Greetings, Ninth Uncle

Chapter 128: crisis


Cheng Yujin spoke loudly and her eyes were determined. Her tone was crazy, but looking at her eyes, she knew she was calm.

She didn't break down and say harsh words arrogantly, she would really do it.

The two maids didn't know how many women's blood was on their hands. There have been palace maids who tried their best to resist but still lost their children. They screamed and cursed them in desperation. The two maids were unmoved by those sharp shouts, but at this moment, facing Cheng Yujin's clear eyes, and the words were clear, they hesitated.

The two couldn't help but look at each other. Cheng Yujin is not the same as the women they dealt with. She is the crown princess. Empress Dowager Yang is not the emperor's biological mother, but the crown prince is the emperor's biological son. If Cheng Yujin was soft and weak, they could still rely on Empress Dowager Yang to escape the catastrophe, but now it is clear that Cheng Yujin is very vengeful and has made it clear that she wants revenge.

In the harem, such people are the most not to offend. Beauty fades away, but a person's heart does not. Cheng Yujin is the Crown Princess after all. If something goes wrong with this child, the Queen Mother Yang may be fine, but their two ordinary court ladies are absolutely no match for the Crown Princess.

The people in the palace are the thinnest, but they also cherish their lives the most. No one wants to take their own lives to pave the way for others. Seeing Cheng Yujin being so ruthless, the two maids hesitated. After their hesitation, Cheng Yujin found an opportunity, and smashed a vase with force, and saw the opportunity to escape from the encirclement.

Empress Dowager Yang frowned and patted the bed hard: "A bunch of trash, now you dare not even listen to what Aijia said?"

Empress Dowager Yang was recovering from illness recently, and she was always weak when she spoke. She raised her voice suddenly, which startled everyone. In particular, Empress Dowager Yang's voice was old and hoarse, like a rusty saw cutting through dead wood, and the paranoia in it was shocking.

The two maids reacted and glanced at each other helplessly, and could only continue to force Cheng Yujin. The situation is stronger than people, knowing that offending the crown princess will suffer in the future, but if they don't act, they will suffer now. Since there is no way to avoid it, it is wise to take this opportunity to kill an opponent with a strong mind but is still weak.

The tighter the people in the Cining Palace approached, the more Du Ruo took the opportunity to knock down the surrounding furnishings, these people would no longer avoid them. Cheng Yujin frowned, and quietly squeezed the powder she got from Imperial Physician Zhao in her hand. She can irritate the eyes of these people with powder and take the opportunity to escape, but in this way, she will attack the people around the queen mother, and her reputation for being disrespectful and unfilial will be detained. Cheng Yujin was weighing the pros and cons when there was a sudden shouting outside. Several people panicked and shouted "the water is gone". At the same time, a smoke drifted in from the crack of the window.

The people in the hall were caught off guard and were all frightened. Especially the Empress Dowager Yang, who was already sick, was suddenly startled by the sound outside, and smelled the choking smoke again in her nose. She really thought that the Cining Palace was on fire. Empress Dowager Yang shouted loudly, and the eunuchs and maids hurried back when they heard the voice of the empress dowager, but because they couldn't see the road and bang bang bang banged together, they turned on their backs.

Cheng Yujin had a clue as soon as she smelled this familiar smell. Taking advantage of the brief chaos in the hall, she immediately ran out the door without looking back. Although Cheng Yujin also inhaled white smoke, she had prepared a lot of wormwood for taking Li Chengjing on a trip a few days ago. She used wormwood to smoke clothes for Li Chengjing every day. The people in Ning Gong were just headless.

People around Empress Dowager Yang suddenly heard the running water and smelled white smoke, and believed the fire to be true, so they panicked. When someone realized that it was not smoke, but the smell of wormwood, Cheng Yujin was no longer in the hall.

Liu Yi received Cheng Yujin outside, so frightened that his calf was softened. Liu Yi hurriedly stepped forward to help Cheng Yujin step on the chariot, and said, "Prince Concubine, the servant created trouble according to your order, are you alright?"

Cheng Yujin shook her head, and before she could speak, she immediately said, "Go to the Qianqing Palace."

Before she left, she got a report from Imperial Doctor Zhao, and she had long expected Empress Dowager Yang's plan. Naturally, she also prepared a follow-up move for Empress Dowager Yang's atrocities. She deliberately left Liu Yi behind when she left the palace, just to take care of him outside. Now it seems that Liu Yi did not let her down. She only had time to explain that she took the opportunity to create trouble, but she did not expect that Liu Yi would use wormwood and shouts to create panic and make the people of Cining Palace in chaos.

Cheng Yujin was pregnant, so how could she walk as fast as others running at full strength, so she prepared a chariot in advance. Sure enough, the eunuch carried her much faster, and before the people from the Cining Palace came after them, they had already reached the Qianqing Palace.

At this moment, the eunuchs and courtiers in front of the Qianqing Palace are coming and going, and many people are looking at Cheng Yujin here. The Qianqing Palace is the main palace where the emperor lives, not a place where women can walk freely.

Cheng Yujin ignored the people around her, but faced the surprised and questioning eyes of everyone, and walked up the main steps of the Qianqing Palace step by step, then knelt down with her palms folded in front of her, and said loudly, "My son, please see Your Majesty."

After speaking, she disregarded the shape of her stomach, and bowed deeply to the ground. Her movement was not small, someone had already run in to inform the emperor, and after a while, a father-in-law with a whisk in his arms came out and said, "Prince Concubine is pregnant, you don't have to do this big gift, get up quickly. Bar."

Cheng Yujin didn't care, she still knelt on the ground and said aloud, "I want to see Your Majesty, please help."

When the Crown Princess Chao knelt in front of the Qianqing Palace in front of everyone, it was already noticeable enough. She even said such a thing, and her influence was no small thing. The eunuch held back his voice, did not dare to call the shots, and then turned around and walked back.

There was no movement in the palace for a long time, Cheng Yujin always knelt up straight, although she was begging for help, her posture was straight, and there was no sign of humility and embarrassment. After a while, the emperor came out and saw Cheng Yujin, frowning even tighter: "What are you doing?"

As soon as the words fell, a group of people rushed into the Qianqing Palace Square from the alley and shouted. Empress Dowager Yang was furious with rage. She never imagined that someone would dare to smoke the Cining Hall with dried wormwood and spread rumors. This is simply stepping on the face of the Queen Mother Yang. The Queen Mother ordered someone to chase, and the following people who committed the crime must be brought back.

The eunuchs were instructed, and they did not dare to neglect at all. On their way, they met a few sneaky people dressed in Donggong costumes, one of whom was holding mugwort in his hand. Seeing the great joy, the eunuchs of Cining Palace chased after these people with all their might. They thought it would be easy to catch up with this group of people, but it turned out that it was like hide-and-seek all the way, intermittently, intermittently, and the eunuch of Cining Palace was exhausted, anxious and angry. When they discovered their movements again, the people from the Cining Palace immediately chased after them regardless, but accidentally ran to the Qianqing Palace Square.

The headed eunuch had sharp eyes, and at a glance, he saw a bright yellow figure standing on the steps. Whoever can wear this color in the whole world does not think secondly, but kneeling in front of Long Live is not the princess they have been looking for.

The leading eunuch of Cining Palace felt a sudden shock, and immediately realized that he had been tricked. At this time, he looked at the eunuchs in the East Palace again, where did anyone hold mugwort in their hands? The eunuchs of the Cining Palace knew that they had a plan, but they did not dare to be disrespectful in front of the emperor, so they hurriedly knelt down.

The emperor stood on the steps, looking at you chasing me and chasing the eunuch in the costume of the Cining Palace, and then looking at the crown princess who was kneeling and begging for "help", he was furious and said, "What the hell is going on?"

Cheng Yujin has never lost in any place where she speaks, and she immediately shed a line of tears in her eyes, ignoring her bulging belly, and gave the emperor a deep kowtow: "Father, my son is guilty."

Hearing that "father", the emperor was in a trance. He has sons and daughters, but he has never been called "father". Even after Li Chengjing regained his identity, he always called him His Majesty, never his father.

Cheng Yujin's emotional drama was just right, and she was not delayed by crying. After shedding tears, she said sadly and firmly: "My son was raising a baby in the East Palace today, and was suddenly called by the Empress Dowager to Cining Palace. The empress dowager heard rumors from somewhere, but she felt that this child was unlucky, and wanted the palace maids to force massage and let the fetus flow away. Erchen really didn't know what to do, so he could only risk his death to disturb his father. Emperor."

Cheng Yujin was speechless after speaking, only tears fell silently from her eyes. At this time, Empress Yang also heard the wind and rushed to the Qianqing Palace with the help of Dou Xiyin. After listening to Cheng Yujin's words, the emperor raised his eyes to see the empress who was very well informed, then swept to the eunuch of Cining Palace kneeling under the wall, and dropped his sleeves angrily: "Ridiculous!"

Empress Yang was in a hurry. She didn't know Empress Dowager Yang's plan today. She suddenly heard the commotion outside the palace, and then Dou Xiyin hurried in to report the letter, and Empress Yang knew what happened. Empress Yang knew something was wrong, so she quickly stood up and ran to the Qianqing Palace. But hurry up, it's still a step too late.

Seeing that the emperor was really angry, Empress Yang quickly took two steps forward: "Your Majesty, there must be a secret about this matter, please calm down for the time being..."

"Presumptuous!" The emperor roared coldly at Empress Yang, "When will it be your turn to guide me when I do things?"

Empress Yang has never seen the emperor look like this, she has been pampered for more than 20 years, and no one has even spoken to her aloud. At this moment, the emperor was furious in front of her in front of many palace servants, and Empress Yang took a step back in fright.

"Your Majesty!" Empress Yang clutched her heart and made a gesture to kneel. The emperor was too lazy to look at her, so he asked the eunuch to help Cheng Yujin up, and said, "The imperial doctor Xuan is here to see if the princess has been injured by fetal qi."

After speaking, the emperor glanced coldly at the audience and said, "Lock up all these daring servants."


Cheng Yujin was supported by the palace servants to stand up and went to the side hall of Qianqing Palace to check her pulse. When she was checking her pulse, everyone else was waiting in the outer hall. The emperor's face was ashen, Empress Yang bit her lip and hesitated several times, while Dou Xiyin supported Empress Yang and lowered her eyes, her eyes twinkling.

The result of the pulse diagnosis will not come out in a while. At this time, the Empress Dowager Yang also came along with the help of her mother. As soon as the Empress Dowager saw the emperor, she said solemnly: "Emperor, I heard that you were so angry today that even the empress scolded you?"

The emperor's mood was really complicated when he met the Empress Dowager Yang in this situation. In the end, he held back his mood swings and greeted the Queen Mother as usual: "Queen Mother, why are you here?"

Empress Dowager Yang chuckled, her voice extremely cold: "If the Ai family does not come, I am afraid that the emperor will punish the Yang family. On the way to the Ai family, I heard people say that the crown princess kept claiming that the Ai family wanted to murder the imperial heir in her womb, and that she would also Force her to have an abortion?"

The emperor didn't say anything, but the silence clearly showed his attitude. Empress Dowager Yang sneered and said, "It's really a big injustice. When did the Aijia say that they wanted to murder her children, they just wanted an experienced mammy to touch her fetus."

In fact, Empress Dowager Yang's words are not a lie. However, the emperor just saw with his own eyes that the people from Cining Palace were chasing the people from the East Palace, and even his Qianqing Palace, and now Empress Dowager Yang also admitted that she wanted to let the experienced palace Mammy touched Cheng Yujin's fetus. The emperor has been an emperor for many years, and he doesn't know about the dark secrets in the harem.

Once the emperor thought that he was powerful in the Yang family, and when they dealt with pregnant maids like this, the emperor would endure it with one eye closed. But the emperor did not expect that the dignified prince concubine, the super-grade imperial concubine who was on the royal jade plate and was pregnant, would be treated like this by them.

To be so arrogant and ignorant of the principles of heaven.

The Empress Dowager Yang did not expect that what she thought had a clear conscience had the opposite effect in the emperor's ears. A person's opinion is very important. Empress Dowager Yang is accustomed to being domineering, and the emperor is preconceived. Even if she hears the excuse, she feels that Empress Dowager Yang is confounding right and wrong.

The Empress Dowager Yang thought that the emperor had calmed down, so she unhurriedly threw a second thunderstorm, saying: "Actually, the Aijia wanted someone to feel the fetus of the Crown Princess, but there was a reason for this. The Crown Princess is only six months old, and her stomach is fast. Eight months to catch up with ordinary people, most likely, she is pregnant with twins."

Twins? The emperor frowned. It was extremely taboo for the first child of the emperor's family to be twins. If it was a daughter, it would be fine, but if it was a son, it would confuse the emperor's veins. In order to protect the country's luck, but also just in case, if the first child of the emperor or the prince is twins, they are usually destroyed directly.

Even if there is only half of the possibility, but it is directly destroyed, that is zero risk.

Cheng Yujin, is she pregnant with twins

The emperor thought about it a few times, but finally did not express his position, but said in a deep voice: "I have sent a royal doctor who is personally serving me to diagnose the pulse of the crown princess. Whether it is or not, you will know in a moment."

After a while, several imperial doctors came out. They bowed their waists, and immediately knelt down when they saw the emperor and the empress dowager: "Weichen greets your majesty. Long live your majesty, the queen mother is a thousand years old, and the queen mother is a thousand years old."

"Get up." The emperor waved for them to get up and asked, "How is the Crown Princess?"

The leading imperial doctor touched his gray beard and said, "The princess has a stable fetus, and her pregnancy is very good. It's just that she was frightened a lot today, and she will need to rest for a long time in the future."

The emperor nodded and said, "You can prescribe some medicine for her to consolidate her body, nourish her body, and nourish her spirits. From now on, go to the Ping An pulse every ten days, so you can go."

The old imperial doctor bowed and replied, "Wei Chen obeys."

The emperor's imperial physician went to ask for the Ping'an pulse for the crown princess, Dou Xiyin felt a chill in his heart, is the crown prince so high in the emperor's heart

When Empress Yang saw the emperor's talk, she didn't ask about the main points, but instead arranged for her personal doctor to ask the princess for the pulse. Empress Yang couldn't see it, and asked: "The imperial doctor, Ai's family asks you, Crown Princess. Now, are you pregnant with twins?"

The old imperial doctor paused for a moment, and seemed to frown in thought. After a while, he bowed and replied plainly: "Wei Chen's medical skills are so humble that he didn't notice it. It is difficult to diagnose twins in the early stage, and it can only be confirmed before and after labor. The queen mother can rest assured. , Wei Chen will definitely pay more attention in the future."

Liu Yi, who was staying outside, was obviously relieved to hear this. Empress Dowager Yang was very suspicious when she heard the imperial doctor say that it was not twins: "Do you take this seriously? Did the diagnosis go wrong?"

The old imperial doctor lifted his robe and knelt down, bowed his head and said, "Wei ministers are ignorant and ignorant, please ask the Queen Mother to punish him." Several others knelt down and pleaded guilty together.

These were the teams who made a special trip to see the emperor. Empress Dowager Yang openly questioned them, and even stabbed people to kneel down to plead guilty. The emperor frowned in displeasure. The emperor quickly suppressed his emotions and said, "Empress Dowager, it's enough for now. It's dark outside. If you continue to make trouble, you may make the officials laugh."

The emperor's people personally testified to the crown princess, and the Empress Dowager Yang had nothing to do. She was rampant in the harem, but in front of the emperor, she had to give in. Empress Dowager Yang had no choice but to nod her head and said, "Ai's family is tired too. I'll be here today, let's go."

The palace servants all knelt down and sent Empress Dowager Yang off. The Empress Dowager Yang turned around and was about to walk when a voice suddenly came from behind: "The Empress Dowager stays."

At this moment, everyone is kneeling, and this sound is especially obvious. Empress Dowager Yang turned back and saw a pale, bloodless woman standing behind the bright yellow curtain.

Cheng Yujin was supported by the maid and looked like she was struggling to stand, but she still straightened her spine and said neither humbly nor arrogantly: "The Queen Mother is tired, and the son does not dare to stop him. However, the Queen Mother has always been sensible. Today, she will misunderstand her son, and she must be provocative. ."

Cheng Yujin's black and white eyes slowly stopped on Dou Xiyin's body: "This person provoked the relationship between the East Palace and the Empress Dowager, intending to murder the emperor's heir, and his heart can be punished. Princess Shou, don't you think?"