Greetings, Ninth Uncle

Chapter 29: Makeup


When I heard that the family property was going to be divided, everyone in the house was quiet. Mrs. Cheng walked in first, Cheng Yujin followed behind the Lord of Qingfu County, she happened to be standing next to Cheng Yuanjing when she entered the room, Cheng Yujin immediately stopped, took a step back, and said very filially, "Ninth Uncle, please."

Cheng Yujin now can't wait to offer Cheng Yuanjing as an ancestor. Cheng Yuanjing glanced at Cheng Yujin and entered the door first. Cheng Yujin followed closely, and when she entered Old Marquis Cheng's house, her eyes subconsciously fell on the mahogany closet, and she looked away as if nothing had happened.

The ward was soon filled with people. Old Marquis Cheng was lying on the bed. Seeing that everyone was coming, he said, "I haven't had a few days to live. While I'm still in good spirits, let's sort out the family property."

Cheng Yuanhan said, "Dad, what are you talking about, your body is still tough."

Old Marquis Cheng found this kind of talk funny. His sons were looking forward to his death the most. The eldest had something to say, but when the second child was like this, he still had to pretend. Cheng Laohou didn't care about it, and said: "My brothers will settle accounts, while I'm still here, I can still control you, and tell the family property as soon as possible. I won't wait for me to die, you guys will fight for a little money and let outsiders see jokes. ."

Cheng Yuanxian and Cheng Yuanhan were both embarrassed, and Old Marquis Cheng coughed, and continued: "Our family's title is the second generation, if I die, the eldest can still inherit the same generation. The grace of the saint. I will do my best, and you can go for the rest. After the eldest takes the title, the ancestral fields will belong to the eldest, and the second family will continue to live in the Hou’s mansion, but the middle-income family will be managed by the daughter-in-law of the big house.”

Cheng Yuanxian nodded quickly and said, "Father, I can save all of this. My second brother and I will honor our mother well in the future."

This is the consensus. Mrs. Cheng is still alive, and of course the two brothers cannot be separated. Cheng Yuanxian has long known that the title of the marquis belongs to him, the public land belongs to him, and the same is true for his parents' retirement. What people really care about is the division of property.

Sure enough, Old Marquis Cheng took a rest for a while and continued: "Except for the property of the Hou's residence, the duke has three shares of silver, and the eldest, the second and Jiulang each take one. Large items are even converted into silver, and the three are divided equally. ."

Cheng Yuanhan was anxious when he heard it: "Divided into three parts?"

Cheng Yuanhan and Ruan Shi originally thought that the family property was divided into two. The big house has the public land under the name of the Houfu, and they have taken the big head. It doesn't matter whether they are divided into two or three, but for the second house, the difference is big.

Cheng Yuanjing said almost immediately, "No, let's divide it into two."

Cheng Yujin scolded these idiots in her heart, what is the difference between two copies and three copies? Of course, the prince of Yichun Houfu does not pay attention to the silver prince, but if the prince takes one of them, it is equivalent to admitting that he is a member of the Houfu. With this level of relationship, how much can he repay to the Cheng family in the future? But if the big room and the second room are divided, then Cheng Yuanjing has nothing to do with the Yichun Houfu.

It's a pity that everyone in the Cheng family doesn't know Cheng Yuanjing's identity. Cheng Yujin has something to say, but he can't say it. She could only cough lightly, pretending to say unintentionally: "The elders don't dare to say no, since it's what my grandfather wanted, we, the juniors, should naturally obey."

Cheng Yuanjing lowered his head and swept towards Cheng Yujin, who immediately lowered his head. Cheng Yuanhan glanced at Cheng Yujin displeasedly, and said in his heart that she was obviously her own daughter, but she was raised as a white-eyed wolf by the big house. It is really ignorant to speak slanderous words at such a time.

Old Marquis Cheng looked at Cheng Yujin in surprise. Qing Fu frowned, and whispered in his voice: "When the elders are talking, don't interrupt."

Cheng Yujin replied in a stern voice, "Yes."

Cheng Yuanjing said in his heart that he really knew how to settle accounts. He had no intention of mixing with the Cheng family's property. Just their thousands and hundreds of taels were not considered money in Cheng Yuanjing's eyes. Cheng Yuanjing kicked the ball back gently and skillfully: "Cheng Yujin is right, the elder does not dare to say no to the gift. Combine my share and count it as my eldest niece's makeup."

Cheng Yujin agreed immediately in her heart, she struggled: "how is this good..."

"It doesn't matter." Cheng Yuanjing said and glanced at Cheng Yujin, "The elder does not dare to say no, this is my uncle's intention."

Cheng Yuanjing took Cheng Yujin's words to block her, what else could Cheng Yujin say. Cheng Yuanxian and Qingfu's abacus moved quickly, and Cheng Yuanjing gave his share to Cheng Yujin, which was equivalent to two-thirds of the money going into the big room's pocket, which was much more cost-effective than splitting. Cheng Yuanxian smiled happily: "The eldest girl is really sensible. Your uncles and nephews are filial and kind. It is really a blessing for our Cheng family. Then this matter is settled."

Ruan wanted to object, but Cheng Yuanxian robbed him. Ruan's face was very ugly, but in front of everyone, she was not easy to speak, so she couldn't help complaining about Cheng Yujin's troublesomeness in her heart.

Old Marquis Cheng was shocked when he saw that His Royal Highness had such a leisurely relationship. But it's a good thing that the prince is willing to take care of the Cheng family, even if it's just a granddaughter, it's better than being completely separated. Seeing Cheng Yuanjing's attitude, Old Marquis Cheng changed his words temporarily: "You have all the property of Gongzhong, and you must understand how much each family can share. Except for Gongzhong, I have been in these years. Also accumulated some private property.”

The Cheng family members and Mrs. Cheng's ears perked up. Hou's official accounts flowed in front of everyone's eyes every day, and there was so much money in them that they were tired of counting them for many years. The property of the Houfu of Yichun is easy to calculate, but it is hard to say how much private property the two old people have. In these years, the old Houye has made a bold move, and he has raised two families and is a scholar, and the money under his hands is simply unfathomable. Now it is necessary to divide the personal property of the old marquis, which is what everyone cares about the most.

Old Marquis Cheng breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "In the future, the mansion will be the eldest, and the second child has children and daughters, so it is impossible to have a secure house. I have a house in Chongjiaofang with three entrances, and I will leave it to you. The second family. The old family will not leave a house for you. I have two farms in Wanping, one is more than 400 mu and the other is 200 mu. use."

Chongjiaofang is next to the Guozijian. The houses here are convenient for life. The rare thing is that the environment is good. It has always been difficult to find a house. It is not easy to buy a house with three entrances here. There are two sons in the second room, and the assignment of such a house just solves the urgent need.

Qingfu was also very satisfied. It was useless for her to ask for a new house. Instead, it was a farmhouse with acres of land. This was the foundation of her life. Qingfu silently calculated that the farms of 400 mu are rented out for farming every year, and by the end of the year, how can there be six or seven hundred taels, and this is not counting the rice, chicken, ducks and other things that the farms pay tribute. The mansion of the second house is dead, but the income from the farm is alive. The things they have been allocated are much more practical than the house of the second house. The county master of Qingfu smiled immediately.

Lord Cheng suddenly looked at Cheng Yujin and said, "Miss, come here."

Cheng Yujin was startled and stepped forward slowly: "Grandfather."

Old Marquis Cheng looked at her carefully, and sighed after a long time: "You were obedient since you were a child, but unfortunately you were divorced when you were old enough to discuss marriage. It's not easy to talk about marriage after the divorce. Fortunately, you have been rewarded by the saints and have more money by your side. From this point of view, it may make the future husband's family value you a little more. I have two shops in Zhengxifang, a Liuli shop in Xuanbeifang, and a manor in Daxing County, and I gave them to you together. The girl, the second girl will not fall, and fill Yumo with a thousand taels of silver and a box of gold and silver utensils as makeup. For several shops in Yangzhou, half of the big room and the second room are taken, and another ten hectares of land in Jinling are reserved. For Jiulang. There are four boxes of calligraphy, painting and jade that I have accumulated over the years. The eldest, the second, and Jiulang will each take one box, and the rest will be divided equally among your children. The remaining 5,000 taels of silver notes will be arranged by the old lady. Bar."

So far, the fields, businesses, collections, and cash under the name of Lord Cheng have been settled. The old servants who had served Lord Cheng for many years took out the land deeds and account books and handed them over to each family one by one.

Cheng Yuanxian picked up the book that was distributed to him, and was about to open it quickly to see how much income he could make in a year, but was quietly screwed by the Lord of Qingfu County. Cheng Yuanxian looked up, and saw the county master of Qingfu winking at him, and told him to quickly look at the four boxes of the old marquis's collection, so as not to be preempted by the second room and take away all the valuables.

Nguyen has a lot of heart and instructs her two sons to choose the boxes. The children are ignorant, and of course they are more willing to be shamed than adults. Qingfu cursed in his heart as soon as he saw it, and quickly hinted that the nurse would hold Cheng Enbao in his arms, and he followed the past to keep an eye on him.

The people who had been crowded in the room just now all dispersed. Cheng Yujin was not interested in Old Marquis Cheng's collection. The gold, jade, calligraphy, paintings and other items were all dead. How much they took was not as good as having cash on hand. Cheng Yujin had enough hardship to see and not spend, and she was even more curious about the income of the three shops that Mr. Cheng gave her.

When the old servant saw it, he said curiously, "Miss, one of the four boxes of treasures of the old marquis is reserved for you and a few young masters. Don't you want to take a look?"

Cheng Yujin smiled and said, "I'm an elder sister, and I have to let my younger brothers and sisters. Let them choose first, and when they choose what they like, I'll take the rest."

The old servant looked at Cheng Yujin in astonishment. The person who picked first took advantage. This is a truth that a three-year-old child understands. Cheng Yujin gave it to his younger brother and sister so generously. The old servant admired it very much, and said sincerely: "The eldest miss is really sensible, as expected of the eldest sister."

Cheng Yujin smiled modestly: "Where, my grandfather taught me well."

She subconsciously complimented her elders, and only after she finished speaking did she realize that she had missed someone, so she answered smoothly: "Thanks to Uncle Ninth's words and deeds. Yan Ming, near Zhu Zhechi, I was lucky enough to learn a thing or two from my grandfather and Ninth Uncle.”

Cheng Yuanjing couldn't help but glanced at Cheng Yujin again, Cheng Yujin saw that he saw the needle and saw it. Cheng Yujin stroked Yuanjing meekly with a smile, clasped his hands, and stood beside him very well-behaved.

Cheng Laohou was also very moved when he heard Cheng Yujin's words. He couldn't help thinking that the two sons, even Mrs. Cheng, ran over to grab things impatiently when they heard about dividing up his collection, and only Cheng Yujin continued to guard. In front of him, her filial piety and understanding far surpassed the rest of the family. Old Marquis Cheng sighed, just as there was no one there now, he motioned to the old servant and said, "Go and fetch my red sandalwood box."

The old servant was shocked: "Master Hou, that's your money for emergency care, stay here just in case."

"It's alright." Old Marquis Cheng said indifferently, "I'm at my age, and my life is not too long. What else is there to prevent. It's better to leave it to the younger generation, it can come in handy anyway."

The old servant could not resist the old man, so he went away with a sigh. After a while, he came back from the inner room and took out a heavy wooden box. The wood of the box is delicate, and it is a fine red sandalwood. Cheng Yujin was wondering what was in it when she heard Old Marquis Cheng call her name: "Miss."

Cheng Yujin was really surprised: "Grandfather, did you call me?"

"Yes." Old Marquis Cheng nodded with a smile and gestured to her, "Go and pick it up."

Cheng Yujin stepped forward to take it, and the wooden box sank as soon as he started to hold it, and Cheng Yujin almost struggled to hold it. Old Marquis Cheng took out a key from under his pillow and said, "This is the gold I prepared in case something happens. It's useless now, so I'll leave it to you."

Cheng Yujin glanced at Cheng Yuanjing quickly and said, "How is this good? I'm just a granddaughter, these things should be left to the three younger brothers..."

"In the future, they will have their own parents to help them plan. Besides, they have hands and feet. The man's family should rely on their own to fight for their future. They always rely on their ancestors and elders to make a difference." Old Houye Cheng said, "But you are different. First, you are the daughter's family, and you always have to get married. Once you get married, you become someone else's family, which is very different from being in your mother's family. Second, although you are the eldest daughter, you are adopted after all. If you are in your husband's family in the future Being wronged, it's not easy to even find someone to stand out. I can't take care of you for a long time, so I'll leave you some more money to fulfill my duty as an elder."

With so much heavy gold, she didn't want to give it away as soon as it got into Cheng Yujin's hand. Now that Mr. Cheng had said, she pretended to be in difficulty and accepted it half-shoved: "Thank you grandfather for being sympathetic."

After saying so many words, Old Marquis Cheng has long been out of energy, and he has been hanging on in one breath until now. Cheng Yujin could see that Old Marquis Cheng was tired, and Old Marquis Cheng must still have something to say to Cheng Yuanjing. She was very sensible, and seeing the opportunity, she said, "I have disturbed my grandfather for a long time, and my granddaughter will not disturb my grandfather's rest. The granddaughter will retire. Ninth uncle, niece will retire first."

As soon as she turned around, Cheng Yujin gave Du Ruozhi a wink and asked her to carry the food box that she had brought over earlier. Cheng Yujin deliberately closed the door for the people inside when she went out, and her caring intention was beyond words.

After the door was closed, Cheng Yujin's expression changed immediately. She took Du Ruo to the compartment, lowered her voice and said, "Take apart the inner layer of the food box and stuff the sandalwood box in. Don't show anything strange when you carry it, just treat it as empty."

Du Ruo also understood that it was great, and nodded again and again. But she was just hit by Cheng Enbao today, and she was a little stiff when she lifted the food box. Cheng Yujin saw it and said, "Forget it, give it to me."

"Girl, what's wrong with this!"

"Why not." Cheng Yujin said, "Give it to me, it's even worse if you hold on to it."

Du Ruo knew the importance. Old Marquis Cheng didn't plan to give the gold to Cheng Yujin at first, but because Cheng Yujin stayed at the end, he touched Old Marquis Cheng to some extent, so he got this windfall. However, having too much money in the mansion is not necessarily a good thing. If the Lord of Qingfu or Mrs. Cheng knew, Mr. Cheng left the life-saving money to Cheng Yujin, his granddaughter, instead of two sons and three grandsons. , I'm afraid it's not good. At that time, Cheng Yujin will have to honor these things to his elders in order to protect himself.

Therefore, these golds cannot be known by Qingfu, Nguyen Shi and others no matter what. Du Ruo didn't insist anymore, she was a little worried: "Girl, this food box is not light, can you lift it?"

"Why can't you lift it?" Cheng Yujin chuckled, "As long as there is gold in it, I can lift it no matter how heavy it is."

Du Ruo was speechless for a while.