Greetings, Ninth Uncle

Chapter 48: Discipline


Cheng Yuanjing took a serious look at the relationship between him and Cheng Yujin for the first time. Outsiders said that their uncle and nephew had a good relationship, and Cheng Yujin was very filial to his uncle, but Cheng Yuanjing knew that he was not her uncle.

Cheng Yujin also knew.

Although Cheng Yuanjing was proud of himself, he did not lose his self-knowledge. He knew very well that Cheng Yujin was so "filial" because of his status as a prince, not because of him.

But this can't hide the essence of Cheng Yujin's behavior. The two of them have no blood relationship in essence, and what Cheng Yujin did to him was actually no different from what she did to Xu Zhixian for tea and Lin Qingyuan to lead the way. If you put it another way, Cheng Yujin delivered tea and water to a foreign man who was temporarily living in Hou's mansion every day.

She never thought that giving a man a purse, sending cakes, and greeting him every day actually has a very unique meaning

Cheng Yuanjing glanced down at Cheng Yujin, thinking that she must have never thought about it.

Cheng Yujin held the air of the eldest lady of the Hou Mansion solemnly and decently, and vaguely found that since Zhai Yanlin said the sinful words, the attitude of His Royal Highness has become strange. Just now, he glanced indistinctly She glanced.

Cheng Yujin couldn't help but beat a drum in her heart, what does the prince mean? Are you dissatisfied with Zhai Yanlin's nonsense, clinging to yourself? Cheng Yujin sighed secretly and moved from place to place. Cheng Yujin could understand the prince's mood very well. The Cheng family has nothing to do with him, and Cheng Yujin, a niece, is nothing more than nothing. He is just because it is inconvenient to move out due to the fact that Mr. Cheng has just passed away. The Cheng family's own affairs are unclear, what's the matter with him

If it was Cheng Yujin, who somehow got involved with a man, and others coaxed and said, "You guys are in such a good relationship", Cheng Yujin would have to turn his face on the spot.

She couldn't help scolding Zhai Yanlin in her heart, is there something wrong with this person? I won't talk about my son if I can't manage it, so I can arrange her for what? Well now, His Royal Highness is angry.

In fact, Cheng Yuanjing's expression didn't change at all, and it was a little difficult to judge his emotions only from his face. However, Cheng Yujin has been "save in the morning and evening" for so long, and looking at it every day, she can actually feel a little change in the aura.

For example, Cheng Yuanjing is obviously not very happy now. Zhai Yanlin was fine before he said this, but after he finished speaking, Cheng Yuanjing's aura became gloomy. Apart from His Royal Highness being dissatisfied with others tying them up, what else could there be

Cheng Yujin immediately spoke up, firmly clearing her position: "The Duke's words are inexplicable. Filial piety is the responsibility of the younger generation. You only see me and Ninth Uncle today, and you will feel that I have a good relationship with Ninth Uncle and Nephew. My grandmother and my mother are the same. Besides, Ninth Uncle is like a bright moon in my heart, and the noble and clean can’t be attached. I admire Ninth Uncle’s talent and demeanor, and I respect my father everywhere. How dare I indulge in the slightest? It's my fault that I didn't make it clear that Cai Guogong misunderstood, the little girl here to make amends for Jiu Shu and Cai Guogong."

Cheng Yujin euphemistically reminded Zhai Yanlin that what she said was wrong and that she could not say it again in the future. In the end, she blamed herself for not making it clear, and gave Cai Guogong the steps thoughtfully. In this way, even if Zhai Yanlin was pointed out that he was wrong in person, he would not be embarrassed and angry.

Not to mention, Cheng Yujin also took the initiative to apologize. For a girl to do this, not to mention Cheng Yujin is a great beauty, even if she is just a passer-by, Zhai Yanlin is not willing to be embarrassed.

He glanced at Cheng Yujin, surprised. When Cheng Yumo imitated Cheng Yujin by the lake, he learned the tone of Cheng Yujin's speech. Cheng Yujin just said several lines of what Cheng Yumo said at the time. I have to say that Cheng Yumo knows her sister very well. She knows what Cheng Yujin often says. Unfortunately, Cheng Yumo's imitation talent is too poor, and it is almost 108,000 miles worse than the deity.

In just a short time, Zhai Yanlin has been surprised several times. First of all, Cheng Yujin managed Zhai Qing's methodical and calm aura. Zhai Yanlin was really surprised when he heard it. This was the first time he had seen someone who could restrain Zhai Qing. At that time, he didn't know what Cheng Yujin looked like. When he turned around and saw her in person, Cheng Yujin's appearance and temperament far exceeded his expectations, which really surprised him. Now Cheng Yujin's speaking skills and emotional intelligence skills have impacted Zhai Yanlin's cognition for the third time.

In his impression, the eldest Miss Yichun Hou Mansion is not very old, that is, the age of fourteen or five years old. Just by looking at the second lady next to her, you can see that Cheng Yujin is actually very young. Their sisters are twins, of the same age, raised in the same place since childhood, and grew up in similar environments. Why are there so many differences in abilities, management, etiquette, etc.? In other words, an innocent and charming personality like Cheng Yumo is what a girl of this age should look like.

It was Cheng Yujin who was too advanced.

I thought that coming to Yichun Hou's mansion today was just an optional show, but I didn't expect to find such a surprise. Interest rose in Zhai Yanlin's eyes, everyone likes beautiful women, and beautiful women who are not very successful can even arouse men's desire to conquer.

Thinking like this, Zhai Yanlin fully responded to Cheng Yujin's words: "Miss Cheng said that it was me who was abrupt. Although you and Jing Xing are uncles and nephews, after all, there are differences between men and women, and these things should be avoided. It's me. Jing Xing and the eldest lady should not be blamed for not thinking carefully.”

Cheng Yujin was very satisfied when she heard that, the half-truth and half-truth salute she had just now was for Zhai Yanlin to go down the stairs, but more often she took the opportunity to apologize to Cheng Yuanjing. Cheng Yuanjing was very impatient to get involved with others, and being bound by a woman was a big taboo. Cheng Yujin didn't want to be misunderstood by His Royal Highness the Crown Prince. She was flattering, but not in that way. This kind of thing should have been said earlier.

Cheng Yujin happily thought that Cheng Yuanjing should be relieved now, she looked at Cheng Yuanjing as if taking credit, but Cheng Yuanjing glanced at her lightly, raised her head and turned her eyes away without smiling.

The smile on Cheng Yujin's face froze a little, she was very puzzled, she said everything, why is Cheng Yuanjing still not satisfied? And it looked like he was even more angry.

I don't understand, Cheng Yujin sighed silently in her heart. Sure enough, your heart is unpredictable. She once felt that she could vaguely feel Cheng Yuanjing's emotional changes, but now it seems that it is still her illusion.

Don't guess the big man's mind. Anyway, he can't figure it out, especially someone like His Royal Highness who wants to do big things.

Cheng Yuanjing's mood didn't look very good, but on the contrary, Zhai Yanlin was in high spirits and was extraordinarily talkative. He is full of interest in the Cheng family now. His younger sister is indeed charming and cute, like a daisy on the roadside, innocent and pitiful, but her elder sister is like a national color peony, and at a glance, she knows that she is going to be raised in the boudoir and forbidden garden, and there is not enough The wealth, power, and energy of the people cannot support this precious flower at all. When most men see it, they don't think about it at all, and they have to comfort themselves in turn, saying that this kind of woman is rigid and boring, and it's not as delicious as a porridge and a side dish.

However, those who are not ordinary men see it, and it is a completely different idea.

The harder it is to raise, the more they need to be raised, and the harder it is to conquer, the more they need to conquer. Money wealth is nothing, they have it anyway. Zhai Yanlin is like this now, Cheng Yumo speaks Yan Yan, laughs like a bell, looks at him with admiration and obedience, of course Zhai Yanlin is worshipped by women, but there are too many women who worship him, but it is Cheng Yujin's coldness Indifferent and completely indifferent, it made Zhai Yanlin want to catch her gaze.

Zhai Qing was originally beaten by Cheng Yujin to the point of doubting his life, and was so angry that he sat on the ground crying, but he howled for a long time without waiting for the adults to compromise. Zhai Qing was a little scared. The methods he was familiar with before were all ineffective in front of Cheng Yujin. Just when he didn't know what to do, Zhai Yanlin came.

His dad is here! Zhai Qing immediately caught the savior, shouted "Father" happily, and then sat on the ground in a fit of anger, waiting for the adults to coax him. Zhai Qing made up his mind, this time, he must let the ignorant woman know how powerful she is. If she doesn't ask him in a good voice, he will never get up.

Zhai Qing pretended to cry for a long time, and the cry became lower and lower, until it was as thin as a mosquito, and could no longer be heard, and he did not wait for his father to come to coax him.

what happened? Zhai Qing was a little flustered. It wasn't like this before. As long as he cried, his grandmother, aunt and others would definitely rush over to coax him. No matter what he wanted, he would agree. But this time, why didn't it work

Cheng Yujin was worried why the prince was angry again, what was he angry about? I was irritable, so I didn't have much patience to listen to Zhai Qing, but Cheng Yumo was very supportive and chatted happily with Zhai Yanlin. Cheng Yujin basically didn't listen. She saw Zhai Qing still sitting on the ground in a blink of an eye. Cheng Enbao saw that they were not paying attention and wanted to sneak out to rescue soldiers.

Cheng Enbao just took two steps out, when a voice came from behind him: "Cheng Enbao."

The three words were clearly articulated, the intonation was gentle, and the pauses between the words were even. Cheng Enbao felt his calf soften when he heard it. He turned his head reluctantly and replied, "Big sister."

Cheng Yujin looked at him with a smile: "Third brother, the little prince of Cai Guogong's mansion is still here, where are you going?"

As soon as Cheng Yujin made a sound, everyone stopped talking and focused on Cheng Yujin's half-smiling expression. Following Cheng Yujin's line of sight, they turned their heads and saw the two children over there.

Cheng Enbao clenched his clothes tightly with his fingers and wanted to push back loudly, but in Cheng Yujin's sight, his voice became lower and lower: "I have something to do to find my mother and grandmother."

"Mother and grandmother are busy discussing matters. Is there anything you can't tell my sister, do you have to disturb the elders?" Cheng Yujin put aside the crowd, took two steps forward, stopped in front of Cheng Enbao and Zhai Qing, and glanced at Zhai Qing lightly With a glance, "Why is Xiao Shizi Zhai sitting on the ground?"

When his father was at the scene, Zhai Qing's confidence was immediately enough, and he stalked his neck and shouted: "If you don't apologize to me, and don't send my roaring dog back, I won't get up!"

When Zhai Yanlin heard the frown, he was about to step forward to reprimand this incompetent son when Cheng Yuanjing reached out his hand to stop him. Cheng Yuanjing withdrew his hand, still looking at Cheng Yujin, without distracting the person next to him: "Just listen, don't make a mess."

Zhai Yanlin's mood was a little complicated, and he said, "The dog is very stubborn, and the master who practiced martial arts in the mansion can't control it. Miss Cheng is a girl, so I'm afraid he won't be able to control him."

Cheng Yuanjing laughed softly. His eyes looked at Cheng Yujin, and unknowingly a little smile appeared: "Not necessarily."

On the other hand, Cheng Yujin didn't make any trouble, and the progress went very smoothly: "I have thrown the dog out, I'm afraid I can't bring it back. As for me, I admit that I did nothing wrong. If you want to apologize, ask your father to come and come and talk to him in person. I say."

After speaking, Cheng Yujin raised her eyebrows: "Is the prince still up?"

Zhai Qing was excited, straightened his back and shouted: "I won't. I tell you, I am the heir of Cai Guogong's mansion. If you treat me like this, my father and my grandmother will not spare you!"

After Zhai Qing finished speaking, he turned his eyes to Zhai Yanlin angrily, not knowing whether to get angry or ask for help. Zhai Yanlin sighed helplessly, he knew that no one could control Zhai Qing, and he was about to ask the guards to hold Zhai Qing up and discipline him after returning to the mansion, when he heard Cheng Yujin say calmly, "Oh, say this. , Does the prince like sitting on the ground very much? According to the principle, Zhai Shizi is a guest, and if the guest asks, the Hou Mansion will respond, but the slate is cold after all, and the prince may catch a cold if he sits for a long time."

This is to be submissive. After all, Zhai Qing is the lifeblood of the Duke's mansion, and Cheng Yujin is frightened and frightened, how can Zhai Qing really be wronged. Zhai Yanlin thought to herself that she was a little girl in the 14th or 15th year, and it was not easy to achieve this step, and Zhai Qing was also very proud, but in the next second, she heard Cheng Yujin say: "Du Ruo, go and get a cushion for the prince. , be sure to choose one that keeps you warm from the cold. The prince likes to sit on the ground, so let him have a good time."

Zhai Qing's complacent expression immediately froze on his face, and Zhai Yanlin didn't expect such a development at all, and the whole person was stunned. Seeing this, Cheng Yumo bit her lip and couldn't help but say, "After all, Zhai Shizi is the only seedling of Cai Guogong's mansion, isn't it inappropriate for my sister to do this?"

Cheng Yuanjing glanced at Cheng Yumo, Cheng Yumo touched such a look, and the rest of the words were suddenly stuck in his throat, and he couldn't say it again. Cheng Yuanjing retracted his gaze and said lightly, "Don't make trouble for her, and she will be fine."

Cheng Yuanjing said this, Zhai Yanlin, the father, could only watch with patience. Soon, Du Ruo came back with a thick cushion, and Cheng Yujin raised her chin and said, "Go and put it on the steps for the prince. I will let the maid bring you what tea the prince likes to drink. If you are bored sitting, you might as well stop by. Send a few words to the prince?"

Du Ruo put the thick and soft cushion on the ground, right next to Zhai Qing. Zhai Qing had never experienced this kind of anger before, and he was about to cry again.

Cheng Enbao was horrified when he saw Cheng Yujin. Seeing that Zhai Qing could not please him, he wanted to sneak away. However, as soon as the footsteps moved, Cheng Yujin's eyes pinned accurately: "Third brother, where are you going?"

Cheng Enbao didn't dare to stand up. He turned around and said dejectedly, "Sister, I'm wrong. I shouldn't be walking the dog in the garden. I'll go back and copy the book and admit my mistake."

Cheng Yujin thought that she had some brains, and knew that she admitted her mistake, so Cheng Yujin would personally punish her. Her face softened a little, and she smiled very tenderly: "It's good for the third brother to know his mistake. But you and Zhai Shizi have the best time. You're gone, isn't it boring for Zhai Shizi to sit here alone?"

Cheng Enbao had a rare inspiration. He wanted to understand Cheng Yujin's meaning in a flash. Cheng Enbao immediately pulled up Zhai Qing and said in a hurry, "I'll go copy books with him. Sister, let's go!"

After Cheng Enbao finished speaking, he ran. Zhai Qing grabbed the ladder and got up and ran. The two children were scrambling for the first place, the sound of running was loud, and the servant behind shouted, "Master, run slower and be careful to fall!"

Cheng Yuanjing saw an extremely wonderful play with his own eyes, and his eyes were full of smiles, but Zhai Yanlin's mood at the moment is not enough to describe the surprise. His son has been raised for six years, and even when Zhai Qing's mother was still alive, he never heard Zhai Qing admit a single mistake. But in Yichun Hou's Mansion, Zhai Yanlin actually saw his son admit his mistake and surrender

Cheng Yujin didn't know how complicated the eyes of the people behind her were. She clasped her hands and looked down at the two bear children running away. She snorted softly in her heart, and sure enough, there were no bear children who couldn't control it, only bear parents who didn't do anything.

Look, this is not very obedient.