Greetings, Mister Principal

Chapter 88: Meeting gift


"I'm very sorry, Mr. Burke. Just after you came to inquire, we suddenly added a few more reservations. My trustee asked you whether you want to pay to reserve the room, but there was no reply, so..."

Fox, the owner of the hotel, smiled apologetically, with a smile on his face, but he was cursing in his heart. Who told him that this guy didn't want to pay the deposit first to save money? He deserved to be the first to get in.

But business has to be done. This fat man, Burke, also has some properties in Toronto. Of course, Fox cannot offend the other party at will.

After Fox said this, Bolu Ke also realized his mistake. He only made a verbal reservation at the time, thinking that he could get it done relying on his own face. However, he did not expect to be robbed halfway. Bo Lu Ke turned his head and hurriedly said The family behind them explained.

"Mr. Patchwell, I wanted to confirm your itinerary before booking, but I didn't expect that something like this happened. It was my negligence."

Burke explained respectfully that it seemed that the status of the man named Patchwell was obviously higher than him.

Still wanting to say something, Burke caught a glimpse of Osborne who had just come downstairs.

"Osborne, why are you here?"

Bruck was a little surprised. He had competed with Osborne in many fields before. Recently, he had been defeated in the beverage industry because the other party was the first to represent Coke. He already had resentment in his heart. When he saw Osborne, He seemed to have figured something out.

"Haha, let me introduce to you. This is Mr. Ian Gray. He is my business partner and the founder of Coke. He is also the principal of Crescent College. This time I will bring the students to take the exam. I will do my best. Landlord friendship.”

Osborne also listened at the side, and soon understood that it was the room he had reserved for Reiner and others that had caused Boluk's current predicament, and he couldn't help but feel a little happier.

"Cola... ... !!!"

Coke was another pet peeve of Bruck. He originally saw the business opportunities for this drink, but Osborne got the exclusive rights one step ahead of him, which almost made Bruck almost lose his shape with anger.

But after hearing Osborne's introduction, Bruck felt a sense of luck. Maybe he could gain the trust of the Coke maker and get him to grant him authorization.

However, this fantasy was shattered before it took shape.

Burke stared blankly at the young man who reached out to him. Isn't this the guy who had a conflict with him on the airship

At that time, Bruck was rushing to Lake Wagner to discuss important matters with several partners. When he saw Reiner dressed in ordinary clothes and blocking his way, he habitually cursed a few times. Little did he know that this was the inventor of Coke.

Die, die, die.

An awkward smile appeared on Boluk's face, and he gently shook Reiner's hand. He didn't know what to say. He could only hope that the young man had forgotten what happened that day.

"Mr. Bruker, the scenery of Lake Wagner is not bad."

But Reiner's words made Burke feel like he had fallen into an ice cave.

This guy remembers it clearly!

"Haha, I was in a hurry to get on my way at that time, so I was a little rude. I hope Mr. Ingle will not take it too seriously."

The corner of Burke's mouth raised. It was raining all night tonight, and there were a lot of bad things going on.

"Beruch, if there is no room here, let's go somewhere else."

At this time, the father who had not paid much attention to the dispute before spoke. He was slightly unhappy, but he still remained quite polite.

"Mr. Patchwell, you are right."

Bruck nodded in agreement, making Reiner a little curious about who this Mr. Patchwell was.

"We can't delay the rest of the two young masters. I also know another hotel with very nice rooms!"

After glancing at the two teenagers who showed impatient expressions, Burke had no intention of talking to Osborne and Leonardo anymore.

"Crescent Academy, hasn't that school closed down yet?"

One of the boys suddenly said that he must have heard Osborne's explanation before. At this time, his freckled face showed a touch of pride, and he asked rather proudly.

"I don't know, it will be soon."

Another boy spoke up, glancing at Reiner deliberately, the meaning being clear.

"What are you talking about, Roger, James?"

Their mother said reproachfully, while giving Reiner an apologetic look of helplessness.

It seems that the parents of this family are okay, but the child is a real bear.

After thinking about it, Reiner took out two test papers from his storage bag and walked up to the mother.

"Madam, these two well-behaved children must also be here to take the magic exam. It just so happens that I have this year's latest test questions from the Rainbow Tower, which can significantly improve the basic knowledge of magic. We are very sorry for what happened today. This is I’ll give it to you as an apology.”

The two test papers are naturally not the latest test questions from the Tower of Rainbow, but extremely difficult math questions that Reiner wrote in his spare time. They were collected from major mathematics monographs and can be called Mathematics Olympiad-level problems.

The difficulty and depth of these questions far exceed those required for promotion exams. Ordinary apprentices who have not received special problem-solving training may not be able to write even one question after reading them. It is perfect to give as extra homework to naughty children.

Reiner now only regrets that he acted too slowly and did not compile a three-year simulation of the five-year magic test, otherwise it would not be a happy birthday gift for the naughty children.

"Thank you very much."

Mrs. Patchwell originally only thought that the principal was very handsome, so her attitude was relatively relaxed. Now that the other party generously gave these test papers to her, she felt that Reiner was a gentle gentleman.

After glancing at the test questions, Mrs. Patchwell, who has basic magical literacy, although she does not know how to answer the questions above, can also know that the questions here are not easy, and she believes in Reiner's words even more.

Mr. Patchwell didn't say anything. He was discussing where to go next with Burke and had no time to be distracted.

There were only two naughty kids, looking at the thick test paper, their faces turned pale, staring at Reiner, as if they were cursing him in their hearts.

How can anyone meet and give gifts and test papers? !

And my mother seems to be very grateful! ?

This guy just said a few words to us, and actually used such a vicious method to retaliate against us! ! !

Reiner smiled meaningfully. These two brothers should also be here to take the mock exam. It just so happened that Reiner would use them to test the difficulty of his test paper - if they could meet again in the future.

As he spoke, Mr. Patchwell came back and glanced at the test paper in his wife's hand. He didn't say anything, and then left the hotel with his family. Of course, Baruch also followed. Before walking out of the door, he still had a complicated look. He glanced at Reiner.

"Patchwell is the municipal councilor of the nearby city of Lamia and a second-level mage. Burke probably wants to please him in order to get more resources in Lamia, stupid guy."

Osborn waited until they all left before explaining to Reiner.

"Hopefully they have a good night."

Reiner shrugged and teased.