Greetings, Mister Principal

Chapter 14: patent



Reiner answered truthfully.

"This is a brand new drink developed by Crescent College. Mr. Antoine, after experiencing it yourself, do you think this drink will be popular?"

"This... at least I'll pay for it."

Antoine nodded. This drink is really magical and seems to be addictive. If there is proper publicity and channels, it will definitely sell well.

"That's enough. Our purpose is very simple. Mr. Antoine, we hope to entrust you to produce this drink and sell it. We will give you a certain share based on the sales volume. Of course, we will pay the initial investment in advance. For you to develop production equipment."

According to the information that Reiner learned, a regular alchemy workshop, after setting up the production array, can produce two hundred bottles of Coke every day. Although the amount is not large, it is enough to open a channel for the initial stage.

And on the other hand, even if Antoine's Alchemy Workshop declines again, he still had a certain sales network before. The stores he cooperated with may be nearby pharmacies or small shops.

You know, finding a stable supplier of alchemy products is a required course for every store. Antoine's Alchemy Workshop has not closed down for so many years, and it must be inseparable from the help of some regular customers.


Antoine looked at the drink in his hand carefully and fell into thinking.

He had often received similar orders in the past, and the other party had entrusted the production of the formula, but most of them were ordinary alchemy products, and the drink in front of him was quite mysterious. Would the other party really trust him to produce it

"Do you have a patent for this thing?"

After thinking about it, Antoine asked.

Although he doesn't care about world affairs, Antoine still knows that Crescent College is not in good condition recently. They asked them to produce drinks themselves, probably because they want to make money to subsidize the school's expenses.

In this world, most inventions and creations will be registered as patents in the Magic Association, just like papers. If others want to use them, they must reach an agreement with the patent holder and pay the relevant fees. If there is a violation, the patent holder can file a lawsuit. Arbitration, demanding huge compensation.

There have been several famous cases in the past, and the amount of compensation finally reached was staggering.

So Antoine asked, wanting to confirm whether this thing belonged to Crescent College.

"Not yet, and I don't plan to apply for a patent. If I really want to say it, I am going to apply for a trade secret project for this drink called Coke."

Reiner replied, shocking both Claire and Antoine with his statement.

"Wait, wait, you haven't said this before."

Claire was a little panicked. She originally thought that Reiner would apply for a patent and then mass-produce it, but now it seems that this is not his plan

Claire naturally understands the concept of trade secrets. Just like the magic spells of the magicians, if they are submitted to the Magic Association, it is equivalent to applying for a patent. If other magicians want to learn, they need to pay the creator, but the model construction of the spells must public.

There are also mages who choose not to submit their spells to the Magic Association, so the spell will naturally not be protected. If others steal it by some means, the creator will have nothing to do, but correspondingly, the spell is secret.

Of course, trade secrets will also be protected, and if someone tries to steal them, they will naturally be punished, and the holder does not need to disclose them, and they can always be protected as long as the holder or agent is alive.

"I checked the relevant laws. If you apply for a patent, the Coke formula needs to be disclosed. At the same time, the patent is only valid for a hundred years, but if it is replaced by a trade secret, it is indefinite and the formula can be hidden. "

Reiner explained calmly, but this reason obviously failed to convince the two of them.

"But the recipe for this thing is not difficult. If the paper is published, then everyone can copy it. What's the benefit of keeping it a secret?"

Claire said that before coming here today, Reiner had already sent the paper. He would get a reply in three days at the latest, and the paper would also be available for reference in the Magic Association's warehouse.

In other words, no matter what, the existence and preparation method of that mysterious gas will no longer be a secret.

"I also think little Claire is right. What if someone imitates it?"

Antoine asked, but these questions did not hinder Reiner in the slightest.

"You two, I think you still don't understand what the value of a brand is."

Reiner thought for a while and came up with the most classic marketing theory on earth.

"If we disclose the formula, then everyone can drink the same Coke prepared according to the formula. Naturally, some people will use price wars or other means to attack us. But if we hide the formula, even if others analyze the ingredients , has made a replica that can be mistaken for the real thing. As long as we don’t admit it, then it will never be ‘Coke’, do you understand?”

After hearing Reiner's words, both of them fell silent.

Claire had only considered legal supervision before, but did not realize the nature of Coke as a commodity. For commodities, the formula should be the biggest secret. At this time, after listening to Reiner's words, she suddenly understood, and then quickly Recalling that this principal was originally the son of the business empire, he must also be proficient in this aspect of operations.

These businessmen are so cunning!

Antoine admired the foresight of the man in front of him. Before the product was put on the shelves, he had already considered his competitors and had a relatively safe countermeasure, not to mention being able to develop this very attractive drink. Who was he? who

Reiner does not think that the merchants in this world are all idiots. The primary commodity economy has begun to take shape. Even due to the convenience of transportation, cross-continental trade has already appeared. Many areas have transformed from a self-sufficient agricultural economy to a A commodity economy that takes advantage of its location.

Large chambers of commerce steal secret recipes or purchase patents, and then rely on their capital reserves to fight price wars to crush small businesses and occupy the market. This method is nothing new. Even Ian Graeben is quite good at this. But in Reiner's view, these methods are too young.

On Earth, the flavor of Coca-Cola is naturally unique, but what really makes it popular around the world is the special marketing method. Reiner, who comes from Earth, can think of several familiar marketing cases just from memory, among which One, he is already preparing to apply it to the promotion of Coke.

"Monsieur Antoine, I think you could look at the bottle cap in your hand."

Reiner said, causing Antoine to look at the bottle cap with confusion on his face, and Claire, who didn't know what was going on, also walked over curiously.

I saw a sentence engraved on the small bottle cap that shone with metallic luster.

Another bottle.