Greetings, Mister Principal

Chapter 137: High-level meeting



The two students looked very shocked, not because their teacher chose to bring an apprentice into the high-level mage meeting instead of them.

The content discussed by the high-level mages is profound and involves many basic aspects of cognition. If one does not have a deep understanding of magic, it is easy to be shaken and affect one's own cognition. Even if the two of them can get a chance If you enter the conference room to listen, you may hesitate to move forward.

But now, President Dmitry actually wants a mage apprentice to listen in. They don't understand their teacher's intention.

"Your Excellency Dmitri, as a mage apprentice, is it inappropriate for me to rashly attend a meeting between high-level mages?"

Reiner, still extremely humble, asked.

"There is nothing inappropriate. This paper is enough to qualify you."

President Dmitri said, and the praise in his words made his two students look at Reiner with envy.

"Your Excellency Dmitry, you are exaggerating."

Reiner lowered his head and said, it seemed that President Dmitri had already made up his mind. He did not refuse anymore and followed the president of Mercury Scale out of the lounge.

The mages outside the lounge saluted when they saw President Dmitri. At the same time, they also noticed Reiner following behind.

Many people showed puzzled expressions until they saw President Dmitri open the door of the conference room, and then Reiner followed closely and entered, closing the door.

At this time, people were shocked.

"Who is he and how can he enter the conference room of high-level mages?" "He does not have the mark of an official mage. Is he a mage apprentice?" "Is this a student of Lord Dmitry?" "I think it is I’ve seen him, where was he?”

But Reiner could no longer hear these questions. He looked at the people in the conference room. All these mages were looking at this side at the same time. Dozens of sharp eyes pretended to be real, which made Reiner feel a little chill in his heart. .

"Frederick, you're late."

Said a bespectacled mage sitting at the corner of the round table. He was wearing an improved dress and had an elegant demeanor.

"Sorry, Pluto, I received two papers temporarily and it took me some time to read them."

President Dmitry smiled slightly and waved the paper in his hand.

Reiner quickly understood that the mage who was replaced by Pluto should be the nine-ring mage Pluto Auckland, the leader of the Storm Council and one of the authorities in the elemental system.

After taking a brief look at the other mages in the conference room, Reiner probably guessed the ins and outs of this meeting.

Most of the mages here are alchemy mages from the Mercury Scale and elemental mages from the Council of Storms, with some mages from the law system and astrology system mixed in. According to the meeting minutes dictated by President Demetri and the records of several high-level mages, Argument, I'm afraid this meeting is about a discussion on the nature of light.

"Thesis? I didn't expect Lord Dmitri to have such a leisurely mood."

Said a young man sitting next to Pluto Oakland. He has slightly longer hair, and his bangs cover half of his eyes.

"Broly, understanding these emerging ideas can sometimes give us more inspiration, can't it?"

President Dmitri smiled and responded skillfully to the other party's slightly challenging speech.

Reiner noticed that although there was a round table in the conference room, it was clearly divided into two groups. One group was headed by Pluto, and the other group was headed by Demetrius. Distinguishing camps and factions, we can see that near Pluto there are several high-level mages from the Mercury Scale that Reiner has seen, and on President Demetri's side, there are also playboys from the elemental system. Deweg Stein.

Others may not be able to understand it, but Reiner immediately understood that the reason why they showed such a distribution was also due to the topic of this meeting, the nature of light. The two schools should be the wave theory of light and the particle theory of light. of two groups of people.

"Everyone, I think our debate about the nature of light can be put aside for a while. I have two exciting papers to share with you."

President Dmitry did not sit down, but spoke directly.

"Exciting paper?"

Pluto frowned, turned his attention to Reiner behind Demetri, and asked aloud.

"Who is this gentleman? I don't seem to remember seeing him before. Is the paper you mentioned related to this gentleman?"

"This is Rainer Ingle. Although he is a mage apprentice, he is also the youngest winner of the Hohenheim Gold Cup in history."

President Dmitri patted Reiner on the shoulder and introduced him to everyone.

"The one who overturned the theory of fire element and established the theory of combustion is really young."

The Broly next to Pluto looked at Reiner up and down with admiration.

It is precisely because these high-level mages are at the forefront of academics that they appreciate people like Reiner who have proposed brand-new theories. In their eyes, people are regardless of high or low. As long as they possess knowledge, they are worthy of respect.

"You mean, this Mr. Rainer Ingle has written two more shocking papers?"

Pluto also had some curiosity. Although President Dmitry disagreed with him on the nature of light, in other respects the two of them could be said to be sympathetic to each other. Since President Dmitri believed Those two papers have the value of being discussed at this conference, so of course he will not refuse.

"Liner, I think it's more appropriate for you to answer this question yourself."

President Dmitry pushed Reiner forward and said as if to give him courage.

"Okay, Lord Dmitry."

Reiner took another step forward and looked around at the people present. There were thirty-one high-level mages here, each one of them was one of the authorities in their own field, and they were all knowledgeable academic experts.

And I have to state those amazing discoveries in front of them.

He cleared his throat and spoke.

"My Excellencies, I am standing here because of a father. He devoted himself to research for his daughter and obtained the results of the starry sky. However, due to an accident, he passed away and the results could not be published. I accidentally obtained These experimental data were verified and compiled into a paper, and I think this paper needs to get the evaluation it deserves."

After explaining the cause and effect, Reiner continued.

"In addition, it is a paper about myself, a paper about the ordering and regularity of elements. Here, I will take some of your time and show these two papers to you."

He paused, then spoke.

"The first one is a paper about new elements."