Greetings, Mister Principal

Chapter 136: First paper


If Reiner only proposed a new element discovered by others or an element arrangement table optimized from Lord Stannion's ideas, it would not surprise Dmitri.

But what Reiner said was that he successfully predicted and discovered this new element through his periodic table of elements, which is worth thinking about.

"Haitrice, go get a copy of the paper that Reiner mentioned."

President Dmitri hurriedly told his students that Ernest also had a thesis library and could get copies of papers that had been submitted for review in a timely manner.

"Liner, come with me."

He took Reiner to the free lounge next to the conference room. With a wave of his hand, the chair automatically opened for him to sit down.

"I'll take a look at this new element paper first."

President Dmitri said, taking the paper that Reiner took out from the storage bag and reading it carefully.

Since this paper has been rewritten by Reiner using the standard paper format, it is clearly organized and logical. Even if Dmitri is just an ordinary mage, he can read it smoothly, let alone an alchemist. authority.

The name of the paper is "Discovery of a New Element in the Air and the Application of Electromagnetic Field in Separating Elements", and it is divided into four parts.

The first part introduces in detail the electromagnetic array designed and produced by Fina's father. It is detailed and clear from principle to application, and conforms to the standards for publishing papers on new spells. In other words, the electromagnetic array above can be logged into the spell library. , let other mages exchange academic points, which will be a huge potential wealth.

The second chapter of the paper uses the electromagnetic array to separate common elements. It is found that under the separation of the electromagnetic array, a variety of nuclides with different relative element masses will appear for the same element. These special nuclides are Named an isotope, at the same time, the paper also focused on describing a particle with a small mass and carrying a negative charge, which Reiner named an electron.

In the third chapter, through the electromagnetic separation of Netlen gas, a brand-new gas element was discovered. This element has extremely inactive alchemical properties and is difficult to react with other substances, but it has Some new special properties. In the paper, various properties of this element were measured, and its relative element mass and an isotope were obtained.

As for the third part, it is about the research on special elements that can release energy outward. Through the separation of the energy released by these elements in the electromagnetic array, it can be seen that the energy released is actually three kinds of particles. These particle flows can destroy biological tissues and are very dangerous. However, if they can be restrained, they can become a tool to treat certain special diseases. The paper names the special properties of this element as radioactivity, and elements with this property, Known as radioactive elements.

The entire paper starts from the application of electromagnetic fields, to experiments on various elements, then isolates new elements from experiments on one of the elements, and finally studies on radioactive elements, completely explaining the problem that has troubled alchemists for many years. problem.

After reading the paper, President Dmitri immediately stood up and used the instructions in the paper to construct the magic circle. He took out several elements mentioned in the paper from his storage bag to conduct verification experiments, and then Traces appeared on the receiving board, and then the extracted and separated elements shone purple-red when electrified. President Dmitry read the paper carefully again, and then gently put down the hundreds of pages. thesis and let out a long sigh.

"Every discovery in this paper, taken individually, is qualified to compete for the Hohenheim Gold Cup. I have no idea who can achieve such an achievement."

He turned the paper to the first page and lightly scanned the name of the author of the paper, Kelavan Nabistin. In President Dmitry's memory, this was a strange name. He looked at Lai Na, trying to get an answer.

"This is a second-level mage. His daughter is unable to access magic due to a special disease. For this reason, he gave up his promotion path and researched in an isolated countryside. These discoveries were originally just to cure his disease. He got it for his daughter, but unfortunately, he damaged his body when he was exposed to radioactive elements, and later died due to some accidents."

Reiner explained as simply as possible.

"That disease is caused by Fitzruin Syndrome. I know that this disease cannot withstand the disturbance caused by magic... Wait, a second-level mage?"

Dmitri noticed Reiner's words and looked at the name again.

"Yes, because his daughter could not dispel the magic, all his research in the first ten years only existed on paper. These experiments were all conducted after his daughter was cured."

Reiner replied, once again making Dmitri pensive.

The paper retained Fina's father's erroneous derivation of the electromagnetic field equations to show his process of designing the electromagnetic array, but Dmitri did not expect that these derivations only existed on paper and were completely mathematical results.

And according to Lehner, this was a full seven years before the Newington-Holland equation was proposed.

"This is incredible, Reiner. I can't imagine that a mage can persist in research in such an environment and obtain such brilliant results, and all this is just to save his daughter?"

Thinking of his daughter, President Dmitri sighed. He didn't know if he would make the same choice as Kelavan Nabistin if he faced a similar situation. Giving up all status and future, only doing his best for his daughter, and after her daughter recovers, he still fights for other people with the same troubles, even at the expense of his own life.

Reiner nodded slightly.

Silence spread in the lounge until there was a knock on the door, and the student named Heitlis brought in Reiner's periodic table of elements paper.

"Let's take a look at your paper."

After adjusting his mood, President Dmitry sat down, took the paper, and began to review it again.

The air in the lounge became quiet again, and the noise outside had fallen silent. It must be that the break time of the meeting was over. The high-ranking mages returned to the conference room. Someone came to the lounge to look for traces of President Demetri. But the students stopped her—their teacher didn't like to be interrupted while reading.

After a long time, President Dmitri closed the paper. He did not make a comment, he just raised his head and said to Reiner.

"Liner, come with me to the conference room."