Greetings, Mister Principal

Chapter 138: Answer questions


During Reiner's explanation, the senior mages remained silent and listened quietly, showing their extremely high quality.

Several mages were silently taking notes. These seemed to be questions that arose during Reiner's narration, and they were ready to raise them after Reiner finished speaking.

Reiner first introduced Fina's father's thesis to the high-level mages clearly and methodically. When he finished the last chapter on the research on radioactivity, the whole audience fell into silence.

Although the knowledge involved in this paper is beyond the scope of junior mages, it is the foundation of basics for high-level mages. The mages present can easily understand Reiner's speech and understand it.

About half a minute later, Pluto spoke, but not to Reiner, but to President Demetri.

"Frederick, have you done the verification experiments?"

Experiments are the standard for testing theories, especially the theories involved in this paper, which can be easily tested experimentally.

"Yes, it is basically consistent with the paper."

President Demetri nodded, causing the other mages to take a slight breath.

Many people are looking at the two people on President Pluto's side, Surrey Newington and Clark Holland. The two people recently collaborated on a paper on electromagnetic fields, which combined the complex and changeable aspects of electromagnetic fields. The electromagnetic field phenomenon is unified into four simple and elegant equations, and the results of this paper are obviously based on these equations.

These two people should also have the most say on this paper.

"Linard Ingle, can you demonstrate this electromagnetic separation array?"

Clark Holland asked. He was young and handsome, with a slicked back hair and a single-sided glasses, looking like an elegant gentleman.

"I'll show you."

President Dmitry raised his hand and constructed the electromagnetic array and suspended it in the center of the round table.

What Fina's father spent more than ten years building was completed in just a moment under the hands of a high-level mage. This is really disappointing.

"The model of this magic circle is really simple and full of harmonious beauty."

A mage exclaimed that in the complex spell model, each node was as bright as a star, illuminating the conference room.

"The foundation is indeed built based on the electromagnetic field equation, but traces of careful carving can be seen in the optimization. This basic five-ring spell has been reduced to the second-ring standard, and it can even be driven by standard magic stones. It is really surprising. "

Surrey Newington stared at the slowly rotating magic circle, and then said to Holland beside him.

"Clark, this magic really made me understand my negligence."

He was referring to the fact that although he had constructed a corresponding theory, he had neglected its practicality and missed this great discovery.

"Let's see how this works."

President Dmitri said, taking out some materials, and then demonstrated it in front of everyone. When the high-level mages saw that the particles were accelerated by the magic circle, deflected in the magnetic field, and finally left a line on the receiving plate. When he saw different traces, a small exclamation spread.

"Is this what the element became after being hit by that electron beam?"

A mage asked. He was very interested in the electrons mentioned in the paper.

"Yes, the electron beam accelerated by the electric field has extremely high energy and can dissociate the elements into electrons and positively charged particles. In fact, this involves the issue of the element model I mentioned in another paper , I will explain in detail later.”

Reiner replied that he used the model of electrons and atoms as a supplement to the periodic table of elements, which to a certain extent explains why elements show periodicity. However, since he has not yet explained another paper, he has not elaborated on it yet. .

"Is this also one of the three types of rays emitted by the radioactive elements described in the paper?"

The speaker was Mrs. Maria Einstein. She had discovered two radioactive elements over the years and had been studying them. However, because she had not done much research on electromagnetic fields, she lost the first one. An opportunity to discover the nature of these radioactive energies.

"Yes, radioactive elements will release three kinds of rays. One is a particle stream composed of elemental Helios particles with a relative element mass of about 4, one is an electromagnetic wave with extremely short wavelength, and the third is a particle stream that carries A stream of extremely high-energy electrons."

Reiner nodded, his words made Mrs. Maria frown slightly, and then murmured as if she suddenly understood.

"So that's it. Recently, I have been studying the phenomenon of impurities appearing in these radioactive elements after being stored for a period of time. I am puzzled by the explanation. Now it seems that these elements may have released the rays of Xilios, causing the relative The mass of an element decreases and becomes another element!”

The quill and notebook floating beside her immediately began to write, recording Lady Maria's inspiration.

Reiner was stunned. Unexpectedly, Madam Maria had just finished listening to her explanation and immediately thought of the questions that appeared in the radioactive materials she was studying. Such leaps of thinking were worthy of a high-level mage.

"Wait a minute, two types of rays released by radioactive elements are particles, and the third type is electromagnetic waves. Does this mean that the essence of electromagnetic waves is probably also a kind of particle?"

A particle mage asked, but Reiner shook his head.

"This cannot be conclusive, just like the explosion produces not only heat and light, but also smoke and debris. We currently have no experiments to prove that the radioactive elements released must be different forms of the same type of material."

Reiner did not rashly propose the idea of wave-particle duality. On the one hand, he himself could not confirm whether this was the case in the world. On the other hand, he did not want the meeting to get into disputes again.

"Putting aside the debate about whether it is a wave or a particle, Rainer Ian Gray, it seems that the isotopes you mentioned can also be separated using this array. Since this phenomenon is true, then the relative element masses we now measure, There seems to be a big error.”

Eagles Field said that he was the first to propose the concept of element quality, but now Reiner's statement has subverted his initial deduction, making the high-level mage hesitate.

"Actually, Mr. Field, the relative elemental masses we use now are enough for daily calculations. I suggest that we can couple the relative elemental masses of each isotope of an element according to the proportion they exist in the world to get a more average The relative element mass also indicates the relative element mass and content of the isotope itself.”

Reiner's words made Field raise his head, and a glimmer of light flashed in his eyes. Indeed, Reiner's proposal is a relatively reasonable plan. It will not have a great impact on many existing theories, and can gradually correct the previous errors. .

The questions of the high-level mages were all explained clearly by Reiner. After receiving answers and understanding, the high-level mages present also looked at Reiner with admiration. Originally, the title of the youngest Hohenheim Gold Cup winner in history was placed on It was more like luck for Reiner, but at this time, the way Reiner answered the questions in an orderly manner truly proved that his achievements were not accidental, but due to his strength.

The frequency of questions gradually decreased, and finally, after answering a few questions from a mage about the nature of the new elements, the conference room fell into silence again.

"Now that most of your questions about this paper have been explained clearly, please allow me to introduce my own paper to you to complete the answers to the remaining questions."

Seeing this, Reiner handed his thesis supplement to President Dmitri and asked him to help project it in the middle of the round table.

"What this paper of mine explores is the issue of laws and order among elements. I believe all of you here have tried this at one time or another. I will give you an idea here. I hope you can Inspired."