Greetings, Mister Principal

Chapter 60: Olive branch


After Reiner's speech ended, Lanchester began to directly explain the results of his experiments these days. He rewrote the alchemical reaction equations of many important experiments discovered in the past according to the principle of conservation of elements, and in three of the reactions based on This law led to the discovery of three completely new compounds that had been ignored in the past.

The entire conference hall was silent, and everyone was taking notes in their own way. Even Reiner, after returning to his seat, immersed himself in the catalog, frantically absorbing knowledge.

Time passed quickly. The morning meeting was over. The participants would enjoy a sumptuous meal in the restaurant of the manor. Reiner was so hungry that he took several portions of food regardless of appearance and sat at the dining table to feast.

In addition to the regular fruit-fired chicken, pan-fried steak, cod soup and other dishes, there are also many exotic foods that Reiner has never seen before. According to the introduction, these should be ingredients from other demi-planes, most of which have some seasonings. The effect of magic power is very helpful to mages. Based on the principle of getting nothing for nothing, Reiner took a little of everything.

But no one would ridicule him at this time. In the eyes of all the mages, this mage apprentice was already a rising star, especially when some enthusiastic mages came forward to inquire and learned that Reiner was only twenty years old. , this expectation became even stronger.

Knowledge and strength can be continuously cultivated, but thinking that is good at observation and discovery is difficult to cultivate in a short period of time. It can be said that Reiner now has the foundation to become an excellent mage. He only needs to keep moving forward, and he will be able to Achieve something.

"Reiner, I guess I can call you that, right?"

Just as Reiner was sipping a light green wine that was said to be brewed from the juice of carnivorous plants in a demiplane, Frederic Demetri came to him, this nine-ringed man. The high-level mage seemed approachable at this time, like a kind elder.

"Your Excellency Dmitry."

Reiner hurriedly wiped the corners of his mouth with a napkin, causing Frederic to smile slightly.

"I have been discussing an issue with Mr. Stanion, and that is whether it is appropriate to invite you to join the Mercury Scale."

Add mercury balance!

Although Reiner didn't quite understand the meaning of this, he could guess from what Peter said to him yesterday that Mercury Scale should be an organization that many mages, especially mages who specialize in alchemy, dream of joining.

"Well, please forgive my ignorance, but I still don't know much about various magic organizations."

Reiner said honestly that he could not rashly join a camp he did not understand. Although judging from the news, most of these camps were like societies and there should be no armed conflicts, Reiner still wanted to understand the situation first.

"Haha, sorry, I subconsciously thought that the mercury balance was already a household name."

Frederick smiled heartily, and then began to patiently explain several famous camps in the Rainbow Tower, including the mercury balance that specializes in alchemy, the storm council of the element system, the stargazers of the astrology system, and the law system. Spellweaver, the Immortal Throne of Necromancy, etc.

There are frequent exchanges between factions, but the vast majority of mages can only specialize in one or two factions, so they will naturally choose a camp that is more suitable for them.

Joining these camps, although you have to take on obligations such as training students and exploring demiplanes, you can also receive generous benefits.

The simplest thing is that as the publisher of "Alchemy", members of Mercury Balance enjoy a half-price discount for purchasing the latest journals, and various alchemical materials can also be purchased at cheaper prices, as well as academic activities such as attending this conference. Seminar qualifications, which are only available to members of Mercury Balance.

Frederick's words made Reiner very excited, not only because of the benefits, but also because he could get in touch with the higher-ups in the magic world and even obtain a layer of protection.

Although the Piram incident ended in Reiner's victory, the thrilling scene at the end still frightened Reiner.

Yes, this is a world where magic exists. It is difficult for Reiner to guarantee that he will not encounter some mage with malicious intentions to attack him in the future, nor can he guarantee that he will be as lucky as before every time. He urgently needs to improve his strength, and he also needs Find a backer to protect yourself.

However, the need to shoulder responsibilities also made Reiner hesitate. If it was to train students, he would have no problem. If he was directly thrown into a certain demiplane, Reiner might not survive for half a day.

Seeing Reiner lost in thought, Frederick smiled and patted his shoulder lightly.

"It doesn't matter if it's hard to decide at the moment. You probably haven't passed the magic test to get the official magic rank yet. It's better to wait until the test is over and become an official mage before replying."

Although he admires Reiner from the bottom of his heart, Frederic also knows that it is difficult to get good results by forcing him. What's more, if you want to join the Mercury Scale, you really need at least one level of magic, so he said this.

"Well, thank you."

Reiner nodded slightly. The latest magic test will be in a month. If you prepare properly, passing it shouldn't be a problem. It won't be too late to reply by then.

Thinking of this, Reiner came up with another idea and asked politely.

"By the way, Your Excellency Dmitry, did you just say that there has been more than one academic conference like this?"

"Yes, although this meeting is the largest meeting within Mercury Balance, there are several other academic seminars held by various branches. As for other factions, there are similar activities. What's wrong?"

Frederic replied that he originally thought that Reiner wanted to participate in a similar event, but the other party quickly gave a different answer.

"It's like this. My magic school is currently experiencing some financial difficulties, and I happened to develop a new drink. Although it sells well in surrounding cities, it still needs to expand the market."

Reiner boldly said that since he had been appreciated by the other party with his paper, he might as well take advantage of the situation and promote Coke.

"So I was wondering if I could promote my drink inside Rainbow Tower or Mercury Scale."

After hearing Reiner's words, there was a moment of silence before Frederick answered.

"Of course it's okay to be able to help a talented newcomer, but you know, I'm afraid I don't have the final say on this kind of thing. It needs the unanimous consent of everyone at Mercury Scale."

This demand is actually not difficult to fulfill. As long as Frederick agrees, it doesn't matter even if Reiner hands over ordinary water. The reason why he said this is to leave Reiner with a person that he values very much and tries to help. His impression in order to win over this future talent.

"Uh, what do you mean?"

Reiner carefully considered his words and asked back.

"I mean, did you bring a sample, Reiner?"

Frederick blinked and asked with a smile.