Greetings, Mister Principal

Chapter 40: Essay and cat


At night, Reiner sat in his room, dipped his quill in ink, and wrote the title of the paper on the parchment spread out in front of him.

"The properties and compound analysis of the two new elements "Ocles" and "Hydra" obtained by electrolysis of water, as well as several conjectures about combustion theory."

He was originally thinking about whether to make the title more euphemistic, but then he simply decided to follow a common format. Since he had to throw out these conclusions, it was better to draw attention from the beginning with the title.

Reiner then began writing the summary in his customary format.

"An experiment was conducted on water using electrolysis, and two gases with unique properties were electrolyzed from it. One of the gases can promote combustion and react with a variety of combustibles to produce a compound, named 'Ocles'; the other gas A gas itself is extremely flammable and reacts with 'Ocles' to produce water. This gas element is named 'Hydra'; the properties and relative element masses of the two gas elements were measured. . . . . ”

After simply writing the abstract, Reiner's remaining work was to transfer the experimental notes that Charlotte helped organize into the paper step by step.

The candlelight flickered, and unconsciously, the originally noisy Crescent College gradually fell silent. The Primrose Moon (March) has come to an end. As summer approaches, the nights gradually become sultry, and the open A breeze blew through the window, causing the edges of the parchment to tremble slightly.

Reiner wrote quickly, and the language that had been brewing in his mind was like a waterfall flowing down, turning into words one after another and imprinted on the parchment.

As he was writing, Reiner's inner world was also quietly changing.

A little ripple appeared on the originally calm lake, followed by a fierce storm. In this storm, lightning flashed and hit the center of the lake!

The turbulent lake water rolled under the power of thunder and lightning, and the excessive energy was conducted in the water, even causing the collapse of some stable structure.

In water, two gases quietly form.

One of the gases caused a flame in the thunder and lightning. The electric arc was like a giant dragon in the humid air. The next moment, the blazing flame ignited and surrounded the entire lake. The orange light illuminated the dark storm, like the light of life. .

Another type of gas is rising rapidly. It contains more terrifying power, but it has not yet been discovered. It is quiet, light, but ready to explode. Between the flashes of thunder, it forms the entire sky.

Finally, the storm that washed the world gradually subsided, the clouds cleared and the rain cleared, and a rainbow appeared over the lake.

Around the lake, the unquenchable flame turned into a sacred fire, burning quietly, while in the sky, a sun rose, shining on the earth.

Although the water in the lake has not increased much, it can be clearly felt that the purity of the water has risen to a higher level. This is because Reiner's understanding of water as a substance has risen to another level.

The quiet lake, the burning holy fire, the vast earth, the endless wind, the four elements turned into entities and took shape in the lake in Lena's heart. This is a sign that the irregular magic power has gradually settled down. At this moment, Lena , the only thing left to become a formal mage is to engrave the next one-ring spell model in the heart lake.

After writing the final acknowledgment, Reiner stopped writing. Everything in his heart had no direct effect on his body. Reiner simply felt refreshed and not at all sleepy even though it was late at night.

After sorting out the paper, he was going to send it out in a few days, hoping to get a higher rating this time.

Standing up, Reiner discovered that at some point, there was a tiger-striped kitten in his room.

This cat probably slipped in through the window and ate up Reiner's midnight snack, a small portion of roast chicken, before lying on Reiner's pillow in a lazy manner, sleeping soundly.

"You are so naughty."

Reiner didn't pursue it, reached out and stroked the kitten's head, and scratched the back of the cat's neck like he had seen it before.


The kitten was woken up, opened its mouth to bark, glanced at Reiner, and closed its eyes again, not caring at all about the original owner of the room.

Following Reiner's petting behavior, the kitten soon began to purr, its tail wagging back and forth, seeming to be quite enjoying it.

After being so comfortable for a while, the kitten seemed to realize something, got up, stretched out on the bed, and then nimbly jumped off the bed, jumped onto the window edge, and disappeared in a flash.

"I always feel like this cat is the owner here."

Reiner muttered to himself, tidied up the dinner plate that was messed up by the kitten, and then lay down on the bed.

He picked up the newspaper on the bedside table. This was the "Daily Prest" which published the third issue of "The Lonely Gourmet".

According to Oriana's feedback, this serial is very popular, and even brought many young female admirers to the prototype of the character, Baron Goode. This kind of middle-aged uncle with a gentlemanly demeanor and full of fun in life, It simply hits the pain points of many young girls.

The original author Charles also received the favor of many publishing houses, inviting him to publish the collected volume "The Lonely Gourmet" at home.

As for the "Daily Prest", it gradually regained its previous status because of this serial. After experiencing the purely attention-grabbing headlines of those newspapers, people soon discovered that if they want to understand comprehensive news, they still have to read The newspaper's market share began to recover rapidly.

The copy in Reiner's hand was not only the newspaper published in the third issue of "The Lonely Gourmet", but there was also such a news item in the corner of the front page.

"Recently, Crescent Coke has launched a brand new activity. For the Coke that will be released on the 1st of next month, you can use the label on the bottle to exchange for exquisite cards from merchants. On the cards are portraits of famous ancient wizards. According to this According to the reporter's investigation, there are a large number of such cards. If all are collected, the manufacturer of Crescent Coke will give a mysterious card to the collector... "

Yes, the archmage cards produced by Reiner and Charlotte will be officially released soon. Within these two weeks, they printed the cards of twenty mages as the first batch, and also adjusted the frequency of these cards. As for the mysterious cards in the news, neither Reiner nor Charlotte have thought about it yet. Anyway, no one will be able to collect them all in a while.

"Hopefully this strategy will work."

Reiner is not absolutely sure. The cola produced by Piram Alchemy Workshop in the past week has obviously adopted Antoine's alchemy circle. With the help of powerful retail stores, it has gradually gained sales around Prest. Let more people know about the existence of Coke.

But on the other side, Reiner has asked Antoine to collect all kinds of information that is enough to report Piram's theft, and is ready to wait for the right time to detonate this time bomb in one fell swoop.