Greetings, Mister Principal

Chapter 85: First exam


After the morning meeting, Crescent College ushered in its first morning self-study since the school was founded.

Thirty students sat in the same classroom. They were still talking about it, but they fell silent when they saw Claire walking into the classroom with a stack of test papers.

This scene where the needle could be heard shocked Claire for a moment. She forced a smile and spoke.

"Don't be nervous, everyone. This is just a test paper for practice and will not be recorded on your transcript."

Claire's words did not make the students relax at all, and the nervousness became more intense as the test papers were distributed.

Evana was not good at magic. Faced with this math problem that was like a book from heaven, she scratched her head and didn't know where to start.

"The model for this question seems to have been taught in some class. What does it come from?"

She browsed the entire test paper, trying to find a question that she could start with, but soon she discovered that she couldn't write a single question.

Evana looked to the side. Xia Luo frowned, seeming to be confused about the test paper. However, compared to Evana, Xia Luo at least wrote several questions.

The difficulty of this test paper is not smooth, nor does it simply increase in order. It was designed by Reiner to test the students' ability to observe the questions. Except for those students who are not stumped by the questions, most of them have excellent grades. In fact, students just know how to choose.

They can see the difficulty of a question and the time it takes to solve it. They are not obsessed with perfect scores, but only sprint towards 80% of the scores. This is a pure test-taking strategy and a measure taken to maximize the use of time.

As a veteran who has experienced more than ten years of exam-oriented education on Earth and a high school teacher, Reiner naturally knows all about the techniques here. He will also tell the students these techniques in tonight's lecture, but He also wanted to see which students could learn by themselves without a teacher first.

Amidst the silent wailing, only three people seemed to respond calmly.

One of them is Emilia. Although she often stagnates, she still completes the questions smoothly. Coming from an ancient family, she must be very familiar with magic. Although she is dissatisfied with Reiner's actions, she still Work hard to finish your studies.

There is also a girl named Fina Nabistin. This little girl with short hair and glasses has always ranked first in the final exam of Crescent College. She is also the most promising student to advance to the official mage. It seems that these Basic questions didn't bother her at all.

And the third person turned out to be Dana.

Dana looked at the test paper. Although she had never seen any of the questions above, many of the question types were familiar to her. They were exactly the types on the special test paper of Reiner that had tortured her for many days. Since she had done it many times, So she followed suit and soon got the answer.

She just followed the steps that Reiner told her before to solve the problem and calculate. When she came to her senses, she had already written down the last question.

Raising her head, Dana looked at the classmates next to her. Almost all of them were still struggling with the sea of questions, with painful expressions on their faces. You know, in the past exams, this situation should have been the other way around.

Dana rubbed her eyes to confirm that this was not her dream, then lowered her head, checked her answers again, and then continued to focus on the puzzle she had skipped before.

For Evana, time flew by. She had just written three questions when Claire, who was sitting on the podium, clapped her hands.

"Time is up."

"Huh?" "Why so fast?" "Let me finish this problem!" "Wait, don't worry..."

The students begged one after another, and the air of sadness filled the classroom.

"How did you calculate the third question just now?"

"I remember that I need to use a formula..."

After the exam, it was the much-loved answer-checking time. Several girls gathered together and chattered like sparrows.

"That angle must be sixty degrees, I calculated it!"

One girl said confidently, and this answer was also recognized by others.

When Dana heard their discussion, she showed a slightly puzzled expression. The girl saw it and asked.

"Dana, is the answer to your third question sixty degrees?"

The girl probably just wanted to ask the question casually and didn't expect Dana's answer.

But unexpectedly, Dana thought for a moment and blurted out.

"There are two answers to this question, one is 60 degrees and the other is 120 degrees. Because the final value of sinA is half the root of three, so there are two angles."

"... ..." "... ..." "... ..."

Dana's answer made several girls freeze in place. After thinking about it carefully, it seemed that there was nothing wrong with what she said.

Then this means that your answer is wrong.

"Uh, I have class later, so I'm leaving first."

With an apologetic expression on her face, Dana quickly packed up her things and left the classroom in a hurry.

However, Dana's performance in mathematics spread quickly. Every time after class, students would come to Dana and ask her various math problems, although not all of them were solved by her. They can all be solved, but most of them are similar types of questions that she has seen before, and she can get certain ideas for solving the problems with a little thought.

During one exam, Dana became what the students called the top student in mathematics.

At this time, Dana realized the role of the math test paper that Reiner left for her.

It not only exercised her calculation ability and ability to solve conventional problems, but more importantly taught Dana her ideas for solving problems. Now whenever Dana encounters a problem she has never seen before, she will first list all the known conditions. out, and then continuously deduce the implicit conditions through the known conditions, and finally analyze the problem and transform it into a problem with a known solution method.

It's the same even when it comes to magic. You can convert the spell models of magic you haven't mastered into a combination of known spell models. Through this, you can learn quickly and even deepen your understanding.

For example, Dana discovered that there are many similarities between the standard zero-level spell Fireball and the standard one-level spell Fireball. By analyzing the structure of the spell model, she quickly figured out the differences between the two spells. The difference greatly facilitated her mastering the fireball technique.

This is the effect of induction and summary.

Originally, Dana felt that for many people who would not become mages in the future, what they have learned now is of little use. Being a baroness does not require learning trigonometric functions and analytic geometry, nor does it require knowledge of alchemy. Reactivity and the history of magic, but now, Dana understands that the so-called learning is not just about learning knowledge, but more about learning a method of learning.

Thinking of this, Dana couldn't help but feel grateful to Reiner. He did not give boring lectures, but actually made Dana realize this, which benefited her for life.