Greetings, Mister Principal

Chapter 77: practice


After entering summer, the air becomes hotter and hotter.

The bright spring sunshine disappeared, replaced by a slightly scorching sun. The brick-paved ground became a little hot due to the long sunshine. Students walked between the squares in a hurry, wearing thick mage robes. Although it blocks the sun and prevents these adolescent girls from getting tanned, it is also a bit sultry.

The magic power of the apprentices cannot support the operation of the temperature-regulating mage robes, and reducing the scale of the temperature-controlling circle to the apprentice level is expensive. At least in Crescent College, students still endure the summer heat.

According to the observation of Rainbow Tower, this summer may be the hottest in ten years. In some parts of the earth in the southern part of the continent, high temperature orange warnings have been issued continuously. Mages have rushed to various places to fight against the recurring drought and high temperature. .

In a corner of the square, under the shade of a tree, three people were there.

One of them was naturally Dana. In this sultry summer, there was a trace of cold sweat on her forehead.

She was wearing a robe with the Crescent College logo, but the cuffs and collar had been re-sewn. Dana didn't want to spend more money to buy additional robes, so she learned to be a tailor herself, and from time to time she helped her classmates repair their clothes.

Standing in front of her were Reiner and Claire.

Claire is also wearing a gray robe. In her words, this is to maintain her dignity as a teacher. Although Claire's face is blushing now and a few strands of hair are stuck to her face with sweat, she still has not changed into light and breathable clothes. .

Although Claire is already a first-level mage, and her magic power can support the kind of robes that are warm in winter and cool in summer, she is very poor. In order to reduce the school's funding expenses, Claire's monthly salary is only five silver coins, so naturally she cannot afford it. That kind of high-end robe.

Reiner wasn't obsessed with his so-called image. He only wore a light shirt and trousers. Standing under the shade of a tree, he didn't feel hot at all. However, looking at Claire who was sweating profusely, he couldn't help but suggest road.

"Claire, why don't you go back and change into a dress? The one last time was pretty good."

"I do not want!"

Claire said stubbornly, as if she was a mage and a teacher wearing mage robes.

"Okay, let's finish this as soon as possible."

Reiner shrugged helplessly, and at the same time he wondered whether, as the principal, he could change the school uniforms, at least so that these young girls could wear beautiful little skirts instead of such old-fashioned robes.

At least I look more pleasing to the eye!

Recording this idea in the small notebook in his head, Reiner then looked at Dana.

"Dana-san, the rest is up to you."


Dana nodded, then took two steps back, faced the open space, and took a deep breath.

The spell model in her mind was spinning, and Dana seemed to hear her parents scolding her in a daze.

"You blocked my notes." "What are you happy about? This level of magic is not considered magic at all!"

The scolding quickly occupied Dana's brain and spread to the spell model.

There was only a loud noise, and the magic power that had nowhere to vent formed a huge storm. The air was compressed and then released towards Dana's fingertips.


Claire couldn't help but retreat and covered her face with her hands. She vaguely felt that Reiner was blocking her in front of her, but the huge roar made it impossible to think.

Reiner's hair and clothes were blown by the strong wind, but he did not hide, but faced the explosion caused by Dana's failed spell.

The explosion lasted for nearly ten meters before it subsided, causing a shallow pit to appear on the lawn. The grass was blown away and fell one after another, and the air was filled with the smell of earth.

Dana's pointed hat had long since disappeared, her long flaxen hair was messy, and she herself stood there blankly, with thousands of thoughts intertwined in her mind.

I have obviously worked so hard and given so much, why do I still fail! ?

Dana didn't dare to look back at Reiner. She felt that she had failed him, just like she had failed her parents.

She was afraid, afraid of seeing that disappointed look.

Dana felt Reiner walking towards her. She turned her face slightly and saw the principal raising his hand. She instinctively wanted to close her eyes, thinking that Reiner was going to reprimand her.

But the next second, a warm hand gently touched Dana's head.

"It doesn't matter. Failure is the mother of success. Even high-level mages will sometimes fail to cast spells. Don't worry, relax and let's try again."

After hearing Reiner's gentle words, Dana opened her eyes. She saw Reiner looking at her with a gentle expression, and there was no expected disappointment in his eyes.

"but I... ... "

"It's okay, believe in yourself and believe in us."

Reiner's words made Dana fall into thinking. She felt herself shaking all over, but she nodded slowly, turned around, and started casting the spell for the second time.

Closing her eyes, Dana thought about the entire spell construction process in her mind.

The first step is to build the model.

One by one, light points appeared in the consciousness. These light points shone like stars, and from them, countless silver threads appeared.

These silver threads turned into bright and dazzling tracks, gradually forming a familiar pattern.

Due to days of mathematical training, Dana is already very familiar with the calculation of coordinates. She is careful and does not make the serious mistakes she made in the past. The entire model is simple and elegant, full of a harmonious beauty.

The second step is to inject magic.

Dana slowly injected her magic power into the spell model. For her, her too large magic power reserve became a burden. She had to carefully control her magic power to let it flow out slowly instead of Like a flood, it completely destroys the magic model in the consciousness.

The spell nodes gradually light up, and between the nodes, magic power flows like a trickle, filling the entire model.

In the past, when Dana reached this stage of casting her spell, it would collapse due to flaws in the spell model, causing an explosion.

But at this time, Dana's spell model was very stable. Although there was constant turbulence caused by the overflow of magic power, she was still firmly bound to the spell model and could not escape.

The third step is to cast magic.

Dana opened her eyes, and a bright light flashed at her fingertips.

It was a very weak light, undetectable under the scorching sun. If Dana hadn't been under the shade of a tree, it would have been obscured by the sun.

But that light does exist here.

Dana's eyes widened, as if she didn't believe that the light swaying on her fingertips came from her, but the magic power constantly flowing in her body was telling her this fact.

He did successfully cast the illumination spell.

Dana suppressed her excitement and continued to cast spells for about another minute before interrupting the supply of magic power.

The whole process went so smoothly that Dana thought she was still in a dream.

"Congratulations, Dana-san."

Reiner applauded. He patted Dana on the shoulder. It was obvious that the girl was still trembling with excitement and nervousness.

"You have taken the first step to becoming a mage."

Dana felt her heart beating very fast, excitement, joy, excitement, longing, regret, and many other emotions mixed together.

She looked into the distance, and suddenly, in a corner of the castle, Dana seemed to see her parents.

The couple in robes seemed to be smiling at themselves. It was a soft expression that Dana had never seen before, but for some reason, the expression was clear and real, as if it was taken from memory.

Dana's nose suddenly became sour, and tears fell down heavily.