Greetings, Ninth Uncle

Chapter 20: tempted


After a while, Cheng Yuanjing came out. Seeing that Cheng Yujin was gone, everyone asked, "Where's Miss Cheng?"

"She reads and writes inside." Cheng Yuanjing said lightly, "she is still young, so she can't miss her homework."

This sentence sounded strange, Lin Qingyuan smiled and said, "Jing Xing, your temper has changed a lot now, after the end of the palace exam, how many people secretly asked if you were married, you said it was troublesome, and all rejected them. Why are you being patient now? So good, are you in the mood to point out your niece's homework?"

The ideal of many literati is to become a scholar, to revise the history of the country, to be a patriarch, to be a grandson after becoming an official, and to fill the garden with peaches and plums. But teaching the younger generation homework is at least a hobby of the elderly. Cheng Yuanjing is only nineteen, so it is too early to worry about the reading and writing of the next generation.

Cheng Yuanjing paused for a rare moment, and then covered it lightly: "She has a rash personality. If I don't look at her, no one will look at her."

Lin Qingyuan and others thought that this meant that only Cheng Yuanjing could control the eldest miss. If he didn't care, no one else could control it. But Huo Chang Yuan heard that Cheng Yuanjing was saying that if he didn't care about Cheng Yujin, no one would care about her.

Huo Chang Yuan suddenly had some strange emotions. When he and Cheng Yujin got engaged, he heard a lot about Cheng Yujin's situation. He knew that she was adopted as soon as she was born. Although she had a noble princess, Qingfu didn't care about her at all, and they only loved what was born in her belly. Ruan's feelings for Cheng Yujin were genuine, but Ruan's feelings for Cheng Yumo were deeper.

As for Mrs. Cheng, she is a person who still has power regardless of everything. She has a pair of snobbish eyes. Whoever is useful to her granddaughter will favor whoever is useful, and whoever brings the greatest benefits to the Houfu will be favored. In this environment, Cheng Yujin actually had a hard time.

But she still grew up smoothly, and she has grown into a well-known lady, which shows her tenacity. Cheng Yujin's nanny and Huo Changyuan said this, originally to let the aunt-to-be know that it was not easy for her girl, and she would love her bride a lot in the future. However, Huo Chang Yuan withdrew from his relatives after only two months, and he became one of those who hurt Cheng Yujin.

Huo Chang Yuan originally resented Cheng Yujin for lying to him, but at this moment he watched another man defend Cheng Yujin and plan for Cheng Yujin, and he felt a dull pain in his heart. It was as if there was once a treasure in his palm, but he didn't cherish it, but now it belongs to someone else.

Xu Zhixian sat carefree for a while. He entered the inner door originally to find his grandmother and cousins. He didn't talk to Cheng Yujin before leaving last time. Xu Zhixian felt uncomfortable when he got home, and it seemed that he had to talk to her. Just say it. Now he doesn't understand what Cheng Yuanjing and Lin Qingyuan are talking about, nor is he interested, so Xu Zhixian thought of going inside to talk to Sister Jin.

Only then did Xu Zhixian stand up and take two steps. Cheng Yuanjing, who was talking to Lin Qingyuan, accurately pressed his gaze: "What are you doing?"

Xu Zhixian was taken aback, stood up subconsciously, and replied respectfully, "Go to Sister Jin."

The rules of attitude, he had never seen when Lao Tzu taught.

Cheng Yuanjing's expression remained unchanged, and said, "She has something to do, so it's inconvenient to disturb her."

Xu Zhixian shook his fingers tangled, he was different from the people here, he spent all the year around in the inner house, knew that the female family members had a lot of time, and they didn't need to take the exam, so there was nothing really important that could not be disturbed at all. Xu Zhixian was unwilling to give up and struggled: "But she is alone inside, and no one speaks, I am afraid she will be bored."

"She's not bored." Cheng Yuanjing glanced at Xu Zhixian, as if casually, "Mrs. Hou sent someone to ask you during the banquet in the front yard and asked you to go to Shou'an Hall after the banquet. It's getting late, let the elders It's not good to wait too long."

Xu Zhixian believed it to be true, and hurried to Shou'an Tang. Xu Zhixian's figure soon disappeared, Cheng Yuanjing lightly retracted his gaze, and in a blink of an eye, he happened to collide with Huo Changyuan.

Huo Chang Yuan was looking at him thoughtfully, Cheng Yuanjing didn't dodge or evade, his eyes were calm with a hint of coercion, Huo Chang Yuan couldn't hold it any longer and turned his eyes away.

After that, Huo Chang Yuan never saw Cheng Yujin again. Knowing that she is across the room, but Cheng Yuanjing is in the middle, this feeling is extremely strange. Lin Qingyuan and the two said their goodbyes one after another. Huo Changyuan couldn't sit down any longer, so he also got up. Huo Chang Yuan originally thought to himself that such a big thing as seeing off a guest would definitely not be missed with Cheng Yujin's thorough etiquette and unwillingness to make a fuss about others. However, he was wrong, Cheng Yuanjing sent them to the door, and the door and window of the study were still tightly closed.

Cheng Yuanjing noticed Huo Chang Yuan's movements, his eyes were heavy, and he didn't speak. After everyone left, Cheng Yuanjing stood outside before slowly walking back to the house.

In the study, Cheng Yujin was really busy. She practiced according to Cheng Yuanjing's calligraphy for a long time, and suddenly felt a sense of it, and hurriedly asked Du Ruo to go back to the yard to fetch her embroidery basket. Now, she is sitting on a slump with a pile of needle and thread fabrics beside her, walking the needle with concentration.

When Cheng Yuanjing came in, Cheng Yujin was already closing the line. Cheng Yuanjing watched the pair of white jade-like hands fly up and down, and his fingers were incredibly flexible, as if with a strange rhythm. Cheng Yujin noticed that Cheng Yuanjing was staying not far away, and asked, "All the guests left?"

"Well." Cheng Yuanjing was stunned for a moment as soon as he said that. What did he do to answer such a question? Originally his guest, what happened to Cheng Yujin's familiar master kiss

Cheng Yujin didn't notice that their current conversation was like an old husband and wife, she sewed the last few stitches, hid the thread, then put down the embroidery frame in relief, and said, "I was embroidering the important part just now, so I can't go out to see the guest. Brother Lin shouldn't blame me for being rude, right?"

Are you calling Brother Lin? Cheng Yuanjing didn't answer, he picked up the fabric that Cheng Yujin had just embroidered, flipped back and forth for a while, and changed the subject naturally: "You are the worst at these words, and they look like they are embroidered. The rest Shouldn't there be many?"

"Yes." Cheng Yujin nodded along with his words, "The hardest part has been embroidered, and the rest is the water mill work, just wait a few more days."

Cheng Yuanjing rubbed the handwriting on the embroidery pattern. He didn't care much about foreign objects, but beautiful things naturally made people like them. Cheng Yujin's screen was extremely satisfied.

"Your progress is much faster than planned, and there is no time to hurry."

"I understand." Cheng Yujin rubbed her wrist, raised her head and smiled brightly at Cheng Yuanjing, "Thank you for your concern."

care? who cares about her. Cheng Yuanjing put down the embroidery and sat indifferently on the other side.

Although Cheng Yujin said she would not hurry, she was very interested in embroidering the screen, and things would change later, so it was better to finish the embroidery as soon as possible. She rushed for several days, and finally finished the last word.

Cheng Yujin hadn't been so happy for a long time. As soon as she put down her needle and thread, she didn't have time to loosen her stiff neck, so she hurriedly called Du Ruo: "Du Ruo, is Ninth Uncle here?"

Du Ruo hurried in from the outside and said, "It's raining today, and I've never heard Jiu Ye go out."

Only then did Cheng Yujin realize that it was raining outside. The spring rain is rare, Cheng Yujin stood up and loosened her muscles and said, "Remove the screen from the embroidery stand, and I will take it to Jiu Shu to see it."

"Girl, the screen hasn't been washed yet."

Because embroidery is often held in the hands, it is inevitable that it will be rubbed off and stolen, so it is only after washing with water that outsiders are seen. However, Cheng Yujin couldn't wait so long, and said, "It's alright. Uncle Ninth doesn't know how many times he's seen it, and he still cares about the black? Just take it off, and we'll take it with us."

Cheng Yujin rushed to the Chenming Courtyard, but as soon as she entered the door, she found a pair of rain gear under the eaves. Cheng Yujin stopped for a while, and the servant reported, "Miss, Lin Bianxiu is inside."

Lin Qingyuan? Cheng Yujin didn't realize that she was the first to feel unpleasant, as if someone had disrupted her plan. But soon, her sanity went online, and she immediately analyzed that this was a great opportunity.

The people inside had heard the movement, and a clear voice sounded: "Cheng Yujin? Come in."

Under the service of the maid, Cheng Yujin took off her rain gear, put on soft-soled shoes, and stepped into the room. Cheng Yuanjing and Lin Qingyuan really sat opposite each other and made tea. The place they were in was a pavilion, separated by a pure wooden swastika moon door, and the interior was a space of its own. Through the wooden partition door, you can see a one-foot-high platform inside, with cushions on it, a tea table in the middle, and two tall windows on the sides, which can be completely removed. At this moment, when I cook tea for the rain, the fragrance of tea lingers around the wooden pavilion, which is indescribably elegant.

Cheng Yuanjing looked back to see her and waved to her. Cheng Yujin walked over naturally, pulled up her skirt, and knelt down beside Cheng Yuanjing.

"Ninth Uncle."

"What's wrong?"

Cheng Yujin ran over on a rainy day, it would never be a whim.

Cheng Yuanjing expected nothing bad, Cheng Yujin really smiled and said, "Ninth uncle, I have finished embroidering."

"Oh? So fast?" Cheng Yuanjing glanced at Du Ruo, who was holding the brocade box, with a clear smile in his eyes, "Bring it here?"

Cheng Yujin nodded. She looked at Lin Qingyuan with some hesitation. The Qianqiu Festival was approaching, and all the prefectures were eager to prepare gifts, hiding their gift lists so that no one could see them. Cheng Yujin is confident that this screen is enough to be the trump card of Yichun Houfu, and now Lin Qingyuan sees it...

Cheng Yuanjing guessed Cheng Yujin's thoughts at a glance, and he said, "It's okay, Lin Qingyuan can trust it."

Lin Qingyuan still remembered the eldest lady of the Cheng family. Hearing this, he smiled and said, "What did the eldest lady prepare, so that I can't see it?"

"Where is Lin Bianxiu?" Cheng Yujin sat down and gave Lin Qingyuan an apology, and then said to Du Ruo, "Take it out and show it to Jiu Shu and Lin Bianxiu."

Du Ruo joined hands with another maid and slowly opened the screen. Lin Qingyuan was really surprised when he saw it. He couldn't help but go down to the ground and looked at the needle and thread movements on it up close: "Double-sided embroidery... It's still the same double-sided embroidery. I thought this skill had been lost."

Lin Qingyuan looked at Cheng Yujin in disbelief: "This... This turned out to be... "

Cheng Yujin nodded with a smile: "It's embroidered by the little girl. It's vulgar, please Lin Bianxiu not to joke."

vulgar? Cheng Yuanjing glanced at Cheng Yujin with a smile, and had a clear idea of her care. Cheng Yujin also glared at him, motioning him not to demolish the stage.

Lin Qingyuan, who was standing on the ground, did not notice the lawsuit between the uncle and nephew. He was still praising him loudly: "This is actually true! On the one hand, the poems and the mountains and rivers on the other hand are ingenious! The front is Jing Xing's handwriting, right? No wonder the eldest lady came to Jing Xing to learn to write last time."

Lin Qingyuan was so excited that he was almost speechless. In the end, he could only bow to the two of them in the seat: "Good words, good writing, good embroidery!"

Cheng Yujin couldn't help laughing, her eyes shining brightly. Cheng Yuanjing also had a faint smile in her eyes when it was rare for her to have such a young daughter's attitude.

After months of hard work, Cheng Yujin asked Du Ruo to carefully put away the screen. Cheng Yuanjing saw it and said, "Just stay with me. Tomorrow I will let someone find good wood to frame it."

"Okay." Cheng Yujin couldn't help reminding, "I've been holding it every day for the past few months, and the fabric has been rubbed off. Don't forget to wash it again, Uncle Ninth."

Having to wash it again, Cheng Yuanjing reluctantly responded: "I see."

Lin Qingyuan suddenly became interested when he saw this scene, he said, "Jing Xing is not a patient person, he is impatient to listen to longer words. At the beginning, I didn't know how many people kissed him, but they were all taken by him one by one. If he refused, I thought he was really impatient with women. Now it seems that it is not all. "

Cheng Yuanjing is not married yet, which is indeed a strange thing. Cheng Yujin rolled her eyes and suddenly asked, "What about Lin Bianxiu, does he have a family?"

Lin Qingyuan shook his head and said, "No, I am alone and happy."

When Cheng Yuanjing wanted to stop it, it was too late, and Cheng Yujin took the opportunity to ask: "Lin Pianxiu is the champion of high school, he is young and promising, why didn't he start a family?"

"My family's ancestors lived in Jinan, and my parents were far away from my hometown. I was the only one in the capital. There was no elders to talk about, so this matter naturally fell."

Cheng Yujin smiled and said, "Editor actually lives alone in the capital. Fortunately, there are caring people around, otherwise it would be too quiet."

Lin Qingyuan shook his head more firmly this time: "No, there are ancestors in the family, a man can't get married if he is under 20, and he can take a concubine if he has no children. ."

Cheng Yuanjing clearly saw Cheng Yujin's eyes light up, and the expression on his face suddenly changed. Cheng Yuanjing suddenly felt a sense of crisis in his heart. He knew that this time, Cheng Yujin was really tempted.