Greetings, Ninth Uncle

Chapter 83: Pick out


When Cheng Yujin woke up again, the curtains were hanging down, and the tent above her head outlined the delicate butterfly-wearing peony, and the quilt under her body was soft and warm. Cheng Yujin moved her fingers, and the maid outside heard the movement and gently opened the bed tent: "Girl, are you awake?"

It's Doro. Seeing the familiar face, Cheng Yujin was invisibly relieved, she stood up with her arms up, and Du Ruo hurriedly stepped forward to support her.

"When is it?"

"It's not three o'clock."

After such a long time, she slept for a long time, and it was the next afternoon. I don't know if she slept for too long, Cheng Yujin's throat hurts, her limbs are weak, and her brain is groggy. It seems that she fell into the water this time and will be sick for a while.

Cheng Yujin sat down with Du Ruo's support, and found that her clothes had also changed.

Du Ruo noticed Cheng Yujin's gaze and said, "You don't have to worry, maiden and forsythia gave you the replacement. When the girl came back, she was already exhausted and fainted. Jiuye put you in place and sent the two maids to wipe your body. After changing clothes, he left after giving orders. Jiuye here has all the utensils, and the hot water has been boiled. The slave and forsythia dipped the hot water with a handkerchief and wiped your body again. I changed into a brand new underwear. Later, the imperial doctor also came, gave you a pulse, and left a prescription to ward off the cold. Now Forsythia is in the kitchen staring at the medicine stove."

Du Ruo detailed the events after Cheng Yujin fell into a coma. She put a soft pillow behind Cheng Yujin's waist and sighed: "The servant was still surprised at how the imperial physician came so timely, but only later did I find out that the imperial physician was there early in the morning. Waiting in the front yard. After the two servants and servants gave the girl to ward off the cold and changed her clothes, they came in to ask for her pulse. Jiu Ye is really a talented person. Before the person came back, everything in the yard has been arranged. Otherwise, just wait for the hot water to dry. Earth Dragon, you have to delay for a while, the girl was still wearing wet clothes at the time, so why was it delayed?"

After Du Ruo said this, Cheng Yujin discovered that the room was warm and warm, and there was no charcoal basin as far as he could see. It turned out that the earth dragon was burned. Cheng Jiagui is the Hou's mansion, and only Mrs. Cheng's courtyard is paved with ground dragons. Even if the other rooms are the owner of Qingfu County, charcoal basins are required for heating in winter. Cheng Yujin had previously sighed that being an old lady is so good, and she doesn't know how much more comfortable it is than others when it comes to heating. She did not expect to experience the treatment of Mrs. Cheng so quickly.

The earth dragon is really different. The room is evenly heated, and there is a slight warmth when you step on the floor. Unlike the charcoal pot, even if you use the best charcoal, there will be a smell of smoke, and the roasted place will be dry and scorching. Of course, the cost of the earth dragon is also doubled in a straight line.

Sure enough, the Prince's private residence, even if it is only one of the private residences, is extravagant to enjoy.

Cheng Yujin moved her wrist and leaned comfortably on the soft pillow. The room was as warm as spring, and my body was fresh and dry. Although my mind was still drowsy, it was much more comfortable than yesterday. Cheng Yujin looked at the house, and could see that it was uninhabited for a long time, brand new and cold, and unpopular, but all the appliances were complete.

After Cheng Yujin looked at it, she looked away and asked Du Ruo, "What's going on outside? Does the Hou residence know my news? Where are my mother and second aunt?"

Du Ruo shook his head lightly, and said slowly, "I don't know. The slaves followed the girl in and stayed by her side. The clothes and hot water were brought by outsiders, and the slaves and slaves never went outside."

Not being able to go out can be said to be both within Cheng Yujin's expectation and beyond her expectation. Cheng Yujin moved again, feeling that she had strength, so she said, "help me get up and change first, what does it look like in middle clothes."

Du Ruo responded and helped Cheng Yujin up considerately: "When the girl slept, the clothes were sent outside. There are five or six sets in total. The girl can choose slowly."

It is also true that although Cheng Yuanjing's private property equipment is complete, he will never prepare women's clothing. It's okay to say that the middle clothes can barely make a living with a brand new set, but the outer clothes must be bought outside.

Cheng Yujin realized that something wasn't right when she thought about it. She looked down at her body and found that the cuffs were a bit long and the shoulders were not too loose. The middle clothes were originally wide, but Cheng Yujin didn't pay attention to it just now, but now he realizes that it's not right.

"What are you looking at, girl?" Seeing Cheng Yujin looking down at her sleeves, Du Ruo asked, and then she was silent as if thinking of something.

The private house under Cheng Yuanjing's name will always prepare a few sets of Cheng Yuanjing's clothes as spares. Cheng Yujin didn't hear Du Ruo mentioning that there were other maids in the yard, so the middle clothes she was wearing was obviously a man's, it belonged to Cheng Yuanjing.

Even if it is brand new and never worn, it is enough to make Cheng Yujin and Du Ruo blushing.

Cheng Yujin coughed, trying to maintain the image of a calm and calm eldest lady, and said, "Let's change first."

Thank goodness Cheng Yuanjing didn't plan to let her wear his clothes all the time. There were several clothes neatly sized in the locker room, ranging from underwear, shoes and socks to capes and overcoats. There were five or six sets of various styles and colors. Cheng Yujin thought that it would be great to be a prince. Even emergency clothes were bought in five or six sets.

Now that Cheng Yuanjing is ready, Cheng Yujin is not polite and uses it generously. But when she found out that there was a small coat in her clothes, she was still in a bad mood.

Du Ruo also blushed and said in a low voice, "Girl, look, this is Yunyifang's clothes. Yunyifang specializes in women's ready-to-wear. These should be picked for you by the proprietress."

"Well, it should be." Cheng Yujin pretended to be calm and nodded. While speaking, the matter was settled. It was picked by the proprietress, and no one else intervened.

Cheng Yujin changed her clothes, and Forsythia came back with the medicine. She was startled when she saw that there was no one in the inner room. When she saw Cheng Yujin and Du Ruo walking out from behind the screen, she breathed a sigh of relief and said in surprise, "Miss, you are awake!"

Cheng Yujin nodded, she sat down on the floor, and saw that all kinds of sour plum desserts were already placed on the table. Cheng Yujin raised her eyebrows, and Forsythia had already answered with great discernment: "This is sent by Director Liu Yi, saying that Jiuye was worried that the girl just woke up and lost her appetite, so she specially sent some appetizers to mention it to the girl. taste."

Cheng Yujin was about to sigh out loud. As soon as the expert made a move, he would know if there was any. Look at the eunuchs in the family, and it turns out that these people are professional when it comes to serving people. Cheng Yujin didn't quite believe that this was what Cheng Yuanjing ordered. Cheng Yuanjing obviously had something to do yesterday, how can he remember these details, most of them were prepared by Liu Yi, the father-in-law, and finally settled on the master.

The medicine was just out of the oven, and it was still steaming slowly. Cheng Yujin asked Forsythia to put the medicine aside and asked, "Where's the ninth uncle?"

Her voice was low and husky, rustling, obviously sick. Cheng Yujin still had a sore throat after talking too much. She took a sip of tea to moisten her mouth, which made her dry throat feel more comfortable.

Finally asked, what should come will always come, and escaping is not Cheng Yujin's style.

Du Ruo and Forsythia looked at each other and said, "Jiu Ye is in the front yard."

"Thanks to the ninth uncle for saving me last night, I should thank the ninth uncle. Besides, I lived in the ninth uncle's private house. Now that I wake up, I should tell the master. Go ahead and ask the ninth uncle, just say that I have something to say to the ninth. Uncle said."

At this moment in the front yard, Liu Yi is also saying the same thing to Cheng Yuanjing: "... Your Royal Highness, Imperial Physician Chen said that Miss Cheng's condition is no longer in trouble, and she will wake up after taking two more medicines to dispel the cold. Your Majesty did not wait for you yesterday, You can only go back to the palace first, just now… His Majesty sent someone to ask why His Highness didn’t come.”

Cheng Yuanjing rescued Cheng Yujin at the lantern festival yesterday, and then went directly back to the nearest house. He called the imperial doctor and stayed up all night, and he tossed it until the morning before he could rest. Moreover, Cheng Yujin was in a coma due to the cold, and Cheng Yuanjing also soaked in cold water. Liu Yi and others were worried about Cheng Yuanjing's body, and they were busy preparing decoctions for expelling cold.

Moreover, Cheng Yuanjing was also worried about Cheng Yujin's illness. After changing his clothes, he immediately went to the back to guard. He didn't come back to rest until it was almost dawn and Cheng Yujin's fever subsided. After sleeping for a long time, he got up again to deal with the affairs in the palace.

Liu Yi sighed. The emperor came to send people to ask questions several times. Seeing that His Highness the Crown Prince was not in the mood to pay attention to other things, Liu Yi could only pick something nice and hand it to the emperor.

This is probably the first time that the emperor has been rejected, and most likely it is the only time. He didn't see Cheng Yuanjing, and he was not angry or not. Whatever happened to Cheng Yuanjing, the emperor still needs to know.

After thinking about it, Liu Yi euphemistically relayed it to Cheng Yuanjing, but his master didn't lift his eyes, and replied lightly, "Well."

Liu Yi had a headache, so he had to remind again: "His Royal Highness, you are not at ease when you are not seen. The original plan was to leave the palace on the fifteenth day to see the lanterns, but it has just been extended for another day. The Holy One is very concerned about why you didn't come last night."

On the day of the Shangyuan Lantern Festival, the emperor went out of the palace to have fun with the people. In fact, the so-called going out of the palace was still in the tower built by the royal family, which was no different from the palace. It's just that the rules are much looser than the Forbidden City, and the access control is easy to control, so the emperor can get away briefly and meet Cheng Yuanjing quietly. It's a pity that Cheng Yuanjing didn't go yesterday, and the emperor had no choice but to "have fun with the people" one more day.

The top moved his mouth and the bottom broke his legs, not to mention how much trouble the emperor's temporary decision brought to the people below, Cheng Yuanjing also thought for a while when he heard it.

Liu Yi lowered his head, not daring to disturb his master's thinking. After a while, Cheng Yuanjing put down his pen, stamped his own private seal on the letter, and said, "I see, I will tell him about it myself."

Liu Yi understood that this meant that he was not allowed to say more. Liu Yi sweated unknowingly, but fortunately, he often followed the prince, and he was able to figure out the master's intentions. When His Majesty sent someone to ask, he only vaguely said that His Highness was suffering from cold, and did not mention Miss Cheng. thing. Now it seems that he has no intention of saving his life.

Liu Yi's heart was complicated, and he didn't know what to think for a while. He glanced at the medicine that was about to cool on the table, and reminded him carefully, "Your Highness, it's time for you to take medicine."

Cheng Yujin came back yesterday and fell ill directly, but Cheng Yuanjing was fine, but the eunuchs serving were in awe, for fear that the master would be a little uncomfortable. Cheng Yuanjing had a little headache, and their heads were hanging on their trouser pockets.

Therefore, Cheng Yuanjing also kept the cold medicine here, but Cheng Yuanjing felt that his body was fine and was too lazy to drink it. Liu Yi exhausted his brains, wanted to persuade but dared not persuade, so he had to change his method to remind Cheng Yuanjing to drink the medicine.

Sure enough, Cheng Yuanjing looked like he didn't care after hearing this, and had no intention of taking medicine. Liu Yi had a headache, and he wanted to persuade him, but suddenly his ears moved. Cheng Yuanjing also heard voices from outside the hospital, and asked in a deep voice, "Who?"

The guard stopped outside the door and replied respectfully, "Master, she is Miss Cheng's maid."

Liu Yi noticed that Cheng Yuanjing's expression seemed to soften suddenly, his shoulders loosened, and he said, "Let her in."

Du Ruo entered the door with his head lowered, not daring to look up at the person above. After saluting in a proper manner, he said, "Jiuye, the girl is awake and wants to thank you in person. I wonder if it's convenient for Jiuye?"

Actually, it's not very convenient, Liu Yi thought silently, the emperor is still waiting outside, and there is a backlog of things in the Anbu. Cheng Yuanjing is going out now, and these things will be pushed back. But Liu Yi knew that for Miss Cheng, Cheng Yuanjing must be free.

Sure enough, when Cheng Yujin woke up, Cheng Yuanjing stood up almost immediately and strode out: "She is awake? When did it happen, why didn't you come to report it immediately?"

Cheng Yujin leaned on the couch and stirred the red bean and white fungus soup with a plum in her mouth. She only tasted two capsules when Cheng Yuanjing came.

Cheng Yujin put down the dishes, stood up and saluted very solemnly: "Ninth uncle."

Cheng Yuanjing frowned slightly when he saw that Cheng Yujin had descended to the ground. He signaled to Cheng Yujin to take no trouble, Cheng Yujin took a slight step back, avoided Cheng Yuanjing's hand, and performed a full set of etiquette.

"Thank you, Uncle Jiu, for saving your life."

Cheng Yuanjing lowered his eyes and glanced at his lost hand, fixedly looking at Cheng Yujin without speaking. Cheng Yujin was not in a hurry, still maintained the most correct etiquette, and waited respectfully.

Cheng Yujin lived up to her reputation, her serious illness was not cured, and she maintained the salute for so long without shaking her body. Cheng Yuanjing couldn't bear to make her suffer, she wasn't cured yet, she didn't care, but Cheng Yuanjing couldn't.

"Get up."

"Yes." Cheng Yuanjing took the lead to sit down, Cheng Yujin responded, and then stood up unhurriedly. His attitude was completely different from when he faced his uncle in the Cheng family.

In other words, this is the normal distance between them.

Seeing that the situation was not right, the servants all withdrew long ago, and the doors of the house closed, leaving only Cheng Yujin and Cheng Yuanjing.

Cheng Yuanjing sat, Cheng Yujin lowered her head slightly, her eyes fixed on the ground in a regular manner, meek and respectful. Cheng Yuanjing looked at her attitude, inexplicably angry: "What do you mean?"

"This is the duty of a courtier." Cheng Yujin lowered her eyelashes, hiding all the expressions in her eyes, and whispered, "His Royal Highness."