Greetings, Ninth Uncle

Chapter 124: Concubine


When Empress Yang heard the frown, she hesitated: "You mean... By giving the prince the opportunity to choose a concubine, put a few eyeliners in?"

"That's right." Dou Xiyin couldn't help but leaned forward and said in a low voice, "Auntie, there are three palaces and six courtyards in the sage, and the crown prince also has selected servants. Which man in the world does not have three wives and four concubines? Cheng Yujin occupies the crown prince's concubine. It has been almost a year, and she is the only person who has a reputation around the prince. Aunt, let alone a prince concubine, even in ordinary people's family, this is extremely jealous and domineering. It's done."

Empress Yang did not speak, but seemed to be thinking. Indeed, although it is said that the juvenile couple will have a longer warm-up period due to their first experience in personnel and their newly married Yan Er, but it is very rare that they have not been married to a concubine for a year.

This is the case with ordinary officials and eunuchs, and the men in the Duke and Marquis manor have had concubines and concubines long ago. Even if they didn't raise their righteousness before marriage in order to give face to the wife, after the marriage, the wife often gave these people official status. In addition to the main wife, there are only one or two concubines around who are considered clean and self-righteous. This is still a famous concubine who has passed the Ming Road. As for serving the men to sleep at night and continuing to be a maid during the day, they are not included in the aunt's quota. .

If a son is clean around him and doesn't mess around with maids, he can just show it off as capital. But Li Chengjing's situation is a bit scary. He has been married for a year, not to mention the official selection of servants, even if it is a palace maid who was accidentally visited by the prince, Queen Yang seems to have never heard of it.

Empress Yang wasn't sure either. She didn't know if Cheng Yujin was strict in governing the palace and handled women superbly, or if Li Chengjing really didn't favor others. Empress Yang didn't quite believe the last point, but in the palace, she quietly dealt with the woman who served in the bed without disturbing anyone. Empress Yang thought that she couldn't do it herself, let alone a prince concubine who had no power to rule the palace.

Empress Yang was a little moved. In her opinion, there is no man who does not like fresh food. There was no one around the prince, and it was most likely that Cheng Yujin was keeping it tight, and the prince was embarrassed to show his wife's face. If outsiders send ready-made fresh beauties before the collapse, will the prince still be able to push them out

At that time, if there were a few of Queen Yang's people among the beauties, wouldn't they have opened the door in the East Palace. As for whether these women can survive under Cheng Yujin's hands... That's not Queen Yang's concern.

Empress Yang hesitated and said, "This is indeed a method. But since the Crown Princess entered the palace, her actions and words have been flawless, and now she is pregnant. If this palace shoves her, I am afraid that others will say that this palace is not merciful. "

After all, Empress Yang is Li Chengjing's stepmother, and she was a bit dirty with Empress Zhong, the biological mother of the prince. Although no one knew what happened back then under the cleaning of Empress Yang, Empress Yang still lacked confidence when she saw Li Chengjing.

Dou Xiyin said: "Aunt, this is what you want to mess up. You are the queen, the prince's mother, and now the prince is pregnant and can't serve the prince. For the sake of your offspring, why is it wrong to send someone to serve the prince? Besides, what's wrong? It was Cheng Yujin's fault originally. According to the etiquette, the prince should have two servants, four talented people, and eight ladies. She was jealous, occupied the prince, and arbitrarily suppressed the other palace maids who served the prince. You chose a concubine for the prince. Maintain etiquette and set rules for all women."

Empress Yang was gradually persuaded, nodded and said, "You are right. It's just that at the New Year's Banquet last year, the prince said that he should respect the ancestral etiquette, and he would not plan to take a concubine until he was 40 years old without a direct son. Now the prince concubine I'm pregnant, if this palace gives someone at this time, I'll always be suspicious of melon fields."

"Heh." Dou Xiyin smiled disdainfully and said, "Aunt, do you believe this kind of thing? No matter how well a man says it, if a young woman is delivered to him, how can they refuse?"

Empress Yang also dispelled the last trace of concern, and said: "Yes, you are right, it is Ben Gong who is too forward-looking."

Cheng Yujin stayed quietly in Ciqing Palace to raise a baby. Since it was accidentally revealed that she was pregnant at the wedding banquet of King Shou in May, Li Chengjing took advantage of the situation to admit it, and Cheng Yujin also lived in seclusion and stayed in the East Palace all day to raise her baby. Now the whole world knows that the Crown Princess is pregnant, and she stays behind closed doors, no one dares to say anything more.

The season is gradually entering the rainy season. In the past few days, there have been several heavy rains in the capital, and the sky is cloudy for half of the time. This morning, I woke up to the sound of rain outside the window. The raindrops fell from the blue glazed tiles to the stone steps, making a rhythmic sound.

In the afternoon, the rain finally stopped. The people of Ciqing Palace let out a long sigh of relief. Forsythia hurriedly instructed the palace maid, and opened the window to dispel the sullenness in the palace.

The wind outside the house was blowing with water vapor, cool and clear. Cheng Yujin leaned against the window to read a book, and just turned a page, the palace staff reported that the empress had sent someone. Cheng Yujin raised her eyebrows, knowing that she couldn't finish reading this book today.

Cheng Yujin simply closed the page, sat up, and said, "Xuan."

It was Empress Yang's powerful mama who came. Cheng Yujin already had a plan in her heart when she saw this person. It seems that Empress Yang must bring her out this time, otherwise, she would not have sent an old and talented candidate that Cheng Yujin could not refuse at all.

Cheng Yujin knew that she was going to make this trip, but on the surface, she still didn't realize it, and asked with a small smile, "It's Mammy Zhou, what virtue and ability in this palace, and mama Zhou who labored for a walk in person. ?"

Mammy Zhou saluted Cheng Yujin and said, "Prince Concubine raises her love, and this old slave is frightened. Concubine, the Empress misses your body very much, but it's hard to announce you to go to Kunning Palace. It's raining a lot these days. Slip up, in case there is a long or short on the road, it will be the Empress. The Empress is not worried, so she specially sent an old slave to ask."

"Thank you, Empress for your concern." Cheng Yujin stood up and said, "When the Empress summons, the Palace will naturally obey. How can the Empress send someone to ask me. Mammy Zhou, please lead the way."

"But it just rained outside and the road was slippery..."

"It doesn't matter. The Empress is looking for me for something, not to mention the rain, even lightning and thunder don't dare to delay." Cheng Yujin smiled, "Besides, the Empress is in charge of the six palaces, and the entire palace is under the control of the Empress. Now that the Empress has summoned me, if there are problems on the way, it would be too indecent. As the Lord of the Six Palaces, how could such a low-level mistake be made by the Empress?"

Mammy Zhou was speechless. When Cheng Yujin said this, Empress Yang seemed to be roasting on the fire. How dare Cheng Yujin make trouble on the road. Mammy Zhou smiled dryly. After going out, Mama Zhou looked at the road very carefully, and was more worried than she was pregnant. She was afraid that if she didn't pay attention, the master fell and fell, and then Empress Yang could not speak clearly.

Cheng Yujin is pregnant now, and it has just rained, so the people carrying the sedan chair are very careful. When the sedan car finally stopped at the gate of Kunning Palace, everyone up and down wiped away sweat.

Cheng Yujin entered Kunning Palace unhurriedly. When she entered the palace gate just now, she saw the sedan chair regulated by the princess with her sharp eyes. This season, this joint eye, who will be in it, is really clear at a glance.

After she entered the palace, she found out that Dou Xiyin was already there.

Cheng Yujin just made the appearance of salute, and Queen Yang quickly asked the maid to support her and said, "Prince Concubine is pregnant, so you don't need to be more polite. Hurry up and sit down."

Cheng Yujin was really just pretending, she didn't refuse, and sat down on the armchair beside her.

Cheng Yujin can avoid the ceremony, but Dou Xiyin can't pretend to be invisible. She stands up and salutes Cheng Yujin: "See the Crown Princess."

"Princess Shou, please get up." Cheng Yujin just glanced at Dou Xiyin, then stopped paying attention, and stopped her eyes on Empress Yang, "My son is inconvenient, and I have been neglected, please forgive me."

"It doesn't matter." Queen Yang said, "You are now pregnant with the first child of the crown prince. If it is a boy, it will be the eldest grandson of the emperor. Your belly is so precious, it should be raised with thousands of honors. , these false gifts can be saved if they can be saved.”

Cheng Yujin smiled: "Thank you for your understanding. It's just that the crown prince told me that children are fate, and this child is good whether it's a boy or a girl. already."

The corner of Queen Yang's mouth twitched unhappily. Sure enough, even if the tiger is vegetarian, it is still a tiger in essence. Cheng Yujin hadn't gone out for half a month, and her mouth was still so oily, salty, and watertight. Empress Yang thought that there was a serious matter today, so she ignored Cheng Yujin's first army, and continued to say: "Prince Concubine is right, now, the most important thing is to meditate and raise your fetus, and the rest are empty. It's just that The crown prince is the foundation of the country and cannot be neglected, the prince concubine is so heavy these days, it is inconvenient to serve the prince, I don't know how to arrange the sleeping arrangements?"

Yo, have your hands stretched out into her room? Cheng Yujin scraped the tea foam, and had no interest in drinking tea at all, and put the tea cup back on the table again: "I just entered the palace, I am young, and I have little knowledge. I only learned today that in addition to the harem, the East Palace is the one. Was it also arranged by the Empress?"

Empress Yang is a stepmother, so what woman does she arrange for her stepson to sleep with? Empress Yang looked embarrassed and said quickly, "Of course not. This palace is in charge of the six palaces, but the East Palace is not within the scope of the harem. Of course, the prince decides which woman he favors."

"Oh." Cheng Yujin nodded and looked at Empress Yang with a smile, "That's good, I thought all these years, the rules I looked at from the history books and laws were wrong. The Empress said just now, Erchen mistakenly thought that the queen was going to arrange a concubine for His Highness, it was Erchen who blamed the queen by mistake, and asked the queen to convict her."

Empress Yang's words reached her throat, and she was suddenly blocked by her words. Empress Yang couldn't breathe, her expression was very strange, Dou Xiyin was anxious when she saw this, and quickly interjected: "Empress Empress, didn't you say that you have prepared a caring person for the Crown Princess. Now the Crown Princess is here, you won't send it at this moment, When will you wait?"

Dou Xiyin pierced through with one sentence, but Empress Yang had no choice, so she continued to speak: "Yes, this palace has indeed found a few suitable people to share the worries of the Crown Princess. Come and ask those good girls to come up and give them to the princess. The princess kowtowed."

Kowtow to the tea is a necessary etiquette for the concubine to meet the main room. Only when the main room receives the tea can the identity of the concubine be truly recognized. Similarly, once you agree to someone else’s tea, even if you don’t want it, the main room You must also pinch your nose to recognize it.

Four beautiful beauties came out from the side hall. Huan Feiyan was thin and thin. When she saw Cheng Yujin, she knelt down at her feet and said, "I have seen the crown princess."

Between the eyebrows, I still feel pity. Seeing that they were not in a hurry, Cheng Yujin said, "The Queen and Princess Shou are also here. What kind of style do you only invite An Cheng to? Do you want to commit the following crimes and disrespect the Queen?"

The four beauties were shocked, they never expected this kind of development. They had been instructed by the queen for a long time, and naturally knew that they were going to be given to the prince. The four of them were all excited, and when they came up to give salutes, they used all the means of their wealth. They had long known that the Crown Princess didn't seem to be good at sex, but a few people didn't care, and were even gearing up for it. However, they never thought that their journey to seduce and win favors would fall at the starting point before they even started.

How dare they admit the charge of disrespecting the queen, several people looked at each other, and hurriedly kowtowed to the queen and Dou Xiyin again: "I dare not. I will pay respects to the empress and concubine Shou."

Empress Yang originally planned to give these four people to Cheng Yujin, but she thought about both tough and soft words, but she didn't expect to see a row of delicate beauties kowtow to her in a blink of an eye.

Who is this gift to whom... Empress Yang hurriedly stopped and said, "Prince Concubine, there is still no choice for a waiter in the East Palace, you are pregnant, you can't worry about it, and it will be difficult to find a woman with a clean net worth and good character for a while. I feel sorry for you and you are tired, so I found four people for you. I have checked the details of the four of them, and they are all very gentle and filial. They will definitely be able to serve the prince well, and they can relieve your boredom when you are bored. Prince Concubine, what do you think?"

Empress Yang's remarks are fully accounted for by etiquette and human feelings, and Cheng Yujin can't shirk it no matter where she goes. Dou Xiyin smiled when she heard it, and looked at Cheng Yujin with a relaxed look.

"Empress Empress's kindness, my son has learned." Cheng Yujin's voice just fell, and Empress Yang and Dou Xiyin's eyes brightened, but Cheng Yujin's voice changed, and suddenly asked, "Empress Mistress, there is something unclear about my son. She is a woman. , should you obey your parents' orders, or your husband's orders?"

Empress Yang suddenly became vigilant. Although she didn't understand what Cheng Yujin was talking about, she intuited that Cheng Yujin was setting things up. Empress Yang thought for a while, and said cautiously: "At home, obey the father, marry the husband, and obey the son when the husband dies. Everyone should be filial to their parents, wives obey their husbands, and sons obey their mothers. Therefore, there will be no differences between in-laws and husbands-in-law. To obey your parents is the same as obeying your husband."

Empress Yang felt that she had covered everything she said and avoided all traps. It is impossible for Queen Yang to win twice with the same routine. If Cheng Yujin still uses her original method and wants to use her words to counter the first army, it would be too naive.

But Queen Yang didn't expect that Cheng Yujin still smiled when she heard this. Seeing Cheng Yujin smiling, Empress Yang subconsciously raised her hair.

Cheng Yujin smiled and said, "The empress is really sensible. After the empress said it, my son suddenly became enlightened."

Empress Yang was dazed by her, a little panicked and a little annoyed, she couldn't help frowning: "What did you say?"

Cheng Yujin said: "As the Empress said, those who are sons should be filial, and those who are ministers should be loyal. His Royal Highness is both a son and a minister, so it is natural that the decree of the ancestors should be used as the standard. Taking a concubine, His Royal Highness, the Prince, respects his ancestors. He told his concubine earlier that he should lead by example and follow in the footsteps of his ancestors. The Queen’s concubine is so kind to me, and I am very moved, so I should be more filial to my elders. His Royal Highness said that before I had no children forty If I don’t accept concubines, if I take people back on my own initiative, wouldn’t I be disobeying my ancestors and trapping His Royal Highness in a place of unbelief and filial piety?”

When Queen Yang heard that her brows were getting tighter and tighter, she realized that she had been tricked. She clearly thought that Cheng Yujin might use her words to make a fuss, but she knew it, but she still couldn't avoid it.

Because when Empress Yang answered the question along Cheng Yujin's train of thought, she was already caught. If Queen Yang said that women should obey their husbands, then Cheng Yujin would say that the prince did not want to take concubines, and she should obey the prince; if Queen Yang said that women should put filial piety first and choose between husbands and in-laws to obey their in-laws, then Cheng Yujin would move out The founding emperor, on the pretext that she and the crown prince wanted to be filial to their ancestors, still refused to take concubines.

Empress Yang understood that Cheng Yujin never planned to take people away from the beginning, so no matter what Empress Yang said, Cheng Yujin was ready to speak. Even Empress Yang said that it is better to be filial to the elders, because in this way, Empress Yang herself is surrounded. Empress Yang can rely on her generation to suppress the prince, but she absolutely dare not say that the founding emperor is wrong.

Empress Yang's mood at the moment is extremely indescribable, she just said that a person will not be tripped twice in the same place, and in a blink of an eye, she fell into the pit again.