hold an invitation letter, you can enjoy complete travel services for free, which Reiner is quite satisfied with.

"It's great that the alchemists of the Mercury Scale are rich people."

Tia said with some regret, and at the same time she flashed the pendant hanging around her neck. The pendant was engraved with a majestic vortex. This is the elemental organization, the symbol of the Storm Council. It seems that Tia is A member of this organization.

"We elemental mages can only find our own place to stay."

She shrugged, looking very helpless.

At this time, Reiner realized that in the wizarding world, the wealth owned by wizards of different factions was also very different.

The Alchemy Department pays attention to experiments, so it has many practical products. Some economically beneficial alchemy products were quickly produced by major workshops and earned a lot of wealth. Therefore, Mercury Balance is also the richest among these organizations.

Elemental mages usually have to earn rewards by exploring demiplanes, fighting beasts, and excavating ruins. Not only is it hard work, it is often accompanied by danger, so most elemental mages are not very generous.

Of course, these are the situations after becoming an official mage. In fact, very few apprentices can become alchemists. The elemental system is the final choice for many apprentices. There is probably a certain balance in this.

"Okay, it's time for me to leave. I have to get together with some classmates tonight."

Tia clapped her hands, then waved goodbye to Reiner and left from the exit of the airport.

Reiner, after a little tidying up his clothes that had been messed up by the airflow, also took steps to enter Ernest, a city currently occupied by mages.