Greetings, Mister Principal

Chapter 56: Annual Meeting


As several fireworks were launched into the sky, the 305th Annual Meeting of Mercury Scale was officially held. The mages who received the invitation letters entered the mansion on the shore of Lake Wagner through the main entrance. Near the gate of the mansion, countless low-level mages were waiting. I looked longingly at those Excellencies I had only seen in books and papers.

"That's Lady Maria, my God, she's so young!"

"Could this be Lord Lizmo? I just completed the analysis of Lizmo's hurricane spear!"

"I can't believe my eyes, that's His Excellency Frederic Dmitry, the leader of the Mercury Scale!"

"Will Lord Stanion come today? I admire him the most!"

... ...

The low-level mages were whispering, including Peter.

He was dressed neatly, as if he were going to a party. Peter believed that good clothing could increase his chances of being remembered. His eyes swept across the members of the Mercury Scale who were entering the manor, but he unexpectedly discovered a familiar face. .


Yes, the mage apprentice Reiner whom I just met yesterday is walking openly on the road leading to the mansion like other mid-level mages. Since there are many mages wearing formal clothes, Almost no one noticed the existence of such an apprentice mage.

In fact, it is not only mid-level mages who can attend meetings. Occasionally, you will bring your own students with you, so it is not surprising to see third-level, second-level, or even first-level mages in the crowd.

But a mage apprentice is a bit incredible.

"Hey man, are you in the wrong place?"

Peter's call caught Reiner's attention, and he came slightly closer before hearing Peter's question.

"Wrong place? The academic conference should be held here. I asked the hotel waiter."

Reiner took another look at the map in his hand that the waiter had marked for him to confirm that he was on the right track.

"Of course the academic conference is held here. I mean that's where the adults attending the conference go. You should come to my side, otherwise you will be kicked out by the guards."

Peter kindly reminded that in the past, those who tried to get through were ruthlessly thrown into Lake Wagner, which could be said to be a very miserable end.

"Uh, but I have to attend a meeting."

Reiner said, not only Peter, but also the people around him turned their heads when they heard Reiner's words, staring at Reiner as if they were looking at some exotic creature.

"Are you kidding me about joining the meeting, Reiner?"

Peter's first reaction was that the other party was teasing him. He then confirmed that the person in front of him was indeed a mage apprentice who had not yet obtained the rank.

"I'm not kidding, Peter."

Reiner took out the invitation letter from his pocket. The letter with the mercury scale logo dazzled in the sun. Peter's eyes widened with disbelief on his face.

An apprentice mage, invited to attend the Mercury Scale's annual academic conference? ?

"Stop talking, I have to get in quickly, Peter, we can talk again tonight when we have a chance."

Reiner didn't say anything more, but hurriedly walked to the gate and was among the people lining up to enter.

Peter stared blankly at the other person walking away. Before he could recover, he heard the person next to him coming over to ask.

"Do you know that person just now?" "Is he a student of your Excellency?"...

Faced with these questions, Peter thought for a moment, cleared his throat, and then spoke.

"Ahem, actually, he is my best friend. We met in..."

... ...

The mages belonging to Mercury Scale seemed to have long been accustomed to the scene of low-level mages occupying both sides of the road. They came to the gate and took out their respective invitations. The ones responsible for the inspection at the door were several fourth-ring mages. , is carefully checking the invitations of all the guests.

In the past, there have been incidents where invitations were stolen and someone pretended to be someone else. Fortunately, the person just wanted to hear the research results of high-level mages instead of committing some attacks, but the impact was still very bad. Since then, academic conferences have Security work has been strengthened a lot to prevent similar accidents.

Andun is one of the mage responsible for reception. He has just joined Mercury Balance for less than a year. He is only able to do this job because of the love of his teacher. You must know that the mage responsible for reception has the opportunity to come into contact with the high-level mage. But there are many more. If you are lucky enough to be appreciated, your future will be limitless.

"Please come in, Master Levi."

Andun had just received a fifth-ring mage. He turned to look at the next visitor, only to find that the other visitor did not have any signs of his rank. He looked like a mage apprentice.

"Mage Apprentice? I think you're in the wrong place."

He said as politely as he could, looking the handsome apprentice up and down.

"Uh, this should be the venue for the mercury balance academic conference, right?"

That visitor was Reiner, he confirmed.

"Yes, but only mages who have been invited can attend this meeting."

Andun was already a little impatient, because there were already several people lined up behind Reiner, and if he read correctly, there was a sixth-ring mage among them.

"Then I qualify."

Reiner took out the invitation letter he was holding in his hand, leaving Andun unable to react for a moment.

"Uh, let me take a look."

He took the invitation letter from Reiner and confirmed that the information on it was indeed in his possession.

Is this really a student cultivated by someone in advance

An Dun thought quickly and his attitude immediately changed.

"Well, indeed, this is a formal invitation. Please come in. The venue is in the mansion directly ahead. My name is Anton Ferrier. Please forgive me for my rudeness just now. Everything is for your safety. Very sorry. Happy to serve you.”

"It doesn't matter."

Reiner took the invitation letter handed back by the other party, answered it as it should be, and walked into the manor openly.

Passing the garden walkway, he entered the mansion, followed the direction of the flow of people to the conference hall, found his own seat near the walkway and sat down.

The conference hall is more like an auditorium. Most of the seats are already occupied by mages. They are either chatting in low voices, or reading the books they brought. Most of them are flipping through the conference directory distributed at the venue, which contains information about what will be discussed at the conference. Summaries of the treatises of the masters who spoke at the forum.

Reiner naturally got a copy, but before he opened it, he heard the two mages next to him discussing in low voices.

"You know, I heard that there was a major discovery at this meeting, and it was actually made by a low-level mage!"

"In what respect?"

"I don't know. I heard it from my teacher, and he only found out after hearing a few of your Excellencies chatting."

"A low-level mage can come up with a discovery that is enough to be mentioned at this meeting. Is another Lord Alberton about to be born?"

As the two talked, one of them noticed Reiner's apprentice status, but out of politeness, they just mentioned it and did not continue the discussion.

Because the meeting officially started.