Greetings, Ninth Uncle

Chapter 127: exposed


"Are you serious?" Dou Xiyin was sitting on the high chair in Shouwang's mansion, and her body leaned forward subconsciously because she was too excited.


Dou Xiyin's pupils dilated, leaning on the armrest thoughtfully. She thought for a while, suddenly became excited, stood up and said, "Come here, prepare the car, this princess is going to enter the palace."

"Doctor Liu has done a lot and will be rewarded. After that, you must keep an eye on Dr. Zhao, and report to this princess as soon as there is news. As long as you do well, this princess will never treat you badly."

In the Cining Palace, Empress Dowager Yang sat up with the help of her mother, and slowly drank the medicine. After the rain this year, many people in the capital fell ill. After all, Empress Dowager Yang is old, and even if she is the empress dowager, she will not be spared.

She has been ill for a long time, the imperial doctor comes to check the pulse every day, and the precious medicinal materials are spent like water, but the Empress Dowager Yang's illness is still not getting better.

When the palace staff reported that "Princess Shou is here", the Empress Dowager Yang frowned subconsciously and said with disgust, "Why is she here?"

Since the Lantern Festival incident, the Empress Dowager Yang and Yang Fucheng have been in a quarrel, and they don't even want to look at Yang Yan's mother and daughter. Empress Dowager Yang thought to herself that she was ruthless and ruthless in her whole life, and that she was sorry for many people, but she was absolutely righteous to the Yang family. She gave Dou Xiyin 15 years of honor and favor, but Dou Xiyin repaid her like this. Yang Yan, the white-eyed wolf, actually dared to swear that it was because the Empress Dowager Yang was biased. Among their sisters, only Queen Yang was biased, regardless of Yang Yan's life or death.

Empress Dowager Yang was so angry that she no longer cared about the Second Prince's affairs. Why did she come here, she worked hard to select political forces for the second prince, but no one appreciated it, and when she turned around, she even scolded the Empress Dowager Yang for being overreaching and stretching her hand too long. The second prince will marry whomever he likes. Empress Yang will never take care of their Yang family affairs.

Although she was ruthless and didn't care about the Yang family's affairs, the Empress Dowager Yang's feelings were still hurt. Because she had been depressed all the time, when it started to rain in June, Empress Dowager Yang was weak and fell ill.

The disease is like a mountain down. The patient was already emotionally fragile. Although Empress Dowager Yang had delicacies from the mountains and seas every day, she looked around the hall and saw only the old palace maid and the old maid, who were also twilight. Affection.

Although some people have come to greet her in the past few days, such as Cheng Yujin, she is unstoppable every day. But the juniors all left after a good face. Cheng Yujin was her grandson-in-law, and it should not have been her duty to serve her great mother-in-law, let alone that she was still pregnant. As for the son and daughter-in-law who should support the Empress Dowager Yang, one is the emperor, who is in charge of every day, and the other is the empress, who is in charge of the six palaces. They are all busy people. They are extremely filial when they come to ask a question every day. Waiting sick. As for the other concubines, Empress Dowager Yang disliked them for being noisy and calculated too much, so they all kept them out of sight. Empress Dowager Yang's current physical condition does not allow her to fight with young people all day long.

There was nothing in front of her eyes. Only the Queen Mother Yang was lying in bed to recover from illness. She couldn't see the sun and bright lights all day, just like waiting to die. The situation was desolate, and Empress Dowager Yang couldn't help thinking of her son who died young. Empress Dowager Yang became more and more depressed, and her illness was not getting better.

Today, I heard from the palace servants that Dou Xiyin was here, and Empress Dowager Yang was really surprised. Although Dou Xiyin is the second prince concubine, her kind of princess is different from the crown prince. The prince and the prince live in the palace, but the other princes have separate mansions and live outside the palace. This looks like freedom, but it is naturally far from the power center of the palace.

It is inconvenient for outsiders to enter the palace. It is okay for the second prince to go to court. Dou Xiyin lives outside the palace. It is not realistic to want to greet the queen mother every day. Dou Xiyin always followed the crowd on the 15th day of the first lunar month. At other times, she did not go to the Empress Dowager Yang's place.

So Dou Xiyin came to Cining Palace today, which is really a rare visitor.

When Dou Xiyin entered the Cining Palace, she was choked by the strong smell of medicine in the palace as soon as she entered. It has been raining for half a month outside. Empress Dowager Yang is an elderly person who lives alone and is still ill. The air in the hall will definitely not smell good. The medicinal smell was mixed with the damp and damp smell, and just smelling it made people feel heavy, as if the whole hall revealed a gloomy atmosphere of decay.

Dou Xiyin held back the unpleasant look, tried her best to walk into the floor covering with a smile, and said to Empress Yang, "Empress Dowager, are you feeling better today?"

Empress Dowager Yang glanced at Dou Xiyin with a sneer, and said, "I've disappointed you, you're not dead yet."

Dou Xiyin was immediately embarrassed, she laughed to herself, and said, "You'll be fine, and my son can rest assured outside the palace."

Empress Dowager Yang sneered, obviously disapproving. Dou Xiyin thought of her intention of coming today, so she resisted the embarrassment, leaned forward with a warm face, and slapped the Queen Mother Yang on her leg: "The Queen Mother, my son recently learned something by accident, and I am deeply embarrassed. I don't know if I should say it or not. ."

Empress Dowager Yang reluctantly raised some interest, and finally gave Dou Xiyin a straight look: "What?"

Dou Xiyin laughed in her heart, deliberately looked around mysteriously, leaned closer and lowered her voice and said, "I accidentally learned from the Imperial Hospital that the Crown Princess is pregnant with twins."

When Empress Dowager Yang heard this, her always rigid face finally showed some fluctuations: "Twins?"

"That's right." Dou Xiyin was very proud and said, "The Crown Princess's Ping An pulse has always been in charge of Imperial Doctor Zhao, and even the pregnancy was diagnosed by Imperial Doctor Zhao. Today Imperial Doctor Liu accidentally saw the prescription that Imperial Doctor Zhao had dropped on the ground, and found one of the A few medicines, like those given to pregnant women who are pregnant with twins to recuperate their bodies. The prince cares so much about the princess, and he will never let people take medicine for the princess indiscriminately. Empress Dowager, look, don’t you…”

Empress Dowager Yang already understood, no matter how Imperial Doctor Liu discovered the prescription of Imperial Doctor Zhao, Cheng Yujin was pregnant with twins, which was basically certain. In addition to the accident, Empress Dowager Yang gave birth to a sense of sudden realization. No wonder Li Chengjing covered Cheng Yujin's pregnancy so tightly, no wonder Donggong still didn't announce the good news after three months of danger.

At first, Empress Dowager Yang thought it was strange, but now with twins, many doubts have been solved. Dou Xiyin saw that Empress Dowager Yang listened, and continued: "Empress Dowager, you see that since May, it has been rainy and the Jiangnan Plague has continued, and you have suddenly become ill. I heard that even the Holy Master was not feeling well a few days ago. , isn't it when the Crown Princess was found to be pregnant?"

Empress Dowager Yang's gloomy eyes suddenly became sharp, refined and restrained, like a falcon, without the turbidity and frailty of the elderly. When Dou Xiyin was stared at by such eyes, she was terribly startled, and the hairs all over her body stood on end.

Empress Dowager Yang stared at her for a while, then slowly let go of her strength, and turned into the lazy and sick Empress Dowager again: "Princess Shou, you are no longer a child, pay attention to the influence of your words and deeds."

Only then could Dou Xiyin continue to breathe. She took a deep breath, only to realize that her back was wet with cold sweat. Dou Xiyin hurriedly smiled and said, "What the Empress Dowager taught me is that my son has admired the Empress Dowager the most since he was a child, and please ask the Empress Dowager to teach me more."

Empress Dowager Yang glanced at Dou Xiyin coldly, closed her eyes, and said nothing.

Cheng Yujin is raising her baby in Ciqing Palace as usual. Since Li Chengjing left, Cheng Yujin has no interest in doing anything, she is not in the mood to draw pictures on her clothes, and she is too lazy to toss with snacks. She goes out in the morning to greet the Queen and Queen Mother, and walks around the courtyard a few times after returning. , all the time after that, he spent all his time in the hall reading books in a daze.

But today, after Cheng Yujin finished a post, she didn't know what was wrong, and her heartbeat was inexplicably fast. She originally planned to write two copybooks, but because she always felt uneasy, she put down the pen without writing two words on the second one, and couldn't calm down any longer.

She was wondering when she suddenly reported from the outside: "Prince Concubine, Imperial Doctor Zhao asks to see you."

"Doctor Zhao?" Cheng Yujin frowned, and the inexplicable premonition in his heart became stronger. Today is not the day to ask for the Ping An pulse, and Li Chengjing is not in the palace. Why does Zhao Taiyi, a foreign man, suddenly come to the door at this time

Cheng Yujin unconsciously raised her expression and said, "Please."

Imperial Physician Zhao hurriedly entered the palace. He didn't even look up after he came in. He bent down to kneel to Cheng Yujin: "I will attend the Crown Princess."

"What is the imperial physician doing?" Cheng Yujin quickly asked Du Ruo to stop him and asked, "The imperial physician is so kind to me, why did you make such a big gift?"

Imperial Physician Zhao still knelt on the ground, lowered his head and dared not stand up: "Wei Chen is guilty, and he specially came to ask the Crown Princess for his guilt."

Cheng Yujin and Du Ruo looked at each other, Cheng Yujin moved his sitting position slightly, and said solemnly: "Doctor Zhao, if you have something to say, you might as well stand up and say it. What the hell is going on?"

Imperial Physician Zhao got up and truthfully reported that he found that his medical box had been turned over. He said: "Weichen is a practitioner of medicine, and he is very concerned about cleanliness, so after the things of the minister were flipped, although the traces were very small, Weichen discovered it at the first time. No, I plan to take it home and look through the book, but I didn't think about it, but I was found guilty by Wei Chen, and Wei Chen is to blame for his death."

Imperial Physician Zhao is really very guilty. As long as the level is not too different, people who practice medicine can see the way to some extent when they look at each other's prescriptions. The prince had given orders long ago, but he was the only one who asked if there were any rumors. Zhao Taiyi knew that this matter was no trivial matter, so he was very cautious. Unexpectedly, he was on guard against all odds, but he did not expect that someone in the Taiyuan Hospital would dare to flip over his medical box.

Cheng Yujin waved her hand and said, "This is the end of the matter. What's the use of holding you accountable? Solving the problem is what matters. Do you know who moved your suitcase, and who has been in or out of the Taiyuan Hospital during this time?"

Apparently, Imperial Physician Zhao also came prepared, and said calmly: "I immediately went to ask the boy who guarded the door after I found out that the thing was turned over. The boy said that before a cup of tea, Imperial Physician Liu went out and said that he was going outside the palace to see a doctor."

Cheng Yujin's eyebrows moved, and she had already guessed where he went. At this moment, the eunuch raised his voice deliberately and shouted from outside the door: "The Empress Dowager has sent someone here."

Imperial Physician Zhao frowned, not expecting things to develop so quickly. He looked at Cheng Yujin with some embarrassment: "Prince Concubine..."

"It doesn't matter." Cheng Yujin stood up slowly, with a calm look in her eyes, "What should come will always come. The queen mother is called, how can I not go this time."

The maid sent by the queen mother really asked Cheng Yujin to go to the Cining Palace, and she guarded her every step of the way, obviously to prevent Cheng Yujin from informing others. Cheng Yujin was very calm, didn't say anything, and went out with the Queen Mother's people.

When she arrived at the Cining Palace, she felt that the atmosphere was not right as soon as she entered the door. Cheng Yujin pretended not to know, and saluted the Queen Mother as usual: "My son has seen the Queen Mother. Is the Queen Mother's cough better today?"

Empress Dowager Yang looked at it coldly, and still couldn't help sighing in her heart. Look, it's the same as saying hello from face, Dou Xiyin will only say "are you feeling better today", but Cheng Yujin can accurately ask how your cough is.

If Dou Xiyin had the talent of Cheng Yujin, how could Empress Yang disagree with the second prince marrying Dou Xiyin? It's a pity, it's not a passerby, and it will eventually be destroyed.

The Empress Dowager Yang nodded, her voice hoarse, and said, "It's better. I heard that the Crown Princess has been staying in the East Palace to raise a baby for the past few days. It cannot be lacking, otherwise, I am afraid it will be very difficult during labor."

Empress Dowager Yang has begun to care about her fetus. Cheng Yujin knew that today's test would not be easy, so she became more calm and nodded with a smile: "Thank you Empress Dowager for teaching, and my son took it down."

Empress Dowager Yang tilted her head and coughed, and said, "Ai's family has been in poor health and mental health these past few days. I haven't asked about the younger generation for a long time. It's a real pity to say that it's such a big thing to add a baby to the palace. This great-grandmother is the last to know. The fetus in your womb is already six months old, and Aijia has not seen him well, sit down, and Aijia will let the maiden who knows obstetrics touch you."

Cheng Yujin was startled, her eyes moved slightly, and she saw two maids standing beside the Queen Mother Yang. They were dressed in dark blue clothes with gloomy tones, their faces were expressionless, and their hair was tied so tightly that they almost restrained their scalps. The eyes of these two aunts looking at people are cold and deep.

Cheng Yujin wanted to understand the identities of these two people, and then looked at their hands, and felt a chill just looking at them. There are many secrets in the palace, many palace concubines are pregnant for no apparent reason, or offend high-ranking concubines. The kung fu in their hands is extremely evil. They put down a bowl of medicine, and kneaded their hands on the waist and stomach of the concubine and concubine of the palace.

Even if Empress Dowager Yang is the empress dowager, there is no reason to force the Crown Princess to have an abortion. Cheng Yujin knew when she went out. Empress Dowager Yang probably heard some rumors today and wanted to determine whether Cheng Yujin was pregnant with twins. Cheng Yujin came here in an upright manner. The main purpose of Empress Dowager Yang was to make sure that Empress Dowager Yang did not dare to make Cheng Yujin have three strengths and two weaknesses.

However, even if she understood in her heart, Cheng Yujin still didn't dare to take the risk, how dare she let these people touch her stomach. Empress Dowager Yang said that it was an inspection, but who knows if these people will secretly smite.

Xu Shi saw that Cheng Yujin had not spoken for a long time, and the Empress Dowager Yang lost her patience, and said solemnly, "Prince Concubine is young and has not reacted. Why don't you teach the Concubine?"

The two maids responded, and they were about to walk towards Cheng Yujin. At this time, several grandmothers who were five big and three thick were posted silently behind them, blocking Cheng Yujin's way back.

Forsythia and Du Ruo were both frightened by this battle, Du Ruo immediately stepped forward to stop Cheng Yujin, but this was the Cining Palace, even if Forsythia and Du Ruo tried hard, she couldn't stop three punches and four hands. Empress Dowager Yang has been in the palace for half her life. She has no idea how many pickling methods she has under her hands. Du Ruo and Forsythia were twisted and twisted by the invisible hand. It was only a slight pull, but the person who twisted on the body could hurt. Can't stand.

At first, Du Ruo wanted to avoid these hidden losses, but after finding that the two maids were approaching, Du Ruo completely gave up and protected Cheng Yujin from retreating. Du Ruo held back the heart-wrenching pain and said, "Prince Concubine, when you came out, Eunuch Liu asked if you wanted to follow him. You said that Your Majesty might have ordered him to keep Eunuch Liu in the palace. But the servant just suddenly thought of something. If it falls in the Ciqing Palace, it may need to be delivered by Eunuch Liu."

When Li Chengjing left, he left Liu Yi to Cheng Yujin. Cheng Yujin deliberately did not take Liu Yi with him when he left today, so that he would go to the Qianqing Palace to invite the emperor as soon as he saw that something was wrong. Du Ruo said this now, just to remind Empress Yang to take care of the emperor.

Empress Dowager Yang frowned, but that was all. Although Liu Yi is Li Chengjing's personal eunuch, the same is true for the emperor and the courtier, as well as the master and slaves. If Liu Yi's master Li Chengjing was in the palace, then Liu Yi's background would be very scary, but now that Li Chengjing is not there, no matter how far Liu Yi's hands and eyes are, it is impossible for him to break into the emperor alone.

As long as it is confirmed that Cheng Yujin is pregnant with twins, the Empress Dowager Yang can suppress Donggong in an ominous name and force Cheng Yujin to have an abortion. Even if the emperor finds out later, he has nothing to say.

Empress Dowager Yang's eyelids were still drooping, and Cheng Yujin gradually retreated to the corner of the wall. She accidentally kicked into the Duobao Pavilion, knowing that she had no way out.

The two maids also obviously found that Cheng Yujin had no way to go back, and walked towards Cheng Yujin without any hesitation. The two maids approached a lot in an instant, and without warning, Cheng Yujin suddenly turned around and picked up the vase on the Duobao Pavilion, smashing it hard at the two mammoths without knowing which dynasty the antique was.

The two maids did not expect to see how the weak and weak Crown Princess could be so fierce, and subconsciously avoided to the side. The valuable vase smashed to the ground with a harsh screeching sound. Cheng Yujin took advantage of this gap and threw a few more, smashing them indiscriminately.

In an instant, the priceless orphan vase became a pile of broken pieces of porcelain on the ground, and everyone in the Cining Palace was stunned by this change. Cheng Yujin picked up a sharp piece of porcelain, and pointed out with a squeak, her eyes solitary: "If you dare to touch my child, then it is best for me to die here today. Otherwise, as long as I live for a day, I will never die. I'll let you go."