Greetings, Mister Principal

Chapter 93: Section 1


The morning in Toronto always starts with the sound of carriage wheels turning. Today is the first day of rest. The number of people walking on the street has obviously become smaller, but for others, today is a busy day. one day.

Reiner led the students to the examination room early. The place was no longer closed today. There was an endless stream of candidates wearing various apprentice robes, and they were communicating in low voices. But when they saw the students of Crescent College, the whole The hall suddenly became quiet.

"It seems to be working well."

Reiner thought to himself.

The four students of Crescent College were all wearing light summer sailor uniforms. The young and graceful body of the girl made the boys present swallow their saliva and stare straight at them.

The other girls looked at these students in beautiful clothes with envy and resentment.

"Please wait a moment, which school are you from?"

The invigilator asked seriously. He defined this behavior as sensationalism, so his tone was a little unhappy at first.

"Crescent Academy."

Reiner handed over his admission ticket, and the invigilator took it casually, but his eyes widened when he saw the name on it.

"L-Linard Ingle?"

He then compared the photo captured using projection magic on the admission ticket with Reiner himself to confirm that it was correct, and then returned the admission ticket to Reiner with some caution.

Naturally, his words did not escape the ears of the candidates. Soon, everyone knew that these students in beautiful skirts were students from Crescent Academy, a magical school for girls, and the rather chic leader was Lai Na. Ingle.

"... Mr. Iain Gray, the examination regulations prohibit you from wearing strange clothes into the examination room. Do you think it is..."

This mage obviously knew who Reiner was, but he still insisted on his own idea. He wanted to maintain the sanctity of the examination room.

"This is the school uniform of Crescent College. It represents the school. It is not a fancy dress. Teacher, I remember that the regulations don't say that you cannot wear school uniforms or that you must wear robes to take exams, right?"

Reiner dared to design school uniforms like this and let students wear them. Naturally, he had studied the relevant regulations. At this time, his righteous words made the invigilator mage who was originally afraid of his reputation remain silent and could only get out of the way.

But Reiner's name had spread throughout the hall, and students came up one after another, hoping to exchange a few words with this legendary mage. For a moment, Reiner really felt the feeling of a star being surrounded by fans. He thought After thinking about it, he raised his voice and said.

"Fellow students."

This made the noisy crowd suddenly become quiet, listening to Reiner's words quietly.

"I can understand your feelings, but today is the day of the mock exam. We still focus on the exam. If you have any questions you want to discuss with me, you can wait until after the exams are over in these two days."

His words naturally reached the ears of the students who had not gathered, including Roger and James.

They stared blankly at Reiner, who was surrounded by students, and then realized that they seemed to have overlooked something before.

In fact, cutting-edge academic information is of little use to mage apprentices like them. Unless special attention is paid, a reputation like Reiner's is indeed not enough to spread to every apprentice in Ammonai Province.

The reason why Reiner has received so much attention has a lot to do with the publicity given by those male fans yesterday.

As for Rogge and James, who don’t pay much attention to academics, it’s only now that Lehner has been linked to the youngest Hohenheim Gold Cup winner in history.

No wonder we couldn't solve any of the questions that guy gave us!

Rogge gave himself an explanation and thought at the same time.

This guy is completely bullying the younger ones. He is so evil!

And James suddenly thought that he seemed to be in the same examination room as this Reiner Ingle, and his face immediately turned livid.

Reiner naturally didn't know these things. He took the students to the fourth floor of the Magic Association and gave a few more instructions before letting the students enter the examination room.

He and Dana came to the examination room No. 4 where they were, and there were already some students here.

Reiner's seat was in the second to last row by the window, while Dana was in the third row by the corridor, quite far apart.

Looking around the examination room, some students are still reciting something silently, some students are checking their pens and ink, and some students, whether they are confident or have given up on treatment, are tapping the table out of boredom.

Sitting on the chair, Reiner suddenly felt like he was in another world. He had gone through countless exams in the past, but he never thought that one day he would take the magic exam.

His reverie was interrupted by the sound of footsteps. Two mages, a man and a woman, walked into the classroom, with a thick stack of test papers in their arms.

Obviously, this is the mage who is invigilating the exam.

The two of them glanced at the students under the podium, paused for a moment only when they caught a glimpse of Dana's sailor uniform, then cleared their throats and spoke.

"Everyone, the first mock exam of the year is about to begin. The first exam subjects are the Mage Code and the History of Magic. Please place your admission ticket in the upper right corner of the desktop. The exam will officially start in fifteen minutes."

The male mage said that since all candidates must be tested before entering the fourth floor, there are no books that need to be processed in the examination room. Even the ink and pen are brought by the examination room. The apprentices only need to arrive by themselves.

"There will be magic tests throughout the exam. Don't try to cheat. It will be useless except that you will be disqualified from the exam."

The female mage added, looking around the examination room, her eyes lingering on Reiner for a moment.

Fifteen minutes passed quickly, and the bell that signaled the start of the exam rang. The apprentices who had received the test papers uniformly picked up their pens and began to answer the questions.

The first subject is actually the most difficult for Reiner, because almost all of it requires memorization. The Mage Code is similar to some professional norms and basic etiquette. The History of Magic, as the name suggests, is the history of mages.

Reiner's writing speed is not very fast, so he is weak in this part of knowledge, but fortunately, the Mage Code can also answer part of it with common sense, and the history of magic is easy to understand after being slightly deconstructed by Reiner, so he It should be no problem to get 80% in one subject.

Time passed very quickly, and the one and a half hour examination time passed in the blink of an eye. The bell that represented the end of the examination rang. Amidst the lamentations, the invigilator took back the examination paper. While he was still doing the final finishing work, the door of the examination room was suddenly pushed open. open.

An old mage with a gray beard walked into the examination room. He asked the two invigilators with a straight face.

"Where is Reiner Ingle?"