Greetings, Ninth Uncle

Chapter 125: flood


In the past year that she met Cheng Yujin, she single-handedly changed Empress Yang's definition of the word "rule". Empress Yang once relied on herself as the head of the harem and taught her concubines to "learn the rules", but since Cheng Yujin entered the palace, Empress Yang is now reflexively nauseated when she hears the word "rules".

Dou Xiyin saw that Empress Yang was swept into the pit, but Cheng Yujin moved out of the founding ancestors and moved out of filial piety, none of them could argue. Dou Xiyin gritted her teeth. These days, she slowly realized some ways. She always felt that it was too coincidental that she went to the second prince on the Lantern Festival.

Dou Xiyin was originally just arrogant, but she didn't expect her journey to be so smooth, causing her to do something wrong and almost lose her reputation. Now that she wants to marry the second prince, Dou Xiyin begins to feel annoyed about the previous incident. It would be nice if her reputation was not damaged, and it would be nice if she married the second prince justifiably and confidently.

At this time, Dou Xiyin thought about it again, and felt that the palace banquet in the first month was too many coincidences. Even she was full of doubts when she heard the palace maid say bad things in the back of the aisle. If it wasn't for those two palace maids, Dou Xiyin wouldn't have been pushed up and done something that would bring shame to the family, and he wouldn't have been so unreasonable now that he couldn't hold his head up in front of the people in the palace.

And all these suspicions point to the East Palace. Cheng Yujin also deliberately announced her pregnancy at her wedding to steal the limelight of her wedding. It can be seen that all this was planned by Cheng Yujin.

Dou Xiyin was angry, and because the second prince was bound by Dou Xiyin, he was no longer as kind to her as he used to be. Instead, three days after the wedding, he moved directly to the study. Dou Xiyin didn't dare to blame the second prince, and she didn't feel that she was at fault. Anyway, it was someone else's fault, and it was Cheng Yujin's fault for hurting her.

In the palace, Dou Xiyin watched helplessly as all kinds of maids were courteous to the second prince, and the culprit of all this, after a year of marriage, she was the only one in the East Palace. Dou Xiyin was very angry, and deliberately ran in to push Empress Yang and block Cheng Yujin.

This is not just Dou Xiyin's personal grievance, the use of concubines to divide the East Palace also conforms to the interests of the Queen and Shouwang's residence. So it was very easy, and Queen Yang was persuaded.

However, Dou Xiyin found in despair that persuading Empress Yang did not seem to prove anything. Because even Empress Yang couldn't handle Cheng Yujin.

What is the use of Empress Guangyang's willingness, these women still can't enter the gate of the East Palace.

Dou Xiyin was unwilling to return without success, so she blurted out: "Prince Concubine, the Empress gave you a call, but you pushed back three and four? You are unfilial."

Before Dou Xiyin spoke, Cheng Yujin hadn't seen Dou Xiyin at all, but Dou Xiyin suddenly grabbed the conversation, but Cheng Yujin gave her a serious look.

Originally, Cheng Yujin was too lazy to care about her, but she was just a minion, not worth wasting her energy. But since Dou Xiyin took the initiative to pounce on it, Cheng Yujin didn't mind repairing one or two.

Cheng Yujin smiled and asked, "When Princess Shou said that, is it saying that the rules set by Emperor Gaozu are wrong? Or is it that you can only be filial to the empress and don't care about Gaozu's rules? Then this is a dilemma, we should listen to Gaozu, or Should I listen to the Empress?"

Empress Yang panicked as soon as she heard it, and said quickly, "Gaozu was transported by the sky, wise and martial, this palace respects the emperor the most, when did he say that he did not respect the rules of the emperor?"

Cheng Yujin showed a relieved look, and said with heartfelt joy: "Since the empress thinks the same way, that's fine. Concubine Shou's words just now really made me sweat."

After Cheng Yujin finished speaking, without giving other people a chance to react, she looked at Dou Xiyin with a smile: "I really feel pity for these delicate beauties, but it's a pity that His Royal Highness said in front of the Holy Master that concubines can only be accepted without children for forty years. We must not commit this crime. The crime of bullying the king, it happens that King Shou has never made such remarks, why don't the second brother and sister take these beauties back

The expression on Dou Xiyin's face suddenly froze. She gave Empress Yang a stiff look and waved her hand quickly: "No need. Our Shouwang Mansion is good and we don't need these people."

In fact, Queen Yang didn't plan to stuff her son with her son and daughter-in-law when they were married for half a month, but Dou Xiyin said this in front of her, which immediately annoyed Queen Yang. Dou Xiyin, what does this mean? In order to keep Jun'er at bay, Dou Xiyin was able to offer herself a pillow seat, yet she still had the face to point fingers at Jun'er's people

Empress Yang used to be kind to Dou Xiyin because Dou Xiyin was her niece and her own family. But now that Dou Xiyin is married to the second prince, and her niece has become a daughter-in-law, Empress Yang's attitude has changed subtly. After all, Empress Yang and her son are the family. After Dou Xiyin broke in, she became an outsider.

In the end, these four beauties did not succeed, and Dou Xiyin made a show for herself. Cheng Yujin saw that the other two turned against each other in the nest, and was very satisfied and retired.

When she dared to enter the palace for a month, Cheng Yujin didn't have the confidence to refuse the queen to send her away. Now that she has a stable position, the most important thing is to be sure of Li Chengjing's attitude. Why should Cheng Yujin endure it? No woman likes to stab the concubine's room under her eyelids. Cheng Yujin began to feel that she could bear it, but now she finds that it doesn't seem to work either.

Anyway, whoever these women love and want, Cheng Yujin will definitely not take the initiative to take it back.

After Cheng Yujin left, Empress Yang's face was completely dark, and she looked at Dou Xiyin with a bit of hatred: "You are such an adult, don't you even have such a brain? How about Gaozu, it's your turn to comment?"

"I didn't say it." Dou Xiyin felt very aggrieved, "I didn't say anything, it was Cheng Yujin who put it on my head."

Empress Yang ignored it. She was angry with Cheng Yujin, saying that Cheng Yujin could not justify her and taught Dou Xiyin a lesson, but she dared to talk back? Empress Yang sullenly scolded: "If it wasn't for you, you just talked nonsense without thinking clearly, would she be able to catch the loophole?"

Dou Xiyin bit her lip, not understanding what happened to Empress Yang. Empress Yang was turned against the army by Cheng Yujin, why use her to vent her anger? Dou Xiyin dared to be angry and did not dare to speak. She lowered her head and replied, "It's my fault, please calm down the empress."

Empress Yang scolded for a while, and the anger in her heart was much smoother. She glanced at Dou Xiyin from the corner of her eye, still puzzled: "Cheng Yujin is already pregnant, you haven't made any movement. You should still serve Jun'er well, get pregnant with a dragon vein as soon as possible, and don't always spend your mind on these tricks. ."

Spooky trick? Dou Xiyin suddenly became angry, but she was worried about Empress Yang and held it down. Empress Yang has been the empress for almost 20 years, but she has achieved nothing in the harem. She was no match for Empress Dowager Yang before, and now she is no match for Cheng Yujin. Besides having a good father and aunt, what else does Queen Yang have

It's all just relying on the Yang family, and now, the queen's spectrum is still placed in front of her.

Dou Xiyin thought to herself, Empress Yang herself was helpless to the East Palace. She entered the palace to give a time. Empress Yang was a good child. As a result, the matter has been smashed by Empress Yang, and Empress Yang has also beaten her back, complaining that Dou Xiyin is not doing her job properly, and her mind is not right? Dou Xiyin was very angry, but she thought that her power was not enough to oppose Empress Yang, and she would use Empress Yang in the future, so she managed to hold back her displeasure.

After Dou Xiyin went out, Empress Yang covered her forehead with a headache. She felt a kind of heartfelt exhaustion, son, daughter-in-law, aunt, father...

Yang family, when did it become like this? At first, their family worked together and trusted each other, and they could give each other their backs without reservation. Since when did they become the fragmented and siloed situation they are today

And Queen Yang has another bad thing, that is Dou Xiyin's wedding. In order to compensate her sister and niece, she asked Dou Xiyin to marry the second prince. She originally thought she knew righteousness, but the emperor had a lot of criticism. Empress Dowager Yang sneered at her as a white-eyed wolf, her son blamed her for turning her elbows towards her parents' family, and now even Dou Xiyin blamed her.

Dou Xiyin's wedding was in a hurry, and some people maliciously speculated whether Dou Xiyin had one in her stomach. They couldn't wait, so they had to cross the bright road quickly. In fact, it was Dou Xiyin's fault. Although she had a skin-to-skin relationship with the second prince at the time, she was only limited to unbuttoning her clothes. The second prince was drunk at the time, and couldn't do anything, not to mention that he was discovered too quickly, and there was no time to do anything.

It would be fine if Dou Xiyin was pregnant, but she had the stigma of marrying her son, but she was not actually pregnant. Empress Yang is now caught in the middle, and it really is not a human being either side.

Empress Yang let out a long sigh. She looked up at the sky outside the eaves. She didn't know when it started to rain outside again. The rain curtain is continuous, the water and sky are the same color, as if there is no end in sight.

Empress Yang looked at the gloomy sky and felt inexplicably depressed and uneasy.

This year's rainy season in Beijing is extraordinarily long. At first, everyone said that if there is more rain, the harvest will be good, but when it rained for ten consecutive days, everyone could not sit still.

At this time, Jiangnan and other places issued emergency reports one after another, heavy rains and floods in Jiangnan, more than 500 people have been killed and injured due to the flood, and countless displaced people have been displaced. The flood is serious, and the imperial court is in urgent need of disaster relief.

When the court received the urgent report, the monarch and ministers were shocked. Cheng Yujin watched Li Chengjing return to the East Palace, and the chopsticks just moved. After receiving the report from the eunuch, he got up and walked out immediately. Cheng Yujin knew that the situation was critical, so she quickly arranged for the palace servants to prepare rain gear and sent Li Chengjing out in person. The rain seemed to be pouring down from the sky, and the silhouettes of Li Chengjing and the eunuchs were quickly blocked by the heavy rain, blurred, and could no longer be seen.

Forsythia followed Cheng Yujin, and when she saw this, she panicked: "Prince Concubine, is something serious?"

Cheng Yujin pursed her lips, rarely giving the maids a reassurance. In the end, she just shook her head and sighed at the rain curtain: "We rely on mountains to eat mountains, and we rely on water to drink water. We can only wait for His Highness and other adults to discuss countermeasures."

For the next few days, North Korea and China were arguing about the flood in the south of the Yangtze River. This rain has become the center of all topics inside and outside the palace. In the face of national disaster, everything has to be regressed. Even if Empress Yang was unwilling that the prepared concubine was blocked by Cheng Yujin, in this case, she could only stop temporarily.

Up to now, it has become a settlement to send people to Jiangnan for disaster relief, but the selection of candidates is a big problem. In the early days, people from all walks of life quarreled and quarreled for several days. Finally, Yang Fu made a strong decision and sent Xu Wen under his command.

Xu Wen was a student of Yang Fucheng, and he was very much used by Yang Fucheng. The Servant is Shang Shu's deputy, and he is also an important and fat place such as the Ministry of Household, which shows his position in Yang Fucheng's heart.

After Li Chengjing came back, Cheng Yujin saw that although he went to court, he was frequently distracted when he was reading, and he was obviously still thinking about the affairs of the court. She filled Li Chengjing with a bowl of soup and brought it to the study in person: "Your Highness, you have been watching for half an hour, drink a bowl of hot soup to rest."

Seeing that it was her, Li Chengjing put down the book, quickly held her arm, and said, "You are pregnant, so you can't be tired. How can you do these things like serving tea and water?"

Cheng Yujin thought it was funny: "It's just serving a bowl of soup, what's there to be tired of? Your Royal Highness, I know my own body, I'm not as fragile as you think. Imperial Doctor Zhao also said that after four to eight months, the fetal position is stable, On the contrary, we should strengthen exercise to avoid dystocia during labor."

Li Chengjing felt worried when he heard those two words, and quickly stopped her words: "Okay, I understand, these words are not allowed to be repeated in the future."

Cheng Yujin glanced at him and joked: "You always said me before, so when His Highness also believed in words?"

Li Chengjing sighed: "I used to think that asking God to worship Buddha, or even having to say auspicious words on New Year's Day, was mediocre and self-deceiving. Now that I have you, I understand a little bit. I don't ask for a wish, just for peace of mind."

Li Chengjing helped Cheng Yujin to sit down. After Cheng Yujin sat down, she took out the porcelain gu, and evenly warmed it with a spoon, handed it to Li Chengjing, and asked, "Your Highness, I think your eyebrows are deeply locked today, is it because of disaster relief?"

Li Chengjing took the Porcelain Gu and sighed: "That's right. Shou Yang chose Xu Wen against the public opinion. Although Xu Wen is talented, he is too greedy for money, and he is stubborn and has a tendency to take risks. Although he has also He served as a prefect in the Jiangnan area, but the time of peace is completely different from the year of disaster. He has a high self-esteem and is greedy for money. I am afraid that he will not be able to control his own hands during disaster relief, but will delay the disaster."

Cheng Yujin also felt heavy when he heard it, but this was a matter of the outer court, Cheng Yujin could not help, not to mention that the candidate was recommended by Yang Shoufu, I am afraid that the court would have no objection at all. Cheng Yujin asked softly, "Has the candidate been confirmed?"

Li Chengjing nodded and said, "Yes."

That's even more impossible, Cheng Yujin is very understanding, and never embarrassed herself because of things that have become an established reality. She softly persuaded: "His Royal Highness, the candidate for the disaster relief minister has been determined, and it is useless for you to worry about it. Since Yang Shoufu has finalized the chief ambassador, other candidates will inevitably be released. Your Highness may wish to take this opportunity and put him in the disaster relief team. A few trusted lieutenants. You don't need to care about your name when the country is in trouble, as long as it can really make a difference, it's enough."

Li Chengjing took a long sigh, put his hand over the back of Cheng Yujin's hand, and said, "You are right. Thanks to my beloved wife, she has a deep sense of righteousness and an exquisite mind. Otherwise, I don't know how much time it will take."

Cheng Yujin glanced at him with a smile, and said, "You are used to deceiving me. I don't believe these words. What I can think of, the Crown Prince can't think of?"

"That's not the same." Li Chengjing put down the porcelain bowl, got up and sat next to Cheng Yujin, gently hugged her shoulders, and naturally rested his chin on her hair. His voice was low, almost muttering to himself: "With a wife like this, what can a husband ask for."

Cheng Yujin felt the weight on top of her head and did not hide or move. Although he couldn't see it, Cheng Yujin could feel that Li Chengjing was very tired.

There is a catastrophe in the country, the people are displaced, people die every moment in the disaster area, and the courtiers are still quarreling because of factions.

Cheng Yujin sighed in her heart, and took the initiative to hold Li Chengjing's hand on her lap: "Your Highness, it is very difficult to sail against the current. Everything will be fine."