Greetings, Mister Principal

Chapter 94: Examining the Master


The male invigilator's name was Louis. He was stunned and did not dare to reply.

The person in front of me was the third-level mage who was in charge of the mock exam. His name was Rupert. He had worked diligently in the Toronto Magic Association for thirty-seven years and was quite famous.

At the same time, Rupert is also known for his strictness. During his years as a patrol teacher, Rupert has caught at least hundreds of unlucky people who tried to cheat. Even his colleagues are in awe of his vigorous and resolute behavior.

The so-called patrol teachers are supervisors who travel to various examination rooms during the exam. At the same time, the patrol teachers will also supervise the invigilators. Because there have been vicious incidents in the past where students bribed the invigilators to cheat together, so the patrol teachers The authority is much greater than that of an ordinary invigilator, and having Rupert take charge is even more of a deterrent.

"Mr. Rupert, the exam has just ended, we have to pack the papers."

The female invigilator's name was Remia. She was a little bolder and reminded Rupert.

"It's okay. You continue to sort out the test papers. I'm looking for Reiner Ingle."

Rupert came to the podium, picked up the seating chart of the examination room, and soon discovered Reiner's seat.

The students couldn't help but whisper. No one knew what Rupert was asking Reiner for, but according to rumors, any exam that Rupert asked for would basically end badly.

"Did this guy cheat?"

James, who was in the same examination room, thought to himself, and he couldn't help but feel a little happy, wanting to see Reiner making a fool of himself.

Dana watched with some worry as Rupert walked towards Reiner. She did not know this old mage, but the legends she had heard before made her feel a big stone in her heart.

Reiner looked directly at Rupert, who was slowly walking over. He had not violated any examination regulations, so he was naturally not afraid.

Rupert walked to Reiner's desk, cleared his throat, and then asked.

"Are you Rainer Ingle from Crescent College?"

"Yes, I am."

Reiner met Rupert's eyes.

The air in the examination room was silent for a moment, and then Rupert continued.

"Come here with me."

Reiner didn't say much. He stood up and followed Rupert out of the classroom. Before leaving the door, he winked at Dana, telling her not to worry too much.

The exam had just ended, and the examination papers were still being sorted and checked in various examination rooms. There was no one in the corridor. Reiner got back his storage bag. He secretly put on the ring transformed from the Hohenheim Gold Cup, and then followed Rupert to the fourth floor. In an office on the first floor.

"What's matter?"

Reiner asked. He saw Rupert closing the door gently, taking a long breath and taking out a stack of parchment from the desk drawer and handing it to Reiner.

"What's this?"

Reiner took the parchment and found that there were many words densely written on it. After taking a closer look, he realized that it was a paper.

"Is this a paper?"

Reiner became even more confused when he saw Rupert's name signed the paper.

At this moment, Rupert suddenly came over and spoke in a completely different tone than before.

"Mr. Ian Gray, it's like this. This is a paper of mine that has not been submitted for review. I was wondering if you could help me correct the omissions in it..."


Shouldn't there be a plot here where someone who is unhappy with Reiner colludes with the examiner to frame him

Reiner was a little stunned. When he saw Rupert's sincere and eager eyes, he forced a smile and turned his attention back to the paper.

"Mr. Ian Gray, sit here."

Rupert pulled out the chair, let Reiner sit down, and poured another cup of tea.

"I have been stagnant in the third ring for many years and had originally given up hope of promotion, but recently I read your paper, Mr. Ian Gray, and came up with several more ideas..."

He explained like a lonely old man who hadn't confided in anyone for a long time.

"I'm used to being serious in front of the juniors, so I can't help but feel embarrassed. I can only invite you to come over and help me review the paper."

It turns out that he is still a face-saving old man.

Reiner smiled and quickly finished reading Rupert's paper.

The content of the paper is not complicated, but perhaps Rupert has not been exposed to cutting-edge academic theories for many years, or perhaps he is indeed lacking in talent. Many assumptions and reasoning processes in this paper have many loopholes, and it cannot be said to be a qualified article. Even if the paper is revised, Reiner feels that the possibility of passing the review is not high.

The paper is a first draft, and there are many traces of revision. It can be seen that this is a paper that Rupert spent a lot of time writing, but this hard work cannot erase the flaws in the content of the paper.

It was only then that Reiner realized that it was not easy to get feedback and promotion through exploring the world. If it weren't for Reiner's knowledge from the earth and certain experimental conditions, it would have been difficult. Get what you have today.

Compared with the earth, this world pays more attention to individual talents. The gap between talented people and mediocre people cannot be easily caught up with hard work.

There are many mages like Rupert who achieved great things when they were young, but were unable to break through because they were stuck in a bottleneck. These people are the general public in this world.

The hard work of mortals may not be able to compete with the whim of genius.

"Mr. Rupert, your paper..."

Reiner thought for a moment and finally decided to tell Rupert the truth.

He patiently explained some omissions in the paper, and Rupert's face became worse and worse as he listened.

Finally, after Reiner finished explaining the paper, Rupert fell into another chair and was speechless for a long time.

"Haha, it seems that I may not be able to advance to the intermediate level in my lifetime."

Rupert smiled. To Reiner, it was not a smile of despair, but rather a feeling of finally being relieved.

"Thank you, Mr. Ian Gray. In fact, I gave up a long time ago. As a mage, my level is the same. I just want to try hard one last time so that my life can be considered regretless."

He stood up and saluted Reiner again.

"I'm really sorry for wasting your time."

Rupert opened the door and signaled that Reiner could leave at will.

Reiner nodded, thought for a while, and said to Rupert before going out.

"Mr. Rupert, I think a person's value is not only reflected by the level of magic. The decades you have worked here are not meaningless. This is an achievement you deserve to boast about. You are a A respected mage."

After saying that, Reiner bowed and left.

When Rupert heard this, he froze in place for a long time before letting out a long sigh.