Greetings, Ninth Uncle

Chapter 95: Remove clothing


Cheng Yujin was different from others. She sat with Cheng Min and Cheng Yumo for a while, and then went back to prepare for marriage.

After Cheng Yujin left, everyone dared to speak loudly.

Xu Nianchun was sure that she was gone, so she quietly said to Cheng Min, "Mother, cousin Jin is really amazing, and the female officials from the palace didn't dare to do anything to her. She reprimanded her when she said it, without showing any affection."

In Xu Nianchun's eyes, the court is the most powerful and sacred existence. Her eldest sister is a concubine Shu in the palace. Every Mid-Autumn Festival Lantern Festival, the Xu family can receive lanterns from Concubine Shu from the palace. This is the talk of several sisters of Xu Nianchun for a year. The lanterns in the palace are far more exquisite than those bought outside. The magnificent and golden revolving lanterns are all Xu Nianchun's impression of the palace.

Because of this, the Xu family always straightens their backs inexplicably when they go out as guests. Having a sister who is a concubine in the palace is enough to make Xu Nianchun the best among younger sisters of the same age. Although Concubine Shu is in the palace, she is not favored at all.

But no matter what, Concubine Shu is a concubine, and she is a protective umbrella for Concubine Shu and the Xu family. Therefore, the Duke of Chang's family has no regrets in offering Concubine Shu, and Mrs. Xu is always looking for opportunities to meet the Yang family. To talk, I want to say a few words for Concubine Shu in front of Mrs. Yang, so that her daughter can live more easily in the palace.

Mrs. Xu has a mother's heart, but unfortunately it has always been unsuccessful.

Therefore, Xu Nianchun was most familiar with the court since he was a child, but also the most unfamiliar. But she knew that the Duke of Changguo had to pay a large sum of money to the eunuchs every month, and the eunuchs came to ask for money, even if they knew that these people were extorting money, they would not dare not give it. After all, Concubine Shu is in the palace.

Some rascal eunuchs dared to call and drink in the mansion of Changguo, higher than eunuchs, even female officials of rank, which is even more incredible.

However, in Xu Nianchun's view, a powerful and inviolable character, cousin Jin said she was cold-faced, and even the female official pointed out the rules, but she was taught back by cousin Jin.

It's amazing. Xu Nianchun didn't like Cheng Yujin originally. She felt that this cousin was fake and empty, not as down-to-earth and easy to get along with as the second cousin. After all, Xu Nianchun was the only daughter of the Xu family who stayed in the mansion. She grew up coddled and arrogant. She refused to accept a cousin who was not much older than her, but was always ahead of her.

However, in today's game, Xu Nianchun was completely convinced, and when he looked at Cheng Yujin, his eyes were about to flash with stars. Anyone who can enter the palace is Xu Nianchun's idol. And Cousin Jin was able to subdue the female officials in the palace, which seemed to be stronger than her eldest sister, Concubine Shu.

Cheng Min also suffered a lot. When she heard her daughter's words, she was angry and helpless: "Don't talk nonsense. The trouble comes out of your mouth. The nobles from the palace are still there. You dare to say such things!"

"They all followed my cousin, so I couldn't hear it." Xu Nianchun pouted, talking back to his mother unconvinced.

Cheng Min sighed silently as she looked at her childish daughter who was brazenly talking back to her. In fact, Cheng Yujin is not too old this year, but only fifteen years old, only two years older than Xu Nianchun. But Cheng Yujin seems to be completely different from Xu Nianchun.

If what happened just now was put on Xu Nianchun, she might have suffered a lot of grievances. But Cheng Yujin was able to take advantage of the situation to stand up for herself and beat this group of bullying old fritters. Cheng Min said in all fairness, even if she was placed under the same conditions, I am afraid she would not be as good as Cheng Yujin.

"Mother, what are you doing looking at me and sighing?" Xu Nianchun asked while lying on Cheng Min's body.

Cheng Min recovered and flicked her daughter's forehead angrily: "How old are you, you are still sitting or not. I don't ask you to be rich or noble. In the future, I will find a practical and gentle husband who can go back to her parents' house from time to time to see. , I'm satisfied."

Xu Nianchun was also at the age of a girl who was pregnant with her. Hearing this, he was very embarrassed. He covered his face and refused to look back. Cheng Min looked at her angry daughter and sighed in her heart. Sure enough, she said it was fate, but different people can come out of different fates. If Xu Nianchun is placed in Cheng Yujin's position, I am afraid that he will not be established as a crown princess.

Her eldest niece, after all, is not a mortal person and will not take the mortal road.

After Cheng Yujin left, Cheng Min took Xu Nianchun and gathered around Mrs. Cheng to talk everyday. Nguyen quietly led Cheng Yumo outside, found a safe place, and sat down to talk to herself.

Ruan asked in a low voice, "Mo'er, how did your mother-in-law treat you?"

Cheng Yumo's expression darkened visibly to the naked eye, she lowered her head, and said after a while, "It's not the same. She has been a widow for half her life and is mean, how can you expect her to change in three days or two. "

Ruan Shi sighed, looked left and right, and asked in a low voice, "What about the Marquis?"

Cheng Yumo bit her lip and finally said firmly, "Master Hou is very kind to me."

Nguyen felt relieved when she heard these words, she meant something, and said, "No one's mother-in-law is difficult to deal with. As long as the man's heart is thinking of you, the life can go on. If the man's heart is gone, no matter what. No matter how tough your mother's family is, it's useless to let your mother-in-law be biased towards you. After all, you can't have a son with your mother-in-law. "

As Ruan Shi said, the corners of his eyes pointed to the main room, Cheng Yumo knew it, and Ruan Shi was referring to the eldest aunt, Qingfu County Master. No matter what kind of person Mrs. Cheng is, she is indeed a generous mother-in-law to Qingfu. The stewardship rights were also given, and the children were also given. Qingfu was not needed to serve at ordinary times, but Qingfu County Master couldn't win over Cheng Yuanxian's heart.

This is the exclusive negative example that Nguyen has taught her daughter over the years. Every time she talked about how to run a house for a wife, Nguyen would bring up Qingfu County Master to warn her daughter that she must win over a man's heart. This is the foundation of the back house. Apart from that, money, servants, stewardship, and even mother-in-law are all empty.

After Nguyen said it as usual, she reminded her daughter, "Mo'er, do you remember?"

Nguyen's belittling of Qingfu was so enjoyable just now that she didn't notice that Cheng Yumo hadn't spoken all the time.

After Ruan's last reminder, Cheng Yumo came back to her senses, and immediately hid the feelings she had accidentally revealed on her face, lowered her head and said, "Mother, I remember it. Don't worry, I have a very good relationship with Lord Hou, and there is no A third party intervenes."

As soon as he finished speaking, Cheng Yumo felt a numb pain in his heart. In fact, there is, but that person can't see or touch, it's just a shadow of a previous life.

Cheng Yumo slowly discovered recently that, after her, Huo Chang Yuan also seemed to be thinking about his past life intermittently. It's just that he didn't say it every time, and she was stumbled by Huo Xue's family. She spent too little time with Huo Chang Yuan at night, and Cheng Yumo didn't know how much Huo Chang Yuan remembered now.

The more Nguyen and her stressed the importance of catching a man, the more painful Cheng Yumo became. How could she tell Nguyen that she might have to follow the same path as the Princess Qingfu

Cheng Yumo could only maintain his last pride and refrained from speaking.

Ruan Shi was very relieved. She carefully looked at her daughter, the weak Liu Fufeng, and I felt pity. Although it was not a stunning appearance, it was very pitiful to look at. It is the soft and harmless one that men love most. Compared with Cheng Yujin, who has an outgoing appearance but a rigid personality, it is obvious that Cheng Yumo is more likely to stimulate a man's desire for protection.

To tell the truth, Cheng Yujin looks like a glamorous but unloved main room, and the kind of face-to-face relationship with men, Cheng Yumo is like a little woman with a happy life.

Nguyen was so relieved about Cheng Yumo that she never thought about the possibility that her youngest daughter would lie to her.

Cheng Yumo was upset and didn't want to talk about her relationship with Huo Chang Yuan at all. Cheng Yumo changed the subject and asked, "Mother, do you know why she became the crown prince? Did the grandfather and the crown prince make some kind of agreement?"

Not to mention Cheng Yumo, the Cheng family also wanted to know. Nguyen sighed and said, "Mother doesn't know either. Your grandmother asked tentatively before, but she said that contentment is a blessing, so let's not ask about things we shouldn't know. If your grandmother can't ask, I won't ask myself at all. humiliate it."

Nguyen snorted as she said, "Sure enough, she was raised in her own family, or she didn't kiss her. She turned her elbows out before she got married. I just asked her to give grace and grace some convenience, but I didn't want her to do it. What, she and His Royal Highness begged to do it, but she refused. She worked so hard to give birth to her, but finally raised a daughter for someone else, it really has no conscience. "

Cheng Yumo sighed, it seems that there is no useful news from the Ruan family. Cheng Yumo suddenly remembered everyone's private rumors. Some people speculated that it was Cheng Laohou who rescued the prince, and then threatened the prince to marry the Cheng family daughter to be the prince's concubine, and beg for repayment.

Otherwise, there is really no way to explain why the prince chose Cheng Yujin as his wife.

The Marquis of Yichun has no power and can't give the prince any help in the courtroom, and Cheng Yujin himself has withdrawn from the marriage. If there were no other daughters in the Cheng family, and the prince had no choice, the princess would never fall on Cheng Yujin's head.

This statement is a random guess made by everyone during small talk, and it is groundless and unfounded. But Cheng Yumo was the same as entering the evil, and he couldn't forget it.

If it wasn't for the Cheng family having no other daughters, or if there was no one to choose from... Does that mean that if Cheng Yumo didn't marry Huo Changyuan, the Crown Princess should belong to her

Cheng Yumo quickly stopped, not daring to think about it any longer. She clearly knew that thinking like this was disrespectful to her relationship with Huo Chang Yuan, but... Cheng Yumo couldn't help but wonder if it was really possible at the beginning.

Is it true, she really passed by the princess.

Seeing that Cheng Yumo's face was bad, Nguyen thought that Cheng Yumo was not willing to marry Cheng Yujin into the East Palace. That's the Crown Princess. The Cheng family has never even seen the empress in the palace. Xu Jiaguang's concubine is enough for the Cheng family to look up with envy. However, Cheng Yujin became a crown princess with a thunderous thunder.

Before that, they didn't even dare to think that the Cheng family actually had such a fortune.

Ruan's comforted Cheng Yumo: "Mo'er, living a life is like drinking water, knowing whether you are cold or warm, you can't live well without marrying high. The situation of the prince... Well, I don't dare to say those words, but the queen dowagers in the palace are all Now, the second prince is not bad at all, and it is uncertain who will be the winner in the end. Being a crown princess is a chore, if the crown prince loses, she will die together, but if the crown prince wins, she may not be able to follow. It is a thankless position. After all the trials and tribulations of the harem, they may not be able to end well in the end. Unlike you, Lord Huo Hou is young and promising, and the family population is simple. You are Mrs. Hou as soon as you pass the door. All right? After two years when you give birth to your son, life will be better."

When Ruan said that, she hesitated, and glanced at Cheng Yumo's belly: "Mo'er, you are now..."

Cheng Yumo shook her head, and Ruan sighed, unable to hide her disappointment. But then she comforted her daughter again and said, "It's okay, you are still young, and you are not in a hurry. You are still young, and it is not good for your body to give birth to a child prematurely. You need to raise it for two years and wait for it to grow back."

This is the same as saying that the grapes are sour because they can't eat grapes. Cheng Yumo can only nod and should say this. Seeing that Cheng Yumo was still embarrassed, Mrs Ruan advised, "Don't be too hasty, and let everything take its course. But you must keep an eye on your son-in-law and don't let him stay in another room. If you want to drink the soup, even if it is the dowry girl your mother gave you, you can't be soft-hearted."

Cheng Yumo nodded: "Mother, I can save it."

Ruan Shi looked at her daughter's chin that was even thinner than her boudoir, and her temperament was much depressed, and her heart ached. Mrs Ruan hugged Cheng Yumo and said, "Daughter, women have come to suffer in their whole life. You are raised by thousands of pets in your family, but you have to be sent to another family to become cattle and horses, suffering and suffering. You have to hate it. Just hate your mother, it's your mother's fault for turning you into a daughter. It was hard for a while when you first got married, and the mother was the same at that time. When you give birth to a child, there will be hope. And your sister has become a princess after all, so your mother-in-law is worried I don't dare to embarrass you too much. You must let the Huo family know in the future that you and the eldest sister are deeply in love and have a very deep relationship. If you are wronged, you will lie to your mother-in-law and say that you are going to the palace to find the crown princess. Judge, she will definitely not dare to make things difficult for you again."

I said just now that Cheng Yujin must have a bad life after entering the palace, and now she wants to use Cheng Yujin's name to do things. Cheng Yumo finds it ridiculous when she hears it.

Cheng Yumo laughed at herself, and after a while, her voice was inaudible: "Mother, in a few days, is she really going to marry Ninth Uncle?"

"That's the crown prince!" Ruan shi frowned and quickly corrected.

"I know." Cheng Yumo lowered her eyelids, her expression gloomy, and she couldn't see the expression in her eyes clearly, "But that's a person."

Ruan Shi seemed to understand her daughter's thoughts, she sighed and said: "Yes, I heard that the emperor wanted to get married earlier, and it was scheduled for June. She just happened to be filial, and she was married with grace and beauty, without any scruples."

"July." Cheng Yumo pursed her lips, "That's actually very fast."

It was really fast, Cheng Yujin didn't even notice it, and time flew to June. Since Cheng Yujin beat the female official Zheng and showed her toughness, the female officials really settled down for a long time. Renshan was bullied by others, Ma Shan was ridden by others, Cheng Yujin turned her face in public, but the female officials did not dare to test her bottom line.

After that, the two sides checked and balanced each other, and they stayed safe and sound until June.

At the end of the month, the Cheng family held a grand ceremony of removing clothes. Cheng Yujin took off her filial piety clothes and put on bright clothes. A few days later, the palace dispatched ceremonial envoys and chariots of honor guards from Zuoshunmen, mighty across the main street, and stopped at the main entrance of Yichun Houfu.

The main entrance of the Yichun Hou Mansion, which is only open for weddings and funerals, is now hung with red silk, and it faces the entire capital.