Greetings, Mister Principal

Chapter 70: A corner of the world


At Griffin, Hans couldn't close his mouth when he looked at the orders he had received.

The news that Rainer Ian Gray won this year's Hohenheim Gold Cup spread immediately after the annual meeting of Mercury Balance. People who were not able to attend the meeting were eagerly waiting for the latest issue of "Alchemy" to be published, and some were attentive. The mage discovered in the database directory of the Tower of Rainbow that this Reiner Ingle had published a paper before.

As a result, the "Monthly Alchemist Griffin", the only one that included this article, became a treasure that many mages were eager to buy. This caused the price of the journal, which originally had a small print run, to rise for a while, causing the editor-in-chief Hans to contact the printer hurriedly. The factory reprinted it several times.

Not only that, some schools also learned about this journal. Out of recognition of Hans's vision, they immediately placed a one-year order for "Monthly Alchemist Griffin" to avoid missing out on any major discoveries. Anyway, For these schools, purchasing an additional journal only costs a small amount of money.

At the same time, more and more mages are submitting articles to "Monthly Alchemist Griffin". Most of the research results of these mages are not important. Submitting them to those big journals will only make them disappear. In the past, they did not know that such a thing existed. journal, and now, these mages seem to have found a new way to publish papers.

Hans was very happy, and from time to time he would brag to the people around him that he had discovered the first paper of the Hohenheim Gold Cup winner. He framed Reiner's reply and hung it in the most conspicuous place in the office.

However, Hans also knew that the cooperation between Reiner and him might end here. After winning the Hohenheim Gold Cup, Reiner's future papers will definitely receive enough attention, and he may never appear in "Monthly Alchemist" again. Griffin". In fact, according to the latest news, the paper on electrolysis of water should be published in the next issue of "Alchemy", which is what countless mages dream of.

Hans picked up a treasure this time by pure luck, and he had to rely on the recommendation of his friend Angele.

"Should I go to Rainbow Tower to talk to that guy when I have time?"

Looking at the city outside the window, Hans murmured to himself.

... ...

On the other side, in Priest's prison.

Piram sat dejectedly on the stone bench. The bed here was made of hard stone slabs covered with straw. It was damp and dark, and was gnawed by rats from time to time. It could be said to be the worst place.

His hands were cuffed by chains. These were no ordinary chains, but made of some kind of material that could inhibit the release of magic by mages, and were specially used to imprison mages.

In a few days, Piram will be sent to a wild and remote demiplane, where he will work for decades until death.

The glory and wealth disappeared in an instant. Piram thought a lot, but there was no chance to regret it.

He hated Antoine because Antoine took away Elaine, the girl who warmed everyone around her like sunshine.

The three of them were originally good friends, but Piram has always been secretly in love with Elaine. Antoine himself is obsessed with research and has no interest in love, so Piram feels that he has a great advantage, but he did not expect that when he was about to express his feelings, he saw Elaine. The scene where Lian confesses to Antoine.

Since then, Piram's relationship with the two people quickly fell apart. Later, he sank for a time. He relied on Hyrule Ingle's help to make a comeback, but found that the woman he loved had died of illness.

All the anger was poured into Antoine, and Piram hated him so much that he was eventually blinded by hatred and ended up like this.

In prison, Piram figured everything out, but there was no chance for him to come back again.

Bang bang bang—

"dinner time."

The jailer brought simple food, bread like sawdust and "broth" that was thinner than water. Piram took the food and sighed. Although it was unpalatable, he was already hungry and couldn't care less. He tore off the bread with difficulty, dipped some soup in it and put it in his mouth.

He didn't even realize that today's jailer was not the same one who came every day.

Not long after, Piram felt a pain in his abdomen. Piram covered his throat. It was like thousands of sharp needles. The blood vessels on his face burst out, and the poison immediately spread to his whole body. Piram rolled his eyes and fell to the ground. , his right hand wanted to grab something, but ultimately failed.

The alchemist who once had all the power in Priest eventually died in a small, dark and damp prison. Even the rats were unwilling to eat his body.

... ...

Reiner looked at the information compiled by Claire on the table, and did not expect that the couple's research results would be so numerous.

Judging from several papers, they focused on traveling through various demi-planes, recording the detailed geography, biological inspections, and distribution of magic power in each demi-plane, trying to construct a theory to describe the entire world.

They call the Atlas continent a world community, which is the collective name for a civilization and the demiplanes it radiates to.

In the Christian couple's theory, the difference between planes and demiplanes lies in independent laws and whether civilization can be produced. They believe that the demiplanes distributed around the Atlas continent were actually originally part of this world. It split apart for some special reason, which explains why the basic laws of the demiplane are the same as those of Atlas.

According to the conjecture of the Christines, other real planes should have completely different laws from this world. For example, there may be no magic at all, and civilization relies on other energy sources to develop.

In Reiner's opinion, this was simply a genius hypothesis, because he himself came from a world without magic.

Unfortunately, the Kristins never found such a world, and their continuous travels around the demiplane, trying to find proof of their theory, failed because of the collapse of the demiplane.

It was the most serious demiplane collapse in history. The demiplane named "Midgar" was instantly annihilated in the void. Several people in the demiplane at that time, including the Kristen couple, Hundreds of people died, and the couple were the highest-ranking mages.

"Midgar" is a demiplane located on the border of civilization, with a large number of mineral deposits rich in magic power. According to the letter sent back by the Christines, they temporarily decided to go to "Midgar" because of the strange magic reaction here. Gal", after collecting the data here, he was preparing to return home, and the disaster happened at this time.

Moreover, Reiner noticed that the day of Kristen and his wife's accident happened to be Dana Kristen's seventh birthday. On that day, she lost her parents and became an orphan.

"It's really unpredictable."

He picked up a note from the side of the document. This was the note that Reiner asked the students to write about their thoughts about the future during the morning meeting, and this note belonged to Dana Kristen.

Looking at the words above, Reiner showed a complicated smile.