Greetings, Ninth Uncle

Chapter 64: Doting wife


Cheng Yujin coughed a lot, she didn't care who handed her the water, and hurriedly took it to moisten her throat.

I was really annoyed when I bit the ginger when I was eating, but the hateful thing was that the ginger was very similar in any dish. Cheng Yujin didn't pay attention for a while, and even got caught.

When she finally calmed down, she realized that the teacup was followed by a slender and beautiful hand. Although these hands are equally fair and beautiful, they are pampered, but the joints are obviously not women's.

She groaned in her heart, and sure enough, Cheng Yuanjing's voice sounded: "Have you slowed down?"

Only then did Cheng Yujin notice that his arm was still being held by Cheng Yuanjing, his hand was extremely steady, the weight of half of Cheng Yujin's body was placed on it, and his wrist never moved.

Cheng Yujin was extremely embarrassed. It was already embarrassing to bite Jiang while eating, and she was still in front of His Royal Highness. Cheng Yujin originally thought that the crown prince would be fine if she didn't cure her crime of disobedience, but she never expected that he would bring her tea.

As a prince, he is too friendly, right

No matter how embarrassed you are, you always have to meet someone. Cheng Yujin raised her head, no embarrassment could be seen on her face, but her eyes were still moist and filled with tears because of the urgency of choking.

"Grandmother, granddaughter is rude, please forgive me."

Mrs. Cheng waved her hand: "It's okay, you're fine."

Cheng Yujin nodded calmly, but only then did she realize that everyone at the dinner table was staring at her motionless.

To be precise, not looking at Cheng Yujin, but looking at her... and Cheng Yuanjing beside her.

Cheng Yujin quietly turned her arm and pulled it out of Cheng Yuanjing's hand. Cheng Yuanjing didn't care at all, he poured another cup of tea for Cheng Yujin, and then took the chopsticks to re-clip the dish just now for her: "Look at it when you eat."

His tone was too casual, and Cheng Yujin didn't take it seriously, and complained naturally, "You can't blame me, it's too similar."

"Yes, I don't blame you. Next time I'll tell them not to put ginger."

As soon as the two of them spoke, they completely ignored the people around them, but they shocked everyone. Nguyen was looking forward to what Huo Changyuan would do to give her parents a long way to go, but Cheng Yumo wanted Huo Changyuan to add vegetables, Huo Changyuan was hesitant, but Cheng Yuanjing, who brought tea, poured water and added vegetables, was a natural and smooth movement. Exemplary.

No, Nguyen's reaction, what a model, Cheng Yuanjing and Cheng Yujin are uncles and nephews, not husband and wife. Compare them to Moer and his wife

Cheng Yumo never thought that in her previous life, she could only watch Huo Changyuan be courteous to Cheng Yujin, even if she changed her whole life, she was still shown by Cheng Yujin on the same occasion in this life.

Cheng Yumo's face was not good, and he was even more dissatisfied with Huo Chang Yuan's indifference. She turned around and said to Huo Chang Yuan, "No, I just want to eat fish."

In front of the room full of people, Huo Chang Yuan felt very embarrassed. Especially... He quietly glanced at Cheng Yujin, and Huo Changyuan felt guilty and ashamed when Cheng Yumo acted like this in front of Cheng Yujin.

However, Cheng Yujin was talking to Cheng Yuanjing, the two were sitting next to each other, and they were talking in a low voice at the moment, not noticing Huo Chang Yuan at all. Cheng Yuanjing and Cheng Yujin both tend to have extravagant and delicate looks. It is very comfortable to look at one person alone, and the two side faces are put together, which is even more beautiful like a picture scroll.

Cheng Yujin's etiquette is notoriously good, but anyone who behaves a little bit worse, sitting next to Cheng Yujin will be publicly executed. But Cheng Yuanjing did not lag behind at all, on the contrary, he was at ease, and his etiquette and grace came naturally from the inside out. The two of them sitting together like this are very pleasing to the eye.

Cheng Yumo's ill-timed handling of Qiao, and even Huo Chang Yuan's struggles, did not attract Cheng Yujin's attention at all. Huo Chang Yuan felt a sense of loss in his heart, but at this time, Cheng Yumo was still urging him relentlessly.

Huo Chang Yuan endured his impatience and gave Cheng Yumo a piece of fish. His actions were unwilling and unwilling, completely incomparable to Cheng Yuanjing's easygoing and meticulousness just now.

Huo Chang Yuan was so impatient, so naturally he couldn't expect him to be careful and considerate, and he paid attention to avoiding the fishbone. Cheng Yumo lowered his head and scratched, and saw many tiny fish bones. Cheng Yumo was a little angry. When Huo Chang Yuan gave her fish in his previous life, he would deliberately avoid the part with many thorns and choose the most delicious piece for her. Why don't you care today, and want her to force it, as if she was forced to pick up a chopstick sloppily.

After Cheng Yumo got angry, a sense of grievance surged up. This grievance came quickly and quickly. Cheng Yumo remembered the mother-in-law who gave her the look on the day of the tea ceremony, the servant who bullied the master by the slaves of the Houfu of Jingyong, and Huo Changyuan who dared to touch her with a hidden nail as soon as she entered the door. Girl, tears came to her eyes instantly.

Obviously everything is back on track, obviously she should live in harmony with her brother Changyuan, Qin Se, and her mother-in-law. Why is the actual situation so different from what she imagined

This is at the dinner table, Cheng Yumo didn't dare to cry, and quickly lowered his head and blinked. However, the tears couldn't be dissipated, and Cheng Yumo couldn't raise her hand to wipe the tears, so she could only maintain this weird posture. Cheng Yumo's strangeness couldn't be concealed from the people at the table. Madam Cheng didn't look at it when she saw it, she just assumed that nothing had happened. The county master Qingfu pretended to feed Cheng Enbao to eat, and lowered her head to cover the schadenfreude on her lips. Only Nguyen was worried, and because he was at the dinner table, he couldn't speak directly.

This meal was unhappy, and after the meal was withdrawn, everyone felt depressed and unhappy eating. Nguyen Shi finally got the chance, looked anxious, and wanted to quickly call Cheng Yumo back to ask questions.

Mrs. Cheng noticed it, and she frowned, feeling a little irritable.

Mrs. Cheng wanted to have a good relationship with Huo Chang Yuan. She originally thought that the eldest granddaughter was well-mannered and suitable for being a face, but it was difficult to please her uncle, and she was not suitable for winning over the powerful, while the second granddaughter was innocent and lively, delicate and timid, and was the most sympathetic to men. one. So when Mrs. Cheng was engaged, she decided to let her second granddaughter marry. Unexpectedly, Cheng Yumo is cowardly and cowardly, and she can't hold it in the big scene. Judging from her appearance, she can't handle the relationship well in her husband's family.

Mrs. Cheng is worried, this can't be done. After all, the inner house is the foundation of a woman's life. If Cheng Yumo can't please her mother-in-law, she can't gain a firm foothold in Jingyonghou's mansion and run the family in power, even if she asks Jingyonghou again. It's no use being happy. You must know that Cheng Yumo is the wife, not a concubine! She only knows how to please men, and her wealth and status depend entirely on clinging to the male master. This is the concubine of an Israeli servant. What kind of wife would do this

As for Huo Chang Yuan's indifference to Cheng Yumo, Mrs. Cheng didn't take it seriously. It's only been three days since they got married, so which newlyweds can warm up, just wait longer. Mrs. Cheng is not worried about Cheng Yumo's ability to win over men, but Cheng Yumo's relationship with Huo's family is a thorn in Mrs. Cheng's throat.

Mrs. Cheng sighed deeply. At this time, she couldn't help thinking, it would be nice if it was Cheng Yujin. If Cheng Yujin got married, she would definitely be able to balance the relationship between her husband and her mother-in-law. As for the disobedient servants and maidservants with a high heart, they were not on Cheng Yujin's list at all. As the family of Yichun Houfu, the only thing to worry about is whether Cheng Yujin can give birth to the children of the Huo family.

Cheng Yujin looked like a person who disliked her husband and did not let her husband enter the room.

However, the boat is done, and Mrs. Cheng's regrets will not help. For today's plan, let the mother and daughter of the second room go down to talk, anyway, know what Cheng Yumo has experienced in Huo's family, and then make other plans.

Mrs. Cheng said in a deep voice, "The second daughter-in-law is only the second aunt's daughter. She has been waiting since two days ago. It's nothing important now. You mother and daughter can go down and talk."

Nguyen is Cheng Yumo a daughter? Huo Changyuan looked at Cheng Yujin subconsciously, but found that Cheng Yujin was sitting on the side drinking tea and didn't seem to care at all.

Nguyen was waiting for these words, she took Cheng Yumo to leave, and went back to her yard to speak her own words. After Ruan Shi and Cheng Yumo left, the atmosphere in Shou'antang became more rigid. Cheng Yuanhan wanted to show his father-in-law's profile, but he really didn't know what to say to this upstart uncle who had a higher official position and a higher title than his own.

After being quiet for a while, Mrs. Cheng said, "kindness, kindness and compassion, didn't you say you want to ask Master Huo Hou for teaching, why haven't you come?"

Cheng Enci and Cheng Enbei both collapsed upon hearing this. They were raised by Ruan and Cheng Yuanhan. Although they were the sons of Hou's mansion, Ruan had little knowledge and wealth. Cheng Yuanhan's official position was also low. The two brothers did not see each other. How many times he has lived in the world is completely incomparable to Cheng Enbao, who grew up feeding gold from a young age.

Therefore, this pair of brothers are timid in crowded situations, taciturn, like shadows, and can only live in a place where no one is present. Although their sister married Lord Hou, Cheng Enci and Cheng Enbei had no feelings for this, seeing Huo Chang Yuan's fear that it was too late, how could they ask him for advice.

Moreover, Huo Chang Yuan is a military general, and he takes the path of dancing with a knife and guns, and joining the army to fight. Where can he learn from him

Mrs. Cheng's words made Cheng Yujin feel embarrassed for her, but it had nothing to do with Cheng Yujin. Mrs. Cheng wanted to win Huo Changyuan for a day or two. Now that Cheng Yumo is away, Mrs. Cheng can only let the two sons of the second room borrow nepotism. Close to one or two. Cheng Yujin thought that her face was showing, and she had eaten, and it was time to retire. Unexpectedly, Mrs. Cheng said: "I am an old man who can't talk to you young people, so I don't care. You are annoying. The purple chrysanthemum is blooming in the garden, you young people go to the garden to relax and talk."

Cheng Yujin was stunned, her eyes swept across the room, in the presence, who can be called "young people" by Mrs. Cheng, shouldn't there be her and Cheng Yuanjing

Sure enough, Mrs. Cheng looked at Cheng Yujin and said, "Young lady, you can go too. You are a sensible child since childhood, most like a sister, but you stay in the boudoir all day and get sick from boredom. Our family is not pedantic. People, treat men and daughters equally, you should follow the kindness and them to go for a walk in the garden."

Cheng Yujin had no choice but to stand up and say, "Yes."

Huo Chang Yuan didn't want to go to see Lao Shizi chrysanthemum, but when he heard that Cheng Yujin would go, he stopped the objection he was about to blurt out, and quietly swallowed it back.

Huo Chang Yuan went out under the guidance of the maid, and his mood changed in a moment, but unfortunately, when Huo Chang Yuan was dressed and went out, he could not hide his disappointment when he saw Cheng Yuanjing behind him.

It would be better if there was no Cheng Yuanjing.

Facts have proved that Cheng Yuanjing is really annoying. Cheng Enci and Cheng Enbei were instructed by Mrs. Cheng before they came out, and they pestered Huo Changyuan to talk all the way. Cheng Yujin followed slowly, and naturally walked side by side with Cheng Yuanjing.

Huo Chang Yuan was followed by two teenagers and couldn't get out of the way. When he found a chance to turn around, he saw Cheng Yujin and Cheng Yuanjing standing side by side, pointing to the flowers by the roadside and talking. Cheng Yuanjing didn't know what he was talking about, but Cheng Yujin listened very carefully. The sun shone on the two of them, and they were plated with a slight golden edge, which was as beautiful as a picture scroll.

Huo Chang Yuan's eyes were even more uncomfortable.

After a while, Huo Chang Yuan couldn't bear it anymore. He pointed to a pavilion next to him and said, "The sun is shining, let's rest for a while in the pavilion."

Stop and rest, everyone has to come back, so does Cheng Yujin. In this way, Huo Chang Yuan can stay with Cheng Yujin instead of watching her chatting with another man from a distance.

Cheng Enci and Cheng Enbei of course had no objection. Cheng Enbei nodded in understanding but suddenly asked, "Second brother-in-law, are you tired?"

Huo Chang Yuan frowned, tired? Such a long way, how is it possible!

However, before Huo Chang Yuan could speak, Cheng Yujin and the two had already approached. Cheng Yujin saw them stop and asked, "what's the matter?"

"Big sister, the second brother-in-law is tired from walking and is going to the pavilion to rest!" Cheng Enbei shouted loudly.

Huo Chang Yuan couldn't stop it, he was extremely embarrassed to hear these words. Cheng Yujin raised her eyebrows. With such a short walk, she, the lady of the boudoir, was relaxed, so Huo Changyuan was tired

Well, Cheng Yujin, as the master, is very considerate and said, "Just right, I'm tired from walking, so I'll take a break in the pavilion."

Huo Chang Yuan was even more embarrassed when she heard Cheng Yujin's words. She was very appropriate in both her speech and her actions. She didn't think that before, but now she married a girl of normal level, and only then did she realize how rare Cheng Yujin's temperament is.

Only Cheng Yuanjing raised his eyebrows when he heard these words, and glanced at Huo Chang Yuan clearly.

Huo Chang Yuan immediately noticed Cheng Yuanjing's gaze, his brows furrowed even tighter, Huo Chang Yuan found that he was really not used to Cheng Yujin's sudden addition of an uncle. Huo Xue's family is related to Xiao Xue's family, and Huo Xue's family also said that asking him to mention C Cheng Yuanjing more would be a help in the court. However, Huo Chang Yuan didn't want to see this person at all, let alone support him.

In Huo Chang Yuan's vague sense, it seemed that this person should not have appeared.

That strange feeling came again. It was exactly the same as the constant switching between fantasy and reality on the wedding day. Huo Chang Yuan was a little confused about what was true and what was false. It seemed that the subconscious wanted to remind him that there was something wrong with the person in front of him, very wrong.

With this sense of disobedience, Huo Chang Yuan sat in the pavilion and subconsciously looked at Cheng Yuanjing. From a man's point of view, Cheng Yuanjing is outstanding in appearance, handsome and indifferent, with innate dignity and arrogance in his gestures, even if Huo Changyuan is secretly hostile, he has to admit that Cheng Yuanjing is very good-looking and has a particularly outstanding temperament.

Cheng Yuanjing discovered Huo Chang Yuan's scrutiny early in the morning. He knew Huo Chang Yuan's thoughts very well, and he was used to being watched by thousands of people since he was a child, so he let him visit. Huo Chang Yuan was critical for a while, and the more he looked, the more he felt out of balance. Suddenly, his eyes narrowed and he saw the purse hanging from Cheng Yuanjing's waist.

Obviously, this is Cheng Yujin's handwriting.

Huo Chang Yuan finally knew where the sense of disobedience in his heart came from. Purse has always been a thing that men and women love, and no one would give this away indiscriminately. Cheng Yujin, actually gave Cheng Yuanjing a purse