Greetings, Ninth Uncle

Chapter 31: Get rich


Cheng Yujin counted twice carefully. Because it was only a rough overview at the time, she was afraid that she could not remember correctly, so she deliberately weighed it for a while, and finally determined that the number of gold ingots was not small, except for an extra stack of land deeds.

It is rare for Cheng Yujin to feel the shame of using a villain's heart to control a gentleman's belly. If Cheng Yuanjing knew what she was thinking, I'm afraid she would be so angry that she would take the land deed money back in person.

Cheng Yujin pretended that nothing happened, and looked at the title deed carefully.

Cheng Yujin looked at the title deed from beginning to end, and sighed inwardly that in the past few years, Old Marquis Cheng, taking advantage of the prince's power, really made a lot of money. Today, Old Master Cheng gave it all at once, there are nearly 16 hectares of farmland, seven shops, one property, 6,000 taels of silver, four boxes of calligraphy and painting and gold utensils, and a box of gold ingots. This is still because the prince can't show his identity, Cheng Laohou is just taking a ride on the road. After a few years of hard work, Cheng Laohou has accumulated so much money by himself. How much assets does Cheng Yuanjing have

Cheng Yujin couldn't even imagine it.

Cheng Yujin put the title deed aside, turned on the light, took out the account book that he got back from Old Marquis Cheng, and looked at it seriously. I didn't expect to see it like this, but it was a big surprise to Cheng Yujin.

Lord Cheng gave her a total of three stores, two in Zhengxifang, one in Xuanbeifang, and a small farm. Because what Cheng Yumo was given was a box of gold and silverware, one thousand taels of silver, Cheng Yujin originally expected the value of the shop to be about two thousand taels, but the actual situation of the store was much stronger than she imagined.

Zhengxifang is a prosperous place, not far from the six government offices of the imperial court, and these two shops are facing the street, one is a cloth shop and the other is a jewelry shop. The Liuli shop in Xuanbeifang was dipped in the light of the official Liulichang. After the management, the business was also slightly profitable.

This is much stronger than Cheng Yumo's dead things. Although gold and silver are beautiful and beautiful, if you want to realize it, you will inevitably have to discount it. Not to mention the silver bills, one thousand taels in the box will not increase in value, but will gradually depreciate over time. Unless the printed money is placed, the total value of the money has been decreasing.

Another very important point is that these three shops are all in the capital, and even the little Zhuangzi is in the suburbs. Cheng Yuanxian and Cheng Yuanhan each got two stores, but they were both far away in Yangzhou. Cheng Yujin didn't plan to marry far in the future. If she really gave her shops in Yangzhou, Jinling and other places, she would not be able to get anything even if she made more profits.

Cheng Yujin closed the account book, giving birth to a sense of pleasure of getting rich overnight. A family's income is roughly divided into four parts, salary, fields, business and gray income. The current status of Yichun Houfu is not to point to others' filial piety, and gray income is negative; Cheng Yuanxian and Cheng Yuanhan's salary is almost negligible; although the land is safe , but there is only so much output in one year, maintaining stability is OK, but wanting to make money quickly is not. The business risks are high, and the rewards are also high. Among them, the two stores in Zhengxifang in the capital are located in good locations and have high profits.

Cheng Yujin roughly estimated that six-tenths of Cheng Laohou's income was in her hands. Not to mention that when she was leaving, she hit right and took away a box of gold ingots used by Old Marquis Cheng to save her life.

Over the years, the Lord of Qingfu County has bought a lot of flashy jewelry for her for the sake of her face. Cheng Yujin's clothes are also changed every season, and the clothes she used to wear are basically impossible to wear. However, Cheng Yujin lived a noble life on the surface, but in fact, he was like drinking water, knowing whether he was cold or warm. She doesn't have a source of money in her hand, and she can't sell Qingfu's jewelry. In the big house, there are human feelings everywhere, and money needs to be spent everywhere. As a result, Cheng Yujin is stretched, and she is always calculating every piece. Where is the silver used.

So Cheng Yujin dreams of her own dowry, manpower and industry. Thanks to the quarrel between the first and second rooms of the Cheng family, Mr. Cheng was finally annoyed and couldn’t stand it anymore, so he proposed to divide the property. Cheng Yujin relied on the master of Qingfu County and Cheng Yuanxian to brush a wave of existence in front of Mr. Cheng. , and also successfully got a copy of their own. Cheng Yujin roughly listed the properties she had, and found that she had a farm, three shops, plus the silver in the public, ten hectares of fertile farmland that His Royal Highness disliked, a few pieces of calligraphy and painting that were left over, and the most practical ones. , a box of gold. In just one night, her property exceeded 10,000 taels, and she suddenly became rich.

This big surprise can almost be called a disaster. Qing Fugui is the county owner, and he carries a dowry at a high price. In addition, for so many years, he has presided over the marquis's mansion for his own benefit, and the money under his hand does not exceed 10,000 taels. Cheng Yujin was very sure that if others knew how much she actually got today, her disaster would start soon.

Unfortunately, they won't know. Cheng Yujin redistributed the things in her hand, and the box of gold ingots could no longer be seen by anyone anyway, and together with the land deed that Cheng Yuanjing gave her, it became Cheng Yujin's last retreat, and she never showed up at ordinary times. The shop that Old Marquis Cheng gave her was told to everyone, and there was no way to hide it. Cheng Yujin had to make another plan to keep it in her own hands. As for Lord Cheng's box of paintings and calligraphy, Cheng Yujin doesn't care, it's just leftovers, it's okay to take the leftovers.

Cheng Yujin carefully checked the land deed and the amount of bank notes against the light, and then installed them one by one. Counting money really makes people happy, and Cheng Yujin is in a very happy mood now. Even if she knew how to keep the money of these shops in her own hands, it was still a tough battle, and it couldn't affect her good mood in the slightest.

Tonight is a sleepless night for many people. The Qingfu County Master checked the account book overnight. After checking it, she couldn't believe it. It's not that Old Marquis Cheng's net worth is not rich, but it is much worse than what they imagined.

They thought that Old Marquis Cheng would have at least tens of thousands of taels of private property, but now it's only five or six thousand taels distributed to each of them. The dowry maid came in with a cup of hot ginger tea. Seeing that the light in the back room was still on, Qingfu sat under the light and frowned tightly, and couldn't help but feel distressed: "Madam, it's getting late, you should take a rest. Those account books You've been staring at it all night, carefully hurting your eyes."

Princess Qingfu rubbed her eyebrows wearily. She took the hot tea brought by the dowry maid, opened the tea cup, and blew the heat slowly. The dowry maid stuffed a pillow behind the waist of Qingfu County Lord, stood behind the beauty's couch, and pinched Qingfu's shoulders familiarly.

The county master of Qingfu was also really tired. She leaned back on the railing and complained, "The writing on the ledger is so small and dense that my eyes are dizzy after reading it all night."

The dowry maid advised: "Master, don't be too tired of yourself. Although you are the mistress of the Hou's residence, but the two houses have not yet been separated, and the money you earn for the Hou's residence will be returned to the public. Let everyone spend it together. If you don't tell me if you are tired, you can't make it, and if you are wrong, you will be slandered by the second room, why bother?"

"I don't understand this truth." Qing Fu said, "I really don't know that Chai Mi is expensive. I was naive in my parents' house, and I didn't think the housekeeper was complicated. After I came to Yichun Hou's mansion, I realized that everything is difficult. Especially when I have to In spite of such a big family, my mother-in-law looks generous, but in fact she does not let go of power. She needs to nod her nod for everything in the family, but trivial things such as firewood, rice, oil and salt make me worry. I want to be with the maid below It's a joke, to satisfy the old lady, but also not to let the second room find the wrong place. My eldest lady looks at the majesty, but in fact, if it wasn't for Baoer, I would not be happy to take over the hand-feed."

The dowry maid did not speak. What Qingfu County Master said is right or wrong. She is the wife of the family. She complains that the housekeeper is difficult and thankless. His dowry doubled. If nothing else, just say that the cloth that Hou's mansion makes for clothes every season is bought from Qingfu's own cloth shop. The dealer is her, and the buyer is also her, but it's not that she can set the price as she wants, and she can buy as much as she wants. Over the years, how much money Qingfu has poured into his own hands from the Duke of Hou's mansion, I'm afraid it's hard to calculate.

Qingfu County Lord is now complaining that she is thankless, and if she is asked to give up her housekeeping power, she will not do it.

The dowry maid did not mention this, and still followed Qingfu County Master: "What the madam said is that you have paid too much for the Hou House Committee."

After Qingfu said bad things about her mother-in-law and sister-in-law, she felt a lot more at ease. When she saw the account book on the table, she was still unwilling, flipping the pages quickly. However, no matter how she looked at it, the annual profit above was just that much.

Qingfu stared at the numbers on the account book, frowned and said, "Does the old man have so much money? I always think it's not. He has been buying fields and painting and calligraphy these years, and he has spent a lot of money. To provide for two houses, Cheng Yuanjing alone will spend as much silver tael after ten years of study, not to mention Cheng Yuanjing's appointment after the scientific examination. The old man doesn't know how much money he has put in. He can provide several thousand taels at a time. , but the annual income is not enough for three thousand taels?"

The dowry maid reminded: "Madam, where is half of the property still in the second room?"

"I know, it's only when the second room is less than 3,000 taels that I feel strange." Qing Fu closed the ledger and frowned, "Mommy, tell me, does the old marquis earn money to make a living and secretly give it to him? Someone else?"

If Cheng Yujin is here, he must say "yes". Cheng Laohou's most profitable shops, as well as the cash accumulated over the years, are now in her name. The silver will not increase there. After Cheng Laohou has a surplus, it is nothing more than buying land and converting it into gold to preserve its value. The gold was taken by Cheng Yujin by accident, and the estate that Cheng Laohou bought in Jinling also fell into Cheng Yujin's hands. The cash in the account has been replaced by other forms. Qingfu is looking at the account book now, doesn't he feel that there is less.

In fact, the dowry mama felt that 3,000 taels a year was not a lot. You must know that Qingfu’s food and lodging are in Hou’s mansion, and the money of Hou’s mansion is spent on food, clothing, housing, and transportation. Every month, there is a monthly bill of money. In this way, money can only come in, no matter how much the outside industry earns, it goes into private pockets. Now that the big house has two shops of Mr. Cheng Laohou and a farmhouse, an extra 2,000 taels can enter the door every year. few.

What's more, these are windfalls, which were given to two sons by Lord Cheng. Qingfu is not satisfied now, it is nothing more than lack of greed and wanting more.

When it comes to money, it is difficult for the dowry to express her opinions. She said tentatively, "I don't understand, if the wife thinks there is a problem, why don't you talk to the uncle? The uncle walks outside all day and has a lot of knowledge. He must understand. This is the doorway.”

Speaking of Cheng Yuanxian, Qingfu sneered and patted the table hard: "He? He doesn't know where he died now. If I hadn't had to subsidize money for his expenses over the years, I don't know what I'd have saved for Baoer. He has a lot of money. He is good. He leaves the boss and doesn't care about everything. He knows how to lead women to his home, and see one woman and one woman. He doesn't care how much it will cost to raise so many people in the family. The hoof only needs to ask, and the clothes and jewelry are left to their mouths. Why doesn't he think about where he got all this money!"

Qingfu County Lord was so angry that his liver hurt when he talked about this, and the dowry maid hurriedly patted Qingfu's back and said: "Madam, don't be angry, the uncle can have what he has now, isn't it relying on you to make money? If you say it out loud, who doesn't praise your wife? You can do it, who doesn’t envy the uncle for marrying you, the Golden Bodhisattva?”

Hearing "Golden Bodhisattva", Qingfu's anger slowly subsided. She is also extremely proud of her own wrists, and Qingfu said proudly: "Who made my life bad, such a master who spends money without blinking an eye. Marry a chicken with a chicken, marry a dog with a dog, a husband-in-law does not I can only worry more behind my back. I don't do all this for Bao'er."

"What the wife said is that the third young master is in good health, lively and active. There will be time for you to enjoy the blessings of your children and grandchildren in the future."

The dowry maid kept her eyes open, and she just described Cheng Enbao's rampage as being in good health, and arrogant and domineering as lively and active. Qingfu didn't think there was anything wrong with her son. She laughed for a while and sighed, "It's a pity that I didn't give birth to a brother for Baoer. He is the only one, and there will be no one to support each other in the future."

The dowry maid reminded: "Madam, the third young master and the elder sister, the eldest girl."

"She?" Qingfu County Lord snorted disdainfully, "It's not a mother's child, her heart will be different, maybe when her own mother cry, she will honor her biological parents again. If I treat her too well , it is difficult to guarantee that you will not raise a Zhongshan wolf, and if you don't say anything, you will be bitten back at the end."

"Madam, the eldest girl shouldn't be, right?" The dowry maid hesitated.

"Now she doesn't, who knows if it will be in the future?" Qingfu said firmly. The dowry maid was speechless when she heard it. With the thought of Qingfu County Master, who can really get close? The dowry mama felt a little pity, but in fact, she had to say that the eldest girl was much more reliable than the third young master. Cheng Yujin has grown up, and looks like her mother. She is better than blue, and because she was raised by Qingfu, her housekeeper's skills and means of making money are only good. Cheng Yujin can be said to have the advantages of both the biological mother and the adoptive mother at the same time, but she does not have the petty family spirit of Nguyen's family, nor the dominance of Qingfu, but is dignified and quiet, and has a degree of progress and retreat.

On the contrary, looking at the biological son of the Qingfu County Lord, he was used to being lawless at a young age. As a maiden's family, she couldn't really like Cheng Enbao when she met her, let alone outsiders.

A crowd complimented, and the jade embryo was just formed, and at a young age, he could see the signs of crookedness. Which one is reliable is almost something that anyone with a discerning eye can see. But the dowry mama couldn't say these words, so she had to laugh with the princess of Qingfu: "That's what the madam said."

The night was getting dark, Qingfu looked at the account book all night, knowing that no matter how much he kept checking the account book, the money would not increase, so he could only stand up regretfully and slowly move his stiff back: "I've been checking for a night, I'm exhausted. It's a pity that I still work hard to make wedding clothes for others."

The dowry maid waited for the Qingfu County Master to change her clothes, and asked, "Madam, if you think the number is wrong, why don't you ask the eldest girl tomorrow? Maybe the eldest girl has a higher rate."

County Master Qingfu sneered: "How is it possible, how much can she get as a granddaughter who is going to marry out? The old marquis just thought that they were going to get married. It's just to save face. Cheng Yujin was also divorced from marriage, and in the future, even Cheng Yumo will not be able to compare with Cheng Yumo. Cheng Yumo has a thousand taels at the bottom of the box.

The owner of Qingfu County didn't know where the three shops Cheng Laohou gave to Cheng Yujin, but she thought that the profit of the shop in Yangzhou would not exceed 1,000 taels a year. Won Hyun's son? She naturally thought that they were just a few dilapidated shops, and Mr. Cheng was afraid of favoring one over the other, so he reluctantly used a few empty shelves to send people away.

The dowry maid also thought it was reasonable. Cheng Yujin was a granddaughter after all, and taking a thousand taels was the kindness of the elders. Of course, the bulk of Cheng Laohou's money should be left to his grandson. They didn't think about this aspect at all, they just doubted the second room, wondering if the second room had a bad wind blowing behind it and deceived the industry.

At this moment, in the second room courtyard, Ruan Shi also thought the same way. She is not as good as Qingfu County Master's ability to settle accounts, but she can always feel how much money there is.

Ruan Shi and Cheng Yuanhan and his wife whispered in the bed tent all night, and the more they talked, the more they felt that the big house was treacherous and shameless. In fact, the money shared by Old Marquis Cheng is already a huge sum of money for the second room, but it does not suffer from widowhood and unevenness. When they think that they could have more, they are indignant and difficult to calm down.

This night is destined to be a sleepless night. In the first half of the night, many people settled accounts under the lights, from Cheng Yujin to Qingfu to the Ruan family. In the second half of the night, Cheng Yujin had just fallen asleep and was suddenly awakened by the noise outside.

Du Ruo put on his clothes and hurriedly knocked on the fence outside the bed: "Girl, wake up, the old man is dead!"

Cheng Yujin's sleepiness disappeared, and she immediately lifted the curtain and sat up: "When did it happen?"

"Just now, people in the front yard knocked on the door to report, and the lights in the other rooms were also lit."

Cheng Yujin's face suddenly sank, she stopped talking, and immediately got up and changed her clothes. It wouldn't be a joke to make such a big fight, Cheng Yujin changed into bright clothes, put on a plain single skirt, and hurried to Fuliyuan.

At this moment, the Fuli Courtyard was full of people, and everyone saw that they were woken up in the middle of the night. The female family members did not wear makeup, and their makeup and hair were not combed. After all, the Ruan family had a good foundation. outdated.

Fortunately, no one cared about this at the moment. Cheng Yujin followed behind the Qingfu County Master, stood in the cold dew and waited for half an hour, and saw the servant coming out of the back room with a sad face, she knelt down to Mrs. Cheng and cried, "Old Mrs. , the old man is gone!"

There was a burst of exclamations in the yard, and suddenly there were cries. Cheng Yujin was also very sad. Not long ago, she took the key from the hand of Old Marquis Cheng, and in a blink of an eye, people were separated forever. The world is impermanent and life is short, Cheng Yujin also sighed and lowered her head.

Whether she can cry or not, the appearance must be there. When Cheng Yujin bowed her head, she saw Cheng Yumo's face pale, she tugged at Ruan's sleeve in a panic, and said something in a low voice.

Ruan Shi was brewing crying, but after hearing Cheng Yumo's words, her face became ugly. Cheng Yujin suddenly became interested, she observed quietly for a while, and slowly figured out the whole story.

When Lord Cheng passed away, his son and daughter-in-law must observe filial piety for three years, and grandchildren must observe filial piety for one year. During this period, you cannot wear bright clothes, you cannot participate in feasts, and naturally you cannot marry. Huo Changyuan is already twenty-one years old, and the Huo Xue family has long been anxious to marry Huo Changyuan. Cheng Yumo is now going to be filial piety for a year. What will happen to her and Huo Changyuan's marriage