Greetings, Mister Principal

Chapter 36: Expensive journals


Of course, Reiner didn't know how much Xia Luo praised him. He checked Xia Luo's work progress and asked her to take a rest. Then he returned to his principal's office, where Claire was already waiting for him.

"This is the latest issue of "Alchemy", "Truth", and "Hong Kong Tower Observer Monthly"... "

Claire read out a long list of names against the catalog in her hand, and finally added.

"... Of course, there is also "Monthly Alchemist Griffin", which is sent to you by the other party's editorial department for free."

She pointed to the thick stack of books on the table. These were the top academic journals. Just purchasing these journals cost nearly fifty gold coins, which made Claire very heartbroken.

The price of academic journals published in the current issue is the highest. After multiple issues, the selling price will decrease due to timeliness and inventory clearance. Therefore, many schools choose to postpone the purchase of journals for several months in order to save costs. For example, in the past fifty years Here, Crescent College has been delaying the purchase of these journals for one year.

On the one hand, not all schools have the need for cutting-edge magic research. Many schools that value basic education only aim to cultivate first-level mages, or even simply popularize magic knowledge among nobles. Academic journals are not necessary for them.

On the other hand, these academic journals are really expensive. Take the most comprehensive "Truth". A current issue of "Truth" costs two gold coins. On the mainland, one standard minted gold coin can be exchanged for one hundred A silver coin, and a silver coin can also be exchanged for a hundred copper coins. To put it simply, a copy of "Truth" is worth six thousand bottles of Coke.

In this world where knowledge represents power, intellectual property rights can be said to be the most valuable rights and interests.

Fortunately, Reiner has made a lot of money from Coke in the past two weeks. For the next research, this kind of funding expenditure is necessary.

"Thank you."

Reiner told Claire that the dean had changed out of her maid uniform and put back on the shabby robe, which made Reiner feel a little bit regretful.

"Is there any problem with Coke?"

Claire already knew about the theft of Antoine's alchemy workshop, and was a little worried at this time. After all, Piram's family had a big business and was unscrupulous, so it was difficult to guarantee that he would not do anything extraordinary.

"The bait has been put out, it just depends on whether this big fish will take the bait."

Smiling, Reiner looked at the journal in front of him.

"Teacher Claire, can you pour me a cup of coffee?"

"I'm not a maid!"

Claire puffed up her cheeks and said, but seeing that Reiner was already minding his own business opening academic journals, he could only sigh and go tinker with coffee beans and hot water.

Reiner had already devoted himself to studying.

He has always been worried about the lack of understanding of cutting-edge knowledge in his thesis review comments, which made Reiner have a little doubt about himself.

After all, this is a magical world. Although according to experimental phenomena, most of the physical laws are no different from those on the earth, Reiner still does not dare to put his knowledge to death easily. If unexpected encounters occur in the future, In such a situation, my head might explode.

Reiner now decided to verify his knowledge bit by bit, starting from scratch, while carefully constructing his worldview to avoid surprises.

First, Reiner opened "Alchemy" and scanned the table of contents.

"Some Guesses and Verification Processes about the Arrangement of Elements" - Lanchester Stanion, the legendary mage.

"Properties and Compounds of the New Element "Gmuir"" - Maria Einstein, Seventh Ring Mage.

"Discussion on the properties and compounds of the new element "Keira" obtained by electrolysis of caustic alkaline, and its application in electrolysis"—Cornwall Penzance, Master of the Seventh Ring.

... ...

There is no doubt that the mainstream of the alchemy system at this time is the search for new elements. Mages used various methods to dismantle substances, some were successful, and some failed.

"But electrolysis?"

Reiner looked at the paper. Electrolysis was an important discovery in the chemical history of the earth. Since many elements are reactive and easily react with other substances, it has been difficult to see their true identity for a long time until scientists used When electricity breaks down matter, these naughty elements are discovered.

This of course includes hydrogen and alkaline metals.

Although hydrogen was not discovered by electrolysis, electrolysis of water is still one of the most familiar chemical experiments, and its chemical reaction formula can be regarded as the earliest reaction equation that most people are exposed to.

Reiner quickly finished reading the paper. The new element "Keira" obtained in it should be some kind of alkaloid metal, like sodium or potassium. Obviously, because of long-term understanding, water is the basic element, so that A high-level mage did not try to electrolyse water.

"Or maybe electrolyzing water doesn't give normal results?"

Reiner wrote down his thoughts in his notebook and decided to prepare related experiments when he had time recently. Since someone had already proposed the electrolysis method, the decomposition of water was imminent.


While Reiner was thinking, Claire had already brought a cup of coffee.

This guy says he doesn't want it, but his body is quite honest.

Reiner thought vaguely, thanked him and took a sip of the warm liquid.

The temperature of the coffee is just right, and the amount of sugar added is exactly what Reiner likes. It seems that the previous week of maid life has allowed Claire to master Reiner's taste.

"Your coffee making skills are getting better and better, Teacher Claire."

Reiner smiled, making Claire blush with embarrassment, stamp her feet, and left the principal's office without looking back.

Shaking his head helplessly, Reiner looked at the catalog again, and the title of a paper caught his attention.

"Discussions and conjectures on several properties of fire elements in combustion reactions." 》—Fleming Ernst, Sixth Ring Mage.

Is this paper on combustion reactions the "cutting edge theory" mentioned in the review comments

Out of curiosity, Reiner turned to the page where the paper was located.

In the paper, the author first showed several combustion experiments and raised questions about the quality problems that occurred in them. The process was clear and logical, and even Reiner found it pleasing to watch.

"It seems that the mages are also aware of the incompleteness of the combustion theory and are trying to solve it. My paper is just the tip of the iceberg."

Reiner laughed at himself, then looked down.

The author quickly came up with a conjecture, that is, the element of fire has negative mass. That is to say, the more the element of fire is in a substance, the smaller the mass of the substance. He applied this theory to the previous experiment, and it was perfect. It effectively explains the mass change phenomenon that occurred in the experiment.

"This explanation always seems unconvincing."

Reiner said to himself, putting aside whether the element of fire exists, the concept of negative mass is very suspicious. If there is really negative mass, then why does the element of fire have this property? Is there any other substance that has such a property? Negative mass, why does negative mass occur

The introduction of this concept was accompanied by a series of questions, but the author of the paper did not answer any of them.

It was already late at night after reading all the journals. Reiner simply ate the dinner prepared by Mrs. Freya and went to bed early to rest.

Because starting from tomorrow, he will start designing experiments.