Greetings, Ninth Uncle

Chapter 136: Full moon


After the first month, Cheng Yujin finished her confinement and could go outside for a short while. It happened to be the first day of the first month of the first month of the first month of the year, and it was also the full moon ceremony for the two children.

No matter from which angle, Cheng Yujin must show up.

Early in the morning, Cheng Yujin got up and changed the child's clothes. Cheng Yujin deliberately woke up early and said to Li Chengjing, "Why can't I find my hairpin? Go to the dresser and help me find the gilt and sapphire hairpin."

Li Chengjing really went to the dressing table to look for it. Cheng Yujin's jewelry was put in several boxes. Li Chengjing was not as familiar as Cheng Yujin. It took a long time to find the hairpin in Cheng Yujin's mouth. When Li Chengjing came back with the hairpin, he found that Cheng Yujin had picked up his daughter and was changing her new year's clothes.

Li Chengjing was helpless: "Why are you so naive, in order to rush Mingyue to change clothes, you deliberately let me go?"

Cheng Yujin didn't care about him, she had already changed Mingyue's small padded jacket, and Mingyue's arm lined with red fabric looked like a lotus root. Little Moon didn't know that today was the first day of the new year. Her mother was changing her clothes for outsiders. She thought that Cheng Yujin was playing with her and smiled with her fists clenched.

Mingyue smiled, and Cheng Yujin's heart was about to melt. Cheng Yujin and Li Chengjing had already agreed that one person would change a child's clothes. Cheng Yujin broke the rules and ran away. Li Chengjing could only pick up Li Mingqian and change his son's clothes unskilledly.

After Cheng Yujin changed her clothes, she wiped the saliva from her daughter's mouth. Seeing that Li Chengjing was still tossing Li Minggan's buttons, she couldn't help saying, "Why don't I come."

"No." Li Chengjing was calm and insisted, "What's so difficult about this, I can do it well."

Cheng Yujin hesitated to speak, but in the end she couldn't bear to hurt Li Chengjing's heart as a father. In front of his wife and daughter, Li Chengjing's dignified crown prince, how could he admit that he would not wear children's clothes. He taught himself on the spot and tossed it for a long time, and it can be considered that Li Mingqian was tossed properly. Li Chengjing breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, and when he looked up, he found that Cheng Yujin was holding Mingyue in her arms, and two pairs of beautiful eyes, one large and one small, were staring at him with a smile.

Li Chengjing's heart was suddenly soft and messed up. He hugged Li Mingqian in one hand and Cheng Yujin in the other, and hugged his entire world at once.

Li Chengjing said softly: "If mother can see this scene and see that you have given birth to two beautiful and lovely children for me, she can rest in peace under Jiuquan."

Cheng Yujin took a look, looked up at Li Chengjing carefully: "His Royal Highness..."

"I'm fine." Li Chengjing shook his head and said, "It's just a sudden emotion. In fact, it's been so long that I can't remember what my mother looked like."

Cheng Yujin looked at her quietly, her eyes were gentle and focused. Li Chengjing never called Queen Yang's mother, he always called her "Queen" directly. The mother in his mouth can only be one person.

The former Princess Kang, the untimely Empress Zhong.

"All my impressions of her seem to be related to the sick bed. My memory before the age of two is very thin, I only remember that my mother took me to a place full of medicine, and pointed to the woman on the sick bed and said to me, this is My mother, the Empress. She was not in good health, and I was not in good health at the time. The drowsy palace and the perennial gloomy smell of herbs are all my memories of my mother."

Li Chengjing rarely mentioned about Queen Zhong. He didn't say it, and Cheng Yujin never asked. It was rare that he took the initiative to mention it today. Cheng Yujin was a quiet listener and asked softly, "Then what?"

"Then? Then when I was two years old, she died of illness. I cried and cried, and His Majesty took me to the bedroom to take care of the daily life. Later, someone proposed to appoint another queen, but the emperor refused. However, after the one-year wife mourning ended, He still made Yang Miao the empress."

"Yang Miao is said to have a deep-rooted love for him. For him, she refused to marry until she was 18 years old. Later, she married into the palace as she wished. In her first year as a queen, I don't know whose advice she listened to. , said that he wanted to raise me personally. The emperor refused to allow me, so he still took me by his side, and I lived in the Qianqing Palace. At that time, my health was not very good, and I was ill for most of the year, so the Qianqing Palace was also floating every day. Bitter medicine."

Li Chengjing recalled the past, smiled very lightly, and said: "Sometimes he is really a very contradictory person. He compromised with the Yang family, but did not agree to let Yang Miao adopt me. Because someone criticized me. He told me that I was born on the Dragon Boat Festival and that I didn’t live long, so he took me personally in the emperor’s bed, no matter how big or small, they lived together in the same bed, and even taught me to read and write. He moved a flat bed and let me play next to it. Later, when I was four years old, I was enlightened to learn to write, and he asked someone to prepare a small table and chair.

From this point of view, the emperor is a good father, but Li Chengjing's feelings for the emperor have always been complicated, because the emperor cared so much about Li Chengjing, but when he was five years old, he compromised with the Yang family and let his five-year-old son, Go to the Taoist temple in the deep mountains to recuperate.

Then, something unexpected happened.

Cheng Yujin sighed after hearing that, people are the most difficult to evaluate, and a person's strengths are often his fatal flaws.

The emperor's temperament is moderate and eclectic, and he has been with mud all his life, and wants all forces to coexist peacefully. This was the case when he was a prince, and after he ascended the throne, it was still the same.

He was patient and gentle with Li Chengjing, but it was this gentleness that almost killed Li Chengjing. The emperor didn't want to tear his face, so he compromised with the Yang family and tried to compromise between his son and the Yang family. As a result, Li Chengjing almost died in a man-made accident, and he had to remain anonymous for the next fourteen years.

The most difficult thing to break is the housework account. Cheng Yujin understands that this is the knot between their father and son. Cheng Yujin did not try to solve Li Chengjing, but silently held his hand and supported him silently.

She is Li Chengjing's wife, no matter what decision Li Chengjing makes, she will support Li Chengjing unconditionally.

Li Chengjing noticed that his emotions were out of control today, he restrained his mind, and laughed at himself: "You are such an adult, and you are still affected by the past. It's really ageing, and you're standing in the door."

"How could it be?" Cheng Yujin asked softly, "Your Highness, then... is the mother's family still alive?"

Li Chengjing thought for a long time, and finally shook his head slowly: "I don't know either. I haven't heard from them for many years.

"My mother was originally the daughter of the Qingliu Zhong family in the capital, and my grandfather, Zhong Bi, was an upright person and was somewhat famous among the literati. My grandfather never took a concubine in his life, only one son and one daughter. The mother was a young daughter, loved by both parents, conniving by the elder brother, and his temperament was too docile. Courtesy. She was originally a princess. After the emperor was summoned to Beijing by the Empress Dowager Yang, it took a long time to pick up her mother. As Princess Kang, her identity was always unknown after moving into the palace, and she was only an emperor. She lived under the name of a woman in the Qiandi. In February of the first year of Jianwu, someone even publicly proposed to establish another queen. The person who proposed was naturally Yang Shoufu's daughter, Yang Miao, who fell in love with the emperor at first sight. The emperor did not promise, and spent six For a few months, the Yang family couldn't stand the pressure of public opinion, so they reluctantly retreated and established the original wife as the queen. And for the past six months, my mother has been living in the palace as an embarrassed nameless, non-wife and non-concubine."

"After the mother was canonized, the Empress Dowager Yang kept scolding her in the name of being childless. Her mother relented and gave in to the Empress Dowager Yang very much, and even respected Yang Miao. It was not until August of the second year that she became pregnant with great difficulty. , but when she went to see the flowers on an appointment with the Queen Mother Yang, she accidentally fell and nearly had a miscarriage. She lay in bed for three months, and didn't dare to walk around until she was five months pregnant."

Cheng Yujin listened to these sighs, she was in the palace, and when she listened to this past, she only felt that there were doubts everywhere. How could Empress Dowager Yang be so coincidental to ask her unpleasant step-daughter-in-law to enjoy flowers, how could Empress Zhong fall so coincidentally

"My mother's due date was originally in June, but on the fifth day of May, for some reason, she suddenly started to give birth to me with pain for a whole day. Although my mother was rescued at that time, her health became worse after that. Sure enough, after only two years, she passed away. In those years, because of the delay in her mother's succession, her grandfather was very angry and publicly impeached Yang Shoufu several times. In the end, her career was ruined and she could not make further progress. Grandfather was demoted. I was very depressed. Later, after my mother died, my grandmother was greatly stimulated and passed away in the same year. My grandfather was full of grief and anger, and took his uncle to leave Beijing. He was less introduced to the capital, and I focused on inquiring later, and I only knew that he moved to a small town in the southwest, where he settled down, taught and educated people, and no longer served as an official."

Cheng Yujin sighed upon hearing this, a good family was torn apart. After the Zhong family and their son left the capital, it was impossible that they were not prepared to entangle themselves. However, Zhong Bi died of illness on the road within two years. Is it also the work of the Yang family? Li Chengjing's uncle went to the southwest and could not avoid joining the WTO. Is it also related to the Yang family

It is said that the concubines who had offended Empress Dowager Yang in the Renzong Dynasty were not able to end well, and even their family members were not spared. The concubines and concubines who did not offend Empress Dowager Yang were all sent to the imperial mausoleum and suffered for the rest of their lives. It's understandable for the enemy to treat Cheng Yujin like this, but he didn't offend the innocent concubines of Empress Dowager Yang, so why bother to abuse others like this

Empress Dowager Yang is too ruthless in her conduct. In her eyes, I'm afraid she can't tolerate others at all.

It is not surprising that Empress Dowager Yang can do this to a five-year-old child.

Cheng Yujin frowned for a while, then looked at Li Chengjing tentatively: "Your Highness, you said that your mother's due date was originally in June, but she suddenly gave birth prematurely, and Empress Dowager Yang has been holding on to your birth on the Dragon Boat Festival all these years, and she kept asserting that you were born on the Dragon Boat Festival. If you don't live long, you will be moved to a Taoist temple to recuperate. Could it be…”

Li Chengjing's eyes were dark and quiet, heavy and suffocating. Cheng Yujin looked at it for a while and understood.

The child in her arms burst into tears, Cheng Yujin hurriedly lowered her head, and found that it was Li Minggan again, pinching her sister's arm. Cheng Yujin hurriedly hugged Mingyue away, and Li Mingqian exposed his evil deeds in front of everyone's eyes. This time even Li Chengjing couldn't wash him, so he had to hit his hand gently and taught: "You are a brother, you just Is this your brother's belly?"

After the husband and wife packed up their children, they changed their dresses and went out to attend the Yuanri Dynasty Meeting. Today, Cheng Yujin is a well-deserved focus, attracting everyone's attention wherever she goes, even overshadowing Empress Yang.

Since the birth of the dragon and phoenix, the queen has been very shameless, and Dou Xiyin is even more embarrassed to enter the palace. Today is unavoidable. Dou Xiyin bravely attended an event with Cheng Yujin at the same time. Although everyone greeted her the same way, their eyes were obviously joking.

Dou Xiyin was extremely annoyed, and what was especially hated was that Cheng Yujin was very different from her and attracted much attention. The more people came to congratulate Cheng Yujin, the more Dou Xiyin hated her.

What Dou Xiyin was thinking, Cheng Yujin had no time to pay attention at this moment. Since she appeared, people kept coming up to talk, especially after the end of the court ceremony, the women were able to move freely, and the flow of people became more and more obvious.

Today is the first day of the new year, and it is also the full moon ceremony for Li Mingqian and Li Mingyue. The emperor has the intention to use the life of the dragon and the phoenix to inspire people's hearts. Last year, there were floods and plagues, and there were many bad rumors among the people. The emperor ordered the full moon ceremony of the dragon and the phoenix to be held together with the yuan day, and also saved the thought of seeking good fortune and eliminating bad luck.

Cheng Yujin couldn't stand for a long time because she had just given birth, so she went to the back side hall to rest after the meeting. At this moment, there is still some time before the banquet begins. Many people brought their families to congratulate the Crown Princess for the New Year. When they arrived at the back of the side hall, they would inevitably praise the two children.

One of the Mrs. Hou saw Li Mingqian and Li Mingyue, and her eyes were full of admiration: "Prince Concubine is really lucky to have a pair of twins. Such two children of average size will make people happy when they are put together. The wife only hopes to experience the joy of the crown princess more, and only hopes that several daughters-in-law can also add children to the family this year."

Cheng Yujin said with a smile, "Mrs. Hou's house is kind-hearted and her house is prosperous, so she will naturally get her wish."

Everyone is willing to listen to auspicious words in the New Year. After hearing this, Mrs. Hou smiled gratefully and said: "Thank you, Crown Princess, then the court lady will borrow the auspicious words from the Crown Princess. I heard that the Sage is very fond of the little prince and the little prince, and he is always in charge every day. I have to ask, unfortunately it is winter now. The little county king and the little county master have just had a full moon and can't see the wind. When this summer, they will be able to take them outside to enjoy the sun and the wind. By then, I am afraid that the palace will be rushing to hug the two of them. The little master is in the past."

Hearing these words, Cheng Yujin just pursed her lips and smiled without saying a word. Everyone's intention to please Cheng Yujin is almost straightforward. After all, blind people can understand the situation now. There is no such thing as standing in line or not. As long as the people in the capital are not out of their minds, they all know that they should hurry up and hug the thighs of the future emperor.

Cheng Yujin looked at the two children with undisguised tenderness in her eyes: "As long as they are safe, I will be satisfied."

Mrs. Hou looked at the Crown Princess in front of her. The Crown Princess was still very young this year. She used to be famous for her graceful demeanor. Now that she has a child, she has a layer of soft light on her body, which is more and more dazzling like a lustrous pearl. .

Mrs. Hou envy Cheng Yujin in her heart. Whether a woman is doing well after marriage can be seen by looking at her face. Regardless of her appearance, the expression on the corners of her eyes and her brows, and the bearing of her every move, she can reveal her real life. People who live a comfortable life will be more relaxed and calm. This brilliance is like the glaze on porcelain, which will brighten the whole person.

Yes, there is a husband who is handsome and dignified, has a high position but is always gentle and considerate to himself, has a pair of lovely children, and has no concubine dancing in the back house. What woman in the world does not envy this kind of life

Mrs. Hou gradually talked about the people in the palace, and she asked, "Why haven't the Empress Dowager appeared this year?"

The Empress Dowager Yang contracted the disease last year, and she went back and forth for a winter, but she didn't do well. The weather has been dry these few days, and Empress Dowager Yang has accumulated heat poison in her body and fell ill again.

Cheng Yujin explained: "The weather has been cold and dry these past few days. The Empress Dowager has accumulated heat and became ill. She is in the Cining Palace to warm up. The Empress Dowager needs to recover from her illness. On such noisy occasions as Yuan Day, I dare not bother the Empress Dowager to come forward. ."

Mrs. Hou heard her nod and said, "Indeed, in the past few days for the New Year, eating a lot of fish and meat, and being roasted by the earth dragon for a long time, it is indeed easy to make a false fire. However, the empress dowager has a natural appearance, and it is bound to be able to turn bad luck into good luck. ,get well soon."

Cheng Yujin nodded and said yes, this Mrs. Hou may be because of Empress Dowager Yang, and remembered an interesting story: "By the way, there are quite a few people who have gotten angry recently. I heard that the young master of the Yang family took a fancy to a woman on the street, and he was on the spot. The woman will be taken as a concubine. The woman is unwilling, and they are still making a lot of noise on the street. "

There is only one young master in the Yang family. Yang Shoufu has two daughters and one son. The two daughters are Yang Yan and Empress Yang. Although his son Yang Shilong is very lecherous and has many concubines in the house, he has only given birth to one child over the years, namely Yang Xiaoyu. Yang Xiaoyu can be said to be the only seedling that has been passed down through three generations. Even Empress Yang and Empress Dowager Yang valued Yang Xiaoyu very much, and gave them rewards at every turn.

Yang Xiaoyu grew up in this environment, and as expected he inherited his father's lust, but he did not inherit his father and grandfather's sensitivity to politics, but instead learned a bad habit. He doesn't say anything about lust, but he likes to buy and sell by force. The more beautiful you are, the lady of the official family, or the innocent woman, the more unwilling people are, the more he wants to be strong.

All in all, the deeds were horrific.

The topic of the Yang family was under Guatian Lixia. No matter what Cheng Yujin said, it was easy to get caught, so he didn't answer, just said that he didn't know. When Mrs. Hou mentioned Yang Xiaoyu's story, she didn't want to snatch Cheng Yujin's words. She just took the opportunity to pass the news to the crown princess and sell it along the way. Now that the words have reached, Cheng Yujin will not continue, and Mrs. Hou will naturally turn the topic over quickly.

The matter of Yang Xiaoyu only scratched Cheng Yujin's heart. Although she paid attention, she did not pay too much attention. But no one thought that Yang Xiaoyu would have a follow-up on the matter of the people's daughter, and there would be a lot of commotion.

Yang Xiaoyu saw that the girl was good-looking and flirted with people on the street. The girl endured the humiliation, refused and left. Unexpectedly, this fellow refused to take a break, and repeatedly entangled the girl several times to no avail.

The other's brother found out and hurriedly chased him out to stop it. Yang Xiaoyu has been accustomed to being lawless by the family since he was a child. Seeing that someone dared not give him face, he immediately asked the servant to teach this ignorant grassman. Who would have thought that this older brother was a strong man who broke through the siege of the family and punched Yang Xiaoyu a few times. Where did Yang Xiaoyu lose such a big ugliness? He also aroused his ferocity, and let his servants hold people up. He himself took the nine-section whip to beat him. The nine-section whip was a steel whip, and in the end, it actually beat people to death.

It all happened on the street. The market was lively in the daytime, and when Jing Zhaoyin's people arrived, the woman's brother had already been beaten to death in the street.

The bad nature of this incident and the bloody scene caused an uproar among the people of the capital.